Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard...

> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.

> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.

Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Well you're right about one thing.

When people adopt Christianity on a large scale, less gays are born.

>haha let's compare iqs between religious and non-religious people while conveniently ignoring the races of them

Christianity is nothing more than a fucking desert religion. Same goes for islam and judaism. When will you faggots learn it?

How is this image supposed to make any fucking sense?

Christianity is a jewish invention to turn whites into submissive cucks. It was literally invented by a jew. It literally is an extension of JUDAISM.
Literally. As in literally.

Atheism isn't an invention. Atheism is natural. The reason atheists are over represented in STEM fields and have the highest IQ scores is because whites, ashkenazi and asians are the most atheistic people.
The reason most religious people are dumb is because most religious people are blacks, arabs and hispanics.



Basically this.


Butthurt shitskin



>meme in place of an argument
It's like I'm on facebook.

lol nice jews meme bud. very good goy, keep it up

>IQ Distribution Ratio: Atheist/Theist
What did they mean by this?


>not calling a dead Jew your Lord is doing what the Jews want

Wow, it looks like religion was designed to mass brainwash people and as such works better on the average joe withe 100 IQ. Must be a total coincidence, right?


I think we're taking this whole jewish thing a bit to far, Cadbury.


These kind of images started off as poking fun at ourselves then idiots took the images as legit arguments

Its the whole act like an idiot, find yourself in the company of idiots ordeal

Enjoy witnessing the collapse of athiest dogma, I know I am



No, one believes in god but minorities. It's a meme, fuck off.

The stats aren't accurate because most non-whites are religious.
I don't think there's much of a correlation between intelligence and religious beliefs when it comes to white people.
Whether smart or not, white people just aren't that religious.

wtf is atheist dogma?


>Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.
>If you don't believe claims without evidence you're dumb!

How can a religious person be so sure in their faith when there so many, as valid, alternatives?

No, its poking fun at the "debate me, im an athiest" neckbeards shitting up the forums

debate me. i'm an atheist.

No, the smart one just keep their mouth FUCKING SHUT, because then they don't have to waste their time with retards!

Mainly because christian nations are the only civilizations that have been worth a damn in the past 2000 years.

lol keep parroting words you dont understand retard, useful idiots like you wont be tolerated when SHTF


True, I totally agree on that point however I believe its because of their merit and not god. Humans build those civilizations with a moral code that uphold it.

It's desperate rage. Their religion teaches them that they're automatically special, meaning that whenever their religion is attacked, they get Triggered because it affects their self-esteem.

Religious people confirmed for mentally weak.

Most blacks identify as Christian.

Wasn't their an incident where a pro gay marriage law didn't pass due to high amount of christan blacks somewhere?

incorrect, many blacks "identify" as christian but thats about as far as it goes, and its usually just so grandma dont hit em upside the head on sunday

Civilization cycle.

Found the kike

Exactly, you can see once a nation embraces athiesm you get flooded with rapefugees and self righteous liberals.

A truly darwinian nation that adhered to survival of the fittest, devoting resourses to the most promising of the population as opposed to flailing about trying to uplift the lowest filth of the world things would be different.

I am 25% kike, goy.

>its another "IQ tests prove my pet narrative" thread

Ha me too, ashkenazi surname reportan in

I think Christianity is a core part of the West, and I think we must remain cultural Christians so that we do not succumb to moral-relativism or Islam.

But on the other hand, you can't really blame people for calling bullshit on the Bible. The Bible has so much crap and idiocy you need to wade through to get to the good stuff.

this kills the atheist


One of the best things the bible did was with the Kings James Version preserving the english language at its pinnacle, translated by the most educated men of the time.

It was when we as a nation strayed from the king james version, our language has quickly degenerated into the bastardized tongue we now speak.

>that pic
Could it be because the medically retarded don't even understand what is and isn't a god?

