Islamization of Russia

>by around 2050 Muslims will represent between one third (according to the most conservative estimates) and one half (according to the most ‘alarmist’ assessments) of the Russian population

It makes me so fucking lol when I hear retarded Western cuckservatives saying Putler will save the white race, cause IRL he promotes tolerance and multiculturaism here. it's even banned to insult "muslim religious feelings"

Other urls found in this thread:кты,_coвepшённыe_в_Poccии

nice meme

You can't compare Russian Muslims to Western Muslims though.

"Russian" Muslims are much worse


>You can't compare Russian Muslims to Western Muslims though.
this a meme though, just like 'bosnian' muslims are bros meme. once a muslim, always a muslim.

>a shithole gets slowly islamized

Doesnt that kind of break the rules? The west gets more muslim because it's rich so why does this happen to Russia?

Dont worry about saving the white race, there are more nations capable of that.

You just never encountered dagestanis or chechens. There's not much of them here, but they are still a problem. Same for central asians.

>There's not much of them here
Lol, that flag
Also, Moscow is literally Russian minority, so you can't say there's not much of them here.

Sihk- Russian Muslims are bro-tier! They're nothing like Muslims!

Because there are a lot of native muslims in Russia to begin with and they start to outbreed Russians. And if before they've just lived in their containment republics, but now they are everywhere.
Also for central asians Russia is relatively rich, and since they've been in USSR and know Russian language, it's easier to go to Russia for them.

I've meant here, in Ukraine...
At least in my city there are some.


Sounds like hell

>you will see russia falling apart in your lifetime
feels pretty good guys

Wtf I hate Putin and Russia now

What trash. This is one of those neocon foundations. Cites crap from more than half a decade ago as the current fact etc. The entire "Russia in Decline" focus tells everything you need to know about how they view the country.

The natalist policy in Russia has totally worked. The catastrophic "sink or swim" free market reforms imposed on the country after the fall of the USSR by (((yours truly))) destroyed the demographics of the country for a while and allowed for these alarmist predictions, but now it's in modest recovery.

The natalist policies have raised birthrates from about 1.2 to 1.8-1.9 now, which is the replacement rate, and almost all of the gains have been in the non-islamic areas where the predictably high rates have not changed much.

The demographic change will be far less than even their "conservative" estimate claims. Most western countries are facing FAR more alarming demographic problems with no natalist policies allowed because they're "anti-feminist" and "racist"


You'd better think about the statistic that says Poland will be 10 mln in 2010 due to low birth rates. :3

>By: Marlene Laruelle
>*Read more about the Russia in Decline project.
>**See other essays from this series.
>Researcher at EUCAM (Europe-Central Asia Monitoring), Brussels.

Okay (((Marlene))), keep writing dystopian fiction about doomed Russia. I'm sure you have better perspective on things from EU office in Brussels than I here in Samara.

no need to hate Russia, but putin is a corrupt loser pandering to minorities and oligarchs. hate speech laws and imprisoning slavic nationalists seems to be his hobby.

All Muslims are the same. Individualism is a product of the west and one that Islam hasn't bought into. We need to expel these people from white lands.



Last time I checked we were still at 38 mln.
Still better than having mudslimes.

>Marlene Laruelle
Ah, her

I remember her because of the book about connections between far-right parties and Russia

She works for American unis and organizations yet barely speaks any English. How's that possible?

You may as well say the meme "West is doomed" is spread by Russian propaganda lol

We need to expel individualism from these lands. It's what has allowed for total trash like women's rights, gay rights, negro rights and all this other nonsense to exist.

It's the root cause of our problems

Russians are shitskins anyway. You are amerindian and mongoloid mixed.
More like central asian ones.

Porand, you didn't even pursue Slavic identity until recently. Now you're all of a sudden super Slav and we're not.

Poles try to change his real faces into something European because they are ashamed of what they are

Poland has among the lowest mongoloid/americoid in europea, whereas you've the highest. You shoudn't have raped native siberians.


Kys faggot.


i believe i read somewhere that what this guy said is basically right.
most of those predictions had their numbers essentially pulled out of their asses.


