The Ying and Yang symbol is a map of the flat Earth

the Ying and Yang symbol is a map of the flat Earth.

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a thousand points of light spinning in a perfect circle over the years, and moving in perfectly straight lines creating perpendicular angles.

there is no way this pattern could happen unless this was a flat, and motionless plane.

Or, the earth is the one spinning in a circle.

this is how time zones would work. it revolves around a magnetic pole in the center of the earth. if you follow a compass due west all the time you would walk quite literally in a circle, and if you go south you'll get to the antarctic ice circle. the spot everyone going to in Antarctica is on the south western tip of the world and that general part of the antarctic ice circle

That's not how it works though.
The termination zone between night and day is a straight line.

this is a rough coppy of how aviation navigates to antartica. we never go to australia, and whenever you travel from austrlia to south america, its a thousands of miles. if you put it on a globe, or a distorted square map, it doesnt work

previous post was map scale for references.

It would appear that way to an observer, yes

this is a butterfly map for aviation invented in 1917

Isn't that the Fibonacci Spiral

Nice picture there. Now, it seems that in what is reckoned as the Southern hemisphere, the stars spin in the opposite direction, centered around a different and visible point in the sky. How would that work in a flat Earth?

it doesn't.

>google that image
>end up here

Well that's interesting

this is how flight works in the world, you can cross reference anything you can look up on distorted maps for globes,

did you just give me a link that would change my life?

Probably not, but they definitely chose an interesting symbol. I can smell a rabbit hole around here that I'm not sure if I'm ready to fall in yet though

Of course not. I mean, it's not like anyone in Australia could look outside, right?


it looks like a torus

The flat earth has so many faults, but it really falls apart in the southern hemisphere.


Have you ever been on a transcontinental flight?

Have you ever flown internationally on an airplane?
Then don't fucking speak. This fucking false flag bullshit is annoying. Flat earth just shows you've never traveled in your life.

reminder that round earthers CANNOT explain this

Probably the most interesting version I've seen is the use of General Relativistic coordinate substitution to set up a spatially distorted coordinate system that is flat relative to the surface of the Earth, and generates screwy geometry and fictitious forces around the South pole and in space. It's actually analytically valid, since it's just the regular round-Earth heliocentric solar system measured with an unusual reference frame.

The Earth is a tesseract

you know. the whole princinple of this is that you're ignoring the moon which is always on the other side of the earth.

do you see your initial failuire in thought when you're thinking about the world?

the sun is the day, the moon is the night, and the purple is the sunset and the sun rise depending in their rotation.

It's like beating up on a child

I think the mods should just start issuing you permabans every time you make this thread. This isn't politics, there isn't a single chart here that isn't doctored or insanely inaccurate, and every time someone tries to tell you how fucking stupid you are it turns into 200 posts of autistic whining. Then you re-make the same fucking thread after it slides off.

Fuck you.

Take this to /sci/ and try your retarded fat hearse theory there.

Oh wait, you can't take it to /sci/ because they have mods there, unlike us. So they would just ban your retarded ass.

please see that this guy is clearly ignoring the fact that the moon is on the other side of this rotation, and its usually night time when its visible.

Facts: It's both flat AND round.

It's flat when you're standing on it
It's round when you're looking away from it

if pic related is a "hole" in spacetime, what would the opposite look like?

PLANE(ts) are 4+D dimensional PLANES. Remember, we're merely 3D observers.

This guy has the right idea

You know how refraction works, right? Light bends towards things that transmit it more slowly, such as denser air. The density of air decreases with altitude, so light bends down slightly. As such, the actual path traveled by the light would have been a slight curve peaking just above the 3000 level dashed line.

*its round when you're looking at it from a distance

>Please see this: (retarded image which excludes the southern hemisphere of the Earth)




refracted light due to density variations in the atmosphere

i meant this argument

hits the most politically incorrent thing to talk about how this is a fucking flat earth. you can see a mountain from 300 miles way if you're high enough, and stars move in perfectly straight lines. the bible is telling you the truth when it says the earth is fixed on pillars and this is a flat unmoving plane this is why you can do such a thing as go north south

>The board's name is politically incorrect so I can talk about fucking anything




this guy gets it.

the earth is kind of shaped like two snow globes glued together at the bottom. as above so below. the hollow earth is real, its just at the north pole.

