All the fucking conspiracy theories are true all of them

My god Sup Forums what have you done to me. I took the hitler red pill and realized he didn't do anything wrong. I started digging deeper and realize all the conspiracy theories are fucking true. the jews are behind everything

White genocide true
Agenda 21 true
Water flouridation chemtrails and all the chemicals we're exposing us to are slowly killing us.

The jews have been lying to us about everything How soon until the jews pull off their mask and round us all up into fema camps. How long until everything turns to shit. I fucking worry man the jews have done irreversible damage to the human race. I really fucking worry man I'm planning on having a kid soon I worry what kinda world he'll be born into. Is this the end of humanity have the jews won man. I feel like we need a hitler more than ever man.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/page/2/

It is not as simple as only Jews being behind it.





Wait till you find out about the cosmic false flag

Satan and the Jews *


here you go OP

Well it's part of a Luciferian cabal. But all the fucking conspiracy theories are true I'm crying man I really fear we're al;l gonna end up in fema camps and end up killed man I fear the world is succumbing to a communist like state like the soviet unions I worry it may already be to late. At this point in history we need a hitler more than ever man. someone to save us to inspire us to fight against this jewish cabal.

want to know a few others
ciggaretes are not really that harmful but if your smoking the ones that the store sells loaded with chemichals

dyng your hair causes cancer. lymph noid or the breast in women

solar houses cause skin cancers
7.5 hz purple plates
we didint go to the moon
we went to iraq because the dollar was dyng as saddam had switched to the euro


At this point I'd believe the mole people and the lizard man are real please link me show man me This pit can't get any deeper man can it please tell me It can't

Here's sum advice; once you realize the earth is flat, don't try to convince your friends or family. Just keep that shit to yourself. They won't believe you.

this has always intrested me like im drawn to the fact that its so discreditable and you can call somoene out in public like if we were in communist china

It pretty much is though. Its incredible how many things link back to (((them))). I guess when such a small minority is so over represented in every aspect of government, media, corporate, its bound to happen.

mine did
my dad was an aerospace engineer so he thought i was full of shit and actually laughed at me. But the more we talked about navigation equipment the more he realized pilots would never have any clue since tower control, senors and equipment is how they fly. they don't fly by spatial awareness via 360 degree sight.

Link me some documentaries man I seriously wanna learn

Makes ya wonder why that is...

Spiridovich was right

It's you. You need to become the Hitler to save us from the Jewish menace.



you're worrying way too much m8. white people are not going into concentration camps, especially without a fight, and we're way too well armed to want to even try. thanks to the good ol' South, they are stocked to the teeth with weapons, along with most whites being in the military to begin with and they would never turn on their own family.

it's not gonna go down like that, or if it ever did, it would have to be until the white generations SEVERELY thinned, which would take at least a few centuries if it were to even have a chance of succeeding.

sorry you gotta read for most of the fucked up shit no one knows

also we have a secret space program
we went to the moon and mars in the 50s the first one was facked.

atlantis was destroyed by mu witch is burried in the gobi desert
the scientist saw as mu destroyed atlantis in retaliation scientist orbiting the earth launched a meteor towards earth and destroyed mu.

all races came from distant galaxies and interbred with man, you have the asians coming from the nippon galaxy, the blacks coming from sirus, the whites of pleadian descent and lyrian coming from the pleades
and their are underground cities all over the planet making up the 7 races on the planet
red native americans
blue under india

>and we're way too well armed to want to even try
For now. They have ben pushing for gun control for a while now.

Sup Forums is Amalek. Jews are commanded to obliterate us.

Did it mess him up or is he cool with it?

trust me, here in America, they can push it all they want but there are WAY too many people against it still. it's going to take generations before anything major happens. people are stocked up beyond belief here.


anyone that reads or watches hitler's unaltered mein kampf/speeches realizes that he mostly talks about the jewish globalist agenda and its implications

it messed him up for a while but then he forgot about it

he's crippled so he was like

"i guess it doesn't matter for me"

but he does believe in flat earth now


Yah but major players of the New world Order have been stockpilling to. I think someone said they have like 1.6 Billion hollowpoint bullets stocked I could see major armed revolution very soon especially if trump doesn't get in.

hold on what? how would the earth be flat? look I'm pretty open to redpills but that seemed always way too ridiculous. yes I can see the perception that they only go by navigational equipment, but still, how would the earth be flat in space? even if it were flat, what would be the point of lying to us?

this became so hipster that it pisses me off know whats more ironic is hillary supporters too

yeah but the thing with that is, in America we still have a strong sense of independence compared to other countries. what I mean by that is the chance of the military turning on their own civilians is slim, because we're not robots. if a revolution happened now, the government would not be able to win, because you have to take into consideration the amount of people in the military that might defect, and from that they can train regular civilians and in turn, just way too much of the population that their chances of winning are slim.

