20 Electors have already flipped

>20 Electors have already flipped

Guys what would be the consequences if they actually take it away from Trump?

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How many electors that are required to vote republican flipped?
I'm guessing zero

arent they like 19 democrats and 1 traitor republican

Simple. No food leaves the midwest, no trucks get to the coasts.

Congress says no fuck off.
Leftists cry.

Personally I hope it does flip and by some miracle it is taken away from him. The butthurt would be insane and I would love to read articles about Sup Forumstards getting shot to death by the police.

civil war

Day of the rake


They would never be the same.

Texas stops refining oil for the traitor states.

The GOP one is a huge hypocrite as well.
He cheated on his wife.

Id gladly walk through the border mate.

everyone is going to flip shit.

I presume people complain but nothing happens.

But apparently a lot of democratic voter fraud has been found in Detroit so...

Haha, nope.

Only like one is confirmed to be considering it. The other nineteen are that whore Lessig making baseless claims to get some spotlight

Starvation, plague, war and death

Not this time

Ill give my life proudly

>19 democrats and 1 republican

>Guys what would be the consequences if they actually take it away from Trump?

if that happens you can expect it to happen every election

Cool story bro


>these nogunz "/k/ommandos" are RPing AGAIN about how they're going to civil war
Every time. Lmao. You fat fucks won't do anything but shitpost.

Where did you hear this? The MSM? lol totally legit

The electors will most likely have their addresses found out and probably murdered unfortunately.

After that, hard to say. Probably unrest but I doubt actual war unless the electors are secret retards who drank the hill swill or are in some way being threatened by higher powers

civil war. we´ll see what happens then.
just think about what would happen if someone would open the flood gates.
many bad hombres!

unending death

Based satan us Texans can sustain our selves if we secede from the rest of the US

so what happens if they flip, does Shillary becomes President?

Kek, only one republican has flipped you lying kike
The rest are dems who promise to be faithless

i think what you meant to say was 1 elector is thinking of not voting for Trump like he's supposed to, and that faggot is in deep shit since it turns out he works for Van Jones

the other 19 are dems in blue states and wouldn't be voting for Trump anyways

civil war

The dankest memes you will ever see and possibly massive public unrest. In the best timeline, multiple states secede, America Balkanizes and ceases to be a world super power ending the American century.

>tfw my state has none of these cuck electors because it's against the law

For Clinton to win 35 electors would all have to cross party lines and vote for her
Literally 0% chance of reversal
We already won
And we're gonna keep winning

I just read an article about the situation today, since I didn't know how it would work out. If Trump fails to get 270 electoral votes, the vote for president goes to congress. Each STATE gets one vote, and they are allowed to choose from the top THREE candidates who received the most electoral votes. Because more states are Republican, and Republicans don't really like Trump, they'd probably pick the third most popular candidate: John fuckin Kasich.

Electors have already flipped
Yeah but more than half are from blue states.

>TFW a faithless elector has never been prosecuted

>Suddenly everyone in America realizes that if they cry loud enough they can literally get whatever they want, including taking the presidency from the candidate that won

because it's always been from states where it isn't against the law dumbass

If anybody but Trump is President after 1200 Jan 21st EST, I will move to Antarctica.


I am as paranoid as the rest but if the GOP electors dont vote for Trump its the end of the GOP.

I atumped for Trump and would switch to independent. The disenfranchisement of the GOP would ruin the party forever.

Civil war could happen but it would for sure be end of republican party

It wouldn't happen regardless, retard.

Are you an Ayyy?

Remember this delusional Kasich ad?


>still believing the EC will vote against Trump

>Look goy, the other electors are voting against Trump!
They're trying to meme it into existence.

>british antartic territory
I'm impressed some autist added that to the more flags extension


The coasts have all the ports, and lots of money. They can get whatever food they need, but the center of the US would be pretty isolated.


Most said they'd vote for Kasich

>not dying in the glorious 2nd civil war
you don't deserve to live here


Unless You Are Willing To Personally Fight In A Civil War, Shut Up About Faithless Electors

"What I would like to say to these emotionally malnourished individuals is this: unless you are personally willing to pick up a weapon and start killing your fellow Americans for what you believe in, shut up. Shut up, go home, forgive your dad for not hugging you enough, and stop pushing toward a civil war that you yourself would be unwilling to fight in.

Do you Comedy Central liberals even know how to fire a gun? I sure don’t. I’d have to watch a Bruce Willis movie to even figure out how to hold one. But here you are actively laboring to invalidate the votes of the sector of the U.S. population which is predominantly responsible for America’s one-gun-per-capita ratio. People who hate Hillary Clinton with at least as much passion as you hate Trump, but who actually won the electoral contest by a massive margin the way the rules were written. How would you feel if Hillary had won by dozens of electoral votes and yet Republicans said “Nah, we’re not doing that” and gave the election to Trump? You know damn well you’d flip your lid. How do you live with that kind of cognitive dissonance? I am now officially intensely curious.

