
Why did they ruin America? All the current problems that "lazy millennials" whine about were caused by boomers

That picture is not of a boomer, but of a Gen X'er.

>Vietnam Hell no we won't go
>Iraq wohoo protect American freedom




I think that boomers honestly wanted the world to be comfy for their children but forgot that comfyness breads contention and passivity.

>Most privileged generation in human history
>Capacity for empathy burned out by drugs
>Hates all "religion" except for their sensuality cash religion
>No sense of history
>Culture to them is Elvis Presley and drive in's
>Worships "work" and "struggle" but know nothing about either
>Completely out of touch with reality

>Uhhh check your bootstraps and pull yourself up, lazy kid

Boomer detected

I'm saying that's what they would've said

>five figures.

you can thank the boomers for the government backed student loan machine aswell.

Should probably blame gen X for pushing the college meme as well. If every retard with a 2.2 GPA and no idea for a career didn't take out a student loan for useless credits, the loans wouldn't be this inflated.

Our government is literally handing out trade school supplies because our trade sector is completely fucked. My neighbor cleared 140k as a plumber because he was working so much overtime. I don't think he took a day off for like 2 months.
>inb4 hurr only retards go into trades

they wanted comfy for everyone, but when it came time to share they kept it to themselves. and insist that as long as everyone "pays their way" then they can have comfy too, if they reach it before the cut-off date, which also happens to be their generations current age ironically.

not every college is a community college.
and a four year degree can reach that price easily. and in the 2000's loans for $10'000+ were given out regardless of degree or profitability prospects. That's how we got masters degree's in women's studies and social sciences.

Our colleges are cheaper and its still not hard to rack up 6 figures. I tried paying my own way through school since I got a well paying job(for an 18 year old) after high school but fuck me, you can't do that anymore. Either you gotta take it in the ass from the banks or you gotta just find an alternate career path.


My Boomer Mom was bitching because she expects Trump to cut her Social Security and she needs it because she pissed away the money my Grandmother left her.

I laughed, "guess the free ride is finally over for your generation"

She was not pleased.

Seriously. That's what pisses me off the most
>everyone MUST go to college there's NO ALTERNATIVE
>oh well take out loans to pay for it
>oh the gov is providing the loans? Shit we can raise tuition since it'll always be paid

Kek btfo

Or you know get a degree in something besides under water basket weaving if you're spend that much on college.

nah, dude.
I went to trade school as well, currently a manager at a convention center.
Took me 6 months and $0 to get the certificate that 2 years and 10k promised, and failed to deliver on.

But the Gen-x "gotta go to cooleg 'n stay in school" meme really tore a lot of places to shit. My cousin has the same qualifications as me, but since she went to college as a full-time student, she stayed out of the work place for so long that nobody would hire her. Now she works in home-depot selling appliances and tries to give me shit for putting 1/4th the effort and none of the capital into getting a better position than her.

Honestly, if I hadn't been working the last couple years I'd probably still be trying to finish school, and racking up more debt. It's been a bitch just getting it down to 5k and the second half is putting up a fight with all the new IRS bullshit I have to deal with.

yep, my parents even convinced me to open a credit card when I was 18 to "build my credit" and that $300 limit quickly became a $500 recurring pain in the ass and a $700 closing fee thank to late charges.

What state are you in?

degrees don't help you earn money until after you've racked up the debt.

>720 ▶
> (You)
>What state are you in?
Washington. Home of the hipster millennial coffee drinker and retired boomer/ex wanna be rockstars

Amricants, i must ask. Why does nobody go for a trade like welding and construcion, they usually have lots of jobs and decent pay.
t. eesti

Propaganda has persuaded people into thinking that only untalented and stupid people do manual labor jobs. The college meme has ruined America.

So its sounds like our ''you must go IT to succeed' lifestyle

pretty much, my younger brother is a genius with a welder, there isn't anything he can't build just by sight and imagination and it's perfect

still gets shamed for being blue collar by our shitty mother

I wanted to go military and holy shit did i get shamed by my classmates, teachers and my mom for it, then i rekt my knee so i can only be a weekend warrior. im unhappy and my is happy, fucking fun is my life

my mom is happy*

feels, wanted to go navy out of HS and was shamed by my family, regret it a lot

Can millennials stop whining about being called lazy?

we have quite a few who do, and those people are usually never the kind who complain, especially since their fields are starving for newer, younger people.

The problem is like has said.
These people are shamed for "using their hands to work and not their heads"

similar happened to me, though I fell for the "re-enilist after X months" gambit. I got discharged for getting sick a few weeks into training (my PO thought it was a good idea to put the 130lb guy on a diet) and since I was otherwise healthy after eating actual food, it was decided that I was a mental case and was sent packing.

can boomers stop pretending they aren't?

Unless you can realistically foresee yourself getting a job where you can afford a $500 a month loan payment on top of cost of living don't go into debt for a degree. It's stupid to go into debt for something that only makes your pay slightly better than a guy that works in a factory.

and you actually made a good point with your get! i'll spare you the rake

So they ruined your country by having a good and productive life?


The debt accumulation is probably the worst thing the Boomers have done. Since the Boomers took power in the US in 1992 (when Bill Clinton won the presidency), three Boomer presidents in a row have brought the national debt up to 100% of GDP.

Even someone like Bush who ran as a "fiscal conservative" who wanted to "eliminate the debt by 2011" turned out to be a fucking lying Boomer whose programs like Medicare Part D doubled the debt during his term.

The Boomers were handed so much by their own elders, and will be leaving behind so little. Just like a locust swarm.

Why did they censor that kid's shirt? The dumb dindu couldn't wear a socially acceptable shirt for ONE FUCKING HOUR to get a photo taken with the President of the United States of America?

