"We should pick socks by their colour and people by their personality"

"We should pick socks by their colour and people by their personality"

Other urls found in this thread:



I agree


It's better to believe 80 year old jewish women at the head of migrations offices than actual credible scientists and biologists.

Science = bigotry

End the patriarchy

What did he mean by this?

>Pic related

Go clean some toiletes

Aren't those two kids way too young to be in a relationship?

Fucking disgusting and shameful

>implying polish gutter rats aren't equal to Argentianian ubermenschen



>2 children are hugging so they must be in a relationship

Paedophile burger detected. Keep your sick thoughts to yourself.

Don't be so fucking racist. Jesus H Christ.

>Sup Forums is anti science


>Judge blacks by their personality instead of skin color
>End up with an even worse impression of them

Exactly. Finally someone who gets it.

someone get that dangerous animal away from the child before it's too late

>Using appeal to authority instead of actual evidence

Danish fitness hottie Brittany Olsen posted this on her Instagram. Apparently she moved to the Bronx now and dislikes racism. Black men are all over her Twitter liking it and making lewd comments to her.



They really show their true racism by assuming all blacks have good personalities and all whites are good judges of character just because they're white or black.

all over her IG*

"Don't judge muhfuggers by dere skin color nyqqa, but by duh content of dere character sheeeit" - MLK Jr.

Woops. Turns out the content of their character is synonymous with the color of their skin.

It's a good quote, as long as everyone stays in their own countries.

Have this as well.

I like to pick socks by their personality, SHITLORD

And this

Is that really a Dawkins quote?

If it is, he's just gone up in my books by a mile.

It's so fucking true though. How can we categorise Neanderthals as a separate subspecies, but not niggers?

I strongly suspect people like those making these posts are themselves pedophiles some of whom have high connections ad are spreading false news knowingly and on purpose so as to silnce the victims, discredit the whole idea of high ranking paedophile networks in the kinds of the public, make a chilling effect on journalism, and all around hide their asses while they send investigators on wild goose chases like Edgar Welch rather than finding and exposing the real pedophiles.

Clnsideirng it's mostly Sup Forums pedos who use or Even came up with the term cheese pizza u am positive that you suck ducks are behind all this

If you don't believe me just try making a thread or having discussions about it. The thread will be quietly closed and if the poatwe keeps it up theyre disposed of m without mercy or sorrow.

And now for some monkey fun.



All my socks are white

If there's only one race then how can I be racist? At that point am I not just misanthropic?

Yep same. I used to hate him, but now I actually love him.

yea have fun with that. even liberals arent that dumb in america. blue states are the most white with in some cases state level discriminatory housing laws to prevent integration of non whites

they wouldnt even stay in southern california when the beaners showed up. i had seen it with my own eyes a little place called goleta 98 % white and now its 100% mexican


Correctamundo. I always say niggers wish I judged them by their skin color bc it would be a lot more favorable

Gayest fucking thread btw op. Good ole fashioned nigger hate makes the day better


> Thinking that race is skin color
> Not realizing that skin color is controlled by barely any genes while there is a whole lot more variation in things that actually determine other shit like intelligence, hence nogs are stupider


Imagine that, a Polska nigger lover



I really should've saved all of the pictures and put them into a nigger folder.

I'm sure that no white person has ever killed anyone.
Nice try, bigot.




oh damn.
without being sarcastic or meme'ing, that one really made me think. fuck.

But we don't have a massively disproportionate amount of criminals. Blacks are only 13% of the population yet are at least a third of jail population.
Niggers are naturally prone to violence for anything and everything. They have no empathy and sympathy and will murder you for shoes. That's not normal behavior for whites, but it is for niggers.

but that's not the liberal narrative.
Also, its more likely that youll find yourselves among people with compatible personality within your country instead of people from other cultures and nations. So according to this meme, we should all be nationalist

I like how people jumped down his throat for retweeting this like it was racist. I think he was just trying to give the police some credit.


eat shit


Funny enough it was only off by about 2 points or so if I remember right. It's still ungodly high.

"They lack the ability to weigh the consequences of their actions. When one goes to pursue them, they run away, when one stops pursuit, they turn back around and taunt you again, they are not a race one respects" - 3800 years ago, Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III referring to negro Nubians of sub-saharan africa.

Niggers, just like animals, rely solely on instinct. They see something, they want it, they take it. They do not think. They see a store, they want something in the store, they just stroll right up and take it. They don't plan anything out, they don't think about the consequences, they act on impulse exactly like animals. They are purely material and have zero abstract thoughts whatsoever.

I hate people who purposefully ignore the fact that racism has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with the person behind it who shares the same characteristics as nearly everyone else that just happens to have the same skin color. White people are the same fucking way. Let's stop pretending people just don't like the color brown.

I only own black socks. Black is the color that belongs under heel.

Hold on a sec, that's not the proper video. Where the heck is it? Shows the nigger that stole the guy's stuff.

King tut thought the exact same thing.

>pic related

BREED. They're the same species, different BREEDS. Science is not that hard.

But I already do that.
Black socks and white people.

Dawkins is kinda based, for an atheist anyways.

Grizzly bears and polar bears have less differences between them. They are considered different species. The meme apparently went right over your head.

