Hey, so, I've been leftist my entire life. I got into computers, linux, and open source software from a very young age...

Hey, so, I've been leftist my entire life. I got into computers, linux, and open source software from a very young age, and with the latter being debatably the only successful and awesome application of communism, I claimed to be Marxist by the age of 13. For a computer nerd child, capitalism was nothing but a headache, as I associated the battle against software licensing and restrictions with it. It was gross to me that so many stupid adults worked selfishly to profit off their restricted products, when my open source comrades selflessly released their work to the world for free to be used or modified by anyone. My immature mind transposed these thoughts to our society, which further alienated me from capitalism and attracted me more to the left.

Fast forward a decade and a half. This year I've been very closely associated with a group of individuals that identified as anarchists. It was fun at first, all the usual perks of a gang, our collective and organized efforts made shoplifting alot easier, and when you have 30+ people all dressed in identical black clothing and masks, you can get away with shit like smashing coffee shop windows and flipping cars at protests. It was fun, but as much as I enjoyed it, I couldn't shake the feeling in my gut that they were all a bunch of fucking retards. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take constantly hearing hate for the white race. I couldn't take hearing that any person with a penis is a rapist that is responsible for the oppression of women. I couldn't take another day of their stupid, hateful babble so I cut ties with them.

So why am I telling you all this? I'm fucking alienated from the left and the right sounds more reasonable everyday. Can someone redpill me, I want to explore your perspective but I don't know where to begin. Bonus points for objective factual info. Thanks guiz

Other urls found in this thread:


pol is not your blog.

Use your own brain.

Your desire to be apart of a group is extreme. How did you find Sup Forums and what other sites did you come from?

Now you are ready to become a serial killer, the dream of every lone wolf

>I couldn't shake the feeling in my gut that they were all a bunch of fucking retards.

When did you get this subtle, sneaking impression? Was it somewhere between cosplaying in dark clothes and calling themselves anarchists or between breaking windows and flipping cars over? In any case, I applaud your astute fucking powers of deduction, you fucking dolt.

Anyway - here's a redpill. One should base their worldview on emotions and their limited perspective. You figured that out already. From here on out, the world is your oyster, you'll do fine.

Should not. Should not.


My advice: Convert to Judaism

Neck yourself faggot. This isn't a hug box.

I got on here in like '04 for /h/ heh, I haven't really been on here for years, but after hearing about how it's become a haven for the "alt-right", I figured here would be a good place to ask, can't really think of anywhere else

Groups are gay.
Be independent.

>I got into computers, linux, and open source software from a very young age, and with the latter being debatably the only successful and awesome application of communism
try bitcoin.

For fucks sake guys, we need to get more brainwashed normies to start thinking for themselves and to join our cause. So when someone asks, we should at least try to get them on the right track.

Why so he can rub back to his fellow faggots in his duty safe space and brag how he penetrated the alt right?

How about this op. Give us the locations of your fellow faggots, a list of crimes we can pin on them then we can start talking about how to fix you?

He's fucked now, you've ruined him.

i don't want faggoty feminine emotional fanatics desu. the left can keep those and keep red pilling moderates with them

Ok user, your post seems legit and no timestamp could help here. So i'll try to give you an answer. First of, your question is pretty vague, what do you want to be redpilled about, live ?
Pretty hard to do that in a single post dude.

Head to youtube, search up Stefan Molyneux and Thomas Sowell.

Why are you talking about me joining a group? I just want to explore their perspective because I never had and now I'm curious

Read through this thread, gollow the links:

Check out the pastebin:

Check out the archive:
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:

fair enough, what I want is a fundamental understanding. I realize how broad that is though, so maybe if you can link me to some resources or recommended reading?

i will not waste my time for 7pol/ster who's trolling.
show us evidence that you were in an anarchist group.
also, explain us who do know about Sup Forums

wtf how does Linux and open source equate to hating the white race.

Holy shit take a chill pill, not a red pill.