>be christian
>sack constantinople

>be christian
>kiss muslim feet

>be christian
>mass murder protestants because fucking heretics

>be christian
>cause internal division in the roman empire starting multiple religious wars and making it easier for the arabs to conquer them ending one of the greatest empires in history

>be christian
>start a long period of obscurantism because "muh pope knows everything"

>be christian
>consider creationism a legitimate scientific theory

>be christian
>worship a dead kike on a stick

>be christian
>as soon as questioning christianity is legalized, it falls from relevance

>westerners control muslim nations

Since fucking when?

Burgers are so fucking retarded on every thread. Christianity is a Jewish creation and literally destroyed Europe and plunged it into the dark. Fucking idiots

The only problem with Christianity is that Catholic cucks have hijacked it.
I am all for preserving Christianity and their values, just as long as it's not Catholic values.

People forget that there's no such thing as one single religion called Christianity. There's Pope who wants more ''refugees'' in white countries and kisses nigger feet, there's Protestants, Baptists, there's Lutherans etc.

>pope tells Christians to accept immigrants
>somehow this is atheism's fault

That's a complete lie. Fuck off, retard.

The current pope is a jewish plant.

Catholic or no, there are still things like the Ark, the Burning Bush, and the Immaculate Conception that are total nonsense to any rational person, regardless of Christian sect. That kind of crap really weakens Christianity's influence over educated Westerners.

Made me kek.

It's more like he's a result of changing culture and Christians are the ultimate cuckservatives now.

It doesn't matter if Pope is a plant or not.
No one should listen to these retards.
I don't care how religious you are and what kind of a god you believe in, but some old retard doesn't have divine power and has no authority.

Does anyone actually believe that god elected the Pope?

If they do, than God has really changed his minds about the way we treat Muslims. Not that long ago he was calling for crusades against them.

Christianity is a jewist plant. It is christians that enable the Jews because Israel is necessary for the second coming of Christ.

The hydroplate theory is a neat concept.

And really great flood mythos has roots spanning the globe and hundreds of religions.

This is a good watch if you have 10 min to spare

I'll watch it and let you know what I think

>a jewish plant

>y Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.

it is.

Christianity teaches morals that help society function including monogamy and peace until someone abuses your kindness.

Christianity was attacked hard in the 60s when the commies first began infiltrating and has had less and less of a grip on people since.

athiesm is a nonreligion that was advertised as smarter than those dumb christians but all it does is make people focus on pleasure and how much they can get away with without "hurting" anyone else.

Christianity is a vehicle for western values to be taught to people, with more and more easy communication available and public schools kids, (who are natural hedonists because they aren't developed enough to see consequences) are taught things that are popular instead like nigger rap and slang, casual sex, drugs and this leads to broken adults who care more about their next feel good than what would actually be best.

rumors are that Christianity is making an upswing recently but it will never counteract the age of decadence we are in.

>I don't know about...
>I lack belief in...

th... those are not contradictory positions...

also since the fall of Christianity in america there has been (((people))) hijacking it and corrupting it to be about lol u cant fight novody evr cuz peec lol

this is retarded

underrated post

>65 to 128
They don't want to show that over 50% of people over 135 IQ are athiest

So I don't know a lot about geology, thus there is no real way for me to contradict what the guy is saying in the video.

But to me, it's not the theory of a great flood that bothers me in Christianity, but the story of the Ark, which is total bullshit, and the idea that the entire world was under water for 40 days. Even I know that's crap.


>you can see once a nation embraces athiesm you get flooded with rapefugees and self righteous liberals.


>A truly darwinian nation that adhered to survival of the fittest

Social Darwinism is as unrealistic as fascism

THe chart disproves that rertard.
A greater portion of the dumbest people are athiests then the portion of smartest people that are athiests

I'm sorry, but who brought Jesus to Pilate?



delete this image, you just make a fool of yourself every time you post it.


>kikes wanted to kill Christianity at the source but didn't, so the settled for the 1960s







Is there a chart like this for christians?




Judeo christianism is, which is a post ww2 thing heavily funded by (((americans))) bankers.

All that salt, easily countered by posting on fat guy in a fedora.

Don't atheists ever get tired of losing?

Says the Latvian

you tell me




