Tfw I've been saying 'Merry Christmas' to spite libs at my Uni


Other urls found in this thread:

I Do This During all Holidays Just to piss people off

When I was in all boys' boarding school, when we seriously didn't like somebody or wanted a quickfunzie, we'd quickly punch them in the balls.

I did it a few times actually.

Why do euros insist on hanging our flag upside down?
This kind of shit is why I voted leave.

Indian liberal here. How many immigrants ever actually had a problem with merry Christmas? I don't know anyone that actually cares.


>buying new headphones
>cute girl at the cash register
>in front of me is a 16-17 yo guy sperging the fuck out
>looking at the floor all the time fumbling every word
>girl seems like she's bored out of life
>I come up next look her in the eyes while talking with a subtle smile
>she smiles also
>on my wait out she says "h-happy holidays"
Have I finally overcome my autism?


Ones at my uni do. Also fuck you

liberals dont celebrate christmas?

he's lying.
Sup Forums is literally full of crazy people

>Have I finally overcome my autism?


Reminder that (((all boys boarding schools))) are a tool to homoeroticise young lads who are developing sexually and have no outlets to express their sexuality aside from other boys.

Well shit

Actually looking people in the eyes and having complete control of the conversation and having confidence in every little move you make makes bitches wet and nu-males shake. Don't just run on auto pilot. If you carefully make every move you make and consciously know what you do and move deliberately people treat you with respect.

literally no one cares even most of the pakis celebrates Christmas

>thinking of going to uni to study philosophy and theology

is it worth £30k debt?

Isn't there a thin line between that and being creepy though? I always get the impression people get creeped out by too much eye contact. It seems like you have to find some sort of middle ground where you look down or to the side sometimes during a conversation, even if it's just a contemplative thinking look.

yes lad
think of all the indocrinated kike bullshit pussy you will get

Smile with ur eyes

I don't think I'm at the level of complete control. Teach me master.

that is the most autistic thing I've ever read.
a concerted effort to being alpha does not work and runs the risk of making you look like a try hard.
I'm sure you think it makes you look cool but it's not.
Girls fall for chad and tyrone because they genuinely are confident with themselves and assured in their actions.
Nigger I work part time labor job and pulled film producer pussy last week on autopilot.

A close friend of mine did that, and he killed himself two years ago. Another friend did it and now works at a call center with 2 kids at home. He should kill himself.

you both sound autistic
t.diagnosed autist

What I noticed is that I tend to fumble around with my clothes or bags randomly. What should I be casually doing instead? I've been taught that hands in the pockets when talking with someone is bad manners and I feel like I'd look like a sperg if I was just in bear stance the whole time.

Shit, man... I didn't even know you could get headphones in Hungary

Bought a new yenkee yhp 3010 hornet, feels good. I was oblivious towards monitors though and ended up buying an acer, of course the fucking thing doesn't work. I hope they can fix it in the serive on monday.

There's a store in my town with gigantic light up letters. Feels fuckin great man.

I love this picture so much. He honestly looks like a Dr. Seuss character or something.

Look them in the eye
Speak clearly, don't over do it, but try to move your arms and hands when you speak, or stand with a dominant, but not intimidating posture, hands on hips work if you can do it with out looking like a sissy
Arms crossed is a no no unless you are having a serious, negative talk with someone

Basically you want to approach people in a confident way, but that can easily become viewed as attempting to be intimidating so its a fine line

Head up, chest out.

I hate illegals yes I do
If youre a muzzie I've got bad news
So I tell you this as I do a dance
You should have fucking gone to France

Not necessarily. You can take turns both looking at things in the room and looking back right at them in the eye for direct conversation. There's a degree of making it look natural as well
Just be conscious of what you do. I used to go around all day on auto pilot just minding my own business and not really paying attention to the details of my movements or movements of others. If you just move with a purpose and pay attention to other peoples body language you get really good at dropping subtle clues and emotions through body language.
Whatever works for you. I'm in uni and also work a part time labor job and have a hot ass gf. But it makes a difference if you actually pay attention to the small details of every day life.
OY m8 autism or not I'd cut up with a Brit chap anyday

I'm fine with those I just don't know what to do with my hands often times. I feel like standing like this the whole time just looks retarded.
Lately what I've been doing is just throwing my hip to the side and holding the side of my face with my right hand and holding my right elbow with my left hand like those office ladies tend to. But I think that's a bit too camp and try to figure out a good way. Should I just go full Italian with hand gesture bonanza? But that sounds stupid too.

