Fucking why is this a thing

Fucking why is this a thing
>Search for anarchist flag
>Get a bunch of commie "anarchist" flags
>When people think anarchy they think chaos and leftist communist freaks throwing molotov cocktails at police

Fellow ancaps,

how do we put a total end to the idea that communism goes hand in hand with communism? All I see is communist marches for "anarchy" but we never protest or march on the streets for Voluntarism? This might be why anarchy is popularly a communist term to most.

Anarcho-facism is the only acceptable kind of marxism

nice oxymoron

Capitalism can not exist without the state enforcing property laws.

>Have symbols, banners, insignia, etc
never fails to amuse

I don't get it either. A society with no government would naturally trend towards an-cap. Anarcho-communism requires extreme government and coercion to make sure that no one privately owns anything.

wow what a surprise that when you search up a term the flags and symbols that have always been associated with that term show up, what a surprise!!




Left and right can both fuck off





Can some elaborate how you can have communism with no government?

communism literally means a stateless society (with some other things obviously)

Ancapistanis out

Wait, isn't that just extortion?

Communism literally means impossible.

how does the redistribution of wealth happen without a government to oversee it?


This is why im asking how can you have an anarchy with a government?

If there was a way to "put a total end" to competing ideologies, we wouldn't need AnCap.

I'm an AnCap, Anarchism (the value/ ideology) is the farthest thing possible from what I believe, but Anarchism (the word) is closest to describing what I believe.


fucking local government opens a new road, institutes toll...

1. communism doesn't mean equal distribution of wealth
2. it doesn't because anarcho-kiddies are the worst part about the revolutionary left lol

t. maoist



Anarcho-capitalism is a contradiction in terms.

Market anarchism is a thing, and is the default state in which men deal with each other outside of an established state.

But capitalism by definition requires a state to enforce property rights. A free market doesn't, necessarily, but capitalism, where profiting off the ownership of capital requires property rights, law, and arbitration.

In an anarchy, if you have a factory owned by a capitalist, (or more likely thousands of shareholders), how does that ownership get enforced? It is said that possession is nine tenths of the law, but absent the law, it is ten tenths. The workers of the factory would claim ownership of the factory, and the thousands of shareholders would have to organize into a militia to reclaim it by force, or pay a militia to do so in their stead, which more than likely will just decide to keep the factory after taking it.

Or just as likely, in order to prevent the workers from seizing the means of production, the capitalists will just disarm and seize the workers, enslaving them, and chaining them to their posts.

But this is all theoretical anyway, because under anarcho capitalism no factories would get built anyway, as they require a massive amount of funding, resources, labor, logistics, etc. to build, and without a uniform and central arbiter to settle disputes, the first contractor who decides it's in their best interest to just walk off with their payment or materials and not deliver on their contract because they don't recognize or respect the enforcability of that contract will torpedo the whole deal. And this will happen as soon as that party realizes their gang is bigger than your gang. Getting shit done requires a uniform set of laws enforced by the biggest gang of all, the state, with a legal monopoly on the initiation of force.

Now, that state can be well defined and narrow in scope, but it has to be there.

>destroying his antique collection

what an asshole.

rothbard is dead...

>current year
>not being an anarcho-monarchist

A society with anarchism would turn into a totalitarian hellhole within months, stop roleplaying just because you read Atlas Shrugged once.


what does communism entail then?

Ancap is a meme. What are roads? What are borders? Grow up faggots.

Ancom here, it's the idea of a marketless economy that is built on cooperation, not competition merged with the anarchic society.

Basically it's a very peaceful system because it encourages cooperation and decentivizes strife.

On a microcosmic scale, Linux functions pretty much like an ancom society. Everyone gets to do their own thing, but they all work together for the common good.

Expand that with a bit of tweaking for various things (for instance, you can't allow the average third grader to work the control board of a nuclear power plant) and you get Ancom society.

>What are roads?
>Grow up faggots.


Holy shit

I almost had an aneurism


a society where the means of production are owned by the workers, where no money exists, where no class exists, and the state doesn't exist.

this is the (stated) end goal of both ancoms and authoritarian socialists like maoists or leninists, but they have different proposals of how to achieve a society like that.

Except GNU/Linux allows for capital and selling of shit, ever heard of Redhat? Canonical? Hell I bought a Debian CD and I bought Ardour which is libre software, what FOSS is, is decentralised, stateless, free market and sharing, it's basically human nature, it also enforces private property with licensing like copyleft in the GPL or even other licenses like BSD or MIT. Sorry my inner Sup Forums fag had to scream like an autist.

Why should I study engineering if I can just sweep the floor of a factory then? It seems I don't get paid either way.

>Thinking Somalia is Ancap


DESU I think POTUS is a downgrade for Trump.. he loses the gold interior of his private jet, has to move into a shitty shack in DC, takes a massive pay cut, and suffocates under a mountain of security... this has to be charity work for him.

