KEEP CALM: Julian Assange just confirmed that 'Guccifer 2.0' is Russian (but we already knew that)

Today on Sean Hannity's radio show, Jullian Assange confirmed that the source of the leaked Clinton emails likely originated from Russia. This directly conflicts with his prior interview where he specifically stated that the leaks did not come from the Russian government.

> The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".


> "Cybersecurity experts have concluded that "Guccifer 2.0" is likely a creation of the Russian state-sponsored hacking groups thought to have executed the attack,[18][19][20][21][22][23][27]"

> All of the sources on Wikipedia are state-funded contractors.


Other urls found in this thread:

So they believe Assange now that something he said supposedly supports them?

Are these idiots really so unaware of anything?

>cia trying to subvert Sup Forums

Shoe on head or dead

fake news
wikileaks doesnt reveal their sources

> not an argument nor rational point being made

Hannity = fake news?

Kill yourself

he's dead until proven otherwise

didn't assange never say who his sources were.

>my source is ebul russia


>Hannity = fake news
Reminder that sometimes yes, sometimes no.

As far as I know the wikileaks system is set up so that wikileaks themselves don't know the source.

This is the OPPOSITE of what he said. FUCK OP.

>tfw Sup Forumstards are still worshipping this tool

faggots should have learned at the book scam tbqh

Yep it's an impersonator.


> what?

The photo was from his Darmouth interview which directly conflicts with his interview with Hannity.



This. How could so many people be drawing the opposite conclusion from what was clearly stated?

>Jullian Assange confirmed that the source of the leaked Clinton emails likely originated from Russia.


Earn those rubles shill!!!

Wasn't he romanian?

Also give me proof of life already

Did you even listen to the interview?! He clearly indicated Russian involvement.

I listened to the interview. That is definitely not what was said.


> this

> not these

What in the fuck are you saying was said?

Care to clarify or make pointless non-arguments?

Are you reading the image or the actual text in the OP?

The OP was meant to be ironic. You are clearly incest.

>Jullian Assange confirmed that the source of the leaked Clinton emails likely originated from Russia
I'm actually surprised Russians had enough competence to actually hack something.

>CONFIRMS STATE PARTY is not source of hacks
hannitys ask if that means russian goverment had nithing to do with hacks

Assange says

>that's right

What the fuck is everyone talking about?

"That's right, it is is not the government"

Fuck him. Fuck you all.

No substantial answers to any question.

Assanginator escaped.

Trump camp fakes As Sange to scare Shillary camp.

Oh wait. But new leaks were cancelled.

All a psyop. Both sides controlled.

We have no knew information.


We have no new information.

Get back to steering the social dream. They look like presents. Tube train. They are not presents.

Act according to old information.

This ends our auditing session.


Right,not the government

So what the fuck is everyone talking about

coming from russia while not coming from the russian government is not a contradiction, idiot.




That's not what he said!!!

You're just making shit up out of whole cloth. Impossible to argue with idiots who lie about the most basic facts.

im calling fake news on op. real faggots from /pol dont say things like "keep calm"

im pretty sure youre here in conjunction with the "news" that Julian is still alive.

I'm calling bullshit on the new Julian video along with OP


Oh look! It's Hans the Russian shill here to spread misinfo.

lol all ppl calling bs on op. i stopped keeping track half way through the thread because so many ppl called bs. fuck you op

>Assange said...

Post proof

Sup Forumsacks never keep calm
Don't believe OP

>Assange mirrors the CIA talkingpoints

assange is in hiding until trump is in office

OP is gaslighting the public.
The goal is to make people question their judgement and sanity by systematically deceiving them.

We never SAW him saying this, we only had audio. It could be faked.


>Jullian Assange confirmed that the source of the leaked Clinton emails likely originated from Russia
No he fucking didn't. Fuck you shill.


>execute John Bolton

I bet Hannity had a mini-stroke when Assange said this. Interesting to see how Assange has changed over the years - now advocating death sentences. Glad to hear he is alive!

Hannity has really redeemed himself throughout the current year. Kudos.

Where's my paycheck Putin it's the God damn last of the week

OP is delivering the news in true Sup Forums fashion. Well researched and unbiased. He is telling you that the radio interview is suspect, not to mention the wikipedia entry on him. Why does that may him more of a faggot than otherwise?

Assange never said any of this, it's robo-Assange. Real Assange is dead or imprisoned.

Why the fuck are you lying you piece of shit

alright I'm closing this tab now


litearally the first thing he says is the opposite

fucking CIA shills

I don't really understand how people can't distinguish that Guccifer 2 and Wikileaks are different actors.



How is this so fucking complicated for people to understand?

some of the interview here:
it basically begins at assange's statement that wikileaks refuses to confirm or deny it's sources but, due to legacy news narrative, wikileaks has to state that no outside state (russia) was involved in the release.
OP is drunk and stupid.

Hans? He is a dane.

>The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
>The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
>The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
>The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
>The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
>The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".
The important thing to remember is that Julian Assange is likely dead and a doppelgänger has been doing these "faceless radio interviews".

he's dead

I just listened to Hannity. Assange said his sources don't involve the Russian government.

fake news!

I want everyone to know that the CIA is in full CTR MODE if you catch my drift. Their disinformation threads are far trickier so start wrapping yourselves up with a ton of layers of autism because these "people" are in here trying to disinfo the fuck out of our legit pieces of information.

Not a joke/larp/etc type of shenanigans:

>Assange missing for weeks, presumed dead
>pizzagate was the final straw, they took him out
>Assange always insisted Russia had nothing to do with how they got their info
>suddenly an imposter comes on the scene pretending to be him
>"lol guise Russia did it all along!"