Okay, what are the moves that I should be doing purposefully?

Jews get bent out of shape about it. But I live in (((Florida))), and it's likely not a probably anywhere else except for New York and California.

In all honesty, and its not really fair but its how it is, a man like Putin (or Trump) can stand like this and not really seem like he is trying to be intimidating, men like that command respect

Sadly the average man would look weird and be perceived as a try hard if he stood like this at all times, if you are going to stand like this, don't posture so much and let your arms hang freely

Another thing to mention, Putin HAS to stand like this because he's short for a man, manlets don't get the luxury of slouching at all

Still I have to stress, using your hands to make points is always good

Plus if you really get into things, using hand motions/body language can easily help you manipulate people

For example, if I'm trying to get your forgiveness for a wrong doing, I will stand in a more defensive posture, clasp my hands, or make small open gestures while keeping my hands low

If you are trying to intimidate someone into doing what you want, you approach them with a more intimidating posture, make stern, aggressive hand movements, pointing can also intimidate people, people don't like being singled out

Yeah that's what I thought. I'm pretty much average height so I very rarely see people who are much shorter or taller than me.
Is the akimbo a good one? I've been thinking about it it but I have a feeling that it's just like super weird.

Thanks for posting that gif. It made me really happy

Old guy working at WalMart bids me farewell with happy holidays.
I smile warmly and wish him a merry Christmas.
He smiles and replies "God bless"
>Feels good man

Mainly just being aware of what you're doing. What emotion are you giving off by your body language. Do you look genuinely engaged by the person you are speaking to? What are you doing with your hands and arms? Where to look and when. Proper eye contact at the right time. During the more intimate or important parts of the conversation is when you want to maintain eye contact or even prolong it when they look away from you. Where are your hands? In your pockets or down by your side?

I'm a fucking news anchor so I have this shit down to a T. Pretty girls at lines in stores I just look them right in the eye and make a comment about something going on around us or make small talk and give a smile and I can see them looking at me as I walk away. You just have to make someone's day and actually have genuine human contact with someone. Hell I've met dozens of celebrities in my day and I don't get nervous or spaghetti one bit. I just remember at the end of the day that they sit down to shit just like me every day.

>Is the akimbo a good one?
sorry not sure what you mean by that, i haven't read the entire thread I just saw your post and replied

Olvass testbeszédről, és jegyzetelj is olvasás közben. Mi-mit jelent.
Ugyanez társalgási pszichológiáról.
Nem kell komoly dolgokra gondolni, jewtube videók is vannak a témában jók, de a könyvek is megteszik.

Kezdeményezz random emberekkel beszélgetést, figyeld a reakcióikat, dobj be nem várt random dolgokat, és figyeld a reakciókat. Sokat lehet ilyenekkel fejlődni társalgás szinten. A random váratlan dolgok bedobása pedig érdekessé tesz téged, és a beszélgetést.

písz out

Say no more F A M

You're welcome, have this one too.
>What emotion are you giving off by your body language.
Okay then as the most obvious one say I want to get closer to a girl without looking intimidating. What's the kind of bodylanguage then?
I think I'm pretty good with eye contact, I don't force it when no one is talking but I keep it up when I talk or listen to someone.
The hands are what I'm working on now. I don't know what to do with that.

>telling merry christmas pisses people off
What a time to be alive.

Am I missing something here? I'm an atheist socialist and I say "merry christmas" often.