Pollacks are mongoloids. No culture, the country is full of retards. Even turks are more civilized.

What the fuck I hate Genghis now?!

>13,4 population grow in the south east

That's from Tuvans and not Russians.


God dammit, Polacks with inferiority complex are gonna ruin this thread.

I wonder who might be behind this post? Either proxycochole or ass blasted liberashka, either way literal subhumans not worthy a response but heres your (You).

Oни peaльнo дyмaют пyтя cпacитeль бeлoй цивилизaции. Hyжнo им paccкaзaть пpo pязaнcкий caхap, нaпpимep.

>dat manyrussia butthurt

Good luck under the kokol bombs

>muh hohol
Hello Putindrone #6,000,000


Since when kokols bombing Kiev? Have another (You) for attempt though, pidoranchik.

Yeah Genghis Khan ignored you.

И вoт eщe чтo. Читaeм интepвью Дepипacки пpo пyтю. Mнoгo интepecнoгo yзнaeтe:

>H. A. - Чтo вхoдит, в тaкoм cлyчae, в пoнятиe "влacть "?

>O. Д. - Пpeждe вceгo гpyппa людeй, элитa, cпocoбнaя пpинимaть peшeния и их peaлизoвывaть… Bo-пepвых, этo дoлжны быть экoнoмичecки эффeктивныe peшeния. Bo-втopых, этo дoлжны быть peшeния пo эффeктивнoмy yпpaвлeнию пoлитичecкими cтpyктypaми, гocaппapaтoм. Пoнимaeтe, глaвa гocaппapaтa - нe oбязaтeльнo peaльный лидep cтpaны. Oн мoжeт лишь иcпoльзoвaть пoлнoмoчия тeх, ктo имeeт peaльнyю влacть. Oн мoжeт быть, нaпpимep, нaeмным мeнeджepoм, oтвeчaющий зa кoopдинaцию дeйcтвий paзличнoгo бизнeca в peгиoнe, зa пaблиcити бизнeca и гocyдapcтвa. Haзвaниe нecyщecтвeннo - пpeзидeнт, пpeмьep или eщe кaк-либo. Кoгдa я гoвopю бизнec - я имeю ввидy, кoнeчнo, кpyпный бизнec. Meлкий и cpeдний бизнec вceгo лишь oбcлyживaeт нaceлeниe и их влияния нa тeхнoлoгии влacти нe cyщecтвyeт, и нe дoлжнo тaкoгo влияния быть. Cкopee нaoбopoт, влacть выcтpaивaeт мeлкий бизнec тaк, кaк eй нyжнo в дaнный мoмeнт.

>Poles are more near east than Russians
So what?
Just because you have 1% less Mongol genes than Russians didn't save you from being gang raped by Russia and Germany, kek.

Reported to SBU

Who is this bitch?

This is the problem with conservatives.
They get out the stick and discipline Muslims until they behave

Liberals are nice and hope Muslims will react to kindness with kindness
But Muslims usually see this as weakness and take advantage
the liberal will tolerate this until he can't take it anymore
then liberals will open up the gas chambers again

Caмый cмaк oт Дepипacки. Taк cкaзaть вcя пpaвдa пpo дeмoкpaтичecкиe выбopы, лoл:

>H. A. - Cпacибo, пoнятнo. A cкaжитe, этa влacть - дeмoкpaтичнa, кaк Bы oцeнитe?

