Why do white people get so flustered at being called racists...

Why do white people get so flustered at being called racists? Why can't they suck it up like minorities who deal with real racism?

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because being called racist implies we actually give a shit


What is whiteness?

As long as you acknowledge you're racist, i guess that's fine.

virtue signalling

they don't care about """""racism,""""" they care about looking like they aren't racist for brownie points.

Because it attacks their identity, like it's the problem itself, even if they follow the law to the full extent.

It's being called out, even if you were careful enough to do everything right.

Fuck all liberals.

Everyone is the hero of their own story, so being called a "racist" does more to hurt someone's self image far worse than being called a "nigger". In order to sustain their self image as the hero of their own story, they have to frame the person calling them a racist as the villain. Meanwhile, the person being called a "nigger" doesn't need to frame anyone, because calling someone a nigger automatically makes you the villain anyway.

It's just American cultural zeitgeist shit.

The word ´raciss´ has power only when its used against non-racists, fäm. The moment they stopped caring about it, the word becomes meaningless, just as the word "punk" went from meaning "sluts" to just edgy teenagers.

most whites are racialist, not racist

but u r 2 basic for that

But minorities have to deal with "being called out" everyday. Minorites learn to ignore most of it unlike white people who need to be catered to the second they feel wronged.

Society is a competition
To get a job/money/women/friends/a life, you have to 'beat' people at the 'game'.
Being identified as a 'racist' is a tactic used to make someone lose the game, so others can usurp their success.
This only affects white people though, blacks wouldn't understand.

Then minorities are more than welcome to leave back to the countries where they actually are a majority, and feel perfectly safe there.

>"being called out"

Only Westerners care because it usually leads to job loss. Travel to Eastern Europe and see how much anyone cares about rayceesm there as they call you a monkey-faced nigger (you don't even need to be black for that, every vaguely brown person is a "nigger" in Slav countries)

confirmed. i use my minority status when it leads to game-rigging like this

because im to inteligent too be racist

Being called racist is far worse than dealing with racism. Nobody blames you for being the victim of racism. To be called racist is a judgement on your character as a person and we've been raised to believe racists are the worst thing you can be.

Except America is my country. I'm lucky enough to live an a diverse area. But when i go to a white orientated community, wew lad.

Why is OP a tremendous faggot?

Underrated post.

>Why can't they suck it up like minorities who deal with real racism?

Nobody believes your story anymore. Get used to it

even here in school we mildly "bullied" swarthier kids

If being a minority is such a traumatic experience to you, i suggest returning to the origin of your minority nation, and living the full life provided by the privilege of your ethnic status.

You do not have to torment yourself with being subjected to the harsh, unbearable treatment of american society, when you can return once again to your homeland in the south.

If being a racist means I believe that races are a biological factor and that there exist significant physical, psychological and behavioral differences between races, then I am a racist, and I don't see any problem with someone being a racist.

Why would someone get tired of being called something they're not? Gee I don't know OP. Somehow I'm racist just for wanting border laws and voting Trump.

No one likes to be told they're hateful asshole who are full of shit. Especially when all you did was state facts about other races.

>Why can't they suck it up like minorities who deal with real racism?

also white people antagonize each other for shit all the time. race is just an easy card to use to antagonize when you don't have similar backgrounds.

white on white antagonizing is a lot dirtier and more subtle too. it could be your coworker block your promotion because you didn't grow up listening to the beatles or didn't compliment their accomplishment

you're not special enough to be hated user
everyone is a piece of shit

Well, you are racist actually. Weather DAHNALD does it consciously or not, his policies are aimed at preventing your races extinction, and since life is nothing but an endless competition, allowing you to have a future means your competiting races might face a greater challenge.

You are racist for choosing survival over suicide.

White people love to treat minorities like their token colored pets so they can feel good about themselves.

One if my white friends wanted me to take them to the barrio for an adventure. Then she got mad because i told her that's not ok.

The better questions is how long can you call someone a racist before they actually become a racist?

What the FUCK is a People of Color?




