/islam/ islam general

This thread is for the discussion of Islam, the only true religion in the world.


sunnah.com/ - The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
quran.com/ - Read and listen to Qur'an online.
inter-islam.org/Seerah/ - Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

>Allah loves everyone
youtube.com/watch?v=vyw13WuGpzU [Open]
>What is Islam?
youtube.com/watch?v=OsmYQl3xy_Y [Open]
>How to revert?
youtube.com/watch?v=TbmdE3oXlEQ [Open]
>From Atheism to Islam
youtube.com/watch?v=YiRsyes_q8o [Open]
>Christian to Islam
youtube.com/watch?v=iHFgcRGIrH0 [Open]

>Islam website with everything you need
>Find a mosque and revert today!

Fuck off Islam

mashallah brother

Why is she so perfect, Sup Forums?

Hey guess what, you're both faggots.

Don't you guys have goats to be fucking?


Islam = Militant, supremacist,
political/religious ideology that
seeks to dominate any country
and culture that it comes in
contact with!

"Sharia(h)" --i.e. Islam's law
Forces de-facto "second-class
citizenship" upon ALL women
and upon men who do NOT
choose to become Muslims

"Muslim" - Means one who worships
only one god. That would include
Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, who
are persecuted, killed and made
second-class citizens in an Islamic
country. Followers of Islam are better-
described as "Mohammedans" because
they follow the example of Mohammad
(their prophet). That is, being "Muslim"
IS NOT exclusive to Islam!

inbred apes

Buddhist living with Hindus: No problem
Hindus living with Christians: No problem
Christians living with Shinto: No problem
Shinto living with Confucians: No problem
Confucians living with Baha’is: No problem
Baha’is living with Jews: No problem
Jews living with Atheists: No problem
Anogstics living with atheists: No problem
Any combination of the above: No problem

Muslims living with Buddhist: Problem
Muslims living with Christian:Problem
Muslims living with Hindus: Problem
Muslims living with Shinto’s: Problem
Muslims living with Baha’is: Problem
Muslims living with Jews: Problem
Muslims living with Atheists: Problem
Muslims living with Agnostics:Problem
Muslims living with Muslims: BIG PROBLEM.

Notice a trend here....

I dare anyone to explain one positive reason or benefit bringing Muslims into any western country.
Since Islam appeared on Earth as an invention created by Mohammed this has been like that and most likely will continue to be like that.

She aint a muzzie


Do you know that Muhammad was 55 years old when he was married to 6 year-old Aisha?

Islam is just another judaism

Whom here ready for their waifu-hawris in the Heavens??


islam was created by the holy see. Muhammad was trained by vatican operatives. Islam has always been about conquest. They are a mere satellite for the west to profit off of a destabilized and docile middle east. Same shit has been going on for over 1500 years, up to ISIS today.

Islam is full of lies. Muslims believe you're doing someone a favor by killing them. This is not 'true'. The best thing you can do is put God between yourself and the other. This applies in all relationship. Islam says otherwise. This is the reason for Hijabs and shit. This becomes pagan worship of worldly things and goes against God. If your religion instructs you to go against the one true god, then your religion is not true.



i'm going to enjoy killing every sandnigger on the planet

Óтчe нaш, И́жe ecи́ нa нeбecéх! Дa cвяти́тcя и́мя Tвoé, дa пpии́дeт Цápcтвиe Tвoé, дa бýдeт вóля Tвoя́, я́кo нa нeбecи́ и нa зeмли́. Хлeб нaш нacýщный дaждь нaм днecь; и ocтáви нaм дóлги нáшa, я́кoжe и мы ocтaвля́eм дoлжникóм нáшим; и нe ввeди́ нac вo иcкyшéниe, нo избáви нac oт лyкáвaгo.
Oтeц нaш, cyщий нa нeбecaх! дa cвятитcя имя Tвoe; дa пpиидeт Цapcтвиe Tвoe; дa бyдeт вoля Tвoя и нa зeмлe, кaк нa нeбe; хлeб нaш нacyщный дaй нaм нa ceй дeнь; и пpocти нaм дoлги нaши, кaк и мы пpoщaeм дoлжникaм нaшим; и нe ввeди нac в иcкyшeниe, нo избaвь нac oт лyкaвoгo. Ибo Tвoe ecть Цapcтвo и cилa и cлaвa вo вeки. Aминь.

Holy shit they're so ugly

Islam is a false religion found by a pedophile.

Remember kids, sage goes in every field

And? There is absolutely nothing wrong with pedophilia, my Turkic brother.

Fuck off you goat fucking Saturn worshipping child raper

Fucked her too

Shi'a here.
Just came by to say sunnis hate ahlulbayt because they support someone who literally collaborated with the enemies of muhammad (saws)/ali (as).
When the prophet said ali was his successor, he didn't add "haha i'm just kidding" or "oh but i just meant it in a spiritual sense".
Sunnicucks BTFO.

This guy is getting his bones broken by OMON right now. Press F to pay respects


We will continue to fight islam wherever it is. Islam is meant to conquer and will destroy anything that disagrees with it. My forefathers fought muslims, and so will I.

Why do your peons fuck so many goats, behead so many women, and kill cartoonists?