Why is it impossible to support Trump but not also acknowledge that Russia is fucking in our shit? Nobody is saying that Russia hacked our vote, they're just saying they influenced the voters with leaks. The people still had to vote for him. So what the fuck?

Of course Russia is fucking with our election. The world thinks Trump is a joke, so how better to troll the world than to help Trump win and lower America's international standing and trustworthiness. It also causes instability with China, which Russia likes because it distracts us from them.

Trump won, Russia helped. Deal with it.

Other urls found in this thread:


CTR pls go

>The world thinks Trump is a joke

>the world thinks trump is a joke

The world. Literally every first-world country has expressed doubts as to Trump's ability to lead the free world. Search for literally any country's coverage and street opinions. Other than Russia.

>Nobody is saying that Russia hacked our vote,
thats what the media is trying to get people to think. They won't say it directly, but they use language to get the average joe thinking they were fucking with the actual votes.

Because there is nothing morally wrong with governments outing each others misdoings, the issue is that leftist are using the leaks as a springboard to claim that Russia hacked the election itself.

>citation needed


by world he means CNN and his liberal friends who 'literally' can't believe trump won the election

>giving a shit what the rest of the world thinks
are you even american?


Donald obviously had Kasparov advising him. We should really look into Russian influence on you chess games.

>The world thinks Trump is a joke
CTRim, I...

>the world

more like those leftist "international" sites you visit lmao

you dont know shit about what the world thinks

>I support X, but here's why X sucks

These shills should be permabanned tbqh senpai

I agree. And ostracizing Trump simply gives more possibilities to Russia to spread their propaganda

I have a friend in sweden who got stabbed by a "refugee" who says that he wishes sweden had its own trump

Leaking information about how corrupt the government actually is isn't "interfering with an election," it's doing God's work by informing the people.

Former Trump supporter here, not gonna lie, it's hilarious to watch him crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let the guy get nuclear codes.

If you believe the Russian government is responsible for the e-mail hacks, you should really be thanking them. Those hacks let the public see how corrupt the DNC and Clinton were. It is because this truth became known that Clinton lost. Was it "fair"? Was it "fucking with" the election to let the public know one of the candidates was corrupt? Well, is anyone complaining that the endless media reporting on Trumps flaws and historical mistakes counts of "fucking with" the election?


Guys like you are fucking traitors.

"It's okay if Putin rapes my asshole because when my prostate started to hurt I realized I might have ass cancer."

that could be anyone in sweden

top kek haven't heard this line for over a fucking year.

why are you worrying about this? also, he's not crashing and burning...

>fucking traitors.
>because we are ok with bringing corrupt DNC activities to light

its stale pasta dude

I would rather Hillary have won the election and her indiscretions never been brought to light than for Russia to be jerking us around by the nuts and hacking our shit while we stand around arguing with ourselves like pathetic cucks.






or maybe some people regardless of nationality don't agree with various clandestine organizations and hacks them to show people whats really going on. remember when sony was hacked, and the us government/media (same thing at this point) tried to convince everyone that it was north korea.

the reality in cases like this it's probably people on the inside with a conscience, as is the case in about 90-95% of whistle-blowing

>I would rather Hillary have won the election
> arguing with ourselves like pathetic cucks.
i don't think you understand what that means

yep, the irony of it all is painful

Nothing of substance came out of the hacks. Hillary isn't in jail. It didn't mean a goddamn thing in that regard.

I know exactly what it means. It means I don't want Putin's dick in our butts while the world watches, even if it meant 4 years of Hillary.

Get fucked.
Quit bitching about our new ally.

Leaking emails that show the world proof that the dems are corrupt pedo scum is not election tampering.

Actually, people are tired of YOUR shit. Julian Assange is on record saying that they did not get the DNC leaks from Russia. Everybody knows it, and neither you nor the lying media can rewrite it.

I was thinking, 'oh lord it will be nice to have things settle down after the inauguration.' But I see you little liars aren't going to stop. This is going to be a war of endurance. And truth. The truth is out there, and that's why you lost. That's also why you will continue to lose. Because obviously half the country is not the sheep you need them to be to buy your song and dance.

You're literally being programmed to jump into WWIII.
That's why everyone is against the propaganda on our news channels.

>I know exactly what it means. It means I don't want Putin's dick in our butts while the world watches, even if it meant 4 years of Hillary.
>I'd rather have a nuclear pissing contest than know they helped expose corruption at the highest levels of government
CTR pls go. No one is this retarded unless they're doing it on purpose

If Americans can't leak it then we didn't need to know. Russia can stay the fuck out of our shit.

You are the only pathetic cuck here.
>“I always tease David that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them!”

>Hillary isn't in jail
She will be once Trump is in office.

>he trusts Julian Assange




>things influenced peoples opinions and this is bad
holy shit OP I never looked at it this way thanks

also does it change the fact that they supposedly influenced the election by showing how corrupt the DNC is?

Fuck off you pig fucking commie bastard. Get off your internet cafe stool and go get a job instead of being paid to shitpost on America's internet. Fucking scum.

Fact: Russia hacked materials that were then disseminated through outlets like Wikileaks and in turn America's own media industry.

Fact: The emails released were not edited. They were not fabrications. All that was revealed was the dirty laundry the DNC did not want the American people to be aware of.

Fact: Trump won the popular vote in more states than Hillary Clinton, securing the required number of electoral votes to win. At the end of the day, American citizens made the choice, based on all the information available, to either vote for Trump or at least not vote for Hillary in the numbers she needed to secure victory. The votes themselves were not "hacked".