Russia in the 90s was close to ancap, turned out great for everyone who didn't have any money.

ideally we would just have the more menial tasks of society be automated (by like robots and shit)

do you think you would get the same amount of enjoyment out of sweeping the floors of a factory or engineering?

it bothers me too, he went from a non crony capitalist to a full blown bootlicker statist

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

>get engineering degree
>have to go to school for several years
>work long hours solving difficult problems
>end up getting paid the same as the guy who cleans your office

I'm sure I would enjoy my life then

Yes, because I wouldn't need to soend time going to university before working. If anyone would be willing to teach in the frst place, that is. Your system builds on the assumed charity if the elites you hate, why would I sacrifice my time to make poor people happy?


All these memes basically boil down to is "the only reason why humans act with any sort of morals or cooperation is because of government laws"

I don't buy it. Especially in homogeneous populations. Do you believe that if you took away government in Finland, or Vermont, everyone would turn into a murderous psychopath?

No, but humans are herd animals and therefore like to organize. Capitalism is just a modern form of trading resources, like we've done for Millennia, the same goes for autocrats in government. Out instoncts compell us to follow strong leaders.

Yeah because it's easy and I would get more free time to do fun stuff with all my half starved friends.

>half starved
So it's democratic socialism, not full communism?

The only thing keeping the fabric of multicultural societies and to some degree multi ethnic societies together is the iron fist of the government. If not, humans would separate into their tribal groups and essentially operate as the memes towards other tribes

try again

ideally you wouldn't be studying engineering in the first place unless you actually enjoyed doing it. a part of this system would be the people who actually enjoy doing engineering would continue to do engineering.

replace engineering with something you actually like.

>Ancom here, it's the idea of a marketless economy that is built on cooperation, not competition merged with the anarchic society.
>Basically it's a very peaceful system because it encourages cooperation and decentivizes strife.
>On a microcosmic scale, Linux functions pretty much like an ancom society. Everyone gets to do their own thing, but they all work together for the common good.
>Expand that with a bit of tweaking for various things (for instance, you can't allow the average third grader to work the control board of a nuclear power plant) and you get Ancom society.

you stupid commie.

anarcho-communism is as unobtainable as as any other type of communism.

you will never get everyone to agree on everything and do everything cooperatively without competition. you cannot just ignore human nature and the finite nature of the majority of resources.

you can never have a 'marketless economy'. that literally impossible. an economy has a market. a market is a literal or figurative place where supply and demand operate and people exchange goods and services via barter or currency. you want a marketless economy? get people to stop 'needing' and 'wanting' things. IMPOSSIBLE.

if you want to have a ridiculous political position, at least pick one that is theoretically possible.

the only type of anarchist society that actually exist in the real world is anarcho-capitalism.

and guess what example I can give?


By default, when left to their own devices, people will engage in trade and work with people of their choice. Some of these people will create groups and organizations and set their own rules for interacting with other groups. sometimes these groups claim themselves to be a corporation, or a town, or a city, or a country and sometimes they will disagree/fight/war with other groups of people.

the world will always continue to be some variation of this.

how do you define "capitalism"?

also your example of linux only plays into my arguments.

linux literally could not exist by itself. it can only exist as a small subset of people sharing their work and data, built upon a foundation of technology and standards that were created and originally laid out by many groups of large corporations, universities, and governments.

without ibm, intel, apple, and microsoft, linux would literally never have existed. it is a part of the greater whole, the organic system of people interacting freely and for their shared/forced interested.

Linux is ancap and is voluntary



I get that a state is a way to deal with property rights, but why is it the only valid option? You said it yourself, the owners can just hire a PMC and get them to protect their property. And as the free market is more efficient than the State why wouldn't it work that way?







last one

capitalism is the economic and political system where people act out of self interests.

the whole UNIVERSE actually functions this way. all life acts out of self interests.

in the real world there is no all powerful 'state' or 'govt', there is only people. all of our countries, governments and corporations are owned and operated by people. people who make all the decisions based on their perception and self interests.

sprinkle that with whatever misconceptions and ideas 'people' come up with and you get our reality. where some countries claim to be socialists or communists if you look underneath the are 100% capitalistic at their core.

name me one real communist country that is not propped up by the inherent capitalistic nature of our the universe.

No, because they're your roads. You didnt say they could use your roads. Theyre trespassing and causing wear on your property. So nuke em.

>Linux is ancap and is voluntary

linux is a fucking open source operating system standard, not a fucking society you dipshit.

sure, it has a 'community of supporters' but none of them 'live in linux', they live in fucking real countries and real places and are part of real societies. linux online community is not a society you fucking retard.

Every anarchist I've seen is just a socialist who joins in because anarchists tend to be more violent.

Anarchists in the UK literally protested on the side of the big EU state and big banks. They're just retarded communists trying to be edgy.

there is no politics in the OS
there is however politics in the licensing, I was referring to the licensing and how it works

>there is no politics in the OS
>there is however politics in the licensing, I was referring to the licensing and how it works

and whats your actual point?

it still could not exist outside of our real, capitalistic, society.