Yep been there mate, except I went military and got out then started hating capitalism, I never went out and flipped car over though 0.o

Now I did support trump and brexit via twatter account with 2600 followers and growing. I've since gotten back into work and I'm beginning to love life again, I've just started getting fit again. By going out running every 2 days, press ups and situps in between. My testosterone levels are picking up again and I've become more interested in settling down with some nice redpilled woman.

victory and leftist tears are delicious

>OP claims to be 30
>faggot still goes out and vandalizes people's property
OP you're a faggot and should kill yourself for buying into communism this long. You're a lost cause

if you tell him this he's gonna go full anarchist/retard again

Even if that's his plan, he couldn't infiltrate shit since we're not organised to beginn with. And we can just dump so many redpills on him that he can't ignore the "coincidences" anymore. Not sure hoe much is legit,but we have a thread that says "i came to troll you fucks but then i got redpilled" every other day.
So if even a few of those are legit, then the redpill generals are working.

Why did you think it was normal that communism means hate for white males? I genuinely don't get how people live with the contradiction of being "anti racist" and yet hating a race.

Lurk more.
Read the shit in the nat soc and other traditionally Sup Forums threads.
You get red pilled by looking at the info in these threads that isn't shared in our shitty society.
But yeah, lurk more is fucking important!!!
Stupid comments or questions will derail a thread.


this. this is the first step for the Path


thank you sir

Centrists are the best. Balance is always the best.


not in time of crysis


hey, give us a proof you were in an anarchist gruop. gives us anmes and address and list of crimes of the shitheads in your group

In time of crysis centrists are the best too, otherwise you got either totalitarismic country with police cameras on every step either complete anarchy with no one in charge, when you could only count on yourself.

>chill pill

what a pun, faggot

It's such a huge thing to explain.

I think the first thing I want to point out is that, equality isn't real.

or can get crushed while holding a moderate view

Welcome to the club. Here's your AR-15 and MAGA hat. Now let's shoot up some minorities.

I'm sure you meant that for

wattch a hitler speech

Ok instead of linking you some lenghty text, i'll try common sense first.

First off, think of one succesfull communist or black nation. Protip, you won't find any.

Then think of every succesfull nation and the people that made them succesfull.
Protip, it's almost exclusively fucking white males.

Now think of the specific period when any given succesfull western nation had their best run.
Protip, it was always when there was a strong sense of nationalism and the people of said nation thought of their own first.

>redpilling in a nutshell
Damn, you summed it up way better than I could have.


Libertarian right (ancap) is anti-ip for the most part. I seriously fucking hope that wasn't your only impetus to identify as a leftist.

Also once you realize that not everyone is created equal, and that genetics are directly related to IQ and behavior as well as many other traits, things start to come together easier as well.

I hope you have branded yourself with an ANTIFA tattoo so you can be properly identified for the degenerate you are.

Get fucked commie scum, I would still smash your face.

Here are some redpill Youtube videos on the right. Hopefully, it sheds some light for you.

This video's from a former Anarchist, now conservative:
This video is of Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory explaining why he switched from Democrat to Republican:

This one explains why the left behaves the way they do, and why the right behaves the way they do. It's long, but goes into gene types and explains why we have identical left and right paradigms, the world over. Very useful information:


Okay you're a faggot but here is what you need to know. Everything else you can figure out on your own, it's just one law:

Human progress relies on competition and struggle. Humans need to work together, but if there are no powers fighting for dominance, whether in open war or other competition, society degrades until it crumbles. Then, people will band together under someone's lead to form a new power.

>they were all a bunch of fucking retards

You're really trying to distance yourself from it? You're also a fucking retard. This post also reads like you're trying to get fodder for a shitty class presentation in some marxist finance course.

Redpill 1 - Communism
Communism does not work because it does not incentivize work. People may want to contribute to something greater than themselves, but if the success of someone's entire system depends on the possibility that people will indeed work towards some higher ideal, they are beyond naive. Unbridled capitalism is not a good thing either, for reasons you as an ex-communist are probably familiar with.

Redpill 2 - Nationalism
As an ex-communist, you probably still feel that people are entitled to the results of their work. Nations are the result of the collective work of an entire culture. If someone with a different culture wants to enter a nation, it is only natural that he completely adopts all parts of the host culture. If he would not, the results of the work of a culture would be given away to another culture.

This is what is happening in Europe at the moment: an entire culture (Arab) is leeching of another (native European). If you do not believe me, check out the labor participation rates on Eurostat. As far as I recall, those of Arabs in Belgium is at 50% and that of the natives is at 67%. Since Arabs are generally younger, this reflects even worse on them.