>you know. the whole princinple of this is that you're ignoring the moon
lol wut. who cares about the moon.
This pic proves flat earth is false.
Deal with it.

fuck you, the planet we live on is entirely more interesting than fucking ponies.

mess with these projection settings and see what makes more sense for you as far as how our ocean currents and air currents work, you can also see different elevations in air currents

>bottom of a sphere

respond to these

what a liberal and productive stance. you're ready to kill someone because there are 33 more continents to explore if you head south north, south sout, south west, or south east. basically south in any direction. to head south is to visit other celestial bands known as the tropics of Cancer, and Capricorn. and every time you go a little further south you get a new tropic. everything revolves around the north pole because this is quite literally the center of the heavens and the earth.

>you're ready to kill someone because there are 33 more continents to explore if you head south north, south sout, south west, or south east
Get the fuck off this board.

it doesnt change the fact that the earth is still flat, and roundplease try to imagine the same thing but upside down and glued at the bottom. this map doesn't show the whole picture, this is the 1st heaven, or first 4 dimensions in string theory, we're at the bottom of an egg shaped flat universe. the skys and the heavens will go as far south as south goes, and thats a very very long ways. whats above the glass firnament are the 6 unseen dimensions in string theory where light travels and makes comes instantly, there is a reason they travel in perfect circles, or straight lines.

this is how atmoshpereic pressure looks at a different height compared to the base link. air just wouldn't be able to move or stay like this if it we were moving through space like it says we are. NASA in hebrew means to decieve, you're falling for a jew meme

heres a jew telling me how fucking stupid nasa is, i can't help but agree and admire this jewish person for telling the truth.

donald trump is a flat earther

what i posted a picture of is an example of going really south, it will go on as far as the world goes.

the platform we are on is flat though

>Burnie hates NASA
literally just a comedian doing a bit
>Donald Trump is a flat earther
that's a fake CNN you retard. Trump is not a flat earther.

Good job not even responding to the point I made about air density causing the bending of light to dispute your stupid image and claim that
>reminder that round earthers CANNOT explain this
despite the fact that I did, easily, with a simple understanding about how light works.
This is just sad.

oh, that's pretty much psudeo science, light isn't jjust going to bend so you can see around a fictional curvature.

you aren't suppose to be able to see anything past 3 miles because ofo a 24 inch drop in the horizon this picture of a moutain from 483km away proves there is no curvature

argument in this post completely overlooked what you said

>posts at 2 am when the mods are asleep

basically in other words light doesn't blend or like you think it does, thats psuedo science, you can bend light in water, and the reason why rainbows curve is because of the humidity after a rainstorm.

light travels at 300l,000 meters a second. sound travels at 384 meters a second. do you really think that sound or light bends in air when its traveling that fast?

sage report and hide, folks

thats right. censor the truth

goshwish i knew how to click posts.

>I don't understand how light works

can you actaully replicate an experiment where you can make light bend so a sphere

or even sound for that matter?

heres an example of light bending at the point of fictional curvature, or convergence at 20 yards, and 20 miles

interesting, will actually try this today

i had questions if my own that never got answered, like why stars move in perfectly straight lines and perfect circles

here's a link showing an example of a sun moving towards you, and appearing right above the clouds

A wavefront will bend when it enters a new material. Just the way the math works out

Imagine horizontal waves entering at an angle a material where they move slightly slower. The leading edge of the wave will slow, and the rest of the wave will follow as soon as it enters. With the net result being the wave bends a certain amount


you're telling me that air on this planet moves in these kinds of patterns and rapidly change at altitudes will make light bend perfectly to see objects from 300 miles away

small variations in air density don't affect light bending all that much, but it is interesting to think about

You know the reason stars appear to twinkle at night is due to air currents


thanks user

seriously really dumb. go ahead and try to replicate that

see picture

here are 21 questions you can't answer