Discussion of school reform and how kids are performing so badly in schools

>discussion of school reform and how kids are performing so badly in schools
>no mention of race and IQ

every time. why is something so important to understanding poor performance in schools, never talked about? if they don't talk about race and IQ they are wasting a lot of time and gargantuan amounts of money on the wrong solutions

If they included that factor, their ideology would crumble before their eyes.

basically this.
you can't discuss race without coming to conclusions. - those conclusions go against the lefts plan to import 3rd world voters

If they included race, the jews would be exposed. The jews don't want to be exposed, so it is not allowed.

> The jews would be exposed
Yeah, as the top 1% of every chart.

Hi mr. Goldstein

>including factors that are the basis for a person

>in a discussion on how to ""improve them""

good luck with that, Sup Forums is as delusional as the people they fight.

but you dont have to talk about jews for this. you can just say "average black IQ is around 85, average hispanic IQ around 90, average white IQ around 103". I mean with that its only natural that there will be differences in achievement.

It's not about improve their IQ, it's about giving up on the dream of making sure all the races can have equal achviement. The only way they can do that is by holding them all back with shitty teaching (common core) or affirmative action

For one they can stop saying that differences in achievement is due to racism

But they say everyone's the same, if they, for example, say that there is a difference in IQ, doesn't that contradict their statement?

We are not the same. A doctor is not as smart as a Down syndrome person. A dumb peoples is not the same as a smart peoples.

I'm talking about race here, mate, or did I not make the statement clear enough?

Like I said. There are differences in race, just the same way there are differences in people.

the diffrence is a combination of factors, hence why all white people dont performe the same

the great delusion is sticking to x ideology right? While at the same time ignoring the flaws in your own

great, a debate that will never end, for faggots on a board

i know its popular to be anti-intelectual, and despite its flaws, atleast university gives you the ability to see the yearlong discussion that has been happening for ages.

The debate between the strong versions of the argument of genetics/or the old idea of race vs enviroment or the new idea of society or culture
is outdated, good luck feeling superior to people who have studied a field in over 20 years, despite not being able to explain your own flawed arguments

Sup Forums in a nutshell, im just here for the memes, very rarely do people try and present argument, and they fail every time

I went to school in Oregon where the city was 92% white. The entire state is mostly populated by white people at about 86%, almost no black people at 1.7%, and the only other semi-large population is Hispanic people at like 11%. The Hispanic people mostly live in specific regions, most towns and cities in the state have a white population in the 90+% range, like the one I mentioned above.

Anyways, the graduation rate in this state is 76%, the third worst in the country. The students and the education system in this state at least are fucking retarded. I went to school there for 6-9th grades and then we moved down to Texas and it was astounding, every simple class was like AP work compared to anything we'd ever done at my old school. To this very day my spouse, born and raised in Texas, is always telling me about how they learned such and such topic in middle school or whatever that I still hadn't ever learned in school.

Being white doesn't automatically make you intelligent, as proven by retarded fucking Oregon. All the white kids there wanna do is smoke weed and skip class, there is absolutely no positive culture for good behavior, if you want to be cool you've got to be a slacker who couldn't care less about school.

Education can only be fixed by privatization and home schooling. As long as things like common core and no child left behind exist, it's fucked. NCLB devalues the h.s. diploma. If everybody graduates, no matter how fucking stupid they are, then a diploma stops being an achievement and starts being a participation trophy. Classrooms aren't segregated by ability and it's literally a race to the bottom, in the same way that socialism/communism and racial integration are races to the bottom. These things are all literally degenerate.

Because it's not about race. It's about socioeconomic factors. Inb4 iq according to income and transracial adoption stats. Even if a black kid is born into a wealthy family or is adopted by whites, there's still other socioeconomic factors that come into play because of widespread institutionalized racism in american society

The real problem is systemic, institutionalized racism, not race

In what way would including all information on a subject to discuss it be a bad thing? You typed a lot of words for saying nothing.

obvious bait is obvious

This is why I'm going to obtain a jew gf.
>tfw spic
>get jew gf

What about the Black/brown kids that perform better than some of the white kids? What exactly are you proposing OP?
You cant be delusional enough to think every white is smarter than all the blacks and browns

when its unrelevant to the subjectmatter, and if its supposedly relevant on the imporvment in schools "if calling niggers supid because of race is going to fix they studieing" - then you have to explain why its important. School is a place for learning, not a place to exclude those who are less off genetically or economically, we tried that, and it sucked. look up sam harris for more information.

If you arent able to decipher the arguments against your case "its all much racism" , then i suggest you either re-read or simply listen to sam harris on this subject

Who are you refering to when you say "their"? Most universities have at least a couple of niggers that are probably smarter than you or most of pol, you people are just as bad as the sjw linking everything to race.
Being white doesnt make you smarter than blacks or browns, just like being a chink doesnt make you smarter than all whites

We need to have choice and competition. The stranglehold the union has had on education has destroyed the system.

>public schools
>charter schools
>private schools
>parents decide and their dollars follow their children

By discussing race you can decipher that race matters. You can use it as a factor going forward in your observations and strategy to improve the school system.

