Clinton Downfall - meme free edition

memes aside, when did you know it was over for her?

She had the backing of the entire media machine, the banks, the globalists, the search engines, etc. And she got rekt.

When did you definitively know she was done? No memes please.

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When that guy yelled pepe at her Reno rally

When Trump ran.

It's like when the queen is brought out against you in chess, and the move you just made is fucked, but now you have to play around that piece before it's taken.

She immediately knew she wasn't going to win. So did her backers. The rest of the game is still happening.

Never saw that before, pretty insightful. She is basically slamming some rando because she didn't get leaked the question beforehand through bullshit talking points.

It was always "Love Trumps Hate". What does it mean? You love Trump's hate? Or do you mean ?Love Trumps Trump's Hate"? The linguistic memetics of Hillary's campaign were so god fucking awful I have no idea how she had a remote shot. Did anyone on her staff ever stop to think that maybe someone tuning into a rally and seeing a bunch of signs saying TRUMP on it would be a little confusing?

But it's not just that abortion of a slogan: EVERYTHING that campaign turned out was garbage. #ImWithHer. That's so castrating typed out, I can't even imagine how it sounds when said out loud. I don't even want to. "Stronger Together"? What does that even mean? Some limp platitude about unity? Pretty hard to do that when you spend every third rally lumping everyone into their own colored box: "Trump insults YOU Muslim people, and YOU crippled people, and YOU female people". I don't know, I just think everyone who worked on this campaign should never, ever, ever work on campaigns again.

When she pulled out of Florida and did an event in Michigan I knew it was over.

That said Trump's Wisconsin win totally blew me out of the water.

I read early that she pulled out of Ohio. Any proof?

>That said Trump's Wisconsin win totally blew me out of the water.
Why? She hadn't been there since fucking July. She took days off constantly. She did easy cities. She had Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, Sanders, everyone rallying for her while she sat at home "preparing for the debate". The writing was practically on the wall and the media tried so hard to cover it up.

That part was hard to reconcile. If she had it in the bag...why did she need every democrat celebrity come out of the woodwork and shill for her?

Probably when she had to attach her rallys to concerts to get people to show up.

the 2nd debate

every last one of (((them))) thought Trump was dead man and he came out swinging. And won

I knew she hadn't a fair chance the second Trump became the Republican front runner. The thing that worried me was whether or not the election would be rigged

At the 9/11 memorial, when she had to be dragged away in a van. When she "reappeared" afterwards and that little girl ran to her, and even the reporters covering it were like "well, that's a thing that happened," I realized that enough people weren't buying her bullshit anymore.

when in the 3rd debate her quote on wanting open borders was revealed.

They had to mute the audience but you could tell they were like 'wtf' and booing.

On election night.

When Georgia, the so-called "swing state", showed absolutely no signs of going blue, I realised that we had been right all along about the polls. They thought it would be very very close, but it wasn't. At that point, it was obvious that other supposedly "too close to call" states like Arizona, Texas and Utah would be staying firmly red.

Then Florida started swinging towards Trump, then Ohio, then North Carolina, then they called Texas as the polls closed, then Iowa, then PA/WI/MI all showed a Trump lead, etc.

The moment Pepe appeared on her website I knew she was a lemon candidate, and all the gloss and spray in the world couldn't make her palatable.

>memes aside, when did you know it was over for her?
When there were the first polls which showed Trump going places in Michigan and Wisconsin, then they've changed methodology.


The moment they tried spinning a cartoon frog into a hate symbol and an attack on the American people by nazis is the moment I checked out on the media and their reality.
Too much for me.

By the looks of things, they've been in free fall since.

Oh wow, that is quite damning. I don't think Trump would have been less dismissive to the question, but I think he wouldn't have been so nasty.

since the elevator

When she took a vacation just weeks from the election, because she was falling over in public.

REALLY good article on why she lost:

>memes aside, when did you know it was over for her?

june 16th, 2015, when president trump announced his candidacy.

>evil hillary has a history of losing when she should win
>teflon don has a history of winning when he should lose

the writing was on the wall ever since.

Hillary has never been able to speak off the cuff, even when she goes on chat shows, the questions are given to her ahead of time.

Usually, when she's forced off script, she shows her real self - ugly, shrill, arrogant, and cunty.

The first major Trump Rally. When I saw those thousands of people showing up I knew it was over. Much like when Obama ran in 08 giving speeches to those massive crowds I knew we didn't have a chance no matter how much I hated him.

Mid election day...and I still do not think that they will allow him to become president.

When she nearly died on 9/11


She created an acho chamber of know-it-alls around her, ignored the party, and sneered their way to a loss.

