Christian atheism

Could Sup Forums redpill on this ideology?

I've wanted to be a Christian my whole life but I've never seen a reason to believe in God as I've always believed in evolution, Big Bang, etc.

Can I still be a Christian if I don't believe in God or divine creation/intervention

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No, you can't.
In order to be Christian you must faith in:
Gods existence, Jesus his inborn son, rose from the dead after 3 days, Bible contains teachings of god (as written down by men), and, to complete the trinity the holy spirit.

Theism: believe in a personal god
Atheism: absent of that believe
Deism: impersonal god

Agnosticism: not claiming knowledge
gnosticism: claiming knowledge

you can be agnostic atheist/deist
you can be gnostic atheist/ deist
you can be gnostic theist

A Catholic Priest was the first to to propose what eventually was called the Big Bang theory.

Before (a even some time after) most scientists though the universe was endless

Your talking about Cultural Christianity.

why do you want to play pretend?

Obedience comes before faith. Go to church.

... general relativity. If you were standing inside the big bang it would take approx the equivalent of 7 earth days for earth to have been created. Go to and start b sharing this shit so I don't have to keep doing it alone.

It's the same as people who are culturally Jewish, but not religiously. The weird thing being that you are trying to take part in something that exist for the sole reason of religion, but you're ironically trying to deny what makes it up.

I don't believe in God, but I appreciate Christan cultulre. A think I am as good as Cristian.

You can always interpret hell as the future existence that you create for your children and grandchildren by your own sinful actions The ten commandments and Jesus liberate us from harmful religions and ideologies and protect us from those who want to do good but whose ignorant actions will lead to evil.

You are good enough when you are yourself and nobody has the right to judge you or force you to perform their rituals or sacrifices to prove that you are a good person. That is why communism and Islam hate Christianity, because they are both examples of religion or ideology who want to have the power to force you to be a "good" person according to their own moral standards which includes taking from you by force and giving it to themselves.

Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

Believing in God has moral, philosophical, and spiritual consequences apart from just following the "rules" of Christianity. Christianity has no rules, it's based on love, and the first act of love is faith. Without faith you can't have love and without love you can't be a Christian.

This is why Jesus said that the greatest commandment has 2 parts: to love God with your heart, your body, your soul, and your mind and to love others as Jesus loved all of us. In order to properly reflect on what all of this means and what is required of you, you have to be a Christian. Sorry.

>Christian atheism

Sounds like something you should stay the hell away from, OP. Just read the Holy Bible and ignore this other shit.

>Christianity has no rules, it's based on love, and the first act of love is faith
Jesus didn't love "all of us". He came here with a sword. He did not come here to bring peace.
That being said the idea of unconditional love to everyone is pure cuckoldry and wasn't part of the original message.

What allowed christianity to spread was the sword, not the fucking "turn the other cheek". A militant Church allowed the Word of Christ to spread all over the world, while nowadays people are losing faith as the Chruch becomes more and more tolerant and cucked.
Imagine if the medieval church was like modern church. IT wouldn't have lasted 2 weeks

Get out heretic cuck

he said he came with a sword because he knew that those who rule by religion and who profit on salvation would oppose him and his followers

Power cannot be kept with clean hands. Jesus knew it, he wasn't stupid

>Implying evolution, the Big Bang, and God are all mutually exclusive.

What is the first mover if not He?

>everything needs a cause
>except God because reasons

Great 'argument' you got there

He didnt come for power, Jesus and his cross is the symbol of religious liberation and he knew he would be opposed by those who profit from religion and who use it to gain power over people.

What can exist outside of the container that contains All?

I am christian Athiest, or Rationalist.
The bible is like an IQ test.
Some shit is there to be discerned.
It provides a language to use, to talk to crazy people. There is a magic spell, to Bullshit your way out of growing up. There is common sense and magic, but some bible characters tell lies, others are in denial about certain realities, like the Virgin Mary getting raped a lot by Romans, or the story of other Mary, his violent hooker mate, the enforcer who killed the odd disciple, and stabbed all of them at leaSt once. Lots Wife was not literally a Pillar of Salt, just badly gsngraped etc. Whoever Seeks to Save His own life, will lose her/it.

>What is the first mover if not He?
>What can exist outside of the container that contains All?

Bible admits evolution
(genesis 1:24-:27)

God used evolution to make man and has had his guiding hand in it to make it work

Protestants will never tell you this.

Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE for a reason, user.

Cultural Christianity is a good idea though. You will rarely be able to convince an atheist to believe in God, but you can convince him to go to church, enjoy the liturgy, adopt the values and become part of the community.

IMO the potential cultural benefit of expanding and strengthening Christian communities is greater than that the spiritual detriment of nonbelievers' participation

>play pretend

Faith isn't pretend

You either believe or you don't

Some amount of trauma later... she was nuts, to put it politely. Why cut yourself, when you're surrounded by Jews & Romans, and it hurts less to just cut them; except for the Romans, since those men were armed.

Sometimes she would slash one of the disciples, for no apparent reason; and then hide behind Jesus. Everyone be like wtf Jesus! He would just say wot! Count your blessings mate!

Traumatised slutty chicks usually make much better friends than a dozen religious homos; but they probably thought that she was the charity case, and honestly wondered He bothered with someone so dangerous, to them.

Professional soldiers had, over time, built into her, a fairly solid foundation in the key areas of grappling & groundwork. Not content with that, she had proposed to her captors, that with formal combat training, they could enjoy more epic rape scenes, and have a funny joke to play on new conscripts.

It was quite funny, actually; but once the survival rate of new guys crashed to a hard zero, they accepted that they had created a monster. A joke that funny is a good one to share with the Jewish community; and of course she had them all in stiches!

