Is Capitalism a blue pill system of distribution? Does supporting Capitalism while poor make you a cuck?

Is Capitalism a blue pill system of distribution? Does supporting Capitalism while poor make you a cuck?

Capitalism has made the modern world, and thanks to it we now live in the most peaceful time of all recorded history.

Yes, Capitalism is only for those willing to exploit their own. There must always be the exploited class in capitalism. Only a man without morals and values is willing to bend his knee to a system that seeks to exploit his brothers.

No, but there must be limits

survival of the fittest, only problem is when a group of people rig it for themselves

in other words gas the kikes

I've always supported capitalism a lot and been very anti commi, socialism statism Bolshevism whatever shit you want to call it where individuals don't have the right to profit and private property.

Anyways, lately I have been realizing, kind of, that if seems like with capitalism, if you want to be very successful you have to naturally blue pill out.

In other words, if you are going to be the CEO of a company you can't go and say nazi shit.. That is very extreme example but. You have to be soooo PC sometimes to cater to everyone or else you lose nearly half of your customers and get put out of business. Even if you say something radical that is totally correct you could lose customers. In the end I suppose this is not really a thing because it's kind of like memes. Memes are funny because they are true. In the long run I think if you say true shit it will come back to benefit you.

Yes and yes
Trust me, un German. I know everything about cucks

Capitalism is pro-gay, pro-trans, multicultural zionism

Your logic is flawed. It is impossible for products to be produced and society advanced without someone having to expend SOMETHING. Even if no economics existed and you were a hunter gatherer, what's the difference between fucking around in a field all day and frying a burger at mcdonald's in order to sustain yourself. Either way you have to expend effort to survive, it's the most basic law of fucking nature.

lol fucking slave morality right here

the law of the herd should rule in the herd

Capitalism has winners

Winners become big enough to the point that the only way to grow bigger is to become increasingly anti nationalist and pro internationalism.

Commies blame capitalism and ANCAPS blame government but in both models the groups at the top of the pyramid merge with these two scapegoats.

The government and major corporations are not pure.

Unfortunately, Capitalism eventually consumes everything if not checked. But for now, it's the best system we have.

Capitalism is the best. We know this because the corporations are run by our enemies so we should push to give transnational corporations more money and power and oppose any methods of restricting corporate power.

It's like in war. If you give your weapons to your enemies, you win.

law and order is implied in capitalism, there is no comerce, bussiness nor investing with worthless contracts

you still cant gasp the difference between that civilized legal framework (negative rights) and popular preferences made legislation (democracy/totalitarism)

Capitalism maybe but what we usury capitalism which is basically a pyramid scheme that needs exponential growth to stop it collapsing

>are not pure
because of governments in the first place

if there is nothing to corrupt and bribe in the first place there wouln't be any unpure/priviledged agent

lefties can't gasp this

Corporations, money, contract, laws, property rights and thus capitalism are all creations of the government you fucking retard.

You won't have capitalism, markets etc without the government.

You can't grasp the fact that capitalism is part of the state, and by closing your eyes to this fact you make yourself unable to protect your rights.

But that's not really because of capitalism.

90% of social justice warriors are counting with other people's pockets to help the disadvantaged.

Also, press in general and universities nowadays have realized that being subsidized by the government is way more lucrative than the free market for their fields, so naturally their intentions will go towards generating a mass of brainless retards who ask for more government intervention.

This problem exists exclusively because of the state-democracy model we live in. We have settled that the state can do as it pleases with your wallet and we're at the point where this theft is perceived as natural, but back in the day, any tax raise would have to be incredibly justified, because people were more aware of the alternative to the state. This is impossible with milenials because they were born in the all-powerful shape of the state.

Unfortunately capitalism inevitably turns into corporatism which is itself a form of fascism. The capitalism of the early 20th century is not the same as it is today.

All countries (including North Korea) are capitalist. The difference is - who controls the capital. Capitalism is just an empty word used by poorfags and givemedats who feel like a special snowflake deserves shit for free.

>Corporations, money, contract, laws, property rights and thus capitalism are all creations of the government

No, they are all creations of men. Capitalism only requires contract enforcement and law respect for private property.

The current form of the state and its corruptibility through discretionality are in no way required by capitalism.

Are trolling? You can't be this stupid. Do you have any idea about what a corporation is, how it's created, its history? The damn things are a few centuries old.

creation of the govenment, are you really placing yourself on a spot to defend that?

governments had monopoliced it, not started the origin of rights which is naturalistic and evolutionary before cultural and before government decrets in the first place you chimp

Your country survives of EU gibsmedats

Capitalism and Communism are two different sides of the same Jewish owned coin.


how about you provide an argument instead of doing a "carl-the-cuck" are you kidding me type of response?

Corporations are legal entities constructed by the government to subvert personal responsibility. As such they would have no place in a true capitalist society.

> Distribution

That's a very kikey way of saying exchange.

"If there is a new way, I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time"
- Dave Mustaine

that is a very kikey way of saying distribution

Economic freedom is highly correlated with economic mobility.

Monarchs ruling by the Divine Right of Kings is the only true path.

Go live in a cage in hong kong cuck