CBD declared scedule 1 drug

Scedule 1 means among other things that:
1) it is addictive
2) it has no medical applications
3) has no research applications


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This is the stuff for seizures and shit right?

yeah, made pretty famous by that Charlotte web strain or something

seizures, inflammation, arthritis etc...

its literally the ultimate redpill for anxiety, pain, seizuresm, etc, etc

works better than xanax for anxiety

no addiction and doesnt get you high

The DEA has their heads up their asses once again, this is probably the dumbest thing I've heard all year.

>doesnt get you high

Can anyone else confirm this?

Confirmed. This is fucking stupid

I´ve literally drinked that CBD-liquid and no; it has no recreational value.

I'll just leave this here.


yes, that's right. The US government holds a patent for synthesizing CBD which details a few of its medical uses and at the same time the US government classifies CBD as addictive with zero medical or research applications and bans it. Meanwhile drugs like methamphetamine are sold legally because they can't be harvested, they have to be produced and sold by the pharmaceutical companies.

We're through the looking glass here people.

The DEA is not constitutional.

Also might add that I WANTED to get high, but it had no effect compared to normal cannabis.

its cbd extract, its like marijuana, without the thc psychoactive effects, only the medical effects

the thc part of marijuana is what gets u high, cbd doesn't get you high

u just put a few drops under ur tongue and after 15 seconds or so ur anxiety, pain and shit is gone for the day

What the fuck? Fucking pharma jews up to no good as always.

lol potheads BTFO

corruption plain and simple

>Meanwhile drugs like methamphetamine are sold legally
Meth is illegal.


t.Novartis research chemist

it's given to some morbidly obese people as a medicine

available via prescription.

the retard probably meant amphetamine mixed salts. which are patently different than methamphetamine. literally and metaphorically

CBD has more of a "therapeutic" value than a recreational. Shit will relax the hell out of you but it isn't a high.

wrong dumbass. that makes no sense. amphetamines which are not even remotely as dangerous are just as effective in suppressing appetite. suck a dick retard

marijuana is a terrible drug that is addictive and has no medical benefits whatsoever

t. novartis chemist and unbiased source

Why are unelected government entities basically aloud to make law by decree?

DEA is the most wretched hive of scum and villainy in the galaxy.

Yeah it's a dumb equivalence ppl make to make their point although the two are related.

FAKE NEWS. CBD was already schedule 1, lumped in with other cannabis products. The government now considers CBD and other extracts to be distinct from bud. If anything this indicates that DEA is getting ready to deschedule CBD.

Nobody at dea wants to be jobless, as soon as marijuana becomes legal they would have to lay off half their employees or more.

Fuck off you WEED degenerates, marijuana turns you into a lazy brain dead drone who never does anything productive, anybody who needs this "CBD" pothead drug needs to rot in prison.

They did this so the pharmaceutical industry can patent cbd and make it addictive like Xanax.

theyre related the same way vanilla is related to MDMA. just because you can synthesize MDMA from vanilla aromatics doesnt mean theyre equivalent.

the US also mandates that fighter pilots take meth.


ya its a thing.

>what is ritalin

Thank you based user

When will this be enforced?
I helped a vape store owner make an online shop and he sells CBD oil for a pretty reasonable price. As far as I can tell its cheaper than other places and he gets his cbd crystal certified for purity.
Would be a shame for all that shit and work to go down the drain.

I bought sobe CBD from a local shop to try to self treat anxiety.

I didn't notice any mental effects, not even on my anxiety.

But if there are children having seizures and adults with various problems and this helps them, the DEA has no right to make this schedule 1

>has no medical benefits whatsoever
>t. novartis chemist and unbiased source
is this satire?
I lold, but was I supposed to?

ritalin isnt even a fucking amphetamine. god damn kill your self fag lord

hopefully right away. you fags and your dangeorus addictive quack medications need to step back and let the big boys handle things

t. novartis unbiased chemist


I know just the guy who could use some of this stuff.

Can also confirm. Multiple people in my family have been using it to treat general anxiety and depression, including myself. The only thing it makes me feel is "normal", i.e., not-depressed.

I can't believe how up the ass of the pharmaceutical industry this country is. We need to burn down the DEA and everyone in it.

>buying cbd from local shop

u probably bought some crappy hemp oil...

false. this was a practice during Vietnam, it wasn't methamphetamine and the practice was discarded when it became evident it did not improve performance

fuck you underage faggots need to shut the fuck up

t. unbiased novartis chemist

>In the United States, methamphetamine hydrochloride, under the trade name Desoxyn, has been approved by the FDA for treating ADHD and obesity in both adults and children

It's a lower drug schedule because it's deemed to have medical use which means much lower penalties. This allows rich fucks to buy nootropic compounds which also make them more psychopathic and use them to succeed at the extreme demands of modern day wage slaving. Anyone with insurance can get in on the action.


What were they forced to take?

bet you think holostic medicine can cure cancer.

nootropics are nothing but a scam. feeding shitty chinese chemicals to retards. theyre only legal because governments are ok with total retards poisining them selves with chinese lead

t. novartis unbaised chemist

>Meth is illegal.
I know a man who is prescribed Benzedrine for mental condition .