>School A has excellent test scores
>School B has sub par test scores
>They're the same economically, size wise, teachers are all about the same education from the same schools, material is identical, books are same issue, environment is the same, schedule is similar, age of kids is same, the sex of the children ratio is the same (not all boys or all girls school), the neighborhoods they're in is similar, in the same state, etc etc.
Why are these two seemingly identical schools performing so differently? We could look at even further factors to figure it out before we try to improve the scores of School B or we could just stop here and form our hypothesis and following course of action with the information we have now. What course of action would you like to take Professor Bjorn?

Putting truth to the lie would set the western world on fire. The left has ruled the west for nearly a century, civilization as we know it is a dying beast that is ravaging as much of the world as it can before it falls. There is no healing what has been done. only destruction and rebirth. It will limp along until the oil runs dry

how in the world would you improve their (both>) learning by that method?

The individual diffrences have the same factor at display "two whites students perform diffrently"

but what sort of action would improve their (both) abilities?

By your method you either get segregation (which you can get from individual factors too, good students vs bad ones need to be segregated cuz performance)

or you can remove the black from school (but this is as logical as removing bad students instead of teaching them)

Professor burger, what is the benifit of your information, that we wouldnt get from other methods, and can you use that to actually improve both students? Or do you just want a meritocracy based system where you fail if your a loser regardless , you dont need race for that either...

race is a superficially simplified system for people who dont like to think, it was usefull in the past, when ouer IQ was too low to make better systems to distinguish traits, but now we can focus on traits, on improvment of generall behavior by civilizing students, or we can teach them wisdom, or simply make them a slave of the government/economic system

but race does not help any society that does not want segregation or opposition..

>Sup Forums lets make niggers even more stupid by fixing the school system so they dont have equal opperitunities!

gee great system if you want another slum burger


You see, Professor Norway, if you used the factors we had before and didn't look further at more factors to try and distinguish what is different between the two, you would be taking uneducated actions. You would do something like maybe allocating more funding to School B in hopes that maybe they just need a little extra study time or resources. Maybe you would try rotating the staff around a bit, hell maybe even between the schools. You would maybe try switching up the coursework or books.

If you looked further into the factors and look at things like race, and actually studied and observed it, you would see that School A is mostly white kids, school B is mostly black kids. You would then conclude that School B consists of kids that generally just aren't as smart as those going to School A. It isn't their fault, the fault of the faculty, fault of school material, teaching methods, funding allocation, nothing. It is simply that those kids at a genetic level L simply don't perform as well in school as School A's students. In conclusion, instead of the actions taken above, no further action is required as it would be a waste of time, effort, resources, money, and everything else. Wasteful unnecessary action with no calculateable benefit.

IF the goal of school is "resources, money and effort" then you would indded loose some money by not focusing on race

but you would also lose money for not telling stupid kids that they simply "wont make it" too, why even waste money on anyone who does not fit a certain test made by the government to measure your prediced succsess rate?

It seems to me like race is a mish mash of diffrent arguments, efficiancy, marit, money, potential, but none of them does it do better then the pure version of the argument.

its as flawed as the leftist version of equality, when it comes to not being a pure version of what they are looking for.
the question asked is simply "do you want school/the government/the world to tell you where you fitin/dont or if you are going to make it. Or do you waste money by telling everyone can do what they want if they climb the system?

And this is all assuming the ideal case here. that the test used to measure your efficiancy is actually free of mistakes..

good luck burger, judging by your school system in your theory, and the one you actually have, you still have a long way to go before you reach scandinavian levels

What the fuck are you talking about? You went way off the rails there buddy. I said factors that we can control such as funding, school material, books, teaching staff, etc. before we make changes there, it is a benefit to look at all factors. Including race. It is a real factor, with real differences. If the only difference between School A and School B is race of the students, it would be a waste to reallocate any resources. If a difference is School A gets more funding or uses outdated books, then it would be beneficial to redirect funding and resources to School B because that is a real factor that we can control. In your situation you want to ignore a factor like race. We are now left to make uneducated decisions and redirect funding and resources to School B when it does nothing of benefit and is extremely wasteful. You are purposely ignoring a factor and wasting resources by doing so.

And don't get up on your high horse. This isnt a pissing contest unless you want to turn it into one. I'm having a real discussion about purposely ignoring factors causes waste in resources that can be better used.

Like i said, your assuption is only true IF schools are there to ballance resources,money and effort

but even then you would save more money by simply going by marit, saying "lets look at the IQ of all the people, lets not waste resources on stupid kids, be them white, black ect."

So either i misunderstood your argument, and its not about efficiancy, or race is just a factors that itself is less efficicant to look at then IQ in general.

I assure you in your soceity, it would be much more efficiant to just go by marit and IQ, i dont understand why you dont see this?

It has all the weaknesses that raceial factors have, just with the benifits of incompasing stupid white people, as well as stupid black people?

Same guy you were talking to; went home for lunch. Not trying to samefag with a new ID or anything.

I don't understand how you aren't grasping my argument. I'm saying:

School A is doing well, but School B isn't performing as well

Factors we know:
Funding, staff, materials, neighborhoods, environment, sexes of the children by ratio, income of families of the students, the state - hell even city the school is in, etc. etc. are all approximately the same

Factors we can control:
Funding, staff members, school materials, upkeep of the schools, schedules, and maybe overwatch by higher up school district members. All of which are equal between them right now.

What can we do?
What you want to do is just try shit out and hope something changes since we don't have any other factors to consider.

What I want to do is use another factor we can use and make a more educated decision. Race. Which is a real thing with real differences. We can make a more educated guess.