Yeah, credible as fuck. I'm convinced.

>assange isn't dead/incarcerated and he's pointing the finger at Russia
>this is the new narrative the CIA is trying to spin

are they just coming up with this shit off the top of their head or do they legitimately have 'this is the new lie they should believe' meetings?

christ these people are so far gone i'd be surprised if cia agents don't have identity crises on the regular from lying so much

What're you going to do about it?

stop buying into shill bullshit and listen to the interview

Assange clearly said it wasn't Russia

War with Russia seems like it was planned to happen within the next 5 years and apparently the CIA has been a lazy nigger about it as half assing their social engineering and deception campaigns.

A big part of it has to do with so many ex-alphabet agency folk who are honestly leagues ahead of the current lot. They're dinosaurs caught by the internet and others like a deer caught in the middle of headlights.

This. We still haven't proof of life since the internet went down on the embassy
A computer program and voice doesn't count




Finally not a polsperg
Just fucking read the first 20 replies.
One stated the title is false
Another accuses him of bein a " russian shill"
3 others chime in to support anti -russian bashing
It's pure psyop at this point.
This is not obvious CTR kindergarten shit.
I'm afraid they lol break pol this time , considering how often polspergs bite

>implying assange was not compromised by the russians
>implying he is not part of the russian psyop

You all see the patterns but you are missing the real actor. Assange appeared on RT and now on right wing radio He is a Russian operative

DNC and RNC were both hacked, Russia kept RNC data for blackmail and released DNC data. You are all getting played by Putin

even if that were true literally who cares?

as long as faggot libs aren't in office it's a win


>Those look very much like they were Russians
>But in some way they seem very amateur
>They look too much like it
>If something looks so much that it is meant to be the Russians, then maybe someone wants you to think that

Direct quote.

If Russian intelligence were leaking to Wikileaks, they wouldn't have left such an obvious trail.

Wow! You don't care if the Russians launched a successful psyop to destabilize US elections as long as the dems lost?

Congratulations! Just remember the useful idiot is the first up against the wall during normalization

Get in here faggots

He says the opposite in the interview, what the fuck. Literally just a disinformation thread.

Hi agent #IS7301V883J. I want all you lurking fucks to observe. This is classic CIA.

His retort to me will be by using taboo profanities that somehow give his posting legitimacy on /pol while not so successfully giving cover to his "Russia is evil (reality is that it's the last bastion of strong and free thinking white men that can ruin the "master plan" by not folding. Simple story folks, the pipeline/oil aspect is huge don't get me wrong but there is a multifaceted reason for how and why the Globalist and all bought out agencies of the US approach Russia.

Not to mention Russia is not cool with the Carneia type of shit so many in our government love to take part in and that's pizza and hot dog parties. They're willing to take the whole world down before being embarrassed for a bunch of cosplaying cannibals.


fucking hell this isn't iraq you can't just pull this shit in the middle east/asia during the cold war (granted it worked a lot) and expect that same model of attack to work on a large world power

Really makes you think, huh?

your comments literally looks like it was c+v'd straight outta reddit

>implying I am CIA

how wrong you are, i could lie but no one would believe me. I am just a contractor, no security clearance just paid to shitpoist

Don't underestimate them. They're sloppy but fucking brash. They might want to get clever about it.

Shit like this for example that came out just yesterday:

>Scientist warn that we're overdue an extinction level asteroid.

It'd be a shame if that event weren't all that extinction level per day but rather focused on a not so compliant comrade nation.

>OH NO that sucks

Don't ever underestimate the powerful and stupid.

>Julian Assange

holy shit the cia bitch is actually itt

everyone reply to this guy and the cia will actually be reading your post

i'll start

you cunts are wayyyy behind on this game tbqh

you've already lost

wew rare tiff



>the Russians
It wasn't the russians you gunt.

Holy fucking fuck I listened to the entire programme and you're stupid. He said wikileaks has zero connection to Guccifer 2.0, he then said Guccifer 2.0 could be the Russians but it looks so much like the Russians that it's definitely not the Russians

That's the most important part of this whole thing and specifically why Assange set his keys that way. The failed matching is what did it for me. They went in for the kill and stopped fucking around.

Don't be surprised if they boiled him alive as Pedosta may have been implying with the lobster risotto tweet.

That little Italian nigger is real fucked in the head.

There's a huge difference between Russian origins and the Kremlin itself. If it was just some Russian guy, this is merely a cyber security issue.

The mans hade a long career in the media ofc some of its going to be fake bullshit

wtf i hate putin now

I think the assabge's voice is faked. It's as if someone's doing an impression.
Check the John Plget interview on jewtube. He says 'Ah' and 'Um' alot, but not nearly as often or as specifically as he does in the Hannity interview, It's as if the impre4ssionist purposely interjects 'Ahs' to sound like Assange.
Still not convinced
WE NEED PROOF, why are we not getting it.
Assange could turn out to be one of the most important human beings of the 21st century.
The truth will out and it may prove to be very ugly

Oh ffs.

>trusting Assange's word now over all of the Americans that make up the intelligence agencies
No shit?

I also heard most of the interview while driving, and Assange made it perfectly clear that Guccifer 2.0 was not state sponsored.

He hasn't PGP signed anything since he died, it was Oct 12th at the earliest, and Oct 18th at the latest, by my reckoning.

No PGP = no Julian.

FAKE NEWS is a huge problem these days.

Anyway I think Podesta poisoned him with treats that Pam Anderson brought. Even organic food can be poisoned...