Go to a bar to hang with friends

>go to a bar to hang with friends
>one of my friends license just expired so we can't now even enter the bar because we have him with us

How can this shit happen in the so called land of the free?

Seriously why is it that America has the most bs alcohol laws in the world (not counting Muslim shitholes)?

It's called laws shit for brains

The venue doesn't want to risk poofta twinks like you ruining their alcohol license and their living.

Your night out is not more important than many peoples wages

>Seriously why is it that America has the most bs alcohol laws in the world

Because of your faggot puritanical temperance league prohibition mentality. The same reason that a bare tit being seen on TV is more offensive than someone being beheaded.

ive had that happen before with friends. you would think common sense shows that even though the license is expired, the birthday hasnt changed, but bouncers are faggots just following orders from bar owners who are faggots not wanting any legal liability

Third party liability laws.

This post is pretty on point.

Don't get me wrong I love you cunts but some of your laws, and...ways, are really fucking backwards.

and yes I realise this is very much the pot calling the kettle black

TFW I'm fucking 40 and still getting asked for my ID by people nearly half my age.

Get a passport they last longer

In theory we embrace strong individualism and freedom. In practice, lots of laws and a convoluted tax system.

Is it a good idea to be carrying around a passport with you all the time?


aren't puritans basically christian flavored muslims

>americans have to be 21 to drink

Because we let women vote and the first thing they did was go around trying to ban alcohol, and they did and it was a fucking disaster and there is still a very anti drinking mentality lingering among some of our population as a result. Letting women vote was one of the west's biggest mistakes. Without women voters SJW globalist bullshit may have never caught on. I fucking hate shitskins and their child molesting false prophet but they got it right with the whole "women are stupid and not to be trusted with power or even driving a car". I'll give them that.

Why not?
The only downside is its a little bigger and more of a pain if you lose it. But its big so its kinda hard. Theres plenty of wallets to carry all your cards with it.

Tell your friend to keep his shit up to date.

ah it's fucking true. can't even get a good prostitute without driving cross country towards the middle of nowhere. and outside of lotteries, gambling is banned in a lot of state too.

definitely puritan roots that were reinforced during the 50's and again during the Bush and Reagan years. hell the concept of "one nation under God" didn't even exist before Eisenhower.

we got guns tho, that's pretty nice.

Tfw other 40 year olds passed the laws that make you get angry at 20 year olds

in denmark its legal to buy alcohol at 16. but most of the time you can get away with it earlier. most bars are 18+

Our liqueur laws are awful, its something thats never talked about. People just kind of live with it.

Not really. Gen Xers really gotten to have much political clout yet because the boomers outnumber us and refuse to call it a day.

Nightclub manager here.

State ID's or drivers licenses are valid for 30 days past their expiration; passports are acceptable for 5 years after.

Problem is, plenty of people pass on their expired ID to a younger sibling who thinks they look enough alike to get away with it. This is far more common than fake IDs, except for Mexicans.

If it really is your ID, and you aren't responsible enough to replace it within a month, you aren't responsible enough to drink in my club.

You don't have to tell me about ass backwards law. I live them every day when I get out of work at 1am and all the bars are closed because it's a semi-dry county and they have to stop serving alcohol at 1. God forbid a man have a beer with his 2am cheeseburger.

Basically, they just got all the killing out of their system after they got fat and content.

The temperance movement, and subsequent prohibition on alcohol ruined most states and laws for eternity.

In Florida it's illegal to sell liquor and staples like bread/milk/eggs in the same store, hence the need to Publix with an attached Publix Liquor 2 feet away.

Other states have it even worse, with completely state owned alcohol shops.

Doesn't change the fact that old people still deride the young for the laws and culture they themselves nurtured, gen x was the final nail in the boomer-built American coffin

It is a little confusing to us outside observers. You guys are all for freedom and liberty yet at the same time you've got some bizarre moralistic rules.

Seriously? We've had a similar thing recently in the Eastern states, which I really don't know much about, but from what I understand it was a response to all the violence that would happen every weekend, and there are a few rural places across the country that are dry because of rampant dole bludging, violence and alcoholism.

>be able to drink, smoke and fuck prostitutes in my FREE country
>go on vacation to the US
>be 19
>I am literally a children now
Fuck you

That's pretty stupid, places here let me in and my license expired in 2013. They only care that I'm over 28

Dunno what state you're in, but where I live any damage to an ID invalidates it, and expired is expired.

I haven't been asked for ID because bouncers/people behind the till simply assume I'm over 18.

It's pretty comfy but it feels kind of bad that people here don't bother to follow the law.

fuck off infiltrator

and let me guess, in addition to any "damage" being completely up to interpretation you also don't know if it's to the point you need a new one until after they tell you

And I bet they charge you for a new ID too

fucking crooks

The biggest problem stems from the fact that the laws are often old, and the minute you suggest changing them, MADD and other equally retarded organizations come after you. And politicians are cunts who pander to women, so the laws will never change

Yeah. It's not a bumfuck nowhere county either, it contains the state capital which is a huge college city. I'm sure the law was passed many decades ago but fuck the morons that won't repeal it.

