Electoral College Ridiculously Outdated

It's ridiculous that in this day and age that we are electing our Presidents by an electoral college. A system so faulty that it gives more representation to states with smaller populations than they are entitled to, deprives populous areas of their voice, allows foreign powers such as Russia to manipulate the election and gives us racist, orange, bigoted steak entrepreneurs as presidents instead of highly experienced and effective ones such as Hillary Clinton. Aaron Kheifets has a unique and hilarious take on the faults of electoral in our latest article.


#FuckTrump #AbolishTheElectoralCollege #Obsolete #Hilarious #Funny #Cracked #AaronKheifets

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Ha. That is one funny article. I especially loved the part about the leeches! :)

The President shouldn't even be that important to individual states, you were supposed to have a system with as little federal oversight as possible but you fucked that up.

where did it all go so wrong?

I was surprised at the quality of this article. This was funny

Cracked is still going strong. What a time to be alive.

>interstate commerce act

Woodrow Wilson was the start of it. Implemented the income tax, made the federal reserve, and started the tradition of presidents interfering globally in matters that do not need to concern us.

You are the same cuckolds that defend Superdelegates and Hillary using them to fuck over the Berncucks. Seems a little hypocritical.

Superdelegates don't pick the President, they pick the Democratic candidate you fucking retard.

When they started listening to hicks instead of areas with populations. Hillary won the popular vote fair and square.

Meh. Margin is entirely attributable to Communifornia.

Did you read what I said, you halfwit? It's the same idea of representatives not necessarily representing the population that you cocksuckers were bitching about in the primary.

Except that everyone voted for Hillary in the primaries and the superdelegates were not beholden to anyone. Again, you are a fucking retard.

Only a nominee of a party can become president though

>everyone in the primaries voted for Hillary
Bernieniggers at the DNC seemed to believe otherwise.

No they don't. All of our manufacturing is done overseas and corn is not a valuable food crop dipshit.

Where were these underage niggerfaggots before they cried about Trump? This is not a new development, they were too busy looking at dicks to pay attention in Social Studies?

Burnouts are delusional because Bernie lost by over 1000 delegates.


What people fail to understand is that the government isn't in charge of the people, it's in charge of the states.
The states are in charge of their own residents.
The electoral college is there to give power to the STATES, NOT the people.
If it were then only california, Chicago and New York would be needed to win the election.

Great idea 1 post.
How about you change it instead of shit posting?
Oh you can't? Your superpower is shit posting? Too bad, so sad.


No one would give a shit if Clinton won. They're bullshiting. Never forget.

Help stop Jewish safety violations against Montana goyim.

Fuck off with your fake news.

Why does no one know why the electoral college started? I mean, everyone seems to think they know, but everyone has a different reason. I'm not asking you what the real reason is because you don't know either. I'm asking why we don't definitively why they started it. Didn't they write that shit down somewhere?


It was started because racist rednecks were scared of having a fair election. Fast forward to 2016 and women and African Americans are still getting their rights trampled underfoot by a bigoted system.


t. muslim

Cracked is probably the second worst poster on Sup Forums.

Obama Leaf is #1.

OP I appreciate the shitpost. But why odes anyone think about this now?

Trump will still be president.

I'm not Muslim you fucking idiot, I'm an atheist. For a political discussion forum, this board is unbelievably stupid.

Except they won't. It would be highly unethical to vote for Trump when the majority of Americans voted for Hillary. They will vote with consciences against Trump.

please livestream your suicide when he's sworn in

That sure is some wishful thinking there. The electoral college is already going to be delayed because evidence has surfaced of Russian interference in the election. No one is going to risk their careers just to vote Trump.


Then leave, you dumb cunt

Why should I? I have just as much of a right be on here as any of you bigots, not that I'd expect any of you small-minded pieces of shit to understand.

Hillary knew the rules. Should have campaigned smarter.

Hillary knew the rules, but the rules meant jack shit when Trump broke them.


Does anyone have the picture of Cracked then vs now?

>Come on, man. It's the [current year]. Get on with times, brother.

Let me guess, that's a David Wong article?

That pic is better when you look up their Alexa rating.

>Regressive right retard detected

>I can't read: the post

Aaron Kheifets. He's some towelhead who exclusively writes about how much he hates America

Here ya go, champ

Liberals wouldnt of said it was outdated if hillary won so fuck off cpt double standards

I was being facetious. Hence the
>green text

lol, this.

Your opinions are invalid. At least for four years. All you can do is 'call us mean words'.

Boy you sure do love to believe all that #FakeNews

libtards should be gassed


first link is from 2012 when there candidate won.
second is from 2016 when theres lost.


>Have massive EC advantage due to California, New York, and Illinois
>Complain when you still lose because you forgot to campaign in blue states

>Wanting LA and NYC to decide every election ever
The electoral college also helps prevent voter fraud by making it much harder. If we went by the popular vote voter fraud would be simple and could be done from anywhere. With the electoral college it has to be done in multiple states, enough to swing the state, yet not enough that it exceeds the population of that state.

When did Trump breaks the rules? Last I checked it was Hillary who was colluding with the media like Politico, NYT, WaPo, WSJ, CNBC, and CNN.

>yet not enough that it exceeds the population of that state.
This is the only reason the Detroit fraud was detected. They frauded so hard that there were more votes for Hillary than were people in those whole precincts.

I mind I used to sit around in work cause around lunchtime they'd upload the new articles around that time. Shame they turned out the way they did

My favorite part was when the top DNC brass decided MI was 'irrelevant' as far as a ground game because the state was a 'gimmie' for Hillary. Videos on YouTube were even calling this out. Hey Democrats if you want to win in four years? Toss those senior staffers in garbage cans.

>it gives more representation to states with smaller populations than they are entitled to

I'll take systemic oppression for 500, Alex.

God bless the Founding Fathers.
They saw these jerks coming and cockblocked them before they even existed. Did they have a fucking crystal ball or something?

Exactly, though not that it even fucking mattered considering the media completely dropped the recount from headlines after it exposed fraud on the democrats side.

>fair and square
>this is what dumocraps actually believe

It started because states like rhode island said "If we join your union our votes won't matter because the bigger states have 15x our population