Hillary and her people can't help it. They think they're smarter than everyone else, and they are incapable of admitting defeat or mistake, and double down on dumb every. fucking. time.

The only shame is she's done. I'd love to see her get her ass kicked again.

I knew the second that "pussy" grab tape came out. No way she would have released that on a Friday, with two debates to go, over a month before the election. If anyone knows that, it's the Clintons. I made a few grand off that predictiction.

fucking hell. i can barely watch that video to this day

her palsied, twitching body about to hit the floor




I'll keep posting this, because you need to read this:

Obama wasn't asked to campaign for her, beyond a couple of events.

Let that sink in.

They didn't ask Obama for more appearances. He played golf on one of the most important weekends of the campaign, because her people didn't ask him to do anything.

This is incomptence that's stunning.

Because her brain trust (snigger) thought that celeb endorsements mean more than anything else.

Nice article, thanks for posting. Kind of what I expected but with details and evidence.

Trump doesn't pretend to give a fuck about people's feelings and make it the basis of his campaign.

>They didn't ask Obama for more appearances. He played golf on one of the most important weekends of the campaign, because her people didn't ask him to do anything.

Obama and Clinton don't have a great relationship going back to the nasty 2008 primary. Of course they're going to be hesitant to ask him for help.


When she said she shouldn't have said "half" as an apology, implying more or a significant number still.

Keep ruining your reputation for accuracy and setting the genders against each other. It will either end in destruction of progressivism or the country and people can sense that ideological bend needs to come to a finality of some sort.

"Deplorables" is another key moment. She fired up the Republican base even more with that - she insulted half the country.

See I thought that was their ace in the hole.

I remember talking to a friend of mine who is an actual MSM drone. Wikileaks was slamming her, and then all of a sudden pussy tapes dropped.

It was so obvious. She was getting killed by wikileaks for a few weeks, and as soon as the most damning of evidence comes out we just so happen to stumble upon a trump tape?

I believe that if they played that card when they wanted to (3 days before the election) they win. Wikileaks forced their hand.

That article has one huge gaping flaw in it.
The implicit assumption is that the message itself doesn't matter, and that winning is all about how you sell the message.

People just didn't want Clinton or her shady politics. It doesn't matter how you dress her up or how good your "ground game" is. The article is right that they fucked those things up too, but the real reason why she lost is a lot more basic and fundamental than that. It was her platform.

For example, her economic message was "everything is fine, more of the same", and yet people feel a lot worse off, labour participation is way down, savings are worthless and debt is going up. You can visit as many unions as you want, stuff as many leaflets through doors as you can carry, and get as many celebrities to knock on doors as you want, but that doesn't change the fundamental fact that her platform was pure dog shit.

No one wants to eat a dog shit sandwich. It doesn't matter how many sprinkles and sparklers you put on it, or how nice the bread looks.

Blaming her defeat on a shoddy sales pitch or on poor resource allocation is just another sign of how out of touch the left is becoming.

Only having 20 people showing up to her rallies 3 days before the election was a sign to all people with a brain they she had literally no chance.

When trump said to the niggers "What do you have to lose". Then I knew that with just 2% of niggers voting trump, she would lose. The madman did it.

"Only Rosie O'Donnel"

As soon as I heard Trump bitchslap Megan Kelly with those words at the first republican debate I was 100% sure that I was looking at our next president.

I remember being amazed that the whole issue didn't get more traction - they were even pushing forward actresses to claim he sexually harrassed/assaulted them, and it didn't stick.

Shows you how fucking dirty Hillary gets. Plus, look at all of the fake "I wuz attacked because I'm Muslim" stories that are being busted.

I didn't take it as a sign he'd win, but I remember being kind of shocked that it didn't stick to him at all - I knew the issue was over when people started saying less than a week after it broke, that all it accomplished was making the word "pussy" acceptable in public dialog. Which is fucking hilarious.

The Alt Right speech, it was her Romney moment.

Reading it now. So this is limousine liberalism in its purest form. I'm glad this happened in such a way. Hopefully we'll get a Carter-esque candidate for 2020.

>At the 9/11 memorial, when she had to be dragged away in a van..

I think the message was she didn't even bother to contact the people they KNEW were going to vote for her - they took their own supporters for granted. the message doesn't matter, if you don't bother to SAY it to people.

You're right that people just don't like her - but that's never been enough to lose a campaign. Hillary spent more money than any candidate ever before to campaign - and she ignored her most important communities.

It's stunning in how incompetent it is.

>When did you definitively know she was done?

11 PM election night.

I had been avoiding the news because I was convinced she was going to win then I tuned in at 11 expecting to see the smug bitch announcing victory and instead I saw Florida announced for Trump, good times.

