To be president, Obama had to be scholarly, intelligent, president of the Harvard Law Review...

>To be president, Obama had to be scholarly, intelligent, president of the Harvard Law Review, the product of some of our greatest educational institutions, capable of talking to two different worlds
>Donald Trump had to be rich and white. That was it. That’s the difference.

how exactly is he not right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's the croatposter

Notice how none of those things actually qualify Obama for the office.

8 years later and he's still unqualified for the job, desu

He is right in his head. The truth is that 99% of black people have a huge inferior complex and they can only look to life through the race-lens:

Something bad happened to me?
>It cuz I'm black
Something good happened to me?
>It cuz I'm black
Trump got elected?
>It cuz he white
Hillary got elected?
>It cuz she white
Obama got elected?
>It cuz he black

>Trump supporter arguing about presidential qualifications

What a typical nigger point of view

Obama got elected for being charming and having a nice smile. Explain what experience he had before the election, and also explain why he earned a Nobel Peace prize.

>not more qualified than Obama in 08

lol, post some more pictures of cucks, maybe it'll help your non-argument.

bretty sure the only requirements for US presidency are to be 35yo or over, as well as a natural born citizen.


>Moves to Canada to be led by a drama teacher

Hillary is rich and white, how come she didn't win?


Trump actaully had to work his way up in the world through grit and risk, watch his documentary on youtube. however, his daddy did bail him out a few times.

Obama was affimatily actioned all the way up through politics and never really did anything but be black and at the right place at the right time.

there are like 1,000,000 rich white people who desire control in the USA over the age of 35 and only one of them is president

If that were true, Romney would have won in 2012.

I don't think any comment is needed

No, to be President, they had to have the support of the people

That's it

Obama just had to be leftist and black (and also rich)

There were a lot of "rich and white" nominees so clearly that's it the deciding factor.

>posts picture of poor excuse for a wigger

Figures you'd like Obama. You're either an obese or emaciated weak white guy. People like you should be killed. :^)

Wasn't he a fresh face to politics to begin with anyway? Something like 3 years tenure as senator of Illinois and that was it, if I remember right?

That's kinda what helped him win as well, voters somehow believed an inexperienced politician would be better than a politician tainted by years of dealing with the washington machine. In the end it didn't fucking matter anyway because inexperience means relying on experienced staffers, something that is happening to Trump too as we speak. Just look at his forming cabinet.

Merit is worth more then education.

Donald Trump is succesful.

That speaks more then the finest educations the world can offer.

>Just look at his forming cabinet.
A bunch of businessmen and retired generals?

I sorry, was he running against Obama? Did Obama not win twice? Is Hillary also not rich and white?

Is this race-baiting faggot full of shit? Is this another fake news story?

>what is affirmative action
>people can't lose their wealth
I had a friend who studied law in germany and he gratuated top 35 percent. He added a law degree from Havard was on Partys all the time and ended up under top 10 percent.

He's only half right. He is purposely simplifying, and down talking Donald Trumps success to make it look like has done nothing of importance.
He's also flat out wrong about "All Trump had to be is rich"
Trump could have been rich, and just lived off the money his father left him. He would not have become President this way. People respect him for the empire he built
In order to build that empire Trump had to be scholarly, intelligent, lead thousands of people, make smart investments, understand when he made a bad investment, and when to pull out.
The list honestly goes on, and on.
This is a typical tactic to make somebody look bad. Hillary was doing it all through out the elction

You're kidding?...
Obama was a fucking Senator bruh the fuck are u talking about.
Regardless, the only qualifications are age, residency,and be a natural born citizen. All this talk about qualifications is fucking retarded.

Whenever something doesn't go niggers' way...



They're just making this shit up at this point kek

Its more that his opponents also had to be trash so i would support him for the bantz alone

>Obama was a fucking Senator bruh

For only three years.

Tell me, what exactly did he accomplish as a senator?

Priebus, Perry, sessions, Price, Chao ?

Gotta be honest, I haven't followed his cabinet nominations all that well, but I'm certain quite a few of them are members of the US political elite so many on Sup Forums loathe.

