/pp/ — Portuguese Politics General "Mário Soares will die soon" edition

Time for another Portuguese Politics thread! As always, Brits, Spaniards and Brazilians are VIP. Let's share dank colonial memes, rare Salazares, post qt. Portuguese girls and celebrate Mário Soares imminent death.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=mwu8vP-or5I

Other urls found in this thread:


How's your Communist backed government working out for you?

It's bad Hans, it's fucking bad. Send help ASAP.

We really have to stop with the republican flag posting.

Anyway, waiting for the military coup.

If you'd like I can change the flag. I always post this flag because it catches immediate attention of every Portuguese poster on the catalog at the time. I'm much more of a monarchist/neo-reactionary to be honest.

>tfw no coup

bump with sexy Salazar

Mário Soares will die soon
praise kek

Esse pais precisa de uma limpeza do caracas. Eu tenho o feelig qu Portugal nao vai durar os proximos 100 anos, e isso parte-me o coracao.

Reminder that Mário Soares will just devour another heart and he'll be fine once again.

No country in Western Europe will last another 100 years. At least not in the way we see them. The only countries that might survive will either go full fash or severly anti-democratic (a good thing).

I don't agree that they it is good to go with "traditional" government designs, we have to restructure portuguese society and impose national values to every citizen, you either agree with us or you btfo; That could cause problems at an international level, but we have to save Portugal somehow. A new political system would have to be put in place along side with a good social education to prevent stupid shit that globalization causes. and economics.... we're fucked with taking care of that with 11 million people alone...




tal como eu disse...



pic related: political stances of young politicians in Portugal
Look at fucking JS





All Europe needs is to go back to absolute monarchy, abolish all state institutions and constitutions, and the domino pieces will fall by themselves.

Absolutely disgusting.



Até mete nojo


why do you irrelevant, dumb niggers of europe keep doing this threads. you don't even discuss anything relevant. you just spew bad regressive shit and muh empire from 4 centuries back
fuck off to /int fags

That is too rudimentar, it no longer a technologically fit society, we need something else with a backup "anchor" system; a double government system where both parts have to agree before a move is done and if one side goes too far, the other can restrain it.


Why isn't a monarchy a technologically fit society? What has technology done today that prevents the King from ruling?

I don't know, there is nothing to talk about. Our government was overrun by a leftist coup which I still don't understand how the fuck was legal, and we will do whatever Europe tells us to do. The end. Wake me up when we have an actual ring wing party.

fucking leaf

that's metal

By the way guys I was looking for a new book to read and came about pic related about O Independente. Is it worth it?

Tenho a pila tesa , alguém esta interessado em sentar no meu mangalho ?

It has to do with the impracticality of a small group of people keeping track of a society and its advances both socialy and technologically, it has nothing to do with being against monarchism, I actually think that the least amount of people there are in power, within certain mental parameters, the better.

The reason for monarchy is precisely because the King will not want to keep tabs on everyone at all time, unlike what's happened with democracy. I get what your're saying, but I don't think a two-organ state like you mentioned would work. It could still be corrupted. A monarchy is safer.

There's an ultranationalist subreddit called QuintoImperio for those of you who're interested

>Absolute Monarchy

A monarchy is only as good as its monarchs, that is extremely dangerous, maybe the "monarch" of Portugal could be the person that scores the highest in an extremely hard set of exams that cover all rage of subjects? maybe that's the way? we need a cunning leader, after I finish my university in London I'll go back there and see if I can help the country.

You called?

Read this text from Eça describing our "democracy" in the late 19th century

Some gems:
"Este mês, quando os cravos abriam, as Câmaras fecharam. Fecharam, isto é, foram expulsas!" (câmaras são parlamentos e foram expulsas pelo rei; o Eça está a implicar que é demasiado comum o rei dissolvê-las)

"Quando uma Câmara se fecha, o Governo nomeia outra. Nomeia - porque uma Câmara não é eleita pelo povo, é nomeada pelo Governo. O deputado é um empregado de confiança. Somente a sua nomeação não é feita por um decreto nitidamente impresso no Diário do Governo: o processo dessa nomeação é mais complicado e moroso. É por meio de votos, os quais são tiras de papel, onde está escrito um nome, e que se deitam num domingo, numa igreja, dentro de umas caixas de pau, que se chamam roman-ticamente urnas. Uns homens graves, de camisas lavadas, estão em roda da urna. Estes homens chamam-se a mesa. São eles que, com gesto cívico e cheios do espírito das instituições, metem gravemente o papelinho branco (o voto!) na caixinha (a urna!)."


How to buy votes, from pt.wikisource.org/wiki/Uma_Campanha_Alegre/I/VIII

"Esses meios são:

1º A compra pura e simples. Regateia-se o voto: 500, 1$000, 1$500 réis. Há-os de meia libra, mas são raros.