Everything from our glands, to our skin color, to the shapes of our noses, how big our eyes are, the way we talk, the way we act, the way we think the way we move, everything down to how much we sweat and how long our toes are or how long our arms are, how wide the nasal pasage to our noses are, our average height, IQ etc...

VIrtually every single solitary thing about us is different. Yet the color and size of a polar bear and longer snout of a polar bear is enough to classify it as a different species than the grizzly?

You're smart. You're right, science isn't that hard.

Fuck man. My feels gland is overworked right now. White ethnostate when guys?

Domestic dogs and wild grey wolves are both the same species (canis lupus), but domestic dogs are considered a distinct subspecies composed of a wide range of dramatically different breeds/races.

Well A- clearly you've never seen a liberal's socks
and B- clearly you've never encountered a nigger's personality.

Yeah he's alright I guess.




Your entire rant falls apart when you mention ability to breed. Species can not breed with other species. Breeds can. This is why we have that handy classification chart and the criteria that separates each branch.

Polar bears Grizzly bears, different species, fertile offspring.

Asiatic Lion, African lion. Different species, fertile offspring.

Humpback whale, blue whale, different species, fertile offspring.

Killer whale, orca, different species, fertile offspring.

There are around 5,000 different species and sub-species that can produce fertile offspring.

Once again, your point invalid.

Considered different species but can breed fine.

He didn't answer the question, because how it posed it makes no sense. Genomes of equal size contain equal amount of information. So the amount of information stored in genes changes only when the genome size changes.



Different subspecies of the same species are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring, but they do not interbreed in nature due to geographic isolation, sexual selection, or other factors.

This is the technical definition of subspecies. Last I checked, we had a ton of mixed-raced people out and about.

Nobodys too young to be in a relationship, dumb burger

If you picked the best people it would almost always be whites or east asians.



Don't be in denial. Just accept reality nigger lover.



these two things conflict ???

It says "often times mixing between different species results in infertility of the mixed product".

Ligers are infertile. Prizzly bears are not. Subrons are not. Coywolfs are not. Wholphins are not.

As anyone familiar with the literature knows, mixed-race marriages and romantic relationships suffer many more problems than single-race marriages and romantic relationships. For those familiar with human biodiversity (HBD) and sociobiology, this should come as no surprise. In evolutionary terms, one could argue that mixed-race marriages are maladaptive in that they reduce a person's overall genetic fitness - i.e. passing on copies of one's own genes. In a multiracial marriage or relationship, one is showing altruism toward a partner who shares fewer genes than a co-ethnic would share. A parent will also share fewer genes with a multiracial child than with a same-race child.

It's natural for someone to prefer a partner of the same race, as this increases a person's Darwinian fitness. J. Philippe Rushton has noted:

"[P]eople maximize their inclusive fitness by marrying others similar to themselves...."
In another article, Rushton notes:
"Studies of human marriages and friendships show that people choose each other on the basis of similarity, assorting on the most genetically influenced of a set of homogenous attributes.... Darwin's theory of evolution tells us that the ultimate reason for behavior, like morphology, is to enhance inclusive fitness."

Where the fuck is New Caledonia?

Those pics are in conflict. Either they are of different species, or their offspring is fertile, not both. This pic is wrong.

White-black children are fertile, hence one species.

Sub-species you fucking idiot. It's not hard.

Sub-spices are still one species. The pic you posted is still wrong.

It says "often times mixing between different species results in infertility of the mixed product".

Ligers are infertile. Prizzly bears are not. Subrons are not. Coywolfs are not. Wholphins are not.

As anyone familiar with the literature knows, mixed-race marriages and romantic relationships suffer many more problems than single-race marriages and romantic relationships. For those familiar with human biodiversity (HBD) and sociobiology, this should come as no surprise. In evolutionary terms, one could argue that mixed-race marriages are maladaptive in that they reduce a person's overall genetic fitness - i.e. passing on copies of one's own genes. In a multiracial marriage or relationship, one is showing altruism toward a partner who shares fewer genes than a co-ethnic would share. A parent will also share fewer genes with a multiracial child than with a same-race child.

It's natural for someone to prefer a partner of the same race, as this increases a person's Darwinian fitness. J. Philippe Rushton has noted:

"[P]eople maximize their inclusive fitness by marrying others similar to themselves...."
In another article, Rushton notes:
"Studies of human marriages and friendships show that people choose each other on the basis of similarity, assorting on the most genetically influenced of a set of homogenous attributes.... Darwin's theory of evolution tells us that the ultimate reason for behavior, like morphology, is to enhance inclusive fitness."

Different species with fertile offspring I just gave you multiple examples. Different species can create fertile offspring, whether that defies the definition of what a species is or not, the fact is they are considered different species, not sub-species, and they have produced fertile offspring.

Also sociobiologicalmusings.blogspot.com/2011/10/problems-with-mixed-race-marriages-and.html
they're really not even fertile most of the time.

Notice "often times". Not every time.
Thus, this is not a sufficient definition of what separates a species, if it doesn't always apply.

We should pick both by the material and character.

Half breed found. Let me guess, no father figure growing up

I'm 100% white. I'm literally standing her calling niggers a separate species, and that mulattos have a higher density of mental and biological as well as reproductional issues and pure raced individuals.

Do you have a very low reading comprehension or what?

But what about this?

and what flag

>mulattos have a higher density of mental and biological as well as reproductional issues

Peer reviewed source?