Why Is Veganism Not Encouraged?

Vegan here. Well I'm a vegan for two reasons, 1 im a buddhist, 2 is because it's healthier, 3 is because it's better for the environment. I think it's really disrespectful that we elected a President who likes to eat meat when it is so bad for the environment why cant we elect a vegan president. Another thing is k so I'm a vegan and it's cool but other people aren't a vegan and because of that global warming is happening. You think im making this shit up well guess what you are wrong.


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That's anti-semitism how do you think the SPLC would feel?

Same reason why shittier countries invade the West to rape White women.

I don't care about acronyms.

Meat is only bad for third world shitholes where they burn down forrests for grazing land.

Also meat isn't unhealthy, being fat is unhealthy

because vegans are beta faggots

Sup Forums is a carnivore board, you faggy beta vegans can never compete with a juicy rare steak.

Because forcing a lifestyle on others is generally frowned upon.

oy vey.

I don't care about you, but the Southern Poverty Law Center

You need to open your mind

Educate yourself

See everyone, I03ToS19 never went to College, don't be like him

Trump wanted videogames with violence banned

Not the Enlightened Vegan.

>quoting an ID

Holy fuck you're retarded, but I'd expect nothing less from a leaf

>quoting a leaf.

I tried it for 2 months, it's a lot more expensive than regular healthy food and you need to eat more of it to reach same calorie count.

I rather just eat a balanced diet but with biological and locally produced food. Funny thing it's probably cheaper then going full vegan along with all the supplements you need to support it.

food is all poisoned satanic garbage anyway

Maybe you should try it again, don't let fascist propaganda of "OH U NEED THIS MANY CALORIES SO BUY MORE FOOD" get to you

Replace that word with organical. My bad.

>1 im a buddhist

reasonable enough

>2 is because it's healthier


>3 is because it's better for the environment


Meat contains vitamins and essential amino Acids that you cant get in abundance from a vegetarian diet. You would have to subject yourself to eating like 5 pounds of beans to get the similar protein levels of a steak

no one wants to eat fucking 5 pounds of beans

The swathing and combining of farms kills more animals then raising cattle or chicken on the same property. PLUS the fact is that farming non stop which is what your vegan only diet nation wide would result in would deplete the soils nutrients at exponentially worse rate than it is happening right now

>You think im making this shit up

i know you arent. You are just dumb

You should try educating yourself, you really need to open your mind, go to College, don't let the food companies brainwash with you the shit like "OHHHH YOU NEED THIS MANY CALORIES"

>not a sun gazer
>doesn't drink terra water
you claim to be high level
>but you're actually a fucking leaf

I tried to be a breatharian but I fainted while I was working and when I explained my lifestyle to the doctors I was sentenced to an institution

>You should try educating yourself, you really need to open your mind, go to College

i went to university, much better than shitty college. Did a few papers on soil erosion and nutrient degradation resulting from excessive farming practices

educate yourself

>went to university
All that means is your rich, not that you are open minded.

>no sunglasses
you probably looked at filtered indoor light for a few minutes and thought it was enough lol fucking pleb

>eating meat so corporations can get rich
You're the fucking pleb

>PLUS the fact is that farming non stop which is what your vegan only diet nation wide would result in would deplete the soils nutrients at exponentially worse rate than it is happening right now
What do you think raised animals are fed? Raising animals for meat is a super inefficient use of land.

learn to read faggot I don't eat meat that's for VAMPIRES

Cows use more vegetables dumbass stupid

learn to OPEN your mind

you think eating the suffering of plant life specifically farmed over months is good for you ahahahahahha and you tell me to open my mind. Wake up. This is the land of the dead. Hell. Using the black box tracks you every second.

animals are fed grains that are unfit for human consumption

dont be a retard and think we are giving them human grade grains and food stuffs. Most of the time we are feeding them stuff like silage - (decomposing weeds/grass), and the like

we arent feeding them oats/grains we would feed to humans you idiot

This is what they go to Sunday Church for. Your entire existence is a lie.

Look who doesn't give a fuck idiot


Hitler was a vegan.

Yes. Everyone worships Death Suffering and Evil. They enjoy it here. Cheer on the Military as their own deaths and devotions are handed to Evil. Anyone who's still here later will find it a hostile place. The strings holding back complete destruction of Man are loosening everyday.

Yes, I don't give a fuck if they use a different grain, I don't



>Yes, I don't give a fuck if they use a different grain, I don't

good then you agree im right.

You don't know exactly how much better they know you than you know yourself. How much more they can trick you. Until it's too late.

Even if you, are my point continues.

Cows use up tons of farm land and crops.
>“The key conclusion - that beef production demands about one order of magnitude more resources than alternative livestock categories - is robust,” according to a paper last year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."
But other meats not so much.

Do you ever ask yourself who publishes Studies and why they call it Science as if it were an all encompassing omnipotent term.

Fuck off back to you blog faggot

Numbers are a disease clocking down your existence until you beg for your Spirit to be taken by Them. There won't be an end for the stragglers here. Only renewal.

Veganism is shunned and negatively stigmatized through memes wielded by those who control the beef, pork, dairy, and etc. industries.

Popular media/culture in the united states is rife with these memes.

Your average person gobbles these memes up, ignoring the apparent goal and effect of a nation relying on meat and dairy for sustenance .

