What is the equivalent of pol for leftists?

I'd like to quit this echo chamber for a while and see things with a little prespective

Leftists don't have a Sup Forums because the establishment supports them. They will literally advocate white genocide and face no repercussions for it. If anything, we should oush back and give them a reason to meet in secret.

dee mayne streem meteor

/leftypol/ duh


Washington post comments section

literally every other forum on the internet that discusses politics.

Do you have to ask? tumblr



Isn't megalania bizarro Sup Forums on steroids?

>tfw behind enemy lines

>What is the equivalent of pol for leftists?

We are here bro, watching, recording, fighting back if time comes!

lmfao @ that pic

>echo chamber
watch the 2 hs interview with Dylann Roof, really pay attention to it and try to guess who convinced him to do what he did

police confession i mean

*tips fedora*


Just create a Twitter account and name it Not My President, or Drumpfkins...or something like that. I did it for a while before the election, and I'd always say some borderline retarded shit and liberals would like and retweet cuz I was anti trump.

eventually i went too retarded and i guess ppl figured it out cuz i lost a bunch of followers

R/politics, hell pretty much the entire site