The Dem party needs more time than that to recover. There's a civil war brewing in the ranks - set your sights past 2020. 2024, maybe. When Trump is done with his second term.

And, Carter was a horrible President. The Dems need another Kennedy.

When they had to drag her body and fling it into a van like a sack of shit.

This is the very moment it all fell apart.

This is the moment right here.

That was so unbelievable how Megyn thought she stumped him and he just completely made her look ridiculous.

Any other politician would have pussied out and said "I'm sorry and I take those comments back."
But he tripled down like a madman. That was when I knew we were dealing with a next level chess master who can't be stopped.

That's very interesting. The only other plausible explanation I've been able to come up with is that she grew concerned over the number of Republican registrations in certain states.

for some reason i never watched trumps rallys until a week before the election
when i saw them, i knew
i was going to make a couple of bets even, but didnt find a decent betting site before the odds turned on hillary

the crowd interaction and high energy - just fucking insane
hillarys rallies was like a bingo meetup for the elderly

Holy Shit Ben is on FIYAH

>And, Carter was a horrible President.
Of course he was. He was ineffectual and a weak international presence. But he actually was a blue collar American so he appealed to blue collar Democrats. No amount of Hillary talking about her father's "small business" was going to change the inherent elitism of her actions. Her childhood home was even bigger than Trump's!

I started watching from the West Coast, right when the east coast polls were closing. I was expect her to win, too - and while I don't like Trump, didn't vote for him (did'nt vote for the Presidential race, I left it blank), Hillary as President was scaring the shit out of me. She wanted to start a war with Russia, like Obama is threatening now. There's something else going on, they have something up their sleeves that requries pushing Putin towards war.

I was incredibly relieved when they called it at 9:30, and Podesta (that kid fucking worm) announced she was going to the hotel, and there would be no appearance from her.

I still can't believe she did that. It's so her, though - she doesn't need those peasants, anymore, so fuck 'em. Even though they worked their asses off for years for her.

She really is a piece of shit.

I was always on the trump train but the moment I absolutely knew was when I was watching a Trump rally. He said "I'm with her?" "I'm with YOU."
He crushed her campaign slogan and she had to change it. And when he says I'm with you I believe it.

I can't get over the fact that she spent so much money in Ohio and Ohio refused to give a single fuck.


The dems honestly had terrible memes, word choice, shit optics. Their slogans were hilariously bad.


Fuck LeBron too

>I remember being amazed that the whole issue didn't get more traction - they were even pushing forward actresses to claim he sexually harrassed/assaulted them, and it didn't stick.

She could've taken one look at Bill's approval rating chart from 1998/99 and realized it wouldn't work.

>And, Carter was a horrible President

Carter legalized home brewing. That makes him one of the greatest in my view.

Anyone have that picture where Trump is an early 90s video game protagonist and is on some quest to beat all the other candidates? It starts with Jen then goes to Carson, Rubio, Cruz, etc and the final boss is Shillary

Much like Trump's campaign will be studied for centuries as the most brilliant political campaign of all time, Hillary's campaign will be studied for its extreme level of incompetence and hubris.

I mean, the whole thing was literally a trainwreck. It should have been a surprise to no one that she lost.

>I'm just chillin in Cedar Rapids
>calling out Pepe
>needing Lady Gaga and Bruce Springsteen to get people to see you
>The 9/11 debacle
>calling half the country deplorable
>can't hold a rally longer than 5 minutes because a combination of being low energy and having a contempt for her supporters
>being investigated and found guilty by the FBI
>picking the most boring forgettable VP of all time

I can go on and on.

how much money did they give him? just an estimate.

the fact that you can buy the presidency by massive spending is a meme pushed by the mainstream media-- because they are the biggest beneficiaries of political advertising dollars.

I live in Ohio and legit only saw one person openly supporting Hillary

Whem she cheated Bernie - in a rational world, where she wasnt crooked and manipulative

Actually, I still dont think she lost. She may try fraud again like during the election.
In a fair fight Trump would have beat her 9:1. But it's not a fair fight, with all the electoral manipulation

I hope you all realize that this is article is propaganda designed to slightly throw Clinton under the bus in order to tell some story premised on the following:

> everyone universally trusted the polls

> Trump's team didn't expect to win

> this election doesn't represent the msm having its shit stomped in

Always remember: just because shills are faggots doesn't mean they're stupid.

I think they just sucked at attacking their opposition.

They made us sound like the devil himself along with being stupid and behind the times. Those that embrace being a devil don't care. Everyone else was rightfully shocked and offended.

That method of insult doesn't take away power, it gives it. Is a fearsome devil weak? Laughable? No.