Damage means any deterioration of the ID. Even the outer film peeling off.

And yes, new ID's cost $

>land of the free
Yes, sure.

How's the NSA m8?

The severity of which they enforce drinking laws varies drastically depending on where you are or what state you are in. In Louisiana we have drive through daquari shops and a pretty big drinking culture, but if you drive a couple of hours north you run into tons of dry counties.

Makes traveling a bitch really, really pisses me off when some dumb fuck out of state thinks my ID is fake because he can't find the fucking birthday.

I have a calid U.S. visa for ten years

your friend is a fucking idiot, should have renewed his license on time. Obviously not responsible to consume an adult beverage such as alcohol.

I realize ID laws can seem draconian but really fuck off with it, dumb niggers with warped, expired or NO ID trying to get innocent workers to let them slide.

They WILL be fired, and do you think their coon ass will remember the small favor that worker did, maybe help them out a bit and return the favor? Nope, they just go and badger that guys replacement.

Stricter ID laws now, fuck all of you

I didn't deride young people. I think the law is overly strict and serves another purpose. ID's were like $12 where I live when I was a teen, and they were a lot harder to produce because digital photography hadn't really taken off. Now they easier to produce and cost $52 to $108. Local and state enforcement bully establishments who serve booze. I've worked in bars that wouldn't call the police from the business phone because it could put their server's license at risk. That is madness and nothing but a straight shake-down. I still get asked for my ID to buy a pint on a weekly basis. Guess how many times I've been asked for my ID when I went to vote? Zero.

>Even the outer film peeling off.

Ahww fuck man that's some serious bullshit. All my cards are ratty as fuck just from being in my wallet. I could understand it if numbers/words had started to come off but who gives a fuck about the film.

>puritan mindset dictates that if we let people do X they will be degenerate and sinful
>make a bunch of laws to make it hard for people not to be wholesome
>this is gets boring after awhile and laws start getting lax or removed outright
you may be right, but western civilization doesnt seem to be holding up when we discard the puritan mindset

>where I live any damage to an ID invalidates it, and expired is expired.

I don't work for the government, so I don't really care.
My only concern is that the person is over 21.

My state has a 30 day grace period, so that's what I go with at the club as a general rule.

As far as damage, it would depend on how bad.
If you dropped it in a campfire and burnt half of it away, no. If the edge has some bends because you used it to jimmy your door when you locked yourself out, no problem.

Is it a good idea to be drunk all the time,?or you could renew your license like unlike the degenerate you are

It is really up to the owners discretion on who he let's in, the issue just comes from if word gets out that their club is the youngster club now. And word always gets out because they congregate like fucking roaches.

At that point you gotta worry about undercover cops coming in to see how often you ID, which is a real pain in the ass. So typically clubs don't like underaged people for many reasons, including the legal ones.

>join the military at 18
>get pulled for details from time to time, escorting uncleared contractors on the flight line
>literally guarding 2 billion dollar nuclear bombers
>not trusted enough to drink a beer in my own home

Well said cunt

>you have to pay for an ID
How can Freedonia be so unfree?

>dumb niggers

I guess that's the big difference between us. I'm sure if we had your niggers we'd have the same rules too.

I have gray hair and a full beard (37) and still get carded... I say to them all the time "Do I look 20 or less?" "You looks young for your age!" Fuck you.

It's only for buying alcohol, and not for voting, so it's not an unconstitutional "Poll Tax".

>he same reason that a bare tit being seen on TV is more offensive than someone being beheaded.
All ages can relate to violence, but children cannot related to sexuality.

I bet you wish otherwise though, pedo scum.

They are the real reason these draconian laws don't get repealed, mainly because those same laws are used to control them when they chimp out.

The thing is, what kind of shitty wallet do you have? I've never once had any card damaged while in my wallet. Always baffles me how cards get so damaged in the thing meant to prevent damage...

Same here. I've got some gray creeping in and it always cracks me up when they need to see my ID.

How do you even get money from a bank without an ATM?

Can I go and say, hi Im bill gates give me all of my money?

I have a real man's wallet for real men. One that's made of sandpaper,steel wool and neodymium magnets.

Do banks in Costa Rica not issue you with paper withdrawal/deposit slips?

That'll do it man. My wallets are only crafted from the finest supple scrotum skin of baby tapirs.

14th post best post

Yes but you have to present your government issued photo ID to do anything at the bank, even the driver's license doesn't work for other than driving

It might seem funny or pointless but for a college student, parent or otherwise anyone trying to make ends meet it means the difference between getting paid at the end of the week or looking for another job and explaining why they were fired.