I'd actually be glad to be wrong.

I like it when they self-identify like that. Then I know which applications to throw away.

the idea that obama is scholarly and intelligent is a n OPINION.

liberals confuse their opinions with reality because they're the product of a 'you are special' upbringing where teachers abandoned red ink to grade tests because it was too aggressive.

Most people who inherit great amounts of money end up poor even, if we talk about white people. Many famous negros, who got rich by "singing" or playing sports ball, are poor after ten or twenty years, if their manager can't organize them enough advertising projects.

>>To be president, Obama had to be scholarly, intelligent, president of the Harvard Law Review, the product of some of our greatest educational institutions, capable of talking to two different worlds
Obama also had to have a sliver tongue.
He was excellent at lying.

To be President, Obama had to be 1 thing : Not Hillary Clinton.
To be President, Trump had to be 1 thing: Not Hillary Clinton.

>spend years studying and become president of the Harvard Law Review
>still remain a typical race-baiting dumb nigger
nigs are beyond help

Hmm I dont know... Maybe served his constituency in the fucking Senate????
Like I said it's besides the point, but while. Being a Senator and a business man are very distinct, serving public office in the US Senate is a lot more related to presidency and serving the public .
Not that hard, if you used a bit of logic and try not to be blinded by you're fanaticism.

>Young punk who never had a real job or a political job, who was notorious for being a pothead in College, is somehow more qualified than a business man with a resume that spans decades.

dat skull shape

>try not to be blinded by you're fanaticism

Pot, meet kettle.

He's damned if he does and damned if he don't. He would have gotten destroyed by the media if he had a cabinet full of outsiders too. Sessions was always getting a position from Day 1 and Priebus earned his spot desu senpai.

What you just typed makes you look like an idiot. i know for a fact you didn't go to Harvard Law, and FYI in order to get onto the law review you have to have the best grades in your graduating class. its not an opinion you dumb pleb. you could only hope to be a quarter of how intelligent Obama is.

Hilary is rich and white.

yes you're right, now what? on what moral premise is this wrong? because cotton built the industrial revolution? or muh 300k slaves built america?

>and be a natural born citizen
So, how Trump is not more qualified than Obama?

No, Obama had to be a pathological liar.


Yes you are right. both are, in the eyes of the constitution, equally qualified.

I don't blame him for trying to appease people left and right and center in order to start off his presidency with as little opposition as possible, I'm just saying he's not too dissimilar to Obama when it comes to relying on a team on experts to make up for his own lack of experience. Now what he does with it is entirely up to him, we'll have to see whether he falls into the same traps or not.

Hillary was rich and white she didnt win.

it's an opinion.

going to harvard law doesn't mean you're smart.

i'm sure that their students do represent a preponderance of smart people.

but, obamas actions preclude the possibility of him being intelligent. to say that obama is intelligent, is incompatible and contradictory with his actions and his words and his ideas.

so yes, saying that obama is intelligent IS very much an opinion.

Trump won the election fair and square based on the rules outlined prior to the election. There is zero evidence at this time that Russia aided him in doing it. Literally none. They made claims, a declaration of war by the way, while provided zero evidence is the same USIC that lied to your face about illegally spying on you, as well as being wrong about WMDs in Iraq. They want you to want to start a cyber war and impose sanctions on a foreign super power that has nationwide bomb shelters and runs mandatory nuclear fallout drills with its entire fucking population based on evidence they refuse to show you. Read that again and understand the stakes here. We need more evidence before making accusations and even then, shut up and take it.

The DHS was hacking state voter registries leading up to and on Nov 8th for reasons they have yet to share with the American public. We have hard evidence of that. We have more evidence of our own government meddling in our election than Russia.

The electoral college was created to balance the vote between urban populist centers that produce tons of groupthink votes, but zero resources and the sparsely populated rural and farming areas that produce all of the food and water those groupthink city votes consume. We are a Representative Republic for this reason, not a Democracy.