There are more redpills and more arguments for them to be made, but I don't want this to turn into a book, so I'll stop here.

>thank you sir
oops, wrong one. This one's better:

Also, watch this:

you put it exactly right.

We should prepare a redpilling script/blueprint for normies, all the pivotal red-pill knowledge organized by sequence and priority in the best way for easing a newfriend into Sup Forums and right wing politics

I know. I should have at least posted later so he disregards what I said. Unfortunately, I'm among the first posts, I called him a retard (bonus on authority as per universal Sup Forums rules, extra damage done on insecure people like OP) in a semi-underhanded manner and I'm Serbian (massive Sup Forums points, massive bonus on authority according to the Sup Forums ruleset).

Massive fuckup, I admit. I'm out before I ruin things even more.

Basically, think of the world like it was a zoo. Us humans are the various animals, there are some things everyone shares, and others that are totally different.

Now if you look at everyone in a seperate cage, then you have a set of nice, diverse, happy creatures without much conflict.

However, if you'd put everyone inside one shared cage, you'd end up with chaos and carnage. And absolutely nothing would work out anymore.

And there's no point if the animals would all complain about each other or who's to blame. Because it's on none of them, the one responsible for the whole mess, would be the one that put them all in the same cage.

Conclusion = globalism is bad for anyone

>Can someone redpill me, I want to explore your perspective
Of fucking what? Im going to assume economics. I think most people here can agree that 100% Capitalism with no government interference isn't a good thing as it leads to monopolies and shit like OPEC and generally isn't good for the consumer. After that, tho, the agreeing stops as we range from full blown communists to libertarians. And we actually DO have some Anarcho-capitalists that dont want any protections for the consumer, but I can never tell if they are just shitposting or really want that.

The TLDR here is that it says Politically Incorrect at the top of the page. All that means is that you can express your viewpoints here anonymously and not get fired from your job or get banned from the site for being too (insert ideology here). While the alt-right may live here, that's only because this is the last bastion of free speech on the internet, and they aren't the only body of people on here.

kill them and then yuourself

thats cool m8 but we dont really care about left/right shit, bit of socialsm in the nationalist interest is fine/preferable
its the future of whites that are a bit of a bigger concern

Honestly just lurk around and participate in threads. See a thread with a subject you are interested and see where it goes
Thats what i did

A lot, most of us start like you.

You will see hatred in this thread and bitterness. That is because they are tired of hearing the same thing over and over. Or they think you are a shill.

Just listen to the truth. The uncensored truth. Because in that forum, the right always wins, because it makes more real world sense. The left only wins in idealism, and in a heavily censored, moderated forum. A stacked deck.

Look where your peers and the media do not want you to look. Keep your eyes open.

First, you will find the right wing a e s t h e t i c superior in every way. Not just pop vaporwave memes like pic related, but when you realize our entire corpus of art, literature and music that is of eternal value was created from white men from european cultures with a strong sense of self you will realize what our ideology brings.

Then ask, what does leftism bring? Destruction? Gang mentality? Even right wingers do Right Wing Death Squads better than leftists, and in better style at that.

protip OP: I started just like you. You'll be a nationalist before you know it.

^ this

damn, that first video sums up my feelings exactly

Oh fuck. I think this generation of nationalists is even more homosexual than neofolkers.

Next step is to look at who's pushing for globalism.

Protip, it's mostly the 1%
That means to most wealthy and powerfull people. And they do it to keep the 99% fighting each other so that they can earn even more profit.

Conclusion = 1% of people are pushing their views on the 99%
so that only 1% gains wealth and power while 99% lose on all fronts.

And yes, a huge chunk of those evil fucks that bleed the world dry, happen to be jewish.

>Oh fuck. I think this generation of nationalists is even more homosexual than neofolkers.

I don't think appreciating our cultural heritage (a superior one in every way, mind) is homosexual. Maybe pic related can be but that cheesy pastelwave does appeal to some people, fag or not.

That's exactly it. When you talk like that. It sounds homo as hell. Maybe you're not homo, I don't know, but damn.