2º A pressão. E o mais eficaz. A pressão é uma arma geral, simples, acessível a todos. O proprietário exerce pressão sobre os rendeiros, que exercem pressão sobre os trabalhadores. Nos centros de distrito ou de concelho a autoridade superior exerce pressão sobre todos os empregados do governo civil, da administração, da repartição de fazenda, da repartição de obras públicas, do liceu, da câmara, etc. Os coronéis exercem pressão sobre os oficiais - com ameaça de participação para a secretaria da guerra, de destacamento para longe, de mudanças de corpo com despesas, etc.

3º A ameaça. A ameaça é mais especialmente feita pelo regedor na sua freguesia.

O regedor dirige-se ao eleitor e verte-lhe esta honesta eloquência:

— Tu tens um filho de 20 anos. Está para entrar no recrutamento. Se votas no

Governo livro-te o filho. Se não, tens o filho com a farda às costas.

Ou então:

— Tu sabes que tua filha tem aí um namoro. Se não votares com o Governo, a tua filha será chamada à presença da autoridade, e tens a vergonha em casa

Ou quando não:

— Tu andas colectado em 10. Se votares com o Governo, arranjo-te a que o sejas apenas em 9. Se votas contra, tens para o ano no cachaço 16 ou 17.

E aqui está como o Governo arranja votos - por cabeça."

"Logo que o Governo possui completa a sua lista, comunica-a aos governadores civis. Começa aqui o que se chama o trabalhinho das autoridades. O governador civil chama particularmente cada administrador de concelho, e troca com ele estes nobres dizeres:

— Pelo seu círculo o Governo propõe Fulano. Compromete-se a fazê-lo vencer?

— Farei as diligencias...

— Nada de palavras equívocas. Ou a eleição certa para o Governo, ou a demissão certa para si. De resto peça, intrigue, compre, ameace, maltrate. Isso é consigo... O que nós queremos é que o Governo vença!

O administrador tem senpaiília, vive daquele escasso rendimento, quer seguir a carreira administrativa, sente o seu interesse que o insta, e cede a S. Exª.

— Pois bem - diz - respondo por tudo... Mas tenho exigências.

— Venham elas.

— E necessário que seja demitido o reitor do liceu, que é todo oposição

— Tomo nota.

— Que seja transferido o escrivão de fazenda. Coitado, grande transtorno lhe vai fazer! Mulher e quatro filhos. A mulher é da vila... Mas enfim

— Está claro, para a frente!...

— Além disso preciso uns 300$000 réis para a freguesia de tal, que está muito trabalhada pela oposição

— Conte com eles.

— Precisava também de tropa...

— Com todo o gosto. Trabalhar, meu amigo, trabalhar! Esta nossa vida administrativa é o demónio! Mas, que diabo, alguma coisa se há-de comer! Adeus.

E cada administrador vai trabalhar para o seu círculo.

Honesto sistema!"

>"os nossos governantes são uns ladrões!"
>*vota no PS*

O Português consegue ser uma criatura incrivelmente estúpida de vez em quando

Fuck off mario

lol, como se tivesses escolha.

You mean an elective monarchy? Could be, but then we're removing all the Godly part of it (the monarch is supposed to be the epitome of God on Earth, and his divine power to rule over the Kingdom is justified by this). I think an absolute monarchy would work. The monarch has many more reasons to not fuck up (lower time preference; heritability of power; the sole culprit for any fuck-ups; power rests on a much closer "social contract" with the populace; clear distinction between the ruler and the ruled, etc.)

A democratic caretaker does not have these reasons to not fuck up. In fact, more social problems are what drive democratic caretakers, since they are excuses for more property expropriations, higher taxation, more (popular) social programs and more public spending.

Democracy corrupts everything it touches. A monarchy does not.

Quando é que saimos à rua e começamos a limpar esta merda toda?

Fuck off leaf, don't talk to our greatest Ally like that.

>Canadia calling other countries irrelevant

I am an atheist bro, I am much more inclined on science and reasoning than just human feelings. but right now im interested in fixing our country, so whatever is needed to be done should be done. The worst point of a monarchy is that it passes down a bloodline, even if they are idiots with no expirience; I agree on a good distinction betwee who's in charge and his followers, but respect for life and individuals can be quickly detiorated by this way of thinking. Democracy is cancerous because it's as dumb as its population...
We need a bridge between both, just like a compound material that mixes the best of both worlds.

este país é uma miséria e toda a gente sabe

The portuguese should be sages that bring knowledge, we don't need just warriors anymore.

Isto normalmente é culpa da classe dos psiquiatras, não das pessoas.

Monarchies can be democracies (?)