Americans find it almost impossiblw to free themselves from these memes. Even your average Sup Forumslack is blue pilled beyond redemption on this matter


Moot just ban canadians from this Sup Forums, please end everyones suffering. This whole thread the cringiest shit ive seen in weeks.



How is it cringe? Because you're a fatass burger eater?

I don't hate you because I hate vegans. I hate you for promoting the (((SPLC))). Fuck off, JIDF. By the way, in order for cows to be considered Kosher, related pic what kikes do to them. What do you care about more, animal rights, or allowing kikes to slaughter cows in a much more heinous manner in the nane of "tolerance"?

It's cringe because you promote Jewry, not because you eat plants. Heil Hitler!

Because im not a panzy cock sucker. You start this thread with "HAI GAIS IM VEGAN" you spout your holier than thou bull shit and go on about conspiracies about BIG CORP REEE. This isnt even /x/ tier or Sup Forums tier, this is /lgbt/ tier.

you're panzy

You realize SPLC is the most American organization righT?

More like most Jewish

That's offensive

>Muh Buddhism
>Muh Veganism
>Muh environmentalism
>Muh conspiracies
Nope your beta on the board. Die of malnutrition faster please.

Being against kosher animal sacrifice and chopping the foreskins of babydicks off must be offensive too, Schlomo.

This isnt your safe space


Meat is murder.
Murder is tasty.
Cook me some beef,
And best make it hasty!

You're totally being serous

That's why we need hate speech laws

Your the reason we need mandaory military service

Lejust kill yourself please. You're brain was seriously damaged with lack of b12 vitamin already

I don't want kikes running my life and controlling what I can say. Hate speech is free speech; free speech is much more American than the SPLC

When will the day of the rake finally come?

No, I have autism and can't shower in front of other people I just couldn't do it

SPLC supports free speech.

Not soon enough

I know the solution for this problem.

Meat eaters should accept cannibalism and eat vegans. First, it will reduce the level of stupidity in humanity. Second, it will save the lives of an animals. Third, the meat of your own species is the most delicious and healthy.

> I have autism
color me shocked

>Well I'm a vegan for two reasons, 1 im a buddhist, 2 is because it's healthier, 3 is because it's better for the environment

Might not be all that good for cognitive abilities, though, judging by this.

sure you are

English isn't my first langauge so sorry if i made any spelling mistakes

Jewish pro-meat lobbying groups. They're way more powerful in America than you would even think.

Also the SPLC only supports right speech and right think and condems wrong speech and wrong tnink

>locally produced food.

That may be a mistake.

Food that grows better somewhere else and is then shipped to you may be ecologically better than locally growing food not suited for the local environment, that needs to have fertilizer or whatever shipped in.

Our first anti-food activist!

because vegans are fucking nonces

>we elect a vegan president
Obama wasnt enough of a pussy for you?

Transcendent bait, I recommend this bait to anyone who wants to get some serious (You)s.

There is a difference between free speech and hate speech

You are pussy


Just an FYI, in English it would be ORGANIC food, which is food that is ORGANICALLY grown. I am not sure of a usage of ORGANICAL in English that would be correct.

Offered sincerely in the spirit of being helpful.

Moving on from that...

Also, do not assume that organic food is necessarily healthier or better for the environment. It might be, but it might not. One example -- pesticides that can be used on organic farms (at least under US labeling requirements, which may be different in your strange foreign land) may be much MORE dangerous to more organisms than modern insecticides that are engineered to kill the targeted pest.

Eat what you want, of ourse, but if you are making choices based on environmental concerns, you need to think more carefully than simply saying "Organic, local good -- everything else bad."

Your the one worried about offensive comments and you want say there is a difference? Kek

Because bacon is so much better

There is no difference between free speech and hate speech. What does "hate" mean anyway. It can span from questioning a the legal ethics of a religion (which ironically makes animal rights activists "hate speech advocates" because of how cruel cows are treated to be kosher/halal) to hating an individual. What makes hating an individual okay legally while hating a group should be banned? Explain.

He cant and wont.

Hate is anything the SPLC defines as hate

Vegans are the ultimate narcissists. Get off your fucking moral high horse leaf.

>was married to one.

I was against eating meat from a very young age before I knew there was any kind of stigma attached to it. It just seemed disgusting and tasted like raw shit to me. The only argument I've ever really seen against it is "if you don't eat meat you must be a pussy".

I keep my diet to myself the best I can because people just immediately want to attack me for it, it's a strange phenomenon but I've lived with it all my life so at this point it doesn't phase me.

Fck, this is too weak to even have fun bickering about.

See you fags in the next thread.

>offensive speech is bad
>Goes to Sup Forums
>Enters FUCKING Sup Forums
Your'e fucking stupid mate
GTFO the Internet and watch your wife cuck you again

"Obey, don't question what what the thought police tells you to think, goyim."

Is being against circumcision "hate" too, Schlomo?


Everybody doesnt have to be a vegan just because you are faggot

You replied to the wrong person

I went vegetarian 2 years back, never felt better. Only good goys eat animals.

>be presented with an actual argument based in anecdotal evidence brought forth by actual research

No thanks, you delusional idiot.

Well he already said he has autism.

you're a really bad troll

Being against circumcision is just idiotic