To win they could've attacked like this:
>"Cartoon weeaboo anime manchildren!"

Instead the white devils said fuck it, let's be devils. That's all we are according to half the country anyway.

>>can't hold a rally longer than 5 minutes without falling over.

That's the story I'd like the know the truth of, how bad a shape she was in.

That gif is just sad.

>> everyone universally trusted the polls
No, the story isn't premised on that. Micheal Moore didn't trust the polls and the democratic organization in Michigan didn't trust the polls. The premise is that Hillary's team trusted the polls up until the end, which is supported in the article.

When I got a phone call encouraging me to vote early, after I told them is supported Clinton

Yep, I think that was the turning point. Everything else was just a nail in the coffin.

When the betting odds for her hit $5 on election night.

When "Never Come Down" started playing at 4 A.m. on November 9th, 2016.

The entire fucking article is a narrative about people moping around about the polls, including Trump's team, and then being surprised when they're wrong all except for the quirky "teams on the ground" who realized "something was off."

Give me a fucking break and fuck politico.

Damn I love that song

She's being held together with advanced medical technology us poor goyim will never see.
She'll probably live to 97 like Soros and miserable the whole time.

What makes it even better is that the band are turbo lefty cucks from Canada who disavow Trump and don't like you using their song as a pro Trump song.
So listening to it with that knowledge makes it even sweeter.

>Hillary and her people can't help it. They think they're smarter than everyone else,

this is true for all leftists, even now you can see all of them in /r/politics still thinking that they are the smart ones and that Trump is stupid even though he cleaned the floor with them. He fucking raped them and they still think they know what's happening, they are somehow still right... amazing


Has to be one of biggest defeats in history of USA, not even illegal votes could help her and she gone all out to please every illegal. The fact that she also lost to Obama, a total stranger, just proves she's just a puppet in money business. Republicans aren't any better. This democracy and freedom is a joke.

>The moment Bernie lost the nominations

Always knew she would fail.

Living in Poland, war between NATO and USSR then and Russia now always meant we'll be dragged into it (we just switched sides 20+ yeears ago from Sovietcucks to UScucks) and my fatherland will be flattened by tanks and nukes of both sides. Thus I followed US presidential campaigns, election and now "peaceful" transition somewhat closely.

As an outsider, I strongly think this is the exact moment she lost, when this footage leaked. People were saying she's unhealthy for months but were made fun of to the same extent as "birthers". Trump picked up on this ("no stamina") so she finally had to address this by opening pickles on TV, then the issue was made as ridiculous as it could (if you question her health you're at least Alex Jones level crazy). After that it was the worst for her to fall apart like that in public, and on 9/11 commemoration was absolutely the worst of the worst moments and places for somebody aspiring to be president for the nest 4 years, and she fuckin' did exactly that and then.

The moment she started shitting on Trump voters.
When you start to attack your electorate you lose.

I knew it was over for Hillary when I read Trump's autobiography and found out he's half German.

America's ethnic majority is German and our military is Germanist, and oftentimes overtly crypto-Nazi and even overtly Nazi. They will side with Trump because he asserted the primacy of WASP values and insisted that white people stop being whipping boys and apologizing for their very existence.

No matter how much the liberals and minorities run their mouths and crow over their petty "bling", in the end the vital infrastructure of America is still maintained by white Germanics. They will always do the vital jobs that need to get done and when they shake the pillars of society, they bring down whatever they must.

They even put in the youtube description that they are anti Trump

If Trump won, it was because they let him. She plays the role of "it's over for her she got rekt etc", or her daughter dies.

I didn't. I was convinced she was going to win, if not fairly, then by voter fraud/hacking.

Trump's victory was just as much as a surprise to me as it was to the (((Media))), only much more pleasant.

When the whole, "WHY AM I NOT 50 POINTS AHEAD" rant happened. It was just really clear at that point that she knew things weren't going her way.

>"Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris."

Personally I was sure it was 100% over after she spewed out highly classified nuclear secrets to 70 million people on national TV in the 3rd debate to set up a cheap dig at Trump and some lame twitter burns by her campaign staff.

But then the next morning the media didn't cover it (even though military people were pissed) and I chastised myself for forgetting who we were dealing with here.

It's funny nobody mentions those polls that show Hillary is going to win from 80 to 95%. People should get fired if this free market really works.

Then maybe don't sell out your artistic integrity to giant corporations and turn over the rights to everything you record in exchange for some hookers and blow.

Seeing that little NYT dial work its way farther and farther right as the night wore on was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

The problem with that is you'd have to fire everyone because everyone was wrong. Pretty fucking unbelievable. Ironically enough, Nate Single Proton was the least wrong of them all.