Why should i have to move? This is my country. I don't care if some people here are racist, i just get tired of them acting like they aren't. I'm perfectly happy in my community. It's just hilarious when white people get so worked up over being profiled.

Wow ita fucking nothing. thats about as offensive as a starbucks joke. Fuck tumblr

i heard negroids have woolly hair, id like to have a pet like that because i dont have enough place for a sheep

>One if my white friends wanted me to take them to the barrio for an adventure. Then she got mad because i told her that's not ok.

If that's your definition of being treated badly, you're a child

>we should be able to treat the bad parts of your culture like a vacation

>how dare you get offended! I'M OFFENDED THAT YOU'RE OFFENDED. Next time, stay SILIENT


How can you say whites don't experience racism when whites our constantly shamed for wanting there own country

Because being white is playing life on easy mode.

Get used to it.

>I don't care if some people here are racist
then why did you post here

>someone invited me to a bar
unless she said, "oh you poor black negro, you must be so marginalized, let me buy you a drink," she probably just wanted to fuck

This is Sup Forums
Most people here are racist.
Like 'Gas the Jews, Race War Now' racist.

What is a barrio?

Anybody notice the height difference between the white and poc man? They're trying to use subliminal messages....

By minorities dealing with it do you happen to mean BLM, not the white feminazi cucks protesting, but the negroes rioting and cooning in the streets? Lol if thats sucking it up, I'm missing something op.

>Muh safe space!

>Then minorities are more than welcome to leave back to the countries where they actually are a majority, and feel perfectly safe there.

Fuck that. Whites forced my ancestors to come to America. If whites want me to "go back", then they're my ride back home.

I'll remember that with all the welfare I'm not getting for spitting out kids from 5 different baby daddies and not having to do a day's work in my life. OH WAIT

Racist: Code word for, don't ask me to be held accountable for my actions or I will call you racist.

Despite what some people think, it's mostly not about virtue signalling.

Having 'racist' on your reputation is BTFOing in every way.

- It's discrediting, so even if you make the better argument it doesn't matter.

- It hurts socially, so even if you're right you can be hated.

- It is considered a justifiably punishable trait: firing, fines, ostracising, even violence is all justified if someone is racist.

- It cannot be redeemed. Apologies can be requested forever but never accepted, and once racist always racist.

- It harms those associated with the label: friends, family, co-workers, and they are forced to distance themselves.

So it's not about virtue-signalling. That's a meme. Ultimately, it's about scolding and threatening:

"Do this and think this and agree or we will destroy you and everyone who supports you."

Then if you can find any issue -- migration, taxation, whatever -- and turn it into a narrative about race, you can always win.

It's so effective it turned all media and politicians into pursues.

And it's also why the Left is obsessed with race. It's how they win everything.

The only antidote is to (1) disarm the term, which requires time and persuasion (which won't happen), or (2), by making literally everything racist so that it comes to mean nothing (which is inevitable and starting to happen).

Spanish ghetto.

Despite what some people think, it's mostly not about virtue signalling.

Having 'racist' on your reputation is BTFOing in every way.

- It's discrediting, so even if you make the better argument it doesn't matter.

- It hurts socially, so even if you're right you can be hated.

- It is considered a justifiably punishable trait: firing, fines, ostracising, even violence is all justified if someone is racist.

- It cannot be redeemed. Apologies can be requested forever but never accepted, and once racist always racist.

- It harms those associated with the label: friends, family, co-workers, and they are forced to distance themselves.

So it's not about virtue-signalling. That's a meme. Ultimately, it's about scolding and threatening:

"Do this and think this and agree or we will destroy you and everyone who supports you."

Then if you can find any issue -- migration, taxation, whatever -- and turn it into a narrative about race, you can always win.

It's so effective it turned all media and politicians into pursues.

And it's also why the Left is obsessed with race. It's how they win everything.