I'm not trying to imply that you deliberately hassle people who ask for IDs but still, it's one of the few policies you can count on a company enforcing. People can literally borrow money from the safe in the back and get a reprimand, but don't ID the guy you finished high school with and you're done

Thanks Obama

>takes 5 years for a license to expire
>still haven't gotten your shit together by then
you got bigger problems than an expired license.

Nigger what? No personal fireworks? WHere's the fun in that?

How fucking young does your friend look?

I stopped being carded years ago

Sounds like a poofter soft cunt ladies purse. I bet you don't even keep gympie gympie leaves in it for freshness

>I have gray hair and a full beard (37) and still get carded

At my club, no one comes in without an ID (unless I know them and make an exception).

Grey haired faggot has a heart attack in my club and has no ID?
Cops harass us for a coupla months.

Gets in a fight, steals a purse, vandalizes the club, anything where cops show up, and he doesn't have an ID?
Cops harass us for a coupla months.

City harasses us for a coupla months.
Suddenly, Fire Marshals are dropping by 3 nights a week.
Our inventory and taxes get audited every week.
Vice doing walkthroughs.

I run a business.
Some 37 year old who thinks grey hair is his ID is just a pain in my ass.

This happens because someone ruined it for everyone else. You don't see rules like this in otherwise racially homogenous areas. We need to go back.

Anytime you hear the US doing something dumb domestically, just remember we have a 40-50% shitskin population, can't treat them any differently, but have to keep them under control. That will usually explain it.

Na m8, you gotta get yourself a coin pouch made out of a kangaroo's ballsack.

I have one. Not even kidding.

Hell no

And here's the FL statute for reference:
(1)Every licensee shall have his or her driver license, which must be fully legible with no portion of such license faded, altered, mutilated, or defaced, in his or her immediate possession at all times when operating a motor vehicle and shall present or submit the same upon the demand of a law enforcement officer or an authorized representative of the department. A licensee may present or submit a digital proof of driver license as provided in s. 322.032 in lieu of a physical driver license.

They have public defecation laws though

I've got a bottle opener

I'm 20 and I have almost never been ID'd.
Drinking age is 18 here btw

Are there alternatives to a drivers license for use as identification? I don't drive so I've got a Proof of Age card which is...well its exactly what it sounds like.

Noice, haven't seen that one before.

Fuck you and your club.

>Yes but you have to present your government issued photo ID to do anything at the bank, even the driver's license doesn't work for other than driving

In the USA identity theft is rampant because there is no national registry like we do in civilized countries m8.

I own a restaurant that serves alcohol, so I completely understand why it is important to ask, but I also feel the law isn't evenly enforced and too often used to bully small business owners and servers.

I'm 28 and I didn't start getting asked for ID until I turned 23. Had no problem buying piss from bottle shops when I was 17 though.

To add to this some states/areas will have Liquor Control send some clearly overage dufus on an entrapment run and if the store gets caught not id'ing, theyre in deep doo-doo.

Don't speak so ill of Puritanism. It's what brought Northern Europe up from the clutches of alcoholism and degeneracy. Look at the Russians or the natives in various Northern areas of the globe that didn't adopt it.

Wait why should an expired license work against him? As long as it shows that your friend is an oldfag that's all that matters.

>Are there alternatives to a drivers license for use as identification?

Passports and state IDs are most common.

Hell, I've accepted a birth certificate with a library card with the person's picture on it--cause, you know, they lost their ID 2 hours ago and just had to go out dancing that night.

I WANT people to come to my club and buy my overpriced booze. Really.

You have to be a fucktard of the highest order to be denied entrance.

I have one account set up where I can give them a password if I don't have an ID.

I did that so I can get cash if I get mugged, but I can see how someone who doesn't have an ID could do the same for day to day use.

There are state issued ID's, with no driving privileges. But they're pretty uncommon, except in shitty areas where the riffraff and scum live.

But for alcohol purchase in FL, you must present: State DL/ID, Passport, CAC Military ID, dependent military ID, or retired military ID

Yeah state IDs are our Proofs of Age but a lot of places/areas don't honor them when it comes to alcohol. Varies depending where you are at though I think.

Everytime i go to the store
I got to haaaaaaaaaaave my ID on me

>mfw I got into a bar multiiple times at 15 without even being asked for any ID
>mfw the 2nd time was with a Police Prosecutor, who was encouraging myself and another mate to drink heaps for the lulz

If I lived somewhere that cold I'd probably be drinking a lot too.

For the most part, if you have an ID in the US, it means you are in trouble with the law somehow bc the first thing they do is warrant block you at the bmv.

Did you mean "don't have an ID"?

pretty sure you could still prove your age with an expired license, like, tell them your friend didn't get any younger

Pay the State, or no booze for you user!

I meant state ID instead of a driver's license

He's a retard for buying overpriced drinks at a bar anyways.

The South is full of retards too. Their stereotype revolves around drunk rednecks, yet about a quarter of the South is dry and most states you can't buy alcohol after certain hours or on Sundays.

Ah. Sounds like stupid people get what they deserve. Don't do dumb shit, don't lose your license