What the fuck?

To be fair, you can just go to a state school and pay $20k-50k less for the same thing.

Plus if you do public you can get incone based repayment. I currently pay ~10% of my income which is about $0.00

>waaaaaa! I took out loans that I can't afford to get a degree in unmarketable shit at the most expensive school in the country, and it's all your fault!

he did want to privatize social security

the issue here is that every schmo and his dog has a degree in the same thing. and when most employers see a degree from a community college it goes straight into the trash.

spoken like someone on welfare

Individuals have made bad decisions with loans, but it's a systemic problem now. Like it or not. The US student loan bubble is around $1.3 trillion and rising, and is made worse by student-loan asset backed securities (SLABS), which have similarities to the "exotic derivatives" that helped fuel the 2008 financial crisis.

So even if you have no loans, if you're in the US, you're going to have to deal with the consequences of other people's loans.

His plan was terrible. Remember, he was pushing that plan in 2005, three years before the financial crisis.

It would have been a massive disaster if his plan had actually been implemented.

But it was so unpopular that even his own political party told him to fuck off.

That's why the best fields currently tend to be (brace yourselves) "the tech industry."

Because programming, design, etc. is the trade of the 21st century that everyone who wants a white collar job needs to know.

You get your Bachelor's and learn relevant programming or networking. Hell being good with databases will give you such a leg up.

I've seen engineering students get passed up for meme degrees because the other people knew programming and enough about physics and math.

Not everyone wants to die from lung cancer at 30 and construction in most parts of the US means you're unemployed for 6 months of the year and working in 100 degree weather the rest of the time.

That's fine for people with adequate IQs to do so. But most people are average. Any economic advice that implicitly begins with "first, have an IQ a standard deviation or more above the norm" isn't going to be workable for most people.

Don't get salty, champ.

Oh totally. I'm describing the ideal. I'd be preaching to the choir if I said that not everyone should go to college and trades are equally as valuable as professional jobs in many cases.

The real bitch here is high school. It's almost impossible to come out level headed because the herd is going to college at the request of every person of authority. You're so young you just go with it because why would every teacher, administrator, and counselor send you to your doom?

>That's why the best fields currently tend to be (brace yourselves) "the tech industry."
and that's where you're wrong, those fields do have a tendency to pay more, but that's only because the cost of training is so high in the first place, it's like saying a phd is the best degree since you CAN make the most money off of it, but won't necessarily. the fact is that most people in the "tech industry" make minimum wage, or even less. that's with $1000+ certifications and 4 year degrees too.

Swing by Seattle sometime and see how well those tech start-ups are doing.

the "best" field is whatever is currently growing in your area, I don't know if you got the memo, but the tech bubble popped about 4 years ago, thanks to over saturation and market decline. we might get another one around 2020, but don't hold your breath.

this is true, but I think IQ is the wrong way to word it, I prefer the Human metrics tests, certain thinkers are better at mechanical design and others are good for artistic rendering etc. like intj or estp.

What the hell is going to happen when this bubble pops? Another massive depression? Will that be what finishes off the petrodollar?

What sort of cuck government makes you go through banks for education loans.

At least we only have to pay the inflation rate on our loan and a course at world top 50 unis will only run you 30-50k

A statist government in collusion with the financial sector.

That's why I put it in quotes.

It's not the traditional tech industry. "Tech skills" paired with a degree means that you have a high chance of employment.

For instance, there are a lot of biolabs right now who need people who can amanage databses (gene sequencing). For the actual research you probably have to compete with 30 phd holders, but for that one position you see little competition.

The same holds true in finance, actuary crap, marketing, engineering, virtually everything that is considered white collar.

Hell, if you can handle a network you could probably go down to your city's main office and get hired then and there.

This is what stem should be about.

Instead it's blindly picking a science major and hoping for a miracle.

>>Culture to them is Elvis Presley and drive in's
drive in's were the bomb, you can talk shit about the movie and do basically w/e you want without annoying others

Honestly millennials are the most cucked generation. Lazy, entitled, co-dependent, and disloyal. The whole reason MAGA resonated with the normies is because they wanted to turn back the clock to a time before millennial faggots roamed the earth shitting up everything they gazed upon.

There are a few of them that are Johnny on the fucking spot, but the rest of them should be exchanged for the drug dealer niggers we locked up in the 90s. At least they had some sort of initiative to go out and work.

They're also just mentally weak. Putin and Trump literally just took a shit on their stomachs and they thanked them for it.

I believe the newspeak term for it is computer-science degree now.

teaching these kids that an A+ degree is enough to earn them 60k+ a year.

The database thing I can agree on, most don't go for it since it's not that glamorous and movies like Big made it seem like a literal hell to work in.

Networking I can't quite agree on, unless you have your own private contracting company then finding a networking gig is getting pretty hard lately, though that may just be where I live.

But I also feel like, a lot of jobs that were once white-collar are now being bumped down to blue-collar because the tech and information is being more integrated into our daily lives.

It definitely depends on location but if you live in a moderate to large metropolitan area with low college grad rates networking can be a godsend because there's still demand for it even if all other jobs are blue collar and retail.

Information has become just another utility so now there's always demand for it.

Now let me clarify, I'm not saying this guarantees you a great salary and everything. You'll still need to work your way up, but at least you'll have a path forward.

I think people fail to realize that most of the annoying and vocal crowd of the tumblr and 3rd wave feminist movement are gen zed.

People keep calling these 16 and 18 year olds millenials but a millenial is someone between 20 and 31 years old, give or take a year. Basically, if you were under 18 when or are old enough to remember when y2k happened you're a millenial.

I'll concede that the a large number of the most influential people in these groups are definitely millennials, but a lot them are also gen-x.