Why does the DEA do this? Redpill me on the war on drugs which are harmless like LSD or Shrooms or Kratom

This is the most utter bullshit I have ever seen.

This has ZERO fucking THC.

>no medical application

That's literally all it does have.

>it is addictive


>no research application


> Scedule 1 means

It means "holy shit this is an effective medicine people could just grow at home and we can't control the use of, SHUT IT DOWN".

not forced. offered. it was a mixture of caffeine and amphetamine salts, similar to adderal® a well researched and 100% safe drug for people of any age group or gender.



god damn uneducated retards

because drugs are degenerate shit for retards and you need regulation and a strong well-intentioned corporate influence to ensure that the medications dolled out are safe

t. novartis unbiased chemist


>CBD oil

you got peer-reviewed,, double blind trials that attest to this?

get back to work; your stock price is slack

he meant amphetamines which are entirely legally with a prescription

you come off as a bit of a douche bag bro

the DEA is clearly in bed with the pharma industry. It's the only thing that could explain this.

It's still powerful stuff with a high addiction potential.

And they give to kids for ADHD.

>because drugs are degenerate shit for retards and you need regulation and a strong well-intentioned corporate influence to ensure that the medications dolled out are safe
>t. novartis unbiased chemist

this is legendary

plz continue

Can it it be made at home? I remember watching some documentary explain what is needed and a not so detail process. Didn't seem to hard to extract if one was willing to do so.

>It means "holy shit this is an effective medicine people could just grow at home and we can't control the use of, SHUT IT DOWN".

God I hate this stupid argument. There are far more sinister reasons for the DEA to do what it does. The excuse that plants can't be controlled or taxed is total nonsense. You don't see people growing tobacco in their backyards, and the government doesn't have trouble controlling/taxing its use.

Sure. people are angry it's illegal, which means they *need* it, which means it's addictive.


>market cap of 195b USD
yeah i'm real worried about my stocks faggot.

nope. adderal is 100% safe, non addictive and useful for treat a wide range of conditions. Ask Your Doctor.

t. unbiased novartis chemist

not sure why I even fucking bothered trusting the headline

Well then I guess the DEA is a strong well-intentioned corporate influence that ensures that the medications dolled out are safe!!

Thanks for the redpill :)

I think there are effective nootropics and that stimulants are the most clearly effective. They make it easier to focus and to order your thoughts. Also make you more content with doing mindless repetitive tasks if that's your thing. Basically they make you perfect docile wage slaves.

>because drugs are degenerate shit for retards

Lol obvious troll bait or severely demented societal drone.

>adderal is 100% safe, non addictive
t.pharma shill

>nope. adderal is 100% safe, non addictive and useful for treat a wide range of conditions.

t. medpack's ass



>you got peer-reviewed,, double blind trials that attest to this?

>Sure. people are angry it's illegal, which means they *need* it, which means it's addictive.

thanks BASED t. novartis unbiased chemist
if you need to not have seizures you are a degenerate fuck and deserve to die & rot in jail

>The excuse that plants can't be controlled or taxed is total nonsense. You don't see people growing tobacco in their backyards, and the government doesn't have trouble controlling/taxing its use.

Actually people do grow tobacco at home. There's very little preventing it and it's extremely hard to control.

It's just time consuming and the incentive to use tobacco is low, the cost is not too high for finished product (compared to the investment of growing); - unlike a pain reliever. Pain reliever has high incentive to use and high costs associated with it, especially for low income people.

Growing CBD strain cannabis plants is fairly easy.

> There are far more sinister reasons for the DEA to do what it does.

So offer your motivation. This decision goes against everything we know about CBD. Even IF you had to make it illegal, they're choosing a category for it that is higher than opiates, which are considered to "have medical use". You'll go to jail for longer using something less harmful.

What is the incentive to fuck people and logic over then, if not pharma lobby influence?

The DEA is a very important institution which ensures that untested, unsafe, addictive drugs are kept away from innocent defenseless children.

False. Nootropics are hogwash. Chinese lead. If you take nootropics you are eating chinese lead.

Drugs are haram.

Look at these holistic medicine idiots. Their brains rotted by chinese lead.

Carefully synthesized by a team of very intelligent. caring, moral, chemsts. vs synthesized by a toothless profit whoring alcoholic.

apples to oranges fag

t. humanitarian unbiased novartis chemist

Well they tried to ban kratom too, a substance that's been associated with a total of 14 deaths (and zero of them didn't involve other substances). Coincidentally, pharma is researching how to turn kratom into a pill.

There are plenty of legal medications provided by Novartis which treat siezures. Please ask your doctor.

t. Caring Novartis Chemist

Is it okay to use if I've had weed induced psychosis? Will it help in any way?

I was on my way home from work yesterday and heard a legit talk show host on the radio say "someone with the twitter handle 'Jew Goldstein' sent images to Eichenwald that actually triggered a seizure and landed him in a hospital" and laughed my ass off

Lmao. Cbd is not even psychoactive.

