How do we destroy his legacy?

How do we destroy his legacy?

it destroys itself naturally, it doesn't need help

There is no legacy

Came here to post this

Make a list of what he has done.

Post it everywhere.

ok i'm done. now what?

What legacy?

That's not true. He holds the very prestigious honor of being the last black president.

Didn't voting Trump in do that?

By Making America Great Again.
Maybe also doing some sit-ups ya flabby bastards

repubs have tried the moment he won the election

somehow he still managed to pull us out of the pit left by bush jr, give health care to the most desperate and improve our economy.

its gonna take decades of unthinking paid shills to destroy that

He should have left office in 2012.

He really fucked a lot of things up. I think we're going to hear a lot of horror stories.

What legacy? Voting in Trump was an admission that Obama was a failure of a president. The fact that the only thing obama did was issue executive orders means that everything he """""""""accomplished"""""""" will be undone the second Trump starts making decisions.
Low quality bait.

Niggers don't leave legacys

1.) Was black while president (a war crime).
2.) See #1.

what legacy?

Stop the race war from happening and make sure he doesn't pass a law before Trump's inauguration that allows him a third term.

Also prove that the reason that one church was shot up that he used to go to was because of its links to the "black panthers."

Send him back to Kenya. Legally undo everything he has done. He isn't American, he's an illegal immigrant.

Call him a nigger

already done

>somehow he still managed to pull us out of the pit left by bush jr, give health care to the most desperate and improve our economy.
pushed us in cyclical recession and he put us in syria fighting alqaeda 2.0

Not much of a legacy, desu. He sounded good at election time, 'change'. Nothing changed, though.

Elect a dangerous moron to succeed him, thereby ensuring that his party goes down in history as the weak fools who failed to prevent the election of that moron.

His only accomplishment was a shoddy Healthcare system which only inconvenienced the Middle Class.

Yeah, it helps the poor, and that's great and all, but there has to be SOME upside for the middle class, or else it's all bad for a majority of the country

>Elect a dangerous moron to succeed him


Forget him.

First illegal immigrant president