Electoral College

Guys, is there an actual chance that the Electoral College will stop the God-Emperor?

Guys? Should I be worried about this or is it the same bullshit as the polls pre-election?

Get your weapons ready.
there is talk of 40 electors committing treason and switching away from Trump

As a US Citizen I will join forces with any group that swears to protect the USA from treason.

is there a chance George Soros can pay off a couple hundred people? of fucking course.

It will still have to go to the house.
Not saying that i may or may not still be in favor of hanging traitors hypothetically and allegedly

40 people switching doesn't mean anything. They aren't,going to switch to Hillary. Worst case the Senate and House vote and Trump wins anyway.

The house will still vote in trump

Yes. 0% is a chance

All we hear is electors switching to clinton.

You don't think there are any that won't switch to Trump?


It appears the demorats would be willing to start a civil war in your country. Thankfully that will not happen. Ask yourselves this. if they're willing and obviously wanting to start a civil war in your country, could you imagine what would have happened if they actually won? Holy fuck terrifying!
My country has a leader that won a majority government with roughly 1/3 of the votes. I personally did not vote for his party. I do however support his government 100%. Why? Because its what's best for Canada as a whole. I love my country, and wish it nothing but the best.
Why can't the demorats do what's best for America? The same reason they lost the election. It's not about doing what's best for America for them. It's about doing what they think is best for themselves, and select friends.
They've shown us all what they're really about, and it's gross.

Kinda hope they do so that there's a chance that everyday Americans will wake up and finally realize it's ultimately their responsibility to control and run the government instead of traipsing about various vapid lifestyles and pretending to give a fuck about what's going on on a bigger scale once every 4 years to elect a hopefully benevolent king (or even queen) figure to run those pesky complicated issues for us so we can get back to shopping, watching tv, and being self-centered.

It'd be a bloody mess for sure, but there's no way we can truly fix our country at this point without some bloodshed. Our people have fucked around and dropped the ball too many generations in a row for that.

Adding MAGA to your post doesnt make you any less of a cuck


Oh hi Duncan, fuck off.....

Lol whatever man. Support your DUDE WEED by helping service syrian migrants.

hillary supporter here. Fuck no, even Obama denounced recounts. Democracy is democracy. The Senate would vote him in.

Denying trump the presidency is the best thing that could happen but its not going to happen.

it's not the best thing

while denying Trump would result in massive civil unrest and civilian conflicts within our nation, the best outcome is just Trump getting into office.

>The Senate would vote him in

Someone doesn't know how US government works

Checked and kek'd. Trump President confirmed.