Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide...

Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.

This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:

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You're sources are crap, and you're a self entitled religious idiot. Atheism has never seen numbers and growth like ever before in human history. Melienials are more Atheist than any previous generation

>what is the difference between third world and first world birth rates

>if more people believe 2+2=5 it means it's true!

hey i follow that guy on twitter!

Atheism isn't a religion you fucking moron

i wonder how 'atheist' is defined, though? i'm sure the percentage of people who aren't religious, but believe in some vague 'something bigger than us' is much higher.

when times are tough people need something to believe in.

shit sources though.

"Something bigger than us" isn't being an atheist

No problem. I like that smart people are becoming very select minority. Less competition.

>Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world

Gee, I wonder why

It technically is, agnostic on the other hand isn't tied to any religious conotation

>"Something bigger than us" isn't being an atheist
i know. my point is that would be more informative on the question of the religiosity of the population as opposed to how many people self identify as atheists.

>Atheism has never seen numbers and growth like ever before in human history. Melienials are more Atheist than any previous generation

Bet you wouldn't say that in atheist church. It's all these losers have.


>atheist church

Imagine the smell...

What you're talking about is deism, atheism is the firm belief that there is one God and Allah is his prophet, nvm just kidding, atheism is the firm belief that there is no god at all.
Learn the damned definitions of those words my infinite men

I think that's because most people don't really intentify as atheists. They mostly pay lip service in their religion and go to church once or twice a year but uf you ask them they'll answer " Sure, I'm a christian".

that's because number of superstitious and mentally deficient shitskins are increasing not because rational people are converting to cuckstianity.

Nailed it.

>In the United States, Christians will decline from more than three-quarters of the population in 2010 to two-thirds in 2050, and Judaism will no longer be the largest non-Christian religion. Muslims will be more numerous in the U.S. than people who identify as Jewish on the basis of religion.

There's a lot more to this story. It isn't so much a tale of diminishing atheism (atheism is actually increasing in Western countries), but moreso a tale of Islamic/Christian population booms in Africa and ME.

This is what will actually happen to africas population. Once the human population starts to exceed our ability to produce enough food countries will cut aid and stop trying to support third world shitholes. It will be every country for itself and the ones that don't put themselves first will be the first to die out. As for Africa, they have never been able to support themselves and their population will be corrected naturally.

This is of course assuming a new borlaug innovation doesn't happen to help put this malthusian on hold a bit longer but it is inevitable.

some pedantic motherfuckers on tonight. i already addressed this:
i'm saying how many people are atheist isn't really that important, it's how many are irreligious. those numbers would be more relevant/interesting in a conversation about religion.

mostly because 91% of the world is non-white

It's all demographics.
Atheism has been popular only among whites and East-Asians. Shitskins on the other hand are (ultra) religious. Because the former have low birthrates and the latter high ones, of course both the relative and absolute number of religious people is going up.

I'm shocked there's only one fedora image in this thread so far, if your going to make a bait thread at least have more fun with it OP

Atheism isn't a 'white' movement, it's a Jewish movement.

It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.

For example, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.

But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.

And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.


I hope so. Europe is in deep shit with the muzzies already. If we get a surge of African immigrants because of overpopulation, we'll be without any chance of redemption.

>all the boring, milquetoast "I haven't read any books except Steve Jobs' autobiography since high school" tier atheists in this thread
wow, popularity sure must have done a number on this board since I last came here

if you want to have an opinion on the matter of religion even remotely worth listening to at all, read some fucking Aquinas, or Hume, or Nietzsche or Macintytre or Feser or fucking anyone, no, Hitchens (either one) and Dawkins don't count for shit.

>the degenerate offspring of a dying race a-are more atheist guys
great achievement

>God Delusion treat like the bible
>Dawkins is treat like a god among men by atheists (Jesus if you will)
>Entire belief is built on faith because it's impossible to prove something doesn't exist
>Scientists (or more accurately (((scientists)))) have their word accepted purely because of who they are (a lot like how people would do whatever priests etc said)

Do you remember that part on MouseHunt where they go to the funeral and argue over the colour of the suit? Then Ernie half agrees by telling Lars it's the "greyest black I've ever seen"? That's sort of like this. I have no time for your non-arguments and atheism is the most religious non-religion I've ever seen.

thats because non-whites are growing pop. wise in record numbers, and whites are in decline. hence the surge in faith

the chingchongs are going christian in record numbers

depends on if you keep destroying yourselves from within or start putting your country first.

Ye but as a good luck charm only i bet
To help with business or whatever, like owning a rabbits foot

Atheism is shit, same as religion.
Atheist agnostic ITT thread.

china has had atheism rammed down their throat for decades, now they look for transcendent meaning in their materialist, polluted and corrupt world

No it technically fucking isnt.

The definition of it is the lack of religion. Dissect the word atheism. "a-theism"

variant of an-1.before a consonant, meaning “not,” “without”:
amoral; atonal; achromatic.


Atheists = smartest religious group

Libertarians= smartest political group

Who here is /demographically smart/??

No you're all wrong. Atheism, reduced to its core, merely means lack of belief in a deity.

Regardless, its not a fucking religion.

Yes, I generally agree. Though when people apply the word to themselves, it is a religious disposition. It is a "religious belief", not in that you belong to a religion, but that you have a particular belief about religious matters. In the same sense you have a metaphysical belief of some sort, but you might not be a particular follower of any metaphysical school of thought - or reject metaphysics entirely.

I don't have a problem with OP's usage of the word since it's just simpler to use those terms, but guys like this are over-generalising and making categorical errors.

daily atheists vs christians thread

Does it take place on literally every chan in the world?

Soviet Union and China had state atheism in 1970.

Atheists are retarded, you can't deny there was a creator. We call what created the building blocks of life from nothing God, because it is beyond our comprehension. Rejecting human so called prophets? Reasonable. Rejecting God? Retarded.

Lolbertarianism is another naive ideology that serves nobody but the kikes and big industrialists. The greatest threat to the European races is not a strong government but the very opposite. What do you think will happen when you import millions of third worlders and tell them to 'bootstrap' and go without government assistance. They will do what they've done in every other third world country, they will outvote you or revolt.

>b-but the internet will teach people that religion is a fraud OP!

THIS. I don;t get how so many people around here let this blatant jewry get a free pass.

Prove god exists. Oh wait. It's beyond our comprehension.

Well, shit