Can someone explain Sup Forums miracle digits


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Check 'em


It goes something like this

You cannot force Kek's will, you sacrilegious fools!

i dont get it

mine's better


I disagree, mine is much cleaner

A mix between memes and autists who actually believe in frog deities being summoned with repeating digies at the end of post numbers.

trump impeachment

hillary will kill herself 1/26/17 and these digits call it

Damn I just got fived.

It's when you get the same digit twice at the end of your post, like this.

Sup Forums is dubocracy, go back to singleton faggot

It's the will of kek, we do not have a choice about it, he simply wills it to prove his existence.

Try this. Repeat after me:

Praise Kek! Check em


It's all just a meme dude

oooooooh ok

You guys can't check digits like me


You mean THESE digits?

Miracles shall happen.


No, these ones

(YOU) aren't supposed to.


Nah don't listen to them, but czech em tho

It's a ritual. We use chaos magic to influence to world around us by affecting the subconscious of all those who witness the sacred repeating integers. Those who perform these rituals and are blessed by the frog have power through numbers, and it gives birth to memes. Trump is the greatest practitioner of our art, that is why he is treated like a god on here by the faithful.

If Kek wills it let thar be double diggies

If Twos Then Obama will take about Birth Certificate

If Threes the Obama will talk about suspending the Electoral College to bribe/Persuade Electors to peruse the investigation of Russians messing with the election

If Fours he will throw Trump Presidency out the window

Anything Higher is all three

fairy dust. doesn't exist

>When the get is just reich

Tfw you are Kek

On Tuesdays and Fridays


Someone, please tell me who the guy on the right is.

i miss yugi and patric getsman

I knew it, Tfw im Kek hehe

Ok that's pretty cool but check this out

what does it mean?

No. If you don't know, you can never use the power.

Such things are not toys.

You can't force the digits, you fucking boobs. They gotta come naturally.

hehe, pretty cool kid

but have you ever seen this?

999 is the inversion of 666. Therefore KEK is here to deliver us from a world of Moloch worship.

It memes that anime is real life now



lol awesome pepe