What does feelings have to do with being an atheist or not?
Also, overreliance on rational frameworks to devise a society is what the radicals in the 19th century tried to do against the status quo, both on the right and on the left. This is done in opposition with tradition, which is the accumulated knowledge of a culture, and organic and gradual evolution of beliefs, norms and practices.

Espero que um dia a gente enforque todos os políticos do Bloco, PS, etc. enquanto o Dom Duarte Pio de Bragança é coroado Rei de Portugal ao som de Mozart na Ala dos Namorados.

In that case you want an autocracy or despotim. I dunno, I'm an atheist myself but have always been inclined towards monarchy. Especially after reading many books on the topic (Hoppe's Democracy, Beyond Democracy by Frank Karsten, Peace and War by Guglielmo Ferrero, etc.) I have been strongly inclined toward it.

I think the second-best solution would be some form of covenant system where each group of interests fucks off to a land and we all segregate voluntarily.

What's your plan then? You're gonna debate niggers and shitskins to death? Foda-se mano, guerreiros é o que mais precisamos. Saio de casa só vejo brancos conas..

There is a meme around of elective monarchies. Essentially the plebeians are allowed to vote for a monarch democratically. This would honestly be a nightmare. Imagine a monarch who had to rise to power by appealing to people's emotions (more equality, more justice, more programs for the poor!) in order to get into "office." It would be an unmitigated disaster or epic proportions. There would be constant revolutions since the monarch would realize that monarchies are specifically meant to restrain the state's encroachment into private life and private property.

That fucking traitor won't go away...our politicians are complete corrupts...Masonic rule the country...WE ARE FUCKED only a group of heros could save us Portuguese...

Volta D. Sebastião!

Monarchy, with the monarch being the head of state, AND of government prevents all kinds of shit, regular on a Republic or Constitutional Monarchies.

The godly argument wouldn't be necessary at all. This type of governance is just superior to a Republic, any kind. Or to types of Monarchy where the monarch is not the head of government.

We could waste our time discussing 19th century knowledge compared to today's knowledge, but im not really informed about that, I can say that if it was properly done it would've worked better. and being religious has a direct connection with emotional stability for the vast majority. obviously atheists have feelins too "duh", we are humans afterall.

Mozart? Temos músicos portugueses...

bump /r/QuintoImperio

come and take a look at least. we all need a place where nationalists can get together

we currently have too diferent massonic factions fighting eachother ffs

No. Spain is both a monarchy and a democracy. Portugal is a "democracy" since the 1820s

Sim, isto soa muito bem também.

if there was a reliable way to stop idiots from inheriting the throne I'd be all for Absolute Monarchy

>se passares do tracinho chamam-te fascista joãozinho
Graças a deus aqui no baixo-alentejo os comunas são da velha guarda, e o nacionalismo está a crescer.

kek please give us a military coup

And both are totally dysfunctional. No point in having a monarchy if the King is not the absolute ruler. Might as well have one of the so-called Republics, which are totally gay.

>mfw I just realised April 25th Revolution was a Commie revolution and was about the same time the Commies tried it on in Ireland and this was all just before the formation of the original EU

Really stimulated my grey matter

The (non) argument from emotion can be applied both to atheists and non-atheists. In fact, in the past denying God was a way for people to rationalize their fear of him.
Also, drop the whig history bullshit. Science and technology is literally the only thing that is better today than in the past. But religion is not in the domain of science but philosophy and, more specifically, metaphysics. On this regard, we are much, much worse, as the public debates on these topics are simply atrocious.

I say we go for a real Ultranationalist Meritocracy, with a 90% inheritance tax for rich people, as well as other mechanisms that impede corruption and lobbying

Portuguese people: stop being so leftist, please

>what is Afonso VI

>inheritance tax

The inheritance of wealth is one of the key factors in the desire to have a family (a traditional, white heterosexual family mind you). If we were to have this ultra-nationalist monarchy we want, we would have to do a complete demolition of the welfare state and abolish all public institutions which effectively make people's time preference rise and dilutes the inter-generational kinship relations between family members.

You're walking with your girlfriend and this guy slaps her ass, what do?

Well, there is a lot to discuss here, but first.
Science and "scientists" are "new words" the original word for it was "natural philosophers", meaning philosophers that studied the nature of things, which puts science directly into the hearth of the matter.
Now that science is global we can use the great minds that it creates to help fixing problems.
Human emotions are more or less the same, agreed, after all the Hardware is "the same".
and to the "denying god", I never denied him out of fear really, why should you fear him in the first place? I denied him out of disgust, which is completely different.
If a person believes in god to maintain himself alive, then I will support him, I still think they lack discipline tho...
So... how do we fix portugal really?

turn 360º and take Angola

Hail hitler.
and then run off with an american dude.

