I wonder if Obongo will call a press conference about this?

Face it, we supported the wrong side in Syria. Bashar Al Assad should regain control.

Other urls found in this thread:

Assad is a bloodthirsty evil dictator.
But the Irak experience clearly showed what can happen if you remove a bloodthirsty evil dictator from power. That's point one.
Point two is that a decade before that, the experience in Afghanistan with the Taliban/Al Qaida showed what happens if you supply the enemy of your enemy with modern weapons, and that that's never a good idea.



>Assad is a bloodthirsty evil dictator.

Russia hacked the buses.

>Assad is a bloodthirsty evil dictator.

No he isn't. Assad is a good leader of a troubled country. He supports secularism, democracy (in the long term) and increased civil liberties.

While Russia is out there helping this man, out government's are arming the Army of Conquest! Our leaders don't have a clue.

It was an argument in the case of Hitler.
It was an argument in the case of Hussein.
America's foreign politics is just completely hypocritical.
Which doesn't surprise me one bit, as this is the case in most major countries. (Mine included.)

Anyone who really thought removing Assad from power would be a good idea after we already had numerous examples of how that would end is a complete and utter fucking retard.

Most people involved in this whole shit are also aware of it and just don't care as long as it is in their financial interest to replace Assad.

all three are true though

I've given up on people. The fact that so many people are dumb enough to justify going to war with a nuclear superpower over a country that is fucked beyond repair just because they said a photo of a crying child is too infuriating

Fuck it, bring on WWIII then seeing as it's going to happen anyway.
I hope these people are drafted and get completely obliterated.


>mfw preaching for years there is no way around Assad in Syria
>mfw saying the sameabout Ghadaffi
>mfw this is not an socially acceptable opinion

That's a feature not a bug, united states development is on the atlantic and the pacific with trade on western europe and eastern asia. Isn't in american interests to make the space between the two here be dragons tier?

>Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Lord of the drones already held his last press conference as president on Friday. If he does another one to Correct The Record re Syria after saying that was the last one he'll look desperate and lose even more credibility.

I know it's hard but have a little more faith. Yes people are idiots but when the narrative breaks down this hard they're not all just going to abandon all their self preservation instincts for muh feels.

Fake news

This. Do you really think a pediatrician would ever seriously consider hurting his own people? It will be like ghadaffi all over again, kill the "bad guy", his country gets out of control, insert your own players into their government.

>Bashar Al Assad should regain control.
No he shouldn't. But he's the best option. I don't understand why americans can't just admit we won't get perfect western allies in the mid east. Keep killing all these strongmen and wonder why christians are left defenseless.

>No he shouldn't.
You are free to hold your opinion. You are free to dismiss RF and Syria as ebil dictatorships. But please look up and listen to interviews with Putin and Assad, and tell me if they sound like insane powerhungry monsters to you. They are far from perfect, putin's too cozy with oligarchs, Assad's, or perhaps was, too weak to control the syrian elites and local jihadis. But they are good politicians both.

> democracy (in the long term
Not true at all
>and increased civil liberties.
Not true

There's little difference between him and former/current ME dictators

I agree. See my second sentence.

Assad flooded Iraq with Saudi Jihadis around 10 years ago. He's probably also responsible for the Hariri murder. Being articulate doesn't mean much. Gulf rulers were educated in the West' finest schools as well.

I misunderstood then.

>Gulf rulers were educated in the West' finest schools as well.
Yeah, but i'm not talking about how they speak, but what they say. Most gulf states are so ebil they can't even hide it when they try.

Weren't those buses transporting the rebels?

It's funny because

Assad is Liberal
Rebels are Moderate
ISIS is Radical

Literally supporting expanding the theocracy

>Before ISIS but during huge FSA support from US
>take Arabic as my foreign language in college
>Professor is a Legal Immigrant from Syria and grew up as a Christian
>redpills the whole class on the so called FSA and how they are radicals
>I as a veteran argue with the teacher as patriot
>Lose hard and learn
>Pissed at Obama ever since.

No. Transporting civilians from a government held pocket right near Idlib, domestic headquarters of the peaceful revolution. The idea was to to trade, as in, transport "rebels" out of Aleppo and to Idlib in exchange for transporting civilians out of the government loyal pocket.

>tfw my ID is my proper pronoun

God you are a fucking cretin if you believe any of thay horseshit

Assad is the lesser of many evils, nothing more, nothing less. He is still scum, as are his iranian and hezbollah allies

He does have popular support you know.

isn't that like one guy in London with a blog?


He is a step forward from his father. So let's hope the next generation takes the next one.
You can't magicly transform a country into a full fledged democracy. It takes time and isn't always the best option.

Coventry, and he openly said he's anti Assad, he just makes shit up non-stop and everybody reports on what he pulls out of his ass.

The whole horseshit started from arab spring movement, which was, for a large part, about making Syria bit more democratic. Instead of handling the situation responsibly, Assad managed to completely lose control over his territory to the point where the closest thing to modern barbarian state has emerged, grasping global attention.

Speaks volumes about his leadership capabilities.