Are ayyys real?

Are ayyys real?

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Lol ya its the biggest redpill to take the only problem with a redpill of this magnitiude is that 99% of all information on them is utter bullshit made up by conspiracy theorists who want to sell books.

IE someone who has seen them since i was a small boy
No i wont capitalize on my experiences

Guys... What if... Hold on stay with me here...

What if.. You still here?

What if... Are you listening???

What if... Okay...

What if... We are the aliens?

panspermia is a real bitch

no we're too boring for them. they have the knowledge to travel time whereas you can't even travel to your closest planet. humans are filthy savages and you fight each other too much.

I'd say we don't know either way. I find it hard to believe that there would NOT be life somewhere but we haven't found it.

>does other intelligent life exist somewhere in this fucking huge universe
>do they visit earth in flat spaceships to anally examine you
>are they ruling this planet by using illusions to appear human-like


>Are they checking us out to see if we are a threat or worth checking out our biology for their science

aye, me mam said she seen them



If there IS intelligent life out there, yeah. That's completely true.

If anyone is legitimately interested in what could be the closest thing you'd get concerning "truth", I'd recommend following what Tom DeLonge has been doing since this year. The book (Sekret Machines) and Tom's recent interviews on the topic really seem genuine.

Obviously, I mean if we exist then others must've existed at some point in time or currently exists.

Yes they are and they control the world.
They tell you aliens don't exist because that is how they maintain power.
They prey on you because you are a lower life form and don't have the cognition and the consciousness to realize their existence.
Why do you think alien movies/books have been rising over the years? We are becoming more and more aware of them.
Only a matter of time until full disclosure happens and they a kicked off of this planet once and for all.


They are Chinese, this is meme mechanics, which can be projected onto the Chinese.



Absolutely positively they exist. They're here and they've been here a long time imo.

I grew up on a farm.

That second Reagan quote has an interesting story behind it. He gave that speech in some Maryland high school. days before that he was briefed on some "communication". Nervous times are probably ahead. He had to be "given" Alzheimer's, unfortunately. He had to be forced to forget everything.

someone go ahead and post that weird flatulence post from last night.

you know the one...

haha sperm :DDDD

No ayys just more humans. Although this sector was set up by a bunch of colonists back in the day and doesn't even have an administrator we are still members of the Milky Way Empire.
It's just kind of sad that people are trying to communicate with the rest of the Empire using ancient technologies like Radio. It's like using smoke signals to contact Russia from Australia. Even if the radio goes far enough there is simply no one looking.

think about it this way

>light-speed would take up actual time itself, years and years
>if aliens would ever want to come visit us, they would use light speed, but it would effect time itself
>so maybe aliens will be here at like 2050 or something