Capitalism Hate thread

If you hate capitalism get in here; fuck the power elite, fuck the organic intellectuals, fuck the bourgeois, fuck the Iron Cage, fuck it all.

Yeah fuck capitalism!

And communism.

Nazi Germany was capitalist you retard.

I too like Keynes.

Look up Knight of the Long Knives.

Hitler killed good friends for trying to pressure him into nationalizing businesses.

>your theory and economics are sound

wtf i love capitalism now

>your theory and economics are sound

Marxism is philosophy not economics

>your theory and economics are sound

>Come at me capitalist sheep

>people who only know the marx meme, who have never read the manifesto, comment on this page.

Absolutely disgusting.


Reading it is what turned me off from communism.

I would think that the communist cause is best served by making sure the majority of people don't read it.

It was the right move desu

not reeeeeeeel communism

you need to ride the tiger brah



Its not perfect, no, but it offers plenty of valid critiques of capitalism that should be greatly headed.

>exploitation of labour

Also Marx and Engels did not believe capitalism to be all bad as so many illiterate communists believe, there main gripe with it is the dehumanization yet they recognized that it creates unparalleled innovation:

>"Marx and Engels had some very poignant outlooks on capitalism and the future that it held for us. Though Marx and Engels did not see capitalism as all bad, as they recognized that capitalism unleashed a huge amount of potential for human creativity and technological ingenuity as well as feudal and patriarchal aspects of society ending due to the gaining of agency and worth by its citizens, they did however see many of its shortcomings. Mostly, the duo saw the filtering of human beings into a meat grinder designed simply for the purpose of profit of the few over the many, they saw what they called “fettering” which were limits on the true potential that societies under capitalist systems had, these fetters are put in place by the Bourgeoisie because the Bourgeoisie are inherently afraid of social and political potential that is presented by capitalism and thus try and suppress said institutions as a way to strengthen their own position."

>"In Marx and Engels’s view, private ownership of the means of production, the appropriation of profit from the exploitation of labour, the market mechanism, and associated sociopolitical institutions, such as property law, are all forces that now limit rather than expand the possibilities for humankind” (Garner, pp. 39).

I agree, we need D I S R T I B U T I V I S M

Marxism was created as a critique of capitalism in an attempt to turn it into what Marx and Engels saw as perfecting it so of course they are related.

What is a history book, buy one, read it, thank me later.