Are people so retarded that they don't realise Islam is not a religion of peace or war but a religion and thus it is...

Are people so retarded that they don't realise Islam is not a religion of peace or war but a religion and thus it is whatever you want it to be about? If you think it is a religion of war you are just as brainwashed as the cuckolds who say it is a religion of peace, their are passages that support both narratives directly and indirectly. Read a fuckig book you media monkeys.


Excuse my tongue, it is very late here, there*- fucking*

Keep me posted

If I engage you on the topic will you reply or just bitch out and close your thread

I read the book. There are interesting things in it.

>Sup Forums
>"media monkeys"

You are fool

look at achievement
there is your answer

>read a book
>not read "this" book

I'm fairly certain he has no argument. No one ever does when they whip out the generic "read a book" argument.

Well I am an ex-Muslim and openly outspoken on this issue, retards like OP fumble when they encounter someone who was brought up in an Islamic environment for 23 years before leaving it, destroying their narrative.

OP is right, Islam is pretty chill, it's not really that different from standard Abrahamic monotheism aide from an extra prophet, a few different rules, and that one scene in the Qur'an with the sexy angel lapdance experiment. You know the one.

>brought up in an Islamic environment for 23 years before leaving it
Obama is that you

God is Not one by Stephen Prothero is a good place to start for people like you. It is even pretty "red pilled", going so far as to call out people who defend islam comparing them to people who ignore the christian roots of the nazi theology.

The conclusion is pretty basic and requires very little thinking if you actually seek it out instead of jerking off over pol narratives. Islam is bullshit, it is a big book with lots of bullshit in it, bullshit that supports whatever you want it to say just like the Bible or Tanakh. The Bible has plenty of vengeance shit in it and the Tanakh is based solely in vengeance and retaking the homeland.

Actually the prophet himself is quoted in the Hadith more than three times ordering gay people and trans people to be executed. The Hadith is what sharia law is.. It’s what they reference to decide on crime and punishment.
Islam has this thing called abrogation. Muhammed actually told his followers about it when he changed his mind about attacking medina, and offensive fighting / violence. And the direction they prayed to was changed from Jerusalem to Mecca. He changed his tune so bad that his followers claimed he wasn’t the prophet sent by God. He used to say that we shouldn’t fight unless attacked. He used to like the Jews and Christians. ( that was because he spent 15 years in medina trying to convert the Jews. When they wouldn’t convert and he was evicted from medina he went to Mecca and had new revelations that were the exact opposite of the teaching about violence. And the Jews and Christians and non believers. So he told his followers that God told him that any new revelation that he had, that contradicted one before—meant that whatever was contradicted, whatever became wrong was abrogated and now voided. His followers of course grew substantially as soon as he started preaching— Muslims have the God given right to attack, to kill, to steal all the belongings of and to enslave the non Muslims. Not only was it their God given right, but God actually loved the Muslims that killed for Islam and killed in the name of Islam more and you get to go to a special heaven and everything. ) the stronger that Islam became, the stronger the hadiths. So in Islam, there are abrogated verses. Most notably the verse of the sword. Which some people call the most violent ( it isn’t. There are many more ) abrogated all the previous teaching on defensive fighting. So muhammeds last revelations are regarded as the truth- unfortunately he became more and more violent and sexually driven as he aged and got more power.

>Read a fuckig book you media monkeys.
>media monkeys
>A book

So when people bring up verse trying to point to how peaceful Islam is, those verses aren’t even valid. And most of the ones they bring up were actually meant for the Jews.
Muhammed told the JEWS that if they killed anyone it would be like killing the whole world/ this was right before he was about to attack and sack the city. Which he did. The Muslims were told right after that sentence that they were to kill anyone who wouldn’t submit to Islam and Islamic law.
I’ve found after studying Islam myself that pretty much everything that happens in the Islamic world, is straight out of the Koran and Hadith. Muslims just don’t do anything that isn’t in there. They wouldn’t. They only really know the Hadith and Koran.
Like honor killings for example. Right now on the internet you can’t find one site that admits the truth. They are blatantly lying about Islam not supporting honor killings.
How do you think they started?
I read it myself. Muhammed said—if your child disobeys you, kill them and pray for another. He said that. It’s in there. I read it.