Hands on hips and legs spread.
Már néztem pár videót meg olvastam cuccokat. Lehet még a testbeszéd olvasásról többet kéne tanulnom
Nincs gondom ismeretlenekkel beszélni igazából. Talán beszédtémákból többet gyűjthetnék. Ha valakit nem érdekelnek video játékok vagy anime akkor nem sok mindenről tudok beszélni. Elég sok okkult cuccot olvasok viszont, talán az érdekel másokat.

>Actually looking people in the eyes and having complete control of the conversation and having confidence in every little move you make makes bitches wet and nu-males shake.

This is exactly the type of man who you can tell is faking his confidence

Life isn't a dick swinging confidence idiot, a smart, confident man understands two things
one, basing your actions on attractng women is a sure way to get played
two, alienating ANYONE is a stupid decision, even if they are a nu-male, having as many allies as you can is a smart decision, especially if that ally is on the "enemy side" in your mind

What you said after IS spot on though

your id looks like fucking hezbollah logo and shiet

If you have to think about what you're doing you haven't left betacuck stage yet. A confident person presents themselves as they truly are with no consideration as to how they appear or come across to other people.

Really just down by your side is fine. I normally just rest them by the seems on the outer part of my pants. You have to be conscious but not over think it. If you're sitting down you can keep your hands apart and it conveys more openness and inviting. Just stand up straight with your legs shoulder length apart and hands down at your sides and just look right at someone in the eye. If you can make that look natural it commands respect and makes you feel like you're in control. The trick is to not look like you're trying. Just practice in front of a mirror and by having conversation with family.


Don't stand like that with your hands on your hips. It looks awkward

>Hands on hips and legs spread.

Hands on the hips is a great way to stand, its very inviting and comforting, plus having your arms like that displays your chest openly, which is another sign of a man who is sure of himself

The only problem with hands on the hips is A LOT of people look like fairies when dong it, you have to be very caution of how your feet are positioned

Lefties get upset when you assume somebody's religion / force Christianity down people's throat by wishing them a Merry Christmas.

Thank you for the buzzwords, I'll take a note of them.
So a relaxed bear stance? I guess but my hands go numb after a while, guess it's fine to just stretch a bit then.
Very contradicting advices here.
> A LOT of people look like fairies when dong it
What's that?

Sorry for all the spelling errors long work day and its 5:39AM

That's the trick though leaf. I'm augmenting the way I act but I can make it natural. It's just a habit now. I just have always payed attention to how I act and say things

We've gone off topic a bit.

>What's that?

I can't find a picture of what I mean, but think of an angry gay man

Tilting your head to one side also adds to this

Fake it until you make it is not a bad strategy.
It was a silly thread about social interactions anyways.

Relaxed but but not stiff and robotic. You can move around a little and do your own thing. Just be more aware of what you're doing and you'll be fine lol

Yes, the best unis


I think I get what you mean. Wouldn't that get fixed by putting the chest out more and not slouching?

i've never been upset about that and I've never seen it irl. sounds like another Sup Forums meme

I mostly just do it because everywhere I go now the signs just say happy holidays and not Merry Christmas anymore. I just miss that and now everyone tries to be PC and not offend anyone who isn't Christian.

Sorry I'm tired and went on a rant, in my mind, a man who acts over aggressivly, or a man who goes out of his way to try and attract women (I took you saying make nu-males shake and make girls wet as saying you do this) as being incredibly insecure

Another thing, don't call women bitches, in general don't talk about ANYONE in a degrading way(unless you have a direct conflict with someone then it doesn't matter, I'm talking on a general level)

You never know who may surprise you, never call a person you've never met a term you wouldn't call a member of your family that you respect

To me its more in how you position your legs

I tried to make a stick man talking about what I mean, one leg out and one leg straight up is what I mean

A higher proportion of Sikhs and Hindus I know wish me a merry Christmas than Christians/agnostics

I know that feel Britbro
Yesterday I was returning a moving van I rented.
Chopping it up with the cutie receptionist.
As I'm leaving she says happy holidays.
I turned around and said "You have ever a Merry Christmas too'
She giggled

Because they know we hate them

>living in a country where this upsets ppl
Laughing at you famalam

>Another thing, don't call women bitches, in general don't talk about ANYONE in a degrading way

And yes I know I'm being entirely hypocritical based on what I said, (standing like a fairy) in this thread

But this is Sup Forums, you have no idea who I am and I don't really care about following every social rule as a "Gentleman" should (hate that word) for all you know, I'm a fat fuck living in my moms basement eating cheetos

I just saw the man asking about something I kind of have experience with (my job required multiple years of courses/classes about talking to people in business workplaces, but it applies to everything)

Huh it's not even Christmas yet. Is that an American thing?

