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What exactly did the Russians do if obama conceded wikileaks was independent of Russia?






It's not over till the fat lady sings

What does her race have to do with anything?
Just because she's jewish doesn't mean anything
It's pure coincidence


>Russians have a CTR style program to direct media narrative... like CTR
>this is somehow a surprise to people and upsetting.

How is Jew even a race? Honestly they are like a European mash up of shit. I mean the ones that got kicked out by hitler goy

Diddnt catch Obomoms publics address today did you?


It's always fake news, that's why no link is posted.

What you don't mention is that the FBI guy claiming this is notoire cunt James Comey, the ever-so reliable director who in no way has ever done his job a disservice...


A little over a month left....

Next time I'm on trial I'm going to find someone on the police force who's russian and get all the evidence against me thrown out.

>“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce
Is Comey dead?


How did they tip the election in Trump's favor though?
Did they stuff the ballots? Hack the voting machines? Cause a miscount of dem ballots?

No, some presumably Russian L33T H4x0R managed to get past Podesta's copious cybersecurity safeguards
And then leaked the obvious corruption within

I mean, if that's the definition of Russian state actors rigging an election...

Did they really back the assessment that it influenced the election, or that it was done by the russians, because those are two widely different things


James Comey is the secret Russian that tipped the election. If he had just kept his fucking mouth shut she would have gotten her turn, but no he had to go and ruin the whole fucking thing.

In the darkness, a glimmer of hope.

You still selling those guaca bowles Jeb?

They literally interfered with the vote, which is why we need to hold another election with paper ballots.

They leaked DNC info but help back RNC info. That's about it. So instead of focusing on shit that was leaked about DNC, everyone says it was unfair of Russia to do so and hence "helping" Trump win.

I have been asking that all day , not one answer yet.

Its sucks, fuck our msm


You're so dumb.

Not true: obama said all emails were from wikileaks

coming from HuffPo means absolutely shit

Since the DNC was directly manipulating votes as well, should we go all the way back to primaries?

As a matter of fact, did Russia help Obama win over McCain in 08? (McCain being one of the fiercest anti-Russia politicians of all time).

huffington post will pull anything out of their ass. it never goes anywhere.

Why are you going out of your way to defend Russians?

Doesn't matter now with the transition. Obama bent the knee today. InfoSec is in President Trump's hands now.

Exactly. On Nov 7 the entire Left was proclaiming that it wasn't possible to rig an election and Trump people were paranoid and delusional. On Nov. 9 the same people proclaim the election was rigged and the results should be discarded. Anyone for a piping hot cup of Go Fuck Yourself?

So because we never got to see the RNC emails, we must presume they were as damning as the DNC emails
What did they expect to find? The RNC rigging the primaries in Trumps favor?


I dont line Russian government but its alarming that the media will manufactuer a story against a nuclear power with nothing but hyperbole.

And still dont know what Russia did exactly.

A foreign nation is literally hacking voting machines, and you are trying to blame the DNC. You are out of your mind. I have zero doubt you are a Russian troll.

that's true, they're far more genetically diverse now than they ever were in the past

Everyone, everywhere, globally was trying to fuck with the election from CNN to Putin to Leafs to Pajeets.


Price of being the most powerful nation on Earth. The outcome impacts everyone. Who's gonna bother fucking with Kenya's elections?

>It's pure coincidence

Wasn't it just yesterday or Wednesday that they said the exact opposite?

>A foreign nation is literally hacking voting machines

[citation needed]

And the RNC said there were attempts but guess what: they know not to reset their fucking password on a random website.

Fuck me, we may have a nuclear war because podesta is an idiot about computers

>A foreign nation is literally hacking voting machines,

No that is not what is being said at all you sack of shit. Putin hacked the DNC and used the data as part of a psyop to help Trump win the election. That is what took place

>So because we never got to see the RNC emails, we must presume they were as damning as the DNC emails
Nice fallacious thinking there.

The DNC gets to nominate anyone they want. They only do their dance so they don't lose supporters, they could have nominated Clinton even if Sanders had won in a landslide.

>literally hacking voting machines

Prove it. Oh wait,

>1 post by this ID

Unsubstantiated shit is just the latest, and weakest straw grabbing by delusional libs. Just keep pissing us off. On Jan 21, we will have control of all branches of government, and the majority of states. Day of the rope will be declared. Extermination of libs will make America great again. If they had lost with grace, they would have been spared. Their actions have proven that they do not deserve to live.

>A foreign nation is literally hacking voting machines
Kek. I should stop here, but imma keep going

>you are trying to blame the DNC
So now it's implausible that Russia, who so obviously hacked this election, would have done it in the past?

>You are out of your mind
Speak for yourself. Your mental gymnastics are quite amusing

>I have zero doubt you are a Russian troll
I don't think you're a troll, but I do think you're a fucking moron

They are not even saying that: obama said all emails were from wikileaks and it was independent of russia.

Please fucking christ someone tell me exactly what the Russians did!!!!!

To be specific they said they could not come to the same conclusion as the CIA concerning intent based upon the data they had. It appears they have seen more data and have not reached the same conclusion concerning intent.