Thank you greatest Ally

offer him my ass as well

>>The inheritance of wealth is one of the key factors in the desire to have a family (a traditional, white heterosexual family mind you).

That's why I said 90%. Do you want to spoil your children that much? Don't give him everything you worked for, give it to your Volk. Don't you prefer to look at your Volk as a greater family? Teach your children to do the same. Eu, como Nacionalista, é isso que faria e gostaria de ver todos os Portugueses a fazê-lo

Isto e o que portugal precisa.

Hoppeposter queria pedir desculpa por te ter insultado há umas semanas por estares sempre a postar Hoppe. Estive a ler umas coisas e o gajo até é baseado.


Enganei-me com esta merda, procura um post acima deste.

btw you should come to QuintoImperio and debate people about that

Correct answer.

>Implying based Salazar likes paneleiros

>French whores who cuck the king for his brother are a reliable way to stop incompetent kings

>implying you don't want senpai Salazar to slap your ass

Science has become corrupted just as public institutions have. Don't forget that it is (((scientists))) pushing for the global warming agenda, which is effectively a VERY CONVENIENT way of expropriating property and raising taxes on everyone. Scientists and the new public intellectual class are the new cleric, they corrupt everything and are effectively providing the "intellectual" arguments for democracy.

90% is too much. You don't want to work your entire life and then have 90% of what you left to your kids be expropriated by the state and redistributed to some low life degenerate. Eliminating the welfare state and adopting a strict absolute private property policy (that is discriminatory, exclusive, unequal) would put every person on their toes to be a decent human being and not some drunkard, burping failure in front of other people.

Trust me, I envision what you described perfectly but I can assure you that allowing any form whatsoever of wealth confiscation or redistribution (other than the one necessary to maintain the monarch's rule of law - military expenditures, border patrolling, policemen, etc.) is entirely counterproductive.

Desculpas aceitas. Não levo a mal.

Eu nao carrego odio a negros ou brazileiros ou a malta puramente baseado na cor da pele, eu odeio gente etupida, e se eles forem niggeres ou por ai a fora, ja e de se esperar. nos nao precisamos de debater com esta malta, nos precisamos de por um plano em pratica rapidamente e com um punho de ferro, que se foda os lefties e o resto que ladre mas que nao diga nada de jeito. Percebes a ideia? Disciplina e o que a nacao precisa. e dinheiro

Já estou no /r/QuintoImperio caralho.

Mas tem merdas de kikes a mais

Que tipo de autismo é este?

I'm 1/4 portuguese, can I post itt?

belo argumento.



stay in your mongrel land, mongrel

>argumentar com uma pessoa que defende voltar a uma monarquia absoluta

Well, the royal family has to take care of that. It's not that hard ffs. You are a leader of a company. You have children, when you die, or not in condition to rule, you'll pass the leadership to the best qualified child. And reminder, that the princes are educated since birth to be monarchs in the way Kings (for example) see fit.

You are sterile? Since young you have to make sure you aren't, and if you are, you have to get a solution.
Younger brother, nephew or whatever.

Anyway, in this era, the probabilities of succession crisis are pretty small, because medicine and more knowledge in general.

Overall I don't see this as a big problem.

Global warming is undeniably true.
It does not matter whether you're a religious person or an atheist, you can commit immoral actions, we are still people that have desires.
Our desires stem from our lack of understanding and discipline.
And if you look at a chart of living standards in countries with majority atheism you'll be surprised.
Intellectual discussion of modern problems is good, when done by people who know about it.
and democracy is the future, but it is still too soon for it, because the population is not well educated enough to make smart decisions.

E como e que arranjamos portugal?

>90% is too much. You don't want to work your entire life and then have 90% of what you left to your kids be expropriated by the state and redistributed to some low life degenerate.

You have a point there, but you wouldn't really be doing that. There wouldn't be low life degenerates in an Ultranationalist (whites only) Meritocracy, quite the contrary. Everyone would be a productive member of Society (e a Sociedade seria como que uma Grande Senpaiília - o Povo Português)

>Eliminating the welfare state and adopting a strict absolute private property policy (that is discriminatory, exclusive, unequal) would put every person on their toes to be a decent human being and not some drunkard, burping failure in front of other people.

Com isto só estarias a perpetuar o mesmo erro dos comunas, só que do outro lado da cerca. Não é extremo colectivismo nem extremo individualismo que precisamos (extremos são coisas não-naturais, e nós sabemos mt bem quem gosta mt de empurrar uma agenda contranatura), mas sim um equilíbrio entre os dois.

>Trust me, I envision what you described perfectly but I can assure you that allowing any form whatsoever of wealth confiscation or redistribution (other than the one necessary to maintain the monarch's rule of law - military expenditures, border patrolling, policemen, etc.) is entirely counterproductive.

How so?