Retards who can't dismiss your anecdotal experience deserve to fumble, any amount of basic thought can see the toxic environment of Islam today while also seeing the truth that the book serves whatever purpose its distributors want. Currently the middle east is in a great period of stress as they resist the inevitable globalization that is coming, this anger is channeled to the dumb and illiterate masses as violence through Islam.

It is just the context of the times. All abrahamic religions are the same shit, just whatever the leaders want them to be at the time.

Islam is not a religion it is a government.

Yeah sure it is OP.

Do you oppose forcing immigrants and Muslims in general to speak English and abolishing all aspects of sharia law in their mosques or fear deportation?

(btw if islam is just a religion and can be whatever you want it to be then you shouldn't have an issue with this)

>looks up who wrote this
>some dumb bitch on some nothing website named "A McEnnis" who openly says "I am a shitty writer. I know. Thanks."

Information immediately discarded, get a good source senpai, like a scholar of religion, you should have to reach so far into the depths of the internet.

>can I disprove her though
No, in fact all of that sounds like her interpretation and I have no reason to put stock in her because she has no apparent education on this.

Just like the execution for gays and transgendered and yes they are mentioned specifically by Muhammed, multiple times.
How Islam gets away with the blatant lies about itself is beyond me. It’s almost like the president is in on it. Because how else are any sites that have the actual verses gone? And the only information left is Islam does not support or condone honor killing Islam does not kill gays. It’s the biggest cover up I’ve ever been exposed to. The lengths that people in charge will go to make Islam look like something it just isn’t and never was. It’s been a slaughtering machine since its inception—Muhammed was a gifted military commander. That’s what history knows his as. That’s what he was best at. War. And he waged war on the world till his death. Islam just got bloodier after with the divide.. But it never stopped its primary mission, which is and always has been war. War till Islam is everhwhere. Islam teaches that the world will only know peace after sharia law is enforced everywhere. That’s the whole thing. The goal of Islam. And they have the God given right to kill you or make you a sex slave If you don’t submit to Islam. Period.

My issue is with people being brainwashed on both sides of the spectrum. And no I don't oppose that, if I moved to the middle east I would learn Arabic as common sense however what they want to do in their mosques is their business just like what the amish do is their own, my nation has freedom of religion and as long as they don't force that shit on the rest of us I could give a fuck because im not afraid of it.

There is only one Islam. And people really need to study it and read the Koran and Hadith so no one can lie to them anymore.

I think sometimes the problem is, just like every other religion in the world, Muslims don’t even know what they believe in, or what the Hadith says. They’ve never read it. ESP western Muslims. They’ve just been told what to believe—they don’t actually know anything about their own religion or prophet.

Like when I tell them their own prophet attacked a camp and slaughtered all the men and boys and stole all their lands and property and enslaved the women, one of those women he forced into sex slavery for himself, she was forced to become his wife ( in Islam your sex slave is another sort of wife)
could you imagine having to have sex with the man that murdered your little brother and your father?But that’s what Islam is.

I mean Muhammed beheaded almost 1000 people in one day. One freaking day. People that never attacked him. Only one of the battles he ever fought was a defensive battle. All the rest were just conquests. Slaughters. Islam conquered most of the world. From Bosnia to Indo. Africa and India. Islam went through with a sword.

Somehow, in the past twenty years Islam has become a “religion of peace” people think terrorist attacks started on 9/11 too. Honestly, terrorist attacks never stopped. I mean our founding fathers went to war with Islam—the Barbary Wars. Look up what our own founding fathers said about Islam. Exactly what it does to this day. What it is to this day.
I think this well intentioned liberal ignorance and blindness is also going to end up being the biggest mistake of the century.

