JUST Fuck My Earth Up Senpai

Hey thanks America, you fucking moron new president is getting ready to destroy OUR Earth.
When will you fuckers realize it's not just about you?

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t. someone who read a HuffPo article and immediately started to cry

No, it's not just about us. So why do you think we should pay for China's unchecked destruction of the planet?

>implying much
Jesus Christ lad

I don't, and you shouldn't. But as a world leader you need to set a standard.

Comeon mate you know it's true.

Next time an article comes out you are going to flood Sup Forums with something stupid like 'drumpf is stepping down hahaha'

Nothing is going to happen. Stop trying to scare people.

He's actually playing 5d chest and planning to jump start the space race by harvesting the earth for fuel and ruining it's viability as a habitat. Pretty simple when you know how

Where are all the climate refugees from the equator? Who are you al gore?

>Where are all the climate refugees from the equator?

Outside of the wall.

You cant stop the sun from heating earth

If by 'scare', you mean speak the obvious 'truth'?

Good fuck this gay earth

Nope, but you can sure as fuck accelerate it.

The earth is Literally shaking!!

I didn't know setting up a standard was getting fucked in the ass by China.

>mfw Australia and Canada are the first to be destroyed by floods

Hopefully but they aren't coming, they were already supposed to be here but when it doesn't happen they'll push the date out like they did last time their projections got btfo

Thinking man can impact the earths climate are self delusions of grandeur, we aren't impacting climate.

In the 80s the scare tactic was ice age, that isn't here either but everyone thinks they are an armchair scientist

>fuck this gay earth
You guys should literally have this printed on your currency. DO IT!

Why is it on us? If it was that important we tarring them or sanction since it's so important we tax ourselves.

If you don't think our position on this is retarded you haven't been alive long enough to see all their predictions that never happened sans intervention


>America why don't you kill yourselves? Hamstring everything you do, no industry. Import refugees and breed out all the whites - what the fuck America you're ruining my world. I don't care about China or India, that's not important.

>Thinking man can impact the earths climate are self delusions of grandeur
>we aren't impacting climate
>In the 80s the scare tactic was ice age
>armchair scientists
>shill any harder?

My first time getting called a shill, thx shit poster


>hasn't read the previous reports
Fuckin biggest problem on this earth is reading comprehension

Why weren't you bitching about CHYNA and other countries doing this shit earlier and, get this, not paying carbon tax?

Go fellate your koala cunt

I'm not entirely certain you understand what 'implying' means desu.

man could literally kill all life on earth with the push of a button, but no we couldn't heat it up a few degrees on average and acidify the oceans by a less than 1 pH, clearly it's all part of God's plan

to be fair it's out fault that we are too weak to really do anything about it

t. cucked by 2 world wars

Show me your proofs faggot me science.

Are their a lot of pollutants and problems? Yes. But is it from us? We have regulations and taxation for it, how about the billions of people in the other side of the planet, no?

Fuck your self faggot.

Humans have zero effect on climate. Anthropogenic global warming is a psuedoscientific mythology promoted for solely political reasons.


>Go fellate your koala cunt
I keked.
Seriously though faggot, the policies and initiatives Trump is talking about implementing, will basically remove ALL regulation and set a new precedent for countries like China and India. If the US can't lead the way how can you expect other countries to be pressured into change?

lol our bad, senpai

I'm sorry you're so upset but the solution isn't to just compete to fuck up the earth. Regulations and taxation are pretty minimal and China is actually investing in green technology because they're feeling the immediate effects of pollution. That they don't have science denying hicks like you to slow them down is just a bonus.

If you're so worked up, maybe Australia should make their version of NASA to combat global warming?

Just a thought.

1. CO2 is not a threat
2. China is the leading ghg emitter
Go cry to the Chinese first, if it means so much to you.

If you really cared about the environment at all you'd be more concerned with heavy metal contamination. A threat that there is no debate over. I already know your not going to do that since you're a fraud and don't really give a shit about the environment.

