Un-fucking-believable, girl gets sentenced for murder after killing her attacker


Any comments? How can we prevent this stuff from happening in Europe in the future?

PS: Yes or no to the following idea: Future underground organizations putting out contracts on rapists and hunting them down? (Non-lethally of course, merely "removing" their "manhood")

You don't know if the muslim actually did anything. I hate Islam but i'll wait for the courts to set this out.

Dude no, just kill them. Don't leave witnesses like a fucking amateur.

Last you need is rapists reporting "hate crimes" and getting more free stuff.


Shouldn't it be manslaughter at worst?
In Germany it's only murder if you either planned the attack or kill someone in cold blood.

Can't have the slaves killing each other. It's bad for business.

kys cuck

>You will never cross Europe and fill struggling girls with your virile seed

"Manslaughter" is a colliquial term for Murder 3, unintentional homicide, at least in the US

the term rape is pretty loose
women calls catcalling and insulting them rape these days

What you need are groups targeting and hunting down your traitorous politicians and judges. It's about a quarter past time to vote from the rooftops.
Remove baguette faggot.

>unintentional homicide
Which this obviously is, no?
The "attacker" didn't plan the "murder".

Protip: there are men in europe that served prison sentences for rape because they bought their girlfriends the wrong gift.

Agreed! Like that cuck EU official Clemens Ladenburger, pro-refugee migrants, his daughter Maria who was 19 years old got raped and murdered by drowning and her father collected money for the refugee cause at her funeral

its not. It cannot be unintentional because a reasonable person knows perfectly well that if you hit a guy in the head (many times) with a pointy and hard shit, you may actually, very likely, possibly kill him.

thats a hard pill to swallow friend, got any sauce to make it go down easier?

>How can we prevent this stuff from happening in Europe in the future?

Take a page out of Russias book and kick out all the Jews and Mudslimes.

If she kept hitting him, it means he wasn't backing off, she wouldn't have kept hitting if he fucked off

Castration does not cure selfish evilness while dead scum never hurt anyone ever again. Rapists have lethal accidents and commit suicide frequently.

But the deed was not planned beforehand.
Any judge in Germany wouldn't call this murder.
For it to be murder it must be planned or toxins must be involved, because those are automatic proof it was planned to kill.
If you kill someone in a fight it's not murder, it's manslaughter.
Ironically the ones who made the laws like this are the National Socialists.

its homicide. Not murder. I did not say it was murder. Its not manslaughter or unintentional homicide or whatever you call it either.

witnesses say she was still hitting him when the dude was passed out on the floor.
Its homicide, ffs.

>its homicide. Not murder.
Then we are on the same page.
Murder is done in cold blood, this was not.
For something to legally be murder in Germany you have to fill quite some criteria.

Based high heels.

For everyone who is awoke it's obvious the people in power have been long doing the best to act precisely against every form of agency of the common man
We live in tyranny

same in Spain, premeditation is not a requirement for murder since the late 90s though.

kek and I thought that shit like this happens only in Polish courts

I thought you guys were supposed to be redpilled

>§ 211 Mord
>(1) Der Mörder wird mit lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe bestraft.
>(2) Mörder ist, wer aus Mordlust, zur Befriedigung des Geschlechtstriebs, aus Habgier oder sonst aus niedrigen Beweggründen, heimtückisch oder grausam oder mit gemeingefährlichen Mitteln oder um eine andere Straftat zu ermöglichen oder zu verdecken, einen Menschen tötet.
>§211 Murder
>(1) The murderer will be punished with a lifelong prison sentence.
>(2) Murderer is, who kills a man out of "murder lust", to satisfy sexual desires, because of greed, or another "lowly motive", treacherously or cruelly or with collaterally dangerous means or to hide or to enable another criminal act.

Notice the "lowly motives" part? This was to be abolished recently because it's "literally nazi" kek. But this is still the current version of our murder law.

If I understood the context correctly she's guilty. She kept attacking him long after he stoppedbeing a threat. Being groped doesnt give the right to murder in retaliation.

memes are not reality in this case

Gemeingefährlichen Mitteln (Amongst them high heels?)

Poland you see on Sup Forums doesn't exist

I don't think so, no.
I guess this is for bombs or other toxic gasses or other things that can potentially hurt anyone.

But a rapist will always be a threat, whether he's attacking or planning to or backing off until he finds another victim

our courts put people in jail for murder when they kill home invader who is trying to kill them, no memes. Self defence is non existent in Poland.

Investigated for murder.

I meant the immediate threat. Dealing with other threats is police's job.

But what if the police are cucks?

>(Non-lethally of course, merely "removing" their "manhood")

Then you kill the guy and avoid the police

You could argue for manslaughter in that she was emotionally compromised from the rape

the guy sounds like a heel with no sole.

nigger deserved to die, girl deserves a medal for public service.

You guys are being goobers over the technicalities of a language that's not even native to you.. Stop arguing semantics.

Generally there's 3 Stages of Crime for when you kill somebody

3- Accidental
2- Heat of the Moment, but on Purpose
1- Pre meditated

So that french girl could stand for 2 or 3 in the US. As far as whether she thought she could kill him with her heel that point will be debated in court.

In the US anyway, she would be charged with 3 or 2, and likely her defense would be that it was justifiable homicide.

Homicide and Murder are the same thing. Manslaughter is what the colloquially call unintentional murder/homicide.

Example is that Drunk Drivers who are involved with a deadly car accident are Usually charged with Murder or Homocide 3.

...why? There has to be a reason.

>You guys are being goobers over the technicalities of a language that's not even native to you.
So she is being trialed in the US? Why does American law apply here?

You guys were arguing technical English legal terms, I just thought that was kind of weird.

If you wanna talk about what will happen to her, since it's Europe, I presume you guys don't even allow for self-defense in court, or if you do it's really weak, so she's going to get put in prison.

She hasn't been sentenced for murder, they're still considering whether to charge her or not. More likely than not the worst she gets is a manslaughter charge.

This is a very early report on a case in progress. Stop getting riled up over every goddamn thing you see that MIGHT not align with your values.

Manslaughter is murder, it's just the lowest level of murder in law.


>You guys were arguing technical English legal terms,
I wasn't.
> I just thought that was kind of weird.
And you are explaining american legal terms in a thread about a french case.
Take a step back and realize how stupid that is.
I would've liked a frog explaining this instead of a burger talking about burgerlaw.

Murder is a premeditated act of taking one's life while manslaughter can be completely accidental. Pretty sure what she did was in the heat of the moment and she didn't mean to kill him.

Exhibit A: The murder weapon

Motive: he fell head over heels for that girl

I'm talking more generally about the english terms we were using. I mean really we should be talking about the french specifics of murder and not using english.

If you kill someone in an Assault, it's reasonable to charge them with Murder/Homocide, usually they'll find it was negligence and give you Murder/Homicide in the 3rd degree, which means it was an accident, but sometimes they'll give you 2 because you didn't plan it, but you wanted to fuck that person up, and they died.

The best defense in the USA is self-defense, but I'm not sure France allows that in court...

>I'm talking more generally about the english terms we were using.
Yeah but why?
>I mean really we should be talking about the french specifics of murder and not using english.
Why couldn't we just talk about french specifics of murder using English?

okay, so in that case, lemme show u this quote from wikipedia what kind of explains my point

>Premeditated murder is one of the most serious forms of homicide, and is punished more severely than manslaughter or other types of murder, often with a life sentence without the possibility of parole, or in some countries, the death penalty.

The legislation in Europe is bumpilicious, it creates a type of cuckold who would rather witness their loved ones get hurt and raped than suffer the possibility of being called a Nazi...

For real, in first half of the 19th century after the de-bonapartization of France which branded all former Bonapartists as evil traitors and then they saw good in Napoleon afterwards and he became a symbol to the French... How long until people start viewing the Nazis as heroes in Germany and end this cuckification?

>How long until people start viewing the Nazis as heroes in Germany and end this cuckification?
Never and you know that.
The rest of the World has made it pretty clear that this won't fly.

Is self-defense ever admitted as a defense for homicide in Europe? Like how hard is it to be acquitted for homicide by saying it was 'justified due to necessity of self-defense"

Let's say it's become more of a habit of investigating "the whites" out of fear of being branded a racist or Nazi if one tries to blame the one responsible (if he is part of an ethnic minority) prime minister Rutte of the Netherlands claimed it would be justifiable if someone killed a home invader, however when some home invader got hit with a wrench by a shop owner, fell off the stairs and broke his neck, a whole investigation arose and I believe he was even found guilty

Fuck that's horrible...

>Neither the girl nor the dead man have been named by officials.

Gee I wonder what the reasoning is behind this.

To be honest, self-defence laws throughout Europe are a joke. They're not quite "duty to retreat" levels of insanity everywhere yet, but damn do some people in power want them to be. Hopefully the popular revolts we've been seeing will cause the lawmakers to think twice before deciding that people who can't afford armed guards and electric gates should be denied the right to defend themselves because of some ideological commitment to the rights of the violent criminal to rape, rob, and murder.

that little psychopath deserves prison.

this. it's homicide and she should go to prison

he was probably just a pick up artist and perhaps an ethnic frenchman

Oh he fell over, theres no chance he will get back up and rape/kill me. Kys mate