That's the most canadian post I've seen. I can respect that.
This is turning into some crouching serpent flower hidden under leaf thing at this point.

Watch this video and note how he moves his hands while talking, not over doing it, but he uses his hands to make a point

So what? USA been always saying this. There's nobody who made more Christian specials and Christian commercials. I don't get what you trying to say. Somebody doesn't likes Christmas in USA and you get butthurt?


What a fag.

Another thing, if you are going to stand with your hands on your hips this is a key thing to remember
Thumbs always facing to the back

Hopefully I helped, I gotta get some sleep

When nobody actually gets upset about "Merry Christmas" just make a post lampooning the very people that didn't actually exist to make OP feel better. What a great guy.

>7pm at the uni library
>people studying for finals
>ask a rando if i can use the outlet next to her seat to charge my laptop on the quicks, she says yes
>"thanks, and merry christmas"
>gets a weird look in her eye
>"ummm happy holidays"
>ask her if she's jewish or muslim or something
>she looks increasingly nervous and says n-no
>"do you not celebrate christmas?"
>no response
>definitely could tell she was uncomfortable
>"well, happy new year"

Think I scared her

Okay I'll take a note of them. Thanks friend.

How can you see them looking at you as you walk away?

Also another thing about this video, and a point about how you can tell what a confident man speaks like

The message he is sending could easily be portrayed as soft or be said in a soft manner, but he kept his voice firm, but not raised, and present his body language in a confident, yet open manner (he never closes himself off/crosses his arms/appears upset in any way, but still has his head up, eyes straight forward, shoulders back and chest out)

Are liberals in America that highly strung that they hate Christmas? Liberals at my university are generally a bit more laid back, though still naive.

you should start wearing pants suspenders. hook your thumbs into those, give em a pull. lean back, lean forward, a whistle and a nod and you're golden.

Great advice thanks, I think I still have a suspender with iron crosses on them somewhere.

> alienating ANYONE is a stupid decision
spoken like a true leaf

Think of it this way, if he were speaking directly to you, you'd be likely to listen to him, yet not feel any aggression from him, plus him he could easily come off as a "holier than thou" type we see so often the days, but he didn't, he spoke firmly yet respectably, you know the types he speaking about, yet he never actually negatively addresses a person/group of people

Sometimes singling people out is needed though, thats tricky though

>spoken like a true leaf

Exactly, there is a reason why my country isn't viewed as the brutish cousin no one wants to upset when it comes to global politics

Then again your country is the laughingstock of this site so ...

>no one wants to upset
exactly, unlike Canada who is so weak, nobody cares if they upset you

Another thing that is good to know, if you want to appear as a firm, yet not ignorant/cowardly person but at the same time not single anyone out (like I said, don't alienate anyone) don't single out negatives, praise the people who do it RIGHT

The people who fucked up will know they fucked up without feeling singled out/attacked and the people who did good are encouraged to work harder/form stronger bonds with you

Another sad thing about society these days is, if you are white, you have to be very careful about how you word things, people of colour can get away with saying things/doing things that could destroy your job/social standing and even your family, thats not something from the lessons, thats just something I learned

I do the opposite and say Happy Holidays to trigger fucking everyone. Happy Holidays isn't a thing people say here.

This is cringy as fuck please be b8

>Then again your country is the laughingstock of this site so ...

This site is also a site for the lowest of societies, what do I (and you) care what they say here?

And unlike Slovenia, my country isn't known through out the normal world because of a hockey player

pork her user
pork her