Hey Sup Forums what are some redpilled dog names. I'm going to the Humane Society tomorrow to adopt one...

Hey Sup Forums what are some redpilled dog names. I'm going to the Humane Society tomorrow to adopt one, so I don't know what particular breed it will be.

Also, how can I train my new dog to attack Marxists and Redditors.

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Adolf or Donald




Blondie, like the delicious dessert. Pets with food names are so cute

name it sage OP

Mad Dog Mattis

My favourites;

1) Toxo for Toxoplasmosis
2) Gondii

That would work better for cats I think

(pic related)


All shelters and adoption services are full of nothing but half pits because pit bull owners are the worst people on the planet and never ever ever take responsibility for their animals. They don't spay, neuter or pay for breeding they just let their dog hump up all over everything and then toss the puppies to a shelter.

The best part is that shelters are so desperate to get rid of these crate and kennel dogs that no one wants that they push them on everyone and anyone. First time dog owner? A pit bull will be perfect for you! Young children in the house? They love the taste of children! Old lady looking for companionship? Why not get eaten by your pit? And then they scratch their heads and wonder how these dogs get such a shit reputation.

So, uhm, enjoy you new pit bull! You should name it 'Raising Someone Else's Irresponsibility'

Only blacks raise or own pitbulls, and I live somewhere with no blacks, so zero possibility of pitbull offspring being in my town's shelter.

Nice try, though.

Maybe it's because I'm in a border state, but for every shitpit there's a Chihuahua mix as well. Is that common elsewhere?

Also tfw the shelter had a bombass Golden Retreiver mix just yesterday and she was already gone when I came back.

Rott Weilers are top tier dogs. Get one.

Never fear, your local shelter and humane society pick up the run off from pounds and shelters in the cities.

Pitbulls make up a staggering portion of all dogs in shelters all across the US.

I wish you luck in finding a decent dog but chances are slim unless you're willing to look around for humane breeders of the type of dogs you want. The shelters are no longer full of the loveable mutts you remember from childhood.


I also live somewhere with very few blacks and there is nothing but pits and half breed pits, abused and already dangerous that these shelters push on anyone and everyone.

Ya like the one time one almost bit my butt cheeks both of them at once

What's the most racially white, alpha dog?



Pitbulls are fine dogs, half-pits are even better.

German Shepherd I guess.

Not where I am, thank god but who woulda thunk that the dogs that tend to be owned by shitskins are flooding shelters. I'm not surprised but it is disappointing that they treat their animals as shitty as they treat everything else making shelters and pounds largely unusable for people who want a decent dog.

Fuck you, plenty of white british scum own pitbulls, and staffys, by law if your on benefits the government gives you one.

If your homeless you have to legally treat it like a child. Fucking pleb, learn some British culture

>You should be happy to pay for trash that some shitskin threw out the window of a moving vehicle because no one wanted to buy it!
>It's Grrreeeat!

Not saying they can't be wonderful dogs but no one in their right mind should be picking one up from a shelter. Buy a sane little puppy from a breeder that no one has abused the shit out of and live a happier life.

It's different across the pond,



>Also, how can I train my new dog to attack Marxists and Redditors

Train him to react violently to the scent of patchouli

Sick as fuck

So I guess I have to make a mea culpa. I just checked my local shelter's page...and they're fucking full of pit bull mixes.

WHAT THE FUCK. I was wrong, user was right.

Anyways, they do have a Husky, though, as well as a German Shepherd, so I might go and see them.

Sorry man, I know how you feel. My best dogs growing up were mutts we picked up from shelters. Now that I finally have a house I wanted to get myself a loving, loveable mutt that needed a home but the more I went to shelters the more it became obvious that they have changed quite a lot since I was young.

I wish you all the best, though.


Odin, Thor, Hercules, etc