The only antidote is to (1) disarm the term, which requires time and persuasion (which won't happen), or (2), by making literally everything racist so that it comes to mean nothing (which is inevitable and starting to happen).

racism is a meme not a reality

Take that up with the jews buddy

im just saying, if i was this offended every time someone said something slightly offensive i wouldnt have any friends. And im sure you dont. Lol

to be honest its getting used to often a lot of people are starting to say who gives a shit or something like you can't really prove it.
If you want to insult someone who is that kind of awful by calling them racist there are usually plenty of other things to insult them for that will hurt their feelings just as much if not more. They tend to have a decent amount of pride no matter who they are (hence the defensive stance) so calling them out on being stupid, greedy, childish, petty ect is still just as damning to them.

Whites are 8% of the world.

>Why do white people get so flustered at being called racists?
Nobody likes to be unjustly accused.
And it *IS* an often unjust accusation.
That's why somebody invented the idea of "privilege", so we can be guilty of racism, sexism, etc even if we aren't actually racist or sexist.

Where the hell do u people live, racist isn't even considered a insult here.

anti white racism is far more prevalent

so its like being a fag. I see.

>Why do white people get so flustered at being called racists?
Because in the minds of many, the moment I get labeled as such, I'm a subhuman who deserves death.
It's unnerving.

Why can't minorities live in their own countries?

When you live in American, that question is invalid. Try being anywhere else next time.

>complaims about whites being flustered by marginal things
>gets flustered over marginal thing not even meant to be an insult
Lol. You just proved yourself wrong op

Because it's implying that a minority can get away with whatever they want, and calling them out on it or protecting yourself from them is "racist".

Essentially it's an evil way to get white people to disarm themselves.

I'm super fucking racist you dumb fucking nigger

Because calling all white people racist is racist. My single issue with that statement is that it's intellectual bullshit and obviously just a way to justify hating white people because they suck at life. Nothing makes me want to kill a person than using intellectual dishonesty to justify something.

as says. but anyways, I'm sure many people would love to pay to remove you and your ilk from their society if they jews uncharacteristically short change you guys :^)

>Why do innocent people get so flustered at being called rapists? Why can't they suck it up and admit to something they didn't do?


BTFO in post #1

Racism in the West is like accusing someone of apostasy in the Muslim world or of being a subversive anti-regime activist in China. It's the scarlet letter

What are you talking about?


Fuck off, nig.

Nobody cares until you start fucking our daughters and ruining our beautiful genetics and superior IQ.

>be called racist
>lose employment and ability to provide

surely im not the only one who is attracted to black british girls


You are.

Because it is ALL we hear. Getting pretty tired of this shit.

i dare you to call me raycist nigger

reported for zoopizza

Reason is because REAL white racism is about eliminating that which it is racist towards. In fact, when real white racism occurs: That which it is racists towards will simply be gone and no one will even mention them anymore. What is going on right now is minority envy of white people.
Because white people won at game of life. No other group has done so much in all of history. Some argue Asians. But lets be honest. All they do is reverse engineer white people shit. If white people are eliminated the entire world would go back to being bug eating morons.

super Rare:)


The term 'racist' in the context of America's post Protestant ruling ideology has much the same function as 'heretic' has in Christian culture. Note how leftists are so eagerly pushing the narrative of "all white people are racist" and "only white people can be racist." This is the language of original sin. Read this:


We just hate being called racist when its over shit that has nothing to do with race, because its usually a refusal to even try and see things from our point of view or acknowledge our concerns

>I think illegal immigration is a big problem, if too many people enter the country it could put undue strain on our resources, and without entering through the legitimate process, who knows that kind of criminals could be sneaking in?

>Allowing foreign investors to purchase land and property is a big mistake. If we're not careful, huge tracts of our cities and country will be owned by people from other nations who don't even give anything back in taxes
>NO you just HATE ASIANS

>I'm concerned about the quantities of Islamic immigration. Their culture is very different from ours, even highly intolerant of many groups our western society has deemed to deserve respect, and they have a high rate of radical violence.
>NO you just HATE MUSLIMS which is a RACE so you're RACIST

Because everyone has done something racist in thier life. Its like calling a Jew a Jew and the Jew gets all defensive and shit. Jews have manipulates that tactic and learned how to use it against goys.