Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Cause nobody cares

We are too tired to fight. You are the biggest meme country in the world. Everything about you is fake. People don't even hate you. They just laugh at you.

Said the tatar before he suicided for living in Bulgaria

What is going on in Lithuania?

Either mass depression or very skilled mafia hitmen I guess

I didn't even know Macedonia was a real country AD, tbqfh.

>tfw everything is going to shit but Greece still comfy

Aren't you guys just Greeks with heavier armor?

We wuz: the country

You are too lazy to kill yourself. Stay safe greekbro.
Genetically speaking they are bulgarians mixed with serbs and greeks. They are stealing the history of every balkan nation.

I dont mind or hate maketa. Most of them can be cool but you guys have a small and vocal minority of shizos who continue to cry WE WUZ.

Also Albanians. Also gypsies but everybody has some of those.

Every country is a modern creation (even those with longer histories like Greece) so I don't see the point of shitting on Macedonia.

The point is its like you are born in modern day Tunis as a tunisian and the next day you claim you are Phonecian descent. Hannibal was your ancestor.


1:45 "Mi smo deca na Aleksandara Makedonski"

2:03: "Ke gu vratimo drzavu, nema da gu vodiv Bugari vise"

this is my favorite alexander song

do you like it?

I like Kiril Dzajkovski compositions more


Because we need a slavomacedonia to oppose the turkomacedonia to the south.

The good part is that at some point there will be a civil war in Fyrom and fyromian blood shall be spilled.
Based albos will slit fyromian anticki throats. They may lose but there will be dead anticki serbomans which would be nice.

It's just a prank

Do you think the modern inhabitants of Greece are identical genetically to the Ancient Greeks? Pretty much every nation at one point in history had the original inhabitants expelled by another tribe. Modern British people probably have zero relation to the ancient Britons and are more related to the Germanic invaders.

Mass alcoholism and shit wages, corrupt government.

Sure they will


What are the chances of a partition to Albania and Bulgaria?

i am a direct descendant of Alexander the great bow down to me peasants.

>Modern British people probably have zero relation to the ancient Britons and are more related to the Germanic invaders.
I'd suggest you inform yourself because I've yet to meet someone who would claim such a thing.

However in the case of FYROM "Macedonians" they have been brainwashed to believe this crap.

To give you another example. Since you can obviously write and read I assume you cannot be a abbo. Ok, now since you are born in Australia (I assume) you identify as Straya. But since the indigenous population of your prison island are abbos you decide tomorrow to be a Abbo. Anyone who questions this is a filthy tatar.

Its like trans people in some aspect tbqh...

In theory possible. A little known fact is but Albania has made a official offer to partition FYROM. We simply havent agreed on this.

>To give you another example. Since you can obviously write and read I assume you cannot be a abbo. Ok, now since you are born in Australia (I assume) you identify as Straya. But since the indigenous population of your prison island are abbos you decide tomorrow to be a Abbo. Anyone who questions this is a filthy tatar.

What incomprehensible crap did I just read?


30-40% of Fyrom is albanian, the rest is serb.
Fyromian nationalists are first serb nationalist and after that "ancient macedons".

Fucking baltics. Lithuania highest on suicide, was rainbow coloured in abortions and Estonia was highest for HIV. What the fuck happened there?

>inb4 russians
Its been what 25 years? Surely the germonies have done some good.

Greater serbia when?

Please now

Serbs will save us from the Bulgarians

We just want to see you killed by the albozergs.
Don't really care what happens with the land anymore.

You have to go back

>this fucking makedonče

Is this true wtf? macedonia bros is this true?


>Greece still comfy

Not when merkel gets ousted it wont be
No more free rides on the old ladys money train


Thats nice i guess we should add macedonia to our ambitions

>literally not having even a slight clue about history of today's macedonia

i have you faggot but i always thought that they dont consider themself as serbs considering that bulgarian were forced to be serbs in kingdom and the fact that tito made a macedonian nationality.

>caring what macedonian peasants consider themselves

their entire territory was liberated by your army alone, if there's any clay rightfully yours, it's this one

You mean that fyrom is not in your ambitions atm?
Hell, it would be easier to annex БЮPM rather than Republika Srpska.
Think about that.


Serbs just swooped in from solun after all the fighting was done and bulgaria lost

>Modern British people probably have zero relation to the ancient Britons
Australians sure are uneducated and dumb. Genetic research shows that the majority of modern white British genes are directly from the original hunter-gatherer tribes who migrated to the isles 10 thousand years ago, with very little additional admixture from invading mainlanders. And this is a place with a history of invasions, so it's probably even more isolated in many other places in Europe.

Suck dick bitch. Mи чye cтaпoт зa зeмјaвa aли ми вpиe кpвтa aкo дoјдe дeнoт нa јaжeтo ќe кoлaм ce пo peд пpeдaвничкo oд нaјмлaдo дo нaјcтapo кaкo дeдo ми кoмyниcтoт.

whoa finland, your HAL cyborg eye is scary. u ok?

>Mи чye cтaпoт зa зeмјaвa


Only if we do it together.

This is just like the deal for Dobrogea.. On the one hand you get rightful clay, on the other you get a border with...

your genetic research is wrong
the most british people in britain are the welsh

Back in ye old BC years when the romans and whatnot came to invade, all the british people fucked off to wales and defended the area via gorilla warfare cause roman armies cannot into hills and valleys

The people of mainland UK are all germanic/romanic/scandanavian in descent cause the real "britons" are all welsh