>Free software is debatably communism

Wow my house is really badly built. I'll just download this other house that uses 90% of the wood

So the same way any research works, where you have to look for connections and then follow those to come to a conclusion. You need to follow the connection between jews and globalism.

Then you'll quickly learn that those that oppose globalism happen to be various groups of nationalists all around the globe. So there you have your good guys.

Protip, beeing a nationalist means wanting the best for your own people. Not fucking over any other group of people.

The only ones that actually incite racial / national tensions are the globalists.

>That's exactly it. When you talk like that. It sounds homo as hell. Maybe you're not homo, I don't know, but damn.

Hard to portray over anonymous text I guess, I'm just trying to point out to OP that leftist culture creates soulless architecture, art and other degeneracy (including pushing faggotry hard) while right wing derived cultures focus more on eternal, strong values. Pic related.

So by now we arrived at the topics of WW2, National Socialism, Jews and the so called Holocaust.

The reason why that period is so important is this, the worlds entire system that means education, banking, politics etc, are based on what happened in WW2 and the outcome of it.

The outcome of it was a complete victory for the US, Jews, Freedom, Diversity and Apple Pie.
Means the apparent good guys won and could exclusively rule the world.

Now look at the globe and where each nation is now, and compare it to 75 years ago.

Protip, nobody is better of now than they were then. With the sole exception of Jews and Israel since even a hint of critizism is called anti semitism nowadays.

yep. sorry

The Middle East is a complete warzone with various factions slaughtering each other.
Wasn't the case before the "good guys" ruled.

Africa, despie billions of aid there has been no progress at all. It's full of poverty,stupidity and misery.
All the "good guys" did was do just as much to keep more Africans alive so their population tripled and all the problems tripled as well. Oh and of course they have guns and crazy new viral diseases today.

Before the "good guys" ruled there were a few countries like South Africa and Rhodesia that made great progress and could've fixed that entire continent.

I'm really ignorant about Israel, could you tell me how they factor into international affairs? All I know about them is theyre a militant jewish nation, that for some reason receives ALOT of aid from the USA

>continent fixing
I don't think treating the niggers like subhumans was the solution.They were bound to revolt eventually. Same could be said for paternalist Rhodesia.

When you realize some people only know the word crisis from a videogame.

Watch every Stefan Molyneux video there is. Start with the ones on race and IQ. The first step is to shatter your belief in egalitarianism. It is imperative to understand the biological inequalities that exist between different human beings. You will then realize that left-wing politics is retarded because it is entirely rooted in the falsehood if equality. You will then begin to realize that the unequal people have no place in Western society as their biological inferiority causes them to be violent, burdensome parasites. The rest should follow naturally. You'll eventually see (((who))) is disproportionately involved with pushing these leftist narratives that are destructive to whites.

I was leftist for all of my life until this election. Even though my father redpilled me on Israel, Holocaust mythology and the US govt when I was a teen, I unfortunately didn't listen, I trusted my teachers and etc as the distributors of truth. I am in my mid 30s now.

-Look up AIPAC and the fact that every presidential candidate gives them an appeasement speech during the election. Bernie blew them off during the primaries, but it isn't clear that he was serious about winning. Had he won the nomination, would have been the first.

-Look into the Holocaust and you will see their role in the "education system."

-Look into media ownership, follow through on the she companies, owners of owners etc, and you will see their role in the "adult education system".

-Pay attention to how they've treated Hillary, and how they treated Bernie and Trump. This was what started me looking. The pattern of lies and misdirection is very visible.

-Look into the history of the jews. There are 2 sides to it. One will say the kings of englnd and etc. forced them to be bankers by excluding them from the trades, then kicked them out to get their money, invited them back in later to gt their money and kick them out again, and so on. But the opposing view, you will need to dig into for yourself.

-Watch Zeitgiest. There are inaccuracies you can uncover yourself, and there is a hypnotizing beat that older people think is meant to brainwash. But there is a lot of food for thought regarding religion as a control mechanism, jew bankers and their role in stock market crashes, 9/11 false flag which others allege was Mossad. 9/11 related to oil, Israel and war profit.

-Read about 9/11 "conspiracy theories" (CIA term to discredit), read about Pearl Harbor and draw parallels with 9/11. Stinnett though an FDR apologist spent 15 years compiling official docs through FOIA requests, showing that Pearl Harbor was a setup. Obv. related to the Holocaust.

