Go to university

>go to university
>professor talks about how white people caused all modern problems
>kids won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and say they want to move to Canada
>reasons are that we don't support gay rights and are too conservative
>people of color having their own clubs
>crazy body mods
>shoving diversity down my throat
>these people think that there aren't enough liberals in America and post pictures of them stomping on the flag
So...why was I pushed so much by my family only to go to such a shithole again? This is fucking horrible.

As a white, American and a Doctor of Medicine, I hold no biases regarding races, but the fact of the matter is that they do indeed exist.

People of African descent are the "master" race from which all races derive from. Anyone who is not black skinned with woolly hair is inferior for the lack of a better word. White skin and straight hair have no biological use or advantage. Black Africans can survive the elements of Europe just as easily as White Europeans can. The reverse, however, is not the case. White Europeans would simply perish in the presence of the sun.

The evolutionary biologists' claim that white skin "evolved" due to climate is absurd. Gould himself said that 50,000 years is not enough time for any significant evolution to take place, yet he subscribes these absurdities.

The gene involved in white skin has always existed in the human gene pool, but has a very low probability of expression. In fact it’s a throwback gene found not only in earlier hominids, but in fish. It isn’t a mutation, but a defect in one of the genes involved in producing melanin. (Washington Post "Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin")

Caucasians are a byproduct of inbreeding. The geographical isolation of Caucasians forced them to breed with their own family members. This is why the Caucasian gene pool is much smaller in comparison to the African gene pool. Incest gives rise to all kinds of genetic disorders found high frequencies among Europeans, but almost non-existent in African populations.
Inbreeding is also responsible for the Caucasian phenotype, which upon close examination is remarkably similar to other primates. Chimpanzees and other low-order primates resemble Caucasians in hair texture, narrow features, thin lips, large outer ears, and hairy bodies. Perhaps, the most notable similarity Caucasians have with primates is their very large supraorbital ridge or brow ridge. (Wikipedia, Supraorbital_ridge)

Never seen this before, it's going straight in my pasta folder though

we wuz doktahz n sheeit, niggggga!


because lawyer and doctor are mega paid careers compared to uber driving

College is a trick, they tell you it's important but then they just brainwash you. If you want to learn things use the internet, and if you want a job make connections. Don't waste your money and time at college.

Don't try so hard. You just have to ask.

>no mention of the BBC

2/10 pasta attempt
would not read again


You're retarded. Niggers being the "first" race doesn't make them the best, it means they're the missing link between humans and apes.

As a white Doctor, stopped right there, in this time in the pasta's expositional narration, I got to the point where I realized something extremely crucial to the coversation.

OP is no Doctor, OP was a faggot.

Next time, mention the BBC and actually try to incorporate a stupid book into it. With a Jewish co author or some shit.

It's confusing, one minute they advocate diversity because 'built on immigrants' 'always been a part of society' and so on and the next you were built on oppression and thus gibs gibs gibs


Except that there isn't enough sunlight during winter to keep them from chimping out in the US

master race not doing well in Africa
If people stopped buying rap music and watching ball sports, would be not doing tooo well in USA
especially if end racial quotas for jobs and school

>Watch episode of that Henry Rollins trash
>It's to do with the pledge of allegiance and the flag
>Talking about it with some students
>Only one of them is white
>They slate the fuck out of and trample on freedom

You know the worst part? There are many such cases. Sad.


Imagine what university is like in Canada.

It redpilled the fuck out of me, though.


I imagine is total commy high brow moral high horse based on incorrect beleifs same as democrat run school here.
Yaron Brook should be shown nonstop on all these campuses.

You're probably going to some shithole community college. I've never ran into this overtly liberal professor meme all of the teachers I've had have stayed on subject and been professional.

Maybe spend more than $200/quarter on your educated and you won't run into the teachers that can't get hired anywhere respectable.

>professor talks about how white people caused all modern problems

then you ask them do they want modern problems, or medieval? as it stands these are the only possible options
>le we dont want any problems :^^)
not possible, tell them to get reality check

>go to university
>kids won't stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and say they want to move to Canada

Where the fuck do you live? In my state we only recited the pledge of allegiance from elementary school through middle school.

>>crazy body mods

and then it's someone else's fault when no one will hire them

So much for pasta