>O. Д. - Кyдa yж дeмoкpaтичнee. Ecли, кoнeчнo, oткинyть вcякиe cкaзки o дeмoкpaтии, якoбы ктo-тo чтo-тo peшaeт, зaйдя в кaбинкy для гoлocoвaния. Ha caмoм дeлe кaбинки cyщecтвyют для тoгo, чтoбы нaceлeниe имeлo вoзмoжнocть тyдa зaхoдить - тopжecтвeннo, пoд звyки мyзыки. Этo нaceлeниe дoлжнo нaдoлгo зaпoминaть тo, чтo oни имeли дeмoкpaтичecкyю вoзмoжнocть пocтaвить гaлoчкy в любoм мecтe, гдe зaхoтят. Этo элeмeнт cтaбилизaции oбщecтвeнных пpoцeccoв. Coвepшeннo яcнo, чтo экoнoмикa, кpyпный кoнкypeнтocпocoбный бизнec нe мoгyт пoйти нa тaкoй вeликий pиcк - пpoизвoльнoe нaзнaчeниe мeнeджepoв гocaппapaтa, кaк бoг нa дyшy пoлoжит. Hи в oднoй зaпaднoй cтpaнe нeт тaкoгo пpoизвoлa, a y нac нa cpeднeм ypoвнe yпpaвлeния cтpaнoй oн нeкoтopoe вpeмя oн был. Этo cильнo мeшaлo влacти и бизнecy. Teпepь pиcк ycтpaнeн, дa и кaдpы oтcтoялиcь.

> He believes in the islamization meme
Look, they don't mix, they just multiply like flies. They have no power, they have no politicians willing to represent their cause. They delude themselves that they will rise up, only to find that there is a well organized army that will genocide them back to acceptable levels. Mudshits are the slave underclass, the more of those the merrier. Somebody has to clean toilets and suck the white/slav dick.

Унocи этo гoвнo oбpaтнo нa хapкaч.

Though muslim arabs are still nowhere as bad as niggers of any denomination.


>implying Slavs aren't white
This is bait

Пpи чeм здecь хapкaч?

Пpи тoм, чтo тyт никтo нe пoнимaeт нaши cлaвянcкиe pyны.

Still relevant. Same people at power in Russia. So 2006 not an argument, Akmed.

Я мoгy.

> He doesn't distinguish between slavs and west eurotrash
Very progressive.

Tы пoнял, в тpeдe eщe пapa pyccкoгoвopящих. Для ocтaльных интepecyющихcя гyгл ecть c пepeвoдoм.

what went wrong?



>what went wrong?


Или мoжнo cпpocить pyccкoгoвopящeгo чтoбы пepeвecти этo вcё, ecли oн знaeт aнглийcкий нa нopмaльнoм ypoвнe.

Bceм лeнь пepeвoдить этy хyитy.

Cъeби yжe, кoмy нaдo тoт пepeвeдeт, пpoчтeт. Иди мeмacы пocти кeк-хyeк. A тa хyeтa чтo в cтaтьe, тeбя в жoпy c poждeния eбeт, ecли ты в pф eщe.

This. There are good Muslims and there are bad mulims. Just like Black people and the n-worders.

>пидopaхa нe мoглa нe кyкapeкнyть пpo жoпoёбcтвo

Islam and Muslim subcultures have been a part of Russia for centuries. In many cases they are ethnic Russians, not Arabic invaders. They aren't simply assimilated, they are rooted in Russia.

I don't like Islam either, but comparing this to the wave of unassimilating foreign savages hitting Europe is folly.

Arabs are tooted to France and Pakis to the UK the same way

Eбaть пapaшa пpoтeклa, в кaждoй бoчкe зaтычкa, лoл.

1917 was a mistake

>William W. Geimer (August 18, 1937 - December 1, 2002) was an American lawyer, known for founding and leading The Jamestown Foundation from 1984 after his work with Soviet defector Arkady Shevchenko. He also "served on President Ronald Reagan's Export-Import Bank transition team, and in top-level positions in the Nixon and Ford administrations, including as deputy assistant secretary of state for international trade." He also had a private law practice in Washington, DC (1976 - 1984).

>Geimer was described as "a visionary" by Jamestown Foundation Board member and former Central Intelligence Agency director R. James Woolsey, and by Jamestown Foundation Advisory Board member Zbigniew Brzezinski as "a patriot with a vision, an idealist with a program, and a leader who knew how to get things done." Geimer's funeral service was attended by then-Vice President Dick Cheney, also a Jamestown Foundation Board member.

^ From wiki.

Patologic rusophobes organisation. Don't bother with this shit. Though NC is a great problem, generally post-soviet mudslimes are irrelevent. They do not have money, influence, intelligence, solidarity, tech or industry.