-CIA history (huge redpill).

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

Open source is not communism

Supply and demand go out the window when you can just copy a program or code or whatever

The resource is your TIME

That's how the economics of open source works - you publish something that scratches a personal itch, other people start using it, some of them have different times of itches or don't want to figure out how to work your shit ssssoooo YOU CAN CHARGE THEM FOR SERVICES, SUPPORT, AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT

This is important because shit like software patents are essentially copyrights for thoughts

>the only successful and awesome application of communism
You have no idea what Communism is.

Open Source:
a.) free trade if nobody controls what you publish and people have to agree and read you text before using it by good faith
b.) not free trade if published as part of approved Linux, guaranteed by Linux to be working, based on common agreement of all the people of Linux. Basically Social democracy, not Socialism.

Since Linux isn't agreement of all the people and Linux doesn't guarantees to be working it, it isn't Communism, but it's still better than option a.) where there is no guarantees whatsoever, basically a kid releasing his pile of code he shat out, it may be working or not.

Microsoft on other hand isn't a.) or b.), they are just conquerors of markets aka trend, where they find you and nobody asks people if we need them or not.

Also you're a retard for going full black bloc

What the fuck does any of that have to do with Linux? Jesus Christ people are fucking dumb

and get on wikieaks twitter, wheter or not it was compromised it will lead you to current events the mainstream ignore or misreprepresent

Antisemite: disliked by Jews

as always, FPBP

The USA, they had a short term of succes after WW2 but thing quickly changed. So only a handfull of people controll all the wealth while the normal people lost a shitload of jobs to oversees, got flooded with debt, degeneracy, drugs and poverty, the nation went from 95% white to 60% which brought you tensions that can only end in a civil war and your constitution is slowly beeing picked apart passage by passage.
What a great fate for the "winners"

The Soviet Union didn't fare much better either. They fell under complete communist rule which they still trying to recover from.
And yes, they made some progress since the Soviet Union crumbled, but only because shit couldn't get worse for them. And the fact that their women work as whores in every brothel from Germany to Japan to Dubai doesn't make them look like winners either.

Which leaves us with Europe. Where the effects of WW2 are the most visible. No freedom of speech what so ever, bankrupt, filled with 3rd worlders that caused crime to rise astronomically which created no go zone ghettos in every major city.
And there's no bloody difference between the winners like France and England or the losers like Germany and Austria.

In the end all of us lost because we fought each other against out own best interest.

black bloc fags need to be executed in the street
ur lucky you got out before killing season

So all that's left to do is to do as some other anons already said, and watch some Hitler speeches.
Then you'll realize that the most evil man in history already said all those things 80s ago. And was in fact trying to save the world from this cruel fate called current year.

Good starting video m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yovnlx_ziA

And nothing about any of this has fuck all to do with racism or any other buzzword leftists use. I'll just copy paste a post of mine regarding this from another thread.

Serious answer.
Yes i'm a literal National Socialist.
No i'm not saying this ironically.
Yes the Germans were the good guys in WW2.
Definitely yes, i think the world would be a better place had we won. All politics aside, i don't think the world could be any worse and disgusting than it currently is.

Now to go to your main question, all this talk about the evil Nazis hating every non white person is pure jew fiction.
So no, i don't hate non whites, i don't want to exterminate them all, i don't want to turn everyone German and neither did Hitler or anyone else in the 3rd Reich.

The differences between races are undeniable, with any race having high and low points. And yes in general some races / nations are objectively better than others because they added more to society / science / art etc.

But there are still plenty great and respectable people in every race / nation.

The whole "you have to go back" meme is serious, yes. But the intention is not meant as a punishment.

Marxism /Globalism / Multiculturalism / Diversity or however it's called this minute is pure cancer and cannot work out, ever. It never has through out history because it's literally impossible.

So we need a strict seperation of the different races. With the best and brighes of each race in charge of their own independant country. This would not only benefit whites but also everyone else.

We could still trade goods and knowledge. We can still travel and exchange culture in a positive way.

This is the only way for all of us to be free, healthy and happy.

Every non white nationalist living in his own country, wanting to preserve his own culture and heritage by beeing free from foreign influence has my full support