The media is doing you all a disservice by even IMPLYING that Trump might not take office after winning a fair and honest election. They lied repeatedly leading up to the election about his chances of winning and now they continue to lie because they know their credibility is non-existent and they are desperate to get a Democrat in the Whitehouse.

Lastly, liberalism has been rejected by Americans everywhere outside of city centers and the final nail in the coffin was delivered a month ago, not 4 days from now. Democrats haven't held so little power at the federal, state and local level in a century. There is a message there for those who choose to see it.

But Obama wasn't and didn't get promoted for any of those reasons, though. He was picked because he's the son of a CIA agent and their golden boy groomed to push globalist agenda and weaken the USA.

The CIA is throwing a tantrum of massive proportions because I assume they don't own Trump like they did the Bushes, Clintons and Obama.

Hillary Clinton is rich and white too

Illinois here Obama didnt do shit as a senator he went right in to preparing to run for president. Most of the three years he was fully running and before that he was half in.

>to be president Obama had to be black

but she has a vagina therefore your argument is invalid tbhfam

10/10 post

Literally installed as a senator, accomplished nothing, then used it as a foundation for a presidential campaign and he was installed in the WH.

The Head Nigger was elected in '08 based solely on the color of his skin and you know this is true.

"Barry Soetoro" would have been lucky to get into Honolulu Community College if he had been white.

Just goes to show how elitist and identity obsessed the Democrats are. Trump being white had nothing to do with it. Trump was the only one going against the establishment. That's why he won.



>1post by this ID
CTR changed their balkan proxy from Serbia to Croatia now?

So Clinton is a person of color and poor?

How many people voted for Obama because he was black?

I remember that shit back in 2008 (9th grade) VERY CLEARLY - Growing up in the Ghettos of West Philly.

All I saw was other niggas singing about he'd be the "first black president" The entire fucking Hiphop Genre music jumped on his dick so fucking hard, every faggot born or dead in the last century felt the shockwave. And i know this isnt BS, even The Boondocks made fun of it.

Nobody knew what he was about cept for: "he black and against the war". that was it. so with that favoritism due to race in mind:

How was Obama not elected thanks almost entirely to racism?

>community organizer
>college professor
>IL state senator for 7 years
>US Senate for 3 years

No executive experience ever.

You're the one who practically has "idiot" plastered on your forehead

Black man gets praised for being educated...

Educated white man is not educated.. You racist.

>The electoral college was created to balance the vote between urban populist centers that produce tons of groupthink votes, but zero resources and the sparsely populated rural and farming areas that produce all of the food and water those groupthink city votes consume. We are a Representative Republic for this reason, not a Democracy.

No it wasn't, how does this retarded meme get spread anyway? The ECwas created to prevent exactly this kind of populist for taking office, ironically it worked in his favor. It has absolutely nothing to do with rural vs Urban the concept and divide didn't even exist.

Also the rural states take in more Federal dollars then they ever produce. So this whole "muh farmers"/production is a load of horseshit. Unless you count meth & hookers as something worth producing in states like West Virginia or Alabama.

this whole discussuion is so retarded, I mean if america is so racist, why did obama win the elections twice?

And in eight years, Obama:

>bailed out Wall Street while ignoring the American working class
>expanded Bush's """"War on Terror""""
>renewed the Patriot Act
>continued and expanded NSA mass surveillance program
>destabilized several Middle Eastern countries and supported coups in both hemispheres
>created the single largest humanitarian crisis and largest human migration since World War II
>essentially precipitated Cold War 2: Electric Boogaloo
>kept federal marijuana criminalization intact even while states are legalizing it
>repressed more whistleblowers than any other US president
>when he had control of the Congress and support in the Senate, he only used this opportunity to pass an historic healthcare reform which caused insurance companies to post record profits
>basically gave Trump the presidency due to two terms of all the above
>won the Nobel Peace Prize

Any questions?

>" prevent this kind of populist"

> the most populated locations are liberal septic tanks and voted against him

CTR, forever BTFO!!

pretty catchy 2bh. adding to my workout

>West Philly.
born and raised?