I'm not upset; heh, where I live we don't even test for emissions on our cars, I don't give a fuck.


>CO2 is not a threat
The first step is admitting there's a problem...


What's your plan for the volcanoes black science man?

you will when there's no life in the ocean and immigrant rape squads roll through

>completely ignores my points
You should take your own advice.

>let chinks and indians destroy planet instead

America will fuck this planet up famlam

>hurr durr vote for democrats or the world will end.

Lurk Moar. Environment needs to be protected on the local level. Giving Americans carbon tax and sending manufacturing jobs to countries with zero environmental regulations doesn't curb world pollution, it increases it.
Democrats are literally insane, if you want to come up with any kind of solution for real problems, we have to have a society thats founded on truth, science and facts instead of one that creates chaos and destruction to then politicize the surviving victims for re-election

First of all, it isn't OUR planet. We're just a species that lives on it for a while, and will go extinct some time. Earth will go on as it always has. Get over the narcissistic human-think.
Second, if you're so fucking smart then get off your ass and do something besides being a whiny gash on the internet and blaming your fears on people who don't give a shit what you think.

Ha ha ha,I live in Mormon country; we are trying to change our laws for no permit conceal carry. We have guns, immigrants aren't allowed to have them until they become citizens.


Also, weren't there already supposed to be climate refugees? That's what I thought al gore

Co2 is not a factor in climate. The 'greenhouse effect' is a discredited hypothesis unsupported by real world scientific evidence.

It's the trees food, leftists are trying to starve our trees

Carbon dioxide ≠ pollution

I didn't ignore your points, I choose not to address your points because you're clearly trying to pass the buck.
To say CO2 is not a threat is the same as the MSM yelling "fake news" in my ear, and deserves the appropriate response.

Utah? the mormons will probably invite them

Increased Co2 is highly beneficial to the environment, as most species are either directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis.

If your worried about co2 I invite you to stop breathing

>admitting there's a problem...
The problem is new age earth worship, making CO2 out to be an evil molecule released by evil doers, and pretending to fix this imaginary problem by implementing a global energy taxation system.

Nothing is going to stop the burning of the remaining fossil fuels, with or without a draconian totalitarian energy police state. I don't want to die early just so the Pope can finish building Mordor in Africa.

well China has done much more damage to the planet than any other country ever will...so.

> Shuts down coal plants
> Price of energy skyrockets
> Price of everything skyrockets
> Economy collapses
Wew at least we saved Earth right guys?

Don't you get it? It was always about America.

hows the weather in melbourne?

No we don't. Read the Preamble to our Constitution. Tell me where it mentions anyone else but us.

I know, once they are converted they will go to their homelands as missionaries so the church can get their 10%from the rest of the world.

I'm not Mormon anymore but yeah, we gotta do something about the poor women and children

"Green energy" is just as dependent on fossil fuels. You can't build wind turbines or solar panels without coal and oil.

Does no one have jobs anywhere anymore?

China is a world leader. They already set a standard.


CHYNA is just going to use coal and shit if we don't anyway, doesn't matter.

I just lost my job cuz I shot myself on accident

You missed your head, fucking idiot.

I'm not worried as much about climate change as I am about pollution.
You can't stop climate change or reverse climate change with partisan politics. Thats a fantastic day dream of a child at best.

If there was a massive undertaking on a global scale to cool the plant it might be possible.

The U.S would have to legalize hemp. We'd have to turn to that miracle plant for our paper products as well explore the petroleum opportunities it would give us, as initial steps to stop deforestation.

We would have to start massive aforestation operations. re-terriform the rainforests in south america and africa.

and we'd probably have to commissions automated, solar powered drones, that towed a massive ultra-light, ultra-thin, reflective foil the size of Texas with the reflective properties of copper, and flew around the globe 27/7 to reflect sunlight back out to space.