I'm im bad situation and urgent, Ia donkey vein right?

exactly, and if you need those drugs to stop seizures, YOU ARE A FUCKING DEGENERATE AND DESERVE TO ROT IN JAIL AND DIE!

>Sure. people are angry it's illegal, which means they *need* it, which means it's addictive.

I would be angry if the brand of crisps I prefer was banned. Doesn't mean they are addictive.

False. Drugs should put you in jail. Medications should not. Novartis sells medication. Chinese lead producers sell "Drugs". Big difference degenerate addict.

t. non-profit helpful Novartis® chemist

Tobacco takes up quite a bit of space. Between growing and drying, I would need an acre to supply myself for a year since I smoke so much tobacco. A single marijuana plant can sustain me with all the marijuana I need and fit in a closet.

This. The DEA and ATF should be routed, gutted, and the administration investigated and prosecuted where appropriate.

I've literally never seen a single instance of either agency doing anything good, only killing dogs, shooting themselves in the leg, shooting each other in a panic, infringing on people's rights, murdering innocents, and being degenerate fucktards in general.

The best thing any of them have ever done is accidentally shoot themselves or another agent.

(((the pharmaceutical industry)))

>pharma lobby influence?
Well that's probably the biggest reason, in addition to the DEA existing these days to make itself relevant.

>Actually people do grow tobacco at home. There's very little preventing it and it's extremely hard to control.

I'm not claiming that no one will grow the plant, but the fact that you can grow it does not stand in the way of government taxation and control. You agree that its much more convenient to walk down to the store and purchase a premium, consistent product.

Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, and other states with legal marijuana don't have any problem regulating and taxing pot.


sucks 2 b you bro *tokes some more*

what in the fuck do you mean "weed psychosis"? you probably had a panic attack. panic attacks aren't psychosis. psychosis lasts longer than the 4 or so hours that you felt like a "psychotic"

>Sure. people are angry it's illegal, which means they *need* it, which means it's addictive.


Exactly what I was thinking! all drug addicts should rot in hell. if you *need* your BASED Novartis drugs to stop your seizures you need to fucking die to improve the gene pool ZEIG HEIL

natural compounds cant be patented. synthetic compounds can, big pharma will block anything that gets in the way of their profits.


False. The majority of good pharma companies are Swiss. There are no jews in Switzerland. We are a good people who want only to help our fellow world citizens by providing them with safe, effective, and fairly priced medications.

Hope you go to jail

THC causes mental health issues, severe ones. It should be banned.

t. Unbiased Novartis® chemist

If you're looking for help with anxiety and have problems with weed, I recommend you look into Kratom.

Which, incidentally, the DEA similarly attempted to schedule recently, although there was enough of a public outcry over the blatant powergrab that the DEA reversed its scheduling decision.

Kratom is mildly addictive, mildly psychoactive (comparable in intensity to coffee), and does wonders for pain and anxiety, with minimal side effects. It is also self limiting, in that higher doses don't produce more intense feelings, rather they make people nauseous.

>people are angry it's illegal, which means they *need* it, which means it's addictive.

Holy shit

Opinion discarded

>Novartis drugs
False. Novartis® makes Medication not drugs. Faggot.

We can patent natural products. Just watch us faggot.

>t.addicted degenerate

t. unbiased Novartis® chemist

I mean I had psychosis that was brought out from smoking a lot of weed for many years and it lasted months and I still haven't recovered.

>A single marijuana plant can sustain me with all the marijuana I need and fit in a closet.

It's still a pain the ass to grow, and the quality will likely not compare to vendor grown plant. Not to mention you can't just grow another plant instantly when you run out or want to try a new strain.

Again, you don't see legal states currently having trouble making money taxing the plant because people are growing it in their homes. Sure, some people probably do, and I personally don't feel they shouldn't be able to, but it doesn't sufficiently disincentivize commercialization and taxation, because plant growing is an economy of scale.

>False. Novartis® makes Medication not drugs. Faggot.

BASED Novartis makes drugs by every definition of the word
inb4 english

I've heard of that, isn't it basically an opiate imitator? I don't really want to do a drug like that desu, used to do opiates

>Well that's probably the biggest reason

Then we don't really have a disagreement.

>but the fact that you can grow it does not stand in the way of government taxation and control
> states with legal marijuana don't have any problem regulating and taxing pot.

Yes, I suppose we're talking past each other a bit.

I should have put it better than "you can grow it yourself". Most people won't. I guess the problem is better expressed as "nobody owns this plant".

Meaning while every end user might not grow their own - although in this particular case it's very easy to do so, and there are exceptions for home growing in many cannabis decriminalization states and countries (3 plants about).
But rather that the people who start production and selling of pot (or CBD only strains) do not need to be pharma related. It's an open playing field. You don't need to pay anyone to use this drug either (IP wise), and there's no need to employ exiting drug labs to attain it (which are owned by the pharma corps.

The threat is that it's an easily grown, easily sold drug that nobody owns.


You condescending cunt

people have actually been using it to get off opiates, which is obviously bad...

Lmao shit is getting ridiculous