Can someone explain why all of our politicians have been so anti-Russia lately? It's not just over Trump's win either...

Can someone explain why all of our politicians have been so anti-Russia lately? It's not just over Trump's win either, during the election season Hillary was doing the same thing, talking like it was common knowledge Russia is evil and our enemy. I don't understand.

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WWIII soon goy

Yet they don't do the same to china, and those dog eaters are worse.

They are preparing for the final war. Do you even listen to J.R Church?

www ,

They will get theirs, one way or another. I personally think they will wait a few years so they can get more dissidents into Europe & US.

Pic related is happening, OP.

That just raises more questions. Since when does anyone have any feelings one way or another about Ukraine? It's basically a non-country, what do they even do there?

without NATO and the russian boogeyman your industrial-military complex would lose power and money now that there is nothing left to bomb in the middle-east.
plus it is always nice to have an evil antagonist for other various reasons. uniting people, forcing laws that would otherwise face a lot of resistance, etc.

>Do you even listen to J.R Church?

I think I saw the first lord of the rings movie when it was in theaters at least.


What even is Ukraine?

>Can someone explain why all of our politicians have been so anti-Russia lately?
since the mark of his presidency Putin didn't like Obama, this led to the entire Democratic party not liking him through association and also through the fact that Putin challenged Obama at every turn geopolitically and won (syria, ukraine, etc.) and is winning the proxy war in syria.

Hillary is similar but also wanted the email scandal to not latch onto her campaign so she just j'accused Russia
So basically, Obama and Hillary dont like Putin because he's smarter and the libs follow the herd

Russia annexed Crimea and wages covert war in another Ukranian region.
It started because Ukraine couldn't pay its gas bills, but that was really just a pretext.
Ukraine isn't a NATO member but the NATO doesn't like it when Russia beats up its neighbours.

Because Russia is ideologically very different from the West.
They're an oligarchy at best, and at their worst they're a dictatorship. Our values, such as rule of the law, free speech (not very much a UK value recently but whatever), free market etc. are alien to them. It's well known that Putin has repeatedly punished people for political dissent, killed journalists who dare speak against him and so on, so they have a sketchy human rights record in general, and it's a bit distasteful. Think of what's happening as ideological warfare.
Is Putin and his oligarchs shitlords? Yes, they are, but having said that it's really ironic that the west focuses on Russia, when there are countries (almost all of the Muslim world) who are much MUCH worse on all of these issues than Russia, but nobody on the left likes to talk about that, because they like to pander to Islam. The mental effort that it requires to see yourself as a progressive and to support Islam must be fucking enormous.
I too don't like Russia very much but they're not one of the major evils in the world, I don't mind them horribly.
The interesting thing about the west though is despite all the anti-Russian propaganda they're not doing anything at all because they're scared shitless of Vlad. The man ANNEXED a part of a SOVEREIGN country despite all the threats from Obama and NATO and they did absolutely NOTHING. Well that's not true, they imposed trade sanctions on him, lmao like he actually gives a fuck, the man is worth $40billion, the only people that these trade sanctions are hurting are the ordinary Russians and he has been doing that himself for decades now, so the idea that trade sanctions are a counteraction of the whole Crimea happening is laughable, and it shows how cucked we are.
I don't know what I'm talking about I'm so high right now

Russians are enemies but Muslims are fine

they challenge our supremacy

it can't be leftist policies that lost can it?

>Muslims are fine

They are trying to butter up the general population with anti-russian sentiments to support a war against Russia

>country has more nukes than us
>it's a good idea to talk shit about them

A lot of that makes sense, but if true they really dropped the ball on making the latest 'Russia is evil' narrative catch on. Nobody's even given us a *fake reason* yet for hating them. I can't even say I believe or don't believe in these politicians because they haven't bothered to make a claim in the first place, they just inexplicably jumped to this weird "we all hate Russia obviously" step.

>covert war
It's more of a destabilisation effort. Goal's to keep it from EU, not to conquer it.

I don't understand the paranoia, the only ones who wanted Ukraine in the EU where the Poles and they have no influence.
Let the Ukranians have their revolution and wait until they come crawling back to daddy Russia.

>I don't understand the paranoia
It's not even that at this point. We know nato/eu aint gonna happen. But russia needs a political solution to save face. And poroshenko, the current President of Ukraine, really really doesn't. This man has all the incompetence of Yanuk, with added western spoon/dick (you decide) in his mouth and jackbooted larpers as a major part of his policy.

They're trying to create an external enemy they can use to play on people's fears and thus do whatever they want with the nation. It's a false enemy of course just like all this middle east war has been. Time will tell if it works or not but it's definitely losing not as effective as it was in years prior.

There are people in full public view actually calling the 3 letter agencies on this bullshit now. They've destroyed their own credibility because they've played this hand too many times without letting it fade from the public consciousness.

They want another mass cull of whites.
WW1, WW2 and every clandestine thing done since just isn't enough.

not communist enough

made snese to me


no such thing

They are out of touch and think cold war talk will work

Russia is the last white country on Earth. They must be destroyed.