That, or a large volcano eruption or two out to do it.

but like I said, pollution is a bigger issue for me than climate change

He hasn't said he is going to remove all regulation. He states in his platform that he intends to protect the environment.

>implying China will stop it's polution if all of the western world did

this is what it comes down to, faggots like this.

They think "combating climate change" means calling people stupid on the internet.

No shit, the powers that be want to horde the rest of the fossil fuels to build a technocratic global police state through the religion of AGW, fuck that!

> Drive 90% of species extinct through poaching, clear cutting and industrial rape
> Worry about "muh carbon credits"
this is what it comes down to, faggots like this.

They think the problem is "combating climate change".

I still dont get it, is the world cooling or warming?


carbon credits are going to bring species back from extinction?

you're changing my world view

Back when environmentalists were more concerned about pollution than CO2 they actually helped to improve the environment. But now they've abandoned science in favor of mooching taxpayers' shekels in exchange for producing scientific fraud.

No those are just facts. Turn off cars for a week and there is no more urban smog which is like smoking cigarettes everyday for anyone who lives in a dirty nigger city (which is most)

Why is Sup Forums worried about race mixing or the future of the white race when all our children are going to burn to death anyway? Why would you want your pure white children to suffer such a fate? Wouldn't you rather have a mulatto baby if that is their fate?

Yeah it has nothing to do with smog. Also democrats and republitatrds both want more oil because they are all Oil Slaves. The next generation will consist of eradicating every positive aspect of the lives of these slaves. Maybe their breed will learn from their soon-to-be miserable parents.

Why worry about anything ever? We'll be dead about 80 years after birth. Literally nothing we do matters unless you invent something that changes the world.

i dont know. Why dont you spend a few years and lurk moar before you continue to make a retard out of yourself

If you don't have the stomach for killing, then don't come to me with appeals to racial suicide. Put a gun in your mouth, and blow your own brains out.

This is the problem with you leftist, globalist scum. In your unwillingness to do whats necessary, because you think it's "wrong", you instead push for something much worse.

Who are you quoting?

you have no say in what we do, you are irrelevant to any of us


>Sup Forums is one person
>t. neo-stormfront crypto jew shill

That the indians and chinese are subhuman scum isn't an excuse to behave like that yourselves.

>When will you fuckers realize it's not just about you?
I'm waiting until the environmentalists stop saying this sort of shit.
Because the earth is about me, just as I am about the earth.
The idea that saving the environment is against my personal interests is a good reason to ignore it.
In other words. I'm waiting for the environmentalists to stop using the changing environment as a political argument, and an excuse to be a lazy hippy. I'm waiting for the environmentalists to be legitimately panicking about the earth. That's when I'll be listening. When they are like, fuck the politics, we are gonna die!

>"On regulation, we're going to eliminate all wasteful, job killing regulations...on energy, we will cancel the restrictions on the production of American energy, including shale, oil, natural gas and CLEAN, BEAUTIFUL COAL, we're going to put our miners back to work."
Yeah, sure sounds like he's got your kids best interests at heart MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA

>behave like that yourselves.

We don't - you malignant, whiny, do-nothing, cocksucking europuke faggot.

>>t. neo-stormfront crypto jew shill

I don't believe in apathetic, racial genocide/suicide of the white race, and firmly disbelieve in "giving up and allowing my children to become mulatto mongrels". That means I'm a crypto-jew


wow, such ignorance

>the Pope can finish building Mordor in Africa
tell me more, oh great one

>That means I'm a crypto-jew
at least you admit it, own it, take PRIDE in it

>oh boo boo muh climate change, its all humanities fault, climate change wouldn't happen if we weren't here

Says the country with the large cattle industry.

kill yourself sandnigger

top lel

So much anger, how do you even function?

The thought of ending up looking like an apocalyptic wasteland like Australia leaves me literally shaking.

Good, fuck this place.