This world is going to get real scary thirty years from now if we don’t do something. Real scary.

So you are just going to keep posting this random article from this literal who

No. You are a fool.

Christ promotes tangible prosperity.
White civilization
Greatest on earth

Islam civilization
monkey shitting in golden bowl
raise caterpillars
nigger achieve nothing under islam

8,000 year no change
still monkey

Abrahamic faiths have adapted and reformed, Islam remains the one constant variable

You are the kind of person that will lead your people to their own doom, mark my words, you completely fucking retarded stooge. Your best arguement is

>bu bu bu but muh other religions are ebul

Spare a thought for a moment that no one has gone out of their way to justify any others, Islam is the prominent evil in the world today

Look up the Pew research report about Muslims and they're ideological views, read up on sharia law, and then stop making muslim apologist threads

Nice arguement. Nothing I've posted here is wrong. Where is your information that proves it is?

So you think the aspects of sharia law that directly go against the laws of the country are fine to practice as long as they don't force it on you?

I agree that Islam has not reformed to modernity, but by saying it can reform you are openly saying I am write. I am only stating that it can be interpreted in both ways and instead of being interpreted in a proper way it has not evolved and has fallen into a very dark patch.

As long as it stays in their church I could not care less what they do.

thank you for the opinion 42% influx of newfag traffic.

I kinda like ISIS

>Read a fuckig book you media monkeys.

I have, it was called a history book.

It told me that Islam has been warring themselves and everybody else for over a thousand years to establish Islam as the dominant religion everywhere they conquer.

Thankfully this never happened thanks to their backwards worldview, and instead the West won, thus spurring technological innovation and free ideals the whole world over.

Sure, we aren't perfect. But you're fucking lying to yourself if you think the world would be better off if anyone else had won instead of us.

They kill people for daring to question the Quran. They cut the hands off of theives. If anyone leaves their cult they kill them. They beat their wives. Women cannot testify against their rapists and so much more.

This shit is against the law in your country and every civilised country. If you cant see why that's wrong and not okay "as long as it stays in their chuch" then you should probably consider sudoku my friend.

Muslims are another form of gibs they should not come here

No, you idiot. I am saying it cannot reform. There is verse that explicitly states it as the word of Allah, that it is incorrigible by it's very nature. It was not metaphorically, it was not spiritually, but it was LITERALLY the words of Allah dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel directly through the spoken word. You cannot retcon what is canon you fucking moron, that's like saying I can rewrite the laws of gravity or thermodynamics. I've seen things that would make you sleep for days but your bed would be empty, you virtue signalling pussy. You have zero academic understanding to be pundit or professor on how Islam operates and have not lived it like I have.

"one of the challenges for practitioners of any religion is wresteling with elements in their tradition that have been used to justify evil and then bending it to their will. many christians ignore the new testament passage that blame jews for the death of jesus. But because some christians have used these passages to justify hatred, persicution, and murder of the jews the challenge is to attend to these words with care and to drain them of anti semetic connections. SImilarly, the challenge for Muslims is to attend to passages in the Quran that extrimists have used to justify unjust killings. Many muslims are meeting this challenge. To suicide bombers, they point out that the Quran condems suicide uneqivaccly- (4:29) and to those who kill women or children or civillians they point out that the Quran condems mass murder (5:32) "- Stephan Prothero

By the way, if you site random blog posts on websites that get 5 clicks a day you really should kill yourself.

>Muh Allah

Fucking idiot. Read a book

What book? I've read the fucking Quran in the eastern classical Arabic language you incompetent ringworm, you and OP have no dick and are the reason the west is succumbing to ignorance by disguising it as altruism.

What a surprise OP has fucked off

It's a political system. All religions are political systems, Islam just happens to be one that encourages rape, murder and gibsmedat