So after our war over oil and daddy issues, now we're going to war over SJW butthurt. Kill me, kill me now.

>A foreign nation is literally hacking voting machines


Also (((Schulberg)))

Every fucking time with this fake news.

Trump was hardly associated with the RNC anyways. How long did it take for Republicans to get behind, if they even did?

I said it before and I'll say it again, if we can get past these next 6 months wicked, wicked Jews will perish

>Jessica (((Schulberg)))

thank you for raising this important issue


They tried but couldn't hack into the RNC. They didn't go after the DNC specifically. That's why all the dirt of Hillary got released but none on Trump. Try harder faggot.

I've only heard Gruccifer, who gave e-mails to DC Leaks, being tied to Russia.

That is not what is being said at all.

After all of this i am more terrified of liberals than radical muslims. I will take a boat load of muslims from Syria over these nutty liberals any day.

>i am more terrified of liberals than radical muslims
You should be terrified of how quickly they'll help each other out.

i'd like to see this (((evidence)))

But only one is dangerous.

>Please fucking christ someone tell me exactly what the Russians did!!!!!

Hacked the fucking DNC, he said it in the press conference today.

To take it a step further it is implied although never directly stated that wikileaks was used as the method of delivery, and therefore assange is compromised by the russians

Like how Clinton won the popular vote against Obama in the primaries? Where was the call to abolish the system then?

Which emails? (Sincere question)

All emails i thought were from wikileaks

>Just because she's jewish doesn't mean anything



But obama in his brief today said they did not.

You would think he would know.

Liberals are calling for us to attack Russia. For what?

Obama directly threatened the brexit vote. Fuck this shit.

>therefore assange is compromised by the russians

I guess whoever gives documents to Wikileaks has compromised Assange.

How do we know Russia didn't send over millions of people to vote illegally? We should have a vote audit in every state and implement voter IDs in the future to avoid any more Russian meddling.






I thought he said in news conference wikileaks is independent of Russia

I mean, the real lapse in logic is assuming that the Republican party that spent more than half the election trying to stab Trump in the back would have anything worthwhile in their emails

Point notwithstanding, I could've hacked the DNC
Accepting that it was the Russians with no public evidence is the actions of a retard

This is the stupidest thing I've read on this site all month.

The only shit they can say about Russia is that they hacked democratic emails and exposed their corruption. Yeah, democratic corruption coming to light tipped the election in favor of Trump.

>Democrats purposely broke their mom's vase, and Russia told on them. It's not Russia's fault the Democrats got grounded.

What in the fuck is going on at the FBI? They flip flop on everything.

Again, they can handle their primaries however they want, that's between the party and its supporters.

>hillary commits crimes
>Democrats cover it up
>russians get their hands on the emails proving the crimes
>russians release emails proving crimes

No matter how you slice it I feel like it looks bad for Democrats since they're bitching that if Russians hadn't revealed Hillary's crimes she would have won, which is like saying if Nixon hadn't been caught at Watergate he never would have been forced to resign

Democrats are still of the opinion that Hillary's crimes are irrelevant, so the Democrats will continually look like a party of criminals for the right and center parts of the American electorate and will probably make no real gains in 2018 despite midterms favoring the opposition

Huffington post. I am tempted to read the source is a retired FBI agent or some shit. But i have been trolled too many times

Who cares, by the end of monday, we'll be the one's laughing

They're getting on the 90 day program where they lose all credibility at breakneck pace

I'd say their plan is working, no?

Why the fuck are they giving a shitty borderline 3rd world country which can barely manage it's own, internal problems so much credit and implying that it's powerful enough to influence who is going to be the next POTUS?
This is fucking retarded to be honest and seems like a scapegoating or some shit.

Tied to Russia

How. Fucking. How.
Because it was one of their citizens?
Is the whole nation to blame for the action of one person? Where is the actual proof it was the Russian government?

>interfered with the vote

Wtf does that mean?

He said the data was available on wikileaks he never outright stated how the data got to them

The "implication" is clear

>Jessica Shillbergenstein

At this point it has to be asked:

Is it REALLY so wise for the FBI to have a single talking head publicly represent such a robust group of people? Especially when it concerns making such huge decisions and taking serious action toward something. Like however is the head of the FBI could say just about anything and it could sway the populace any which way they please even if other members don't agree, which could lead to some serious consequences. I hear a lot of lower ranking workers of the FBI are getting tired of being dragged along by Comey like this.

whatever happened to the whole "assange countdown clock thingy"? is it a whole lot of fuckin nothing?

>The only shit they can say about Russia is that they hacked democratic emails

They can't even really say that.

Of course they influenced the election, by revealing all of the DNC corruption. But there's no evidence they hacked the election itself

But obama said all emails were from wikileaks and it was independent of Russias efforts. He said it in press conference

I am seriously getting pissed no one has defined what Russia did.

It means nothing happened.

I think he was making his own version of Trump's victory song


I honestly don't know what the end goal is here

I refuse to believe that Democrats fee fees are so rattled that they legitimately believe Russia changed the outcome of the election
So what's the catch? What do the Dems get out of this?