What does this symbol mean?

What does this symbol mean?

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Path of Light

whats that?

"I'm gay and have social anxiety"

How do you think hittler rose to power? Through chaos magik

How do you think anyone truly rises to power? Through magik, and sacrafice. The sacrifice is the most important part, as a God /demon will not work for free

Doesn't look like anything to me.

Sun wheel.

It's the sun.

Take that as you will.

Its from that bell thingy right?


Esoteric mumbo jumbo.

yer, and we got trump to power through meme magik

It's a modern day "disguised" swastika.

yes but its not called meme magik, its just magik

magik was used for tens of thousands of years

Now we have evidence that chaos magik is behind everything in politics

Read the Lesser King of Solomon and about the Goetia

the truth

so what did we sacrifice then

JIDF with the bantz

It's a combination of their nature fetish and their geometry fetish. The sun provides life and the ability for everything on earth to live so it's revered. The geometry is more complicated and has to do with their gods coming from the stars or some shit. Depends on the sect.

Heil Hitler!

fml its the black sun.

Im not sure

its possible that kek as yet to get his sacrafice

we might still be in the throw of the hurricane. Something very bloody may come up very soon


It is a spiderweb you fucking idiot.

In Sweden it means

> I'm going to jail for hate crimes if I use it as my facebook profile picture

True story.

it's supposed to be a butt hole, and it represents a cult of sodomites.

looks like the star wars racist nazi symbol to me.

>It's a modern day "disguised" swastika.

its called "dark sun".Just an ancient germanic symbol for sun

wtf i love star wars now

For Saturn*

twf posting in a shills thread.
>I don't understand your memes goys. Explain them to me.

Braun ist eine schöne Farbe, sie hat Zukunft, liegt im Trend.
Auch wenn das nicht alle glauben, jedenfalls noch im Moment.
Braun der Geist und braun die Seele, eine braune Bruderschaft,
in uns brennt die Schwarze Sonne, das Symbol der Gegenkraft.

Black star

Black sun - sun being bounded and clicked by Saturn. It's a symbol of ultratraditionalists, who think that old king Saturn should not die in current cycle

Best Bowie album


>black sun
Oh (Jew)!

It's pretty much the key symbol of Slavic Paganism, but because of its resemblance to the swastika, and because of the racist faction of Slavic Neo-Paganism, it's now used as an esoteric racist symbol.

Google Black Sun.

I'm in your boat.

Star of Azura

This and the cocksuckers that worship it are evil.

a pretty looking emblem that sadly is no longer apreciated, when drawing it anywere...

means to an end


It's Jupiter symbolism. Very ancient roman shit .It's literally twelve "storms" (sig runes) and three swastikas.