Mary Maga-tits was a Violent Asshole; but the other disciples always seemed to side with her, in spite of all the damning evidence that it was entirely her fault (deliberate, and premeditated). They would simply mop up any evidence; lie; accuse; or just close ranks with that nobody saw nothing bullshit.

She didn't even try to dress modestly - she was a slut! I suppose ex-strippers (whatever) come with plenty of baggage; but Jesus was quite clear that if you so much as look at her, with lust in your heart, He would fucking kill you! For looking! At that! I mean, he's joking, right? Really? Drink up, disciples... More wine? I did not just see that, they would sometimes reply.

Mary Maga-tits was a very heavy drinker, who also liked dressing up, and playing Roman Soldiers. She had some Trauma to work through, you might say; and that situation was ultimately the men's fault, and their lack of military prowess; much like it was with Lots Wife, who arrived at a similarly salty ending.

One day, the disciples were having a few quiet drinks with Jesus, and His violent hooker friend, in her sexy wee Roman Soldier costume... and she literally murdered one of the disciples; just butchered him like a hog, in front of everyone!

Doubting Thomas was quietly handed the spade, and he stood corrected. We pretty much just replaced that guinea-pig with a fresh one (John was it, or Mark), and He did not bat an eyelid. He knew that Judas was stealing, and He fucking well knew what happened; but Jesus was poker face, and it was hard to stay mad at her...

That incident, or pattern of incidents, we're not recorded in the book, no; but I personally thought it was quite a noteworthy detail to mention: Jesus was a lovely man; but his enforcer was actually quite sadistic.

His disciples were much bigger & dumber (or should I say, less academic), than the usual A-students that every other Rabbi chose. Apart from the Doctor obviously, who also could heal people, if they had enough money.

Fisherman died a lot anyway, nobody cares; there's plenty more of them in the sea. The Doctor was quite good value: free medical was a very attractive perk; but yeah, the chick is still single, come follow Jesus? Mmm, delicious bait! Yes, follow!

The Christian Rationalist viewpoint is that yes, He was fucking her; but if you think it's a sin when He does it, then perhaps you should pull the king of kings aside for a quiet chat, maybe give Him the hard word? You're probably quite right...

That's a hard question as the Bible never says you can't become or cease being a Christian if you do or don't believe in certain things. But I mean, why would you want to be a Christian if you don't believe in God or Jesus? It's kinda pointless. If you just want to read the Bible, believing it was only meant to be taken figuratively and not literally, you do you. It does have some good life lessons in it that you don't even have to be a Christian to benefit from. I'd highly recommend reading Psalms.

Just an anonymous Christian

Is this a counterargument?

Footnote: His Mother Mary bore a passing resemblance to the much younger friend-of-Jesus Mary, but she was far more graceful in how she responded to the Roman occupation, of her anus. Joseph still got his white wedding, put it that way; and even though his firstborn son bore little or no resemblance to him, he took it on the chin, and was mostly very positive towards the Virgin Mary & her son Jesus, our precious Lord, and Saviour of the World.

Just go to church you fucking fedora. It's not hard to believe in God unless you're autistic.

There is no reason why you can believe in evolution and the big bang theory and Christianity.

#MaryMagaTits #Slasher #FriendOfJesus #HoVsBro #Wartime #LotsWife #CursedWithBeauty #VictimPredatorCycle

Soundtrack: Cursed Female (PornoForPyros)

The Bible tends to focus more on the Jew stuff, in its stories about Jesus; or at least we do, like it was pretty much just business as usual, over there in His church la-la land; much like it is at ours.

Meanwhile, back in reality, they sort of had this uneasy relationship with some Roman chaps, who were also occupying the place. In some ways, those guys had the upper hand, you might say.

For example, they might put a burning cross on your lawn, to pose the question: are you guys ok to just worship our God instead? It's a humorous way to kill all of them, except for the hot ones, obviously.

It's funny, because they're all so torn, which sparks infighting... Obviously nothing beats lions, but that one is much easier to manage, when you're off you're Roman chops drunk.

They did that one to the next housing development over from where Jesus lived, in His early years. His good friend Mary Maga-tits probably survived that, but really wished she hadn't...

A handful of other girls from her community were considered hot enough to be taken as booty; but in her case, after a brief discussion, the other girls were put to death immediately, leaving her to clock in for some fairly long shifts. Cursed to be born beautiful.
(First part)

>There is no reason why you can't

obviously. they aren't mutually exclusive and even if they were, people are able to hold contradictory beliefs

it's just that the big bang theory and evolution greatly undermine a huge portion of the bible and many christian beliefs. it 100% contradicts christian fundamentalism

Evolution is in conflict with the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which says that nature more just messes things up, and destroys things; rather than just build you a free skyscraper.

Big bang goes against physical laws too, is pretty much proof of God.

The bible isn't really concerned with the physical world; the garden is a state of mind. Adam was silent, didn't build her up, and didn't rebuke the serpeNT. The gospel is like a sanity check, god is truth is reality; some people don't like it, are delusional, nuts; including christians who choose religious bullshit, over growing up.

AlsO, god hates Nicolatians. One in every church. Priestcraft, the clown up front.

because that's how you destroy christianity

eventually you end up with all bishops, pastors, elders being agnostics or atheists, trying to teach doctrine that they simply don't believe in.

you turn the church into a historical reinactment group. and then you wonder why Islam is growing and christianity is dying

if you're looking for spiritual truth, do you go to the faggots playing pretend, or the people who offer you actual divine truth?

Sin is just a dumb idea.
A witch is basically a lying gossipy Feminist, and never hit a girl is a rule that they made up; the bible says to use a balcony throw, then dogs and horses. Jezebel is still here, you see; in every church..
All magic can be traced back to an insecure lying asshole.