Espexially teh flat earth.

1st its a easily dismissed
its in one of the illuminati cards
im open but i just cant commit

buy some funs. take an active role in your church or community. encourage your friends

We have been warned throughout the ages.

Martin Luther warned us
General Patton warned us

Many people warned us.

this is the best flouride video the intelligence and tie to rockofeller

sorry this video is the flouride video

This guys is extremely based and tells it how it is

Agenda 21?

oh and anne frank is fake

He was also a victim. You need to dig deep.

Harold Rosenthal told us everything the Jews controlled and how they plan to destroy us back in 1976. When asked what the Jews planned to do once Americans finally wake up to the Jewish problem, he said that 50 years from now your race, the white race, will be all mixed up due to intentional 3rd world immigration and race mixing propaganda from the Jewish media. He said that black men and white women naturally want each other and that Jews would simply encourage the two to mix.

Here we are 40 years later and every time I turn on the TV I see.... black man, white woman.

We are witnessing the destruction of the white race and the downfall of humanity, and there isn't a damn thing that we can do about it. bomb/username/anonymous5/page/2/
More conspiracy confirmations

You're almost there user.

Keep digging, safely of course.

Don't get distracted by washout stories (obama birth cert, cancer causes, staged revolutions) whether real or not they're a controlled narrative from the MSM. You won't ever "crack the case" on these issues, there's a start and an ending and the CIA is pretty good at by now. They put out what the internet sleuths are picking up.

Podesta and Clinton are still making a profit by selling kids, but Sup Forums is flooded with bullshit about Russia and identity politics. But even this is a small issue in the bigger scheme of things.

>then you realize why the globalists always put drug-addicted pedos into positions of power
>they are hiding MUCH bigger things

crazy stuff so far in


You overdosed m9

pol is diffrent to me.
I was born to kill jews.
Algerians hate jews,and show thier kids why.
dad showed me an ex-ghetto of jews.He tought me when he was my age jews were having secret whore houses.He asked do you know why,because they want to destroy our society whom our grandfathers bled for it to suceed.
I was thought to love my country from early age by everyone.
I was thought our ancestores fought for the luxury i live in today.
I was thought family is the backbone of society.
I was thought Jews seek to destroy non Jews.
I was thought promescuity is a trait of jews.

so when i found pol it felt like home in this nihilist internet.
I realized whites are not what they used to be.They need to wake up.

>be me
>walking city center going home after long day.
>old man with white hair in black adidas tracksuit.
>roman salute my friend
>i sieg heils back
>nothing out of normal
>remeber whites get to jail gor this.

I can believe it ever hear of the silent qeapons for quite wars document in it it details how they can wage war on us without us even realizing it. Society will adjust like nothing is going on at all. Yah so what if most of us are becoming infertile and cancer is on the rise and autism is on the rise. It's a very gradual weakening of humanity. They need to make us so weak that we aren't willing to put up to much of a fight once the real war begins.

Forgot to mention global warming/climate change.

Anything and everything to do with "global warming" is tied into globalist schemes and large-scale money laundering. The endgame is almost always getting us more addicted to oil, despite all the green virtue signaling.

Hardest redpill for me to swallow. It was so entrenched in our education/culture/media that aliens were more believable than the idea that it was a concept manufactured to control the global economy. Especially with all that (((science))) I never really bothered to carefully look at or understand. But hey

>greenhouse gas
>industrial age correlation
>it's getting hot

Made sense to me, what did I care I had a lot of vidya to play.

Yep have taken that redpill some truly fucked up shit.

I blame them because I know exactly what's going on.



>satanic jewish elite fuck and murder kids for fun
>mfw Goebbels was right about what would happen to normies if jews won ww2

Quite being a whiny cry baby and help doe something about it. You have allies. We're all in this together.