My challenge is of course rhetorical; we all know that none of these Hilary voters pushing for an Electoral College coup would be willing to take up arms to defend their hijacking of the election result. They’d be fine with President Obama or President Hillary sending in troops to kill and arrest any citizens’ militias that arose against their coup, as long as they still get to sit in their cozy homes and watch Trevor Noah validate their vapid opinions. They’re a bunch of spineless, cowardly hypocrites who just want to get their way."


Cool flag

But user, frogs die in the cold :(

I love this meme

at first i thought they updated the flag of france

Hahahahahaha. They might be gay but they have huge benor

It won't happen but it would be civil war if it did.

I'm expecting civil war. Or at the very least a bunch of pissed off people with guns.

At least the water wont turn them gay.

hey how do you get an Antarctica proxy? asking for a friend.

>Democrats cry the electoral college sucks and it should be repealed.
>Republicans tell them to stop bitching.

>Electors use their constitutional power to vote for Hillary instead.
>Republicans lose their shit.


Ok Alec Baldwin

just a reminder that current red team planning estimates a 75% LE/Military desertion rate.

these faggots saying "right wingers gonna get shot" are just more wishful liberal faggot thinking

This reminds me of the coup the gop tried to stage on trump during gop convention

We all said if the electors go another way we would riot.

Not Happening

All dreams

>1 post by this ID

>muh civil war
nobody's going to do shit, we'll all be back here complaining while getting cucked to eventual communism

>Texas stops refining oil

California has 10% of the refineries in the US, enough to handle its own fuel supply.

>have law demanding "electors" vote according to public vote results
>instead of just having the public vote results determine the matter

What the actual fuck?
I'm not even talking about pop vote vs electoral college here, like give certain states more weight if you want, i just don't understand the purpose of having "electors" if they aren't allowed to even make a decision in the first place

It goes to Supreme Court. Electors are REQUIRED BY LAW to vote for the candidate their state picked. By law they must vote 306-232. This is why no-one cares who gets appointed elector, it's all ceremonial. If no candidate gets 270, the second round of voting goes to Congress. The penalties for electors disobeying the law are non-existent or a total slap on wrist ($50 fine). But if Trump doesn't get 270, the Supreme Court will step in because electors broke the law in a case involving the Presidency. Any legal case involving the Presidency immediately goes to the Supreme Court. It'll be 8-0, even Ginsberg, Sotomayor, and Kagan aren't crazy enough to misinterpret such a clear cut case.

While there have been electors that flipped in the past there have never been enough of them to swing a vote.

It's unprecedented. Especially with such a large margin.

There's about a 10% chance it would actually cause a war.

What...huh...the...what the fuck, is it even possible to proxy this?

>barrels of Sup Forums tears
>trumpkins get mad
>small civil war that'll end in a week
It would be glorious
No way it will happen though

I hope they're ready for a le civil war.
*hits vape

>vote then goes to majority republican congress
>they vote trump
>liberal faggots cry some more
topkek ;)

Military coup installs trump

I came here to post this.

The moment civil war starts the country will cease to exist as other countries invade.

>1 post by this ID

Yeah, I have Antarctica flag on my home PC that I got from PK, that known proxyfag

That and, outside of corn and wheat, 50% the nation's non-imported produce comes from Commiefornia.

...and nearly all of the nation's imports come through the coasts.


blow the bridges and tunnels to New York.

Turn off California's externally sourced water.

The problem areas will eat themselves within a week.

Editing it so he has a lightning gun would make that perfect.

Sounds pretty comfy in a way as long as I desert and go back to my home state of Texas

Meh, I'd actually be okay with Kasich, but it ain't gonna happen.

Texas ans south has no coasts?
Didn't know!
Blue states fuck off and leave


If changing your vote is against the law then why do they even vote in the first place? Why not just count their vote as intended automatically?

They should just let all the niggers out of prison so that they can murder and rape their women and children, right Germany?

Yeah but it's going to be fun watching Hillary lose even bigger when her own electors defect in favor of a Republican.

Stfu freak stop crying I hope you have cancer

Are there really ayys or natzies down there?

There would be voracious complaining on the Internet.

You are fhen a jackass

He is a traitor and his career is done.

My question exactly


Muh muh this is a republic and not a democracy. If a statute says something and the constitution another i think the constitution wins. The laws say nothing and in common law the constitution doesn't even need to be written down. Just who can lie better