Whats the language of Royalty to you? French? Persian? Chinese?

Whats the language of Royalty to you? French? Persian? Chinese?



there is no language of royalty

a true king speaks whatever language they want to

Latin is the language of the Schools, not royalty.


t. Chang Quang Po

German, since most principals ln Europe lived in the German speaking areas.



I know you only put 2 seconds into your joke, but why would knowledge about language in Western history suggest to you that I'm Asian?


The ugliest language of all. In the balkans germans are called nemtsi, which means people who can't speak.

In the rest of the world, the Balkans are called, well, we don't think about the Balkans at all.



*Rule Britannia plays in the background*

But we know you well, leaf. We know you well.

The language that the people they rule speak.

Latina linguam dominum est.

English, motherfucker


Because you would know that imperial Rome used Latin and this is why people are saying Latin.

And after the fall of the empire Latin has also been the language of the church.

all Imperial electors had to be fluent in Latin regardless of none of their people speaking it

Really posh English.

The language of their home country.

The idea of a pan-European identity among the ruling classes that was distinct from the national culture of the people they ruled is what eventually gave us the EU.

Check your dictionary for the meaning of royalty.