Save Our Neighborhoods

Ok pol I'm going in. Bombs Away Bookstore, a militant antifa "bookstore" in Athens GA, is right down the street. I'm going to investigate, if I don't return please give all of my memes to the children.

Still better lovestory than twilight

Why is it upside down?? how did they accomplish this?!?!

Southern meme nigger magic.

It is definitely against code. Buildings must be right-side up with their foundation against the ground.

What's the address? I might go shit in the back of their toilet.

Christmas lights look UNSAFE

What brand is the bike?

Standing water, disgusting!

Vandalism of government property!

Anti American propaganda!

I have friends that go to shows and I fear for their SAFETY

needs some dimebags and syringes.

You gotta make an effort sometimes OP. Hit the headshop and the pharmacy and make that place look like a drug den.

Smash the gnome

Monitoring this thread


Aussie with proxy?

Know your local Easement's OP

I got inside, they were very suspicious. They picked up on my high test, high energy alpha energy and asked me to leave. There is about 12 people living there and it's a complete shit hole. Beer cans, Christmas lights, filled ash trays, dog shit...but no evidence of harder drugs. I'm hesitant to call the fire marshal, as they would know I was involved and I literally live right down the street

Return with paint or stickers. Confederate flag or pic related over the placard.

You can see their meme sign in this one

It's been a long time since I've done an upper decker. Godspeed.

Yeah don't worry I will take good care of ((((your)))) memes

Burn that place down !

Ok can anyone help me research laws for music venues in Athens, GA? I'm having difficulty


OP never made it, he fell down into the sky


Also who cares about Antifa in fucking Georgia? kek

UNSAFE, Report it!

Ok so