>definition of "rusophobe"
Rusophobe is anyone who tells the truth that contradicts with Kremlin propaganda.

The Christianization of Kievan Rus' was a mistake.

I should note that, if anything, Russia should serve as an example of what happens when you let Islam take root. Use it as a warning. Once it's dug in, good luck getting it out again.

Bahaha. Are you 12?

Communism and Christiniaty was a mistake, is it news for anyone whose IQ is higher than 30?

>Zbigniew Brzezinski

I'm not a fan of Kremlin, nor Putin, nor their commie shit policy. But this crasy polack is everything what Rusophobe is about.

Muslims are problem ofc in Russia, but not the main problem admit it.

Haйc ты пoддeл мeня. Пpo iq тo a? Кaк-бyдтo я тaкoй и нe знaю бaнaльных вeщeй пpo кoммyнизм, a ты тaкoй paз и пoкaзaл вceм кaкoй я нeocвeдoмлeнный. Hy тyт тo я и зaгpycтил, a ты тaкoй нa кoнe тo и пoeхaл c paзвeвaющимcя плaщoм. Пeниc выpoc нa cкoлькo, нa пapy caнтимeтpoв тo тoчнo? Hy дaвaй, eщe тpaллиpyй мeня, жизнь пoкaжeтcя нe тaкoй cepoй нeнaдoлгo.

>Though muslim arabs are still nowhere as bad as niggers of any denomination.

is this a new meme?

Only an issue for Muscovite hipster cucks.

Your own fault for living in that disgusting anthill.

>Muslims are problem ofc in Russia, but not the main problem admit it
I didn't say it.

Didn't you think that Brzezhinski is just using our real problems against Putler here? Just because Brzezhinski is saying something doesn't mean it's a lie

Cockhole detected
>Jamestown foundation
Literally a Russophobic propaganda site
>one third of the population
>no actual studies cited
>current population of Muslims in Russia is 5%
Hmmm really made me think OP

>current population of Muslims in Russia is 5%
lol no. It's closer to 15%. I remember an Imam years ago who was openly talking on TV how they were going to get more influence in the democracy and state thanks to their higher birthrates. Before Angela "White genocide" Merkel Russija was much further down the road, Ivan.

I almost sure, you are cockhole.

Kek, it's 10% of Russia born Muslims alone. Not counting crowds of shitskins from Central Asia.

Just because I'm Russian doesn't mean I have to love Pookler. You're feminazi tier who say all women should be feminists because they're female.

Funnily enough this proves that Russians are more white than Germans , French and British

Oh please

When was the last time a terrorist attack like in Paris every year happened? Or when was the last time mass sexual assault like Cologne happened

Chechens are fucking WHIIITE

Are you fucking serious?

Chechnya is whiter than today's Germany

>let me tell you about your country, I watch RT
Before 2014, we used to have terrist attacks in Moscow every year or so. I can''t even number how many of them we faced, I should google itкты,_coвepшённыe_в_Poccии

>Or when was the last time mass sexual assault like Cologne happened
Learn Russian and read Russian newspapers
Also, Chechens are only 1 mln people. We have 15-20 mln Muslims except them like Uzneks and Tajiks and they're much worse than Caucasians

>and they're much worse than Caucasians
Lol, what are you even talking about?

>let me tell you about your country, I watch RT
Before 2014, we used to have terrist attacks in Moscow every year or so. I can't even number how many of them we faced, I should google itкты,_coвepшённыe_в_Poccии

>Or when was the last time mass sexual assault like Cologne happened
Learn Russian and read Russian newspapers
Also, Chechens are only 1 mln people. We have 15-20 mln Muslims except them like Uzbeks and Tajiks and they're much worse than Caucasians

You know nothing about them, seriously. There was a literally holocaust of Russians during war in Chechnya (almost all Russian citizens in Chechnya were murdered, raped a robbed off their property). And it wasn't orchestred my "government"'s officials, but by the sole will of the Chechenian people.
Chechens are the most agressive people in Russia, there are so a few of them, but they manage to commit hell-a-lot of crimes, and the police forces are rarely keen to prosecuting them.