They will just say that obama caused all the racists to mobilize and vote for trump. You cant argue with these people.

>Regardless, the only qualifications are age, residency,and be a natural born citizen. All this talk about qualifications is fucking retarded.
I agree. Trump is fully qualified.

>he black and against the war

Except he really was for the war, and even during the Democratic primary debates he said he would unilaterally strike Pakistan if necessary.

yes, actually. the nigga from Philly born and raised in the ghetto. Lives around "Hoteps" (the reverse of you guys, black nationalists)

Pretty fun to talk to people.

All the more hilarious (sad, but hillarious) in hindsight.

also, lets not forget 2 mass shootings per year under his cabinet. not exactly related to him, but his 8 year run has been anything BUT peaceful

I recommend you watch the whole episode.
S3E1: "It's a Black President, Huey Freeman"

it's pretty much black people during the 2008 election almost as accurately as possible, as narrated by a very funny European guy. My attitude during the entire thing was Huey's...


if the u.s was so racist then how did Obama win against two white fucking males??

why isn't this nigger not pointing the finger at the DNC which is primarily made up of old white people. they ain't racist?? they ain't keeping the POC in check just giving them enough power but not too much.

>dollars dollars dollars dollars

You can't eat a dollar.

oh wow, what'd you guys graduate from trump university lmfao

>implying every president since non-land owning whites got the vote hasn't been a populist.

not an argument. i bet that you think if you call us racists, you might win the 2016 presidential election, too. smart plan!

You ever seen the "What is Socialism" posters all over the fucking place around 50th and Baltimore?

I'm scholarly and intelligent, when is it my turn to become POTUS?

Nahh, I dont go around there. but ive seen one or two downtown around Broad

>Maybe served his constituency in the fucking Senate????
By voting "present" 99% of the time. Wow, such service and dedication to the people. Please fuck off base to plebbit you insufferable minion.

And Trump served his country by providing actual jobs and wealth to this nation which that dumb nigger didn't do when he was in senate. Obama was only elected because he was a nigger, he had no desernable qualities other than he didn't act like a typical nigger

Obama + Putin = Eminem?

thanks, I will

Obama had to read off a teleprompter, promise hope and change, and be half black. In the end he did poorly for black communities, was extremely divisive, and through his foreign policy postured up large terrorist organizations.

If you're wondering why Trump could get elected, look no further than Obama. Trump would not have gotten elected in any other year, even as a supporter I believe this. It took Obama's administration to disenfranchise a large chunk of the population, who were promised hope and change, and got a status quo candidate who drove racial divides in the country, and who created distrust in the police with his rhetoric. All the while, he was protecting Muslims who committed terrorist acts by not calling them Islamic terrorists, and at the same time would take said terror attacks and use them to promote his anti-gun agenda and blame Americans for our second amendment right causing it.

So for black people saying it's not fair, your President, your savior, made this happen by being a well spoken, scholarly, intelligent fucking dick weasel and a gigantic fucking scumbag.

Deal with it.

I dont know if i entirely agree with him on this issue but the world needs more Te-Nehisi Cotes. Man is extremely intelligent, well spoken, and grounded. his writing is fucking superb.

when it comes to this guy attack the message not the man.

Obama coasted through life on affirmative action and nobody will convince me otherwise.

Kek, except Obama was none of those things. Trump is a shit choice but so was Obama so don't sit there feeling superior. Also I wouldn't bring education up because trump has a much stronger education than Obama, he went to some of the best schools in the nation.

Face it, voting for Obama set the ground work for trump so Democrats have no right to bitch about Trump's dumbass winning. It's getting to the point where I'm glad trump won

>Obama had to speak gud to appeal to stuck-up white liberals to get them to turn out
>Trump could just stand up on stage and shoot the shit to appeal to white conservatives that like a straight-talker


in the sage words of HP Lovecraft

"When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger."

Obama won because of white guilt but guilt doesn't last forever =)

He didn't have to be any of those things. He only had to be half black

He's a moronic race baiter like everyone else.