Fact: The United States needs to do everything in its power to plug these holes and ensure that its politicians are educated on how to respond in the event of a cyber attack so that their baffling ineptitude during this fiasco is not repeated in the future.

Fact: Russia needs to be held accountable for these attacks in some manner. It should not, however, involve military action.

Fact: It is 100% understandable why Russia would wish to sway public opinion away from the candidate threatening to shoot down their aircraft and murder their pilots over a country they were invited into by the legal government of said country.

Ahahaha, you're so salty

Literally America doesn't literally give a literal fuck what the rest of the literal world thinks. Literally true.

>Fact: Russia hacked

And yet every bit of it was true.

I bet you're even in one of the worse internet cafes because you're just that poor and Putin doesn't give a fuck about you.

I'm at my home and I won't lie, I'm having my winter holidays at the uni. You're so pathetic.

And Julian says Russia isn't involved. Who to trust? The ONE person that knows for a fact and isn't a Trump supporter OR the CIA who won't even show their evidence.

Russian universities are on par with American elementary schools, you poorfag commiecuck.

I didn't realize you lived at the internet cafe. That's sad bro. Ask Putin for a raise and maybe he won't rape and murder you and your family.

Julian Assange is a liar and a traitor.

Except that people from our unis end up in the best schools afterwards. It's not me you should be dealing with in this thread btw, go do your work. ;)

says Donald Trump

You realize you're being hacked right now?

>best schools

Going to break it to you hard, bro. I've never heard of a Russian doing anything successful. Never once. Chinese, Japanese, British, German, hell even fucking Mexicans. But never once has a Russian ever gone out into the world and made a name for himself and been anywhere on par with us.

>he thinks Russian systems aren't completely invaded by Americans at all times

Check you channels then lol.

they say clinton won the popular vote. now they say russia was "hacking" but where were they "hacking" ? in small town america? or the big cities that voted for clinton?

its stupid.

>lower America's international standing and trustworthiness
You don't get it. I maintain that we didn't hack DNC because I trust Wikileaks more than I do yours or mine intellegence apparatus. But you don't get it. Hillary was pushing for war. Whether out of arrogance or delusion, she made our state go to high military production. And when someone starts making guns they are more willing to use them

Fucking with US elections is no laughing matter, we wouldn't do this over a grudge, or just to embarass you. Not worth the effort and risk. If anything was done It was done to avoid out little reenactment of cold war from going hot.

No, stupid, they're not saying he hacked the VOTE. They're saying that the hacks INFLUENCED the vote.

Stop listening to Hannity and Alex Jones. They're construing the issue.

>pushing for war
>wouldn't do it over a grudge
But you assassinate political rivals and journalists like it's a video game.
>not just to embarrass you
Because Russia has never tried to embarrass other countries.

Stop being a cuck and liberate yourself. Then I'll respect you.

>But you assassinate political rivals and journalists like it's a video game.
>who is Seth Rich?

>liberate yourself

>Stop being a cuck and liberate yourself. Then I'll respect you.
And that's why you will forever remaing stupid. We like our gov. And the fact that you don't get how hilary was a warhawk just goes to prove that you are a whiny kid, grow up.

In my lifetime we've had several presidents of differing parties and countless politicians serving under them. We have free elections and don't murder our politicians and journalists when they say bad things.

Russia, on the other hand, is still controlled by the same assholes who treat you like garbage, but you loyally defend like a kicked dog, while they execute people without remorse.

Meanwhile, Putin controls literally all of your industries, and even if you took him out of power he still financially controls your country. You'll never be rid of him, not until he's dead. And then that ownership will just go to someone else.

I feel bad for you. Your country can never be rebooted.

hell yes I do. Assange is above reproach when it comes to journalistic integrity, yes
And of course far more than I would ever trust CNN, who have --proven-- to

>be liars
>have donated to Hillary Clinton
>set Clinton up with debate questions in advance
>show up at her parties and get caught on camera
>refused to report on the wikileaks
>lied and said it was illegal for any citizen to look at the wikileaks emails, but they would tell us what was in them
>collude with the Clinton Campaign over how to present news items
>invent fake news items, and even completely fake the news, like video related
oh, I think you're hoping people forget all that stuff...

>I feel bad for you.
Can you be more cucked, cryptocockhole?

And video fail


I understand that you have to say that or risk execution or torture for you and your family.


Maybe we can liberate you one day and make you free like us, and our countries can be true friends and not fake friends through a cuck American president and a ruthless murderer in Russia.

Sorry, that's our job.

>In my lifetime we've had several presidents of differing parties


Such a diverse group of candidates with such different goals and backed by such a diverse group of financial interests and members of the military industrial complex.

Welcome to American democracy, where money is speech and corporations are people.

The democrats also influenced you election by being corrupt. Where's the outrage?

The right half of your picture does not describe two events independent to each other. WRONG

Oh no some faggot swahili or the eurocuck sucking him off think poorly of my presidential elect
I better uproot my entire value system to appease them

>Russia is fucking in our shit?

Only America can liberate you. China would take over your country, and nobody else is large enough to do the job.

Russians are too cucked to fight their own government.

übrigens, ja

>with our shit
Do you mean the globalists agenda?

Praise russia, we should all be allying against the globalists, no matter the methods.

You're wrong on every point and you know it.

>they influenced the voters with leaks
where's the proof?

and what does it matter? how is it a bad thing for people to know that donna brazile helped hillary cheat on a debate?


It's okay lad, just keep up that front, I'm not blaming you.

>pushing for war
Sorry dude, but who was the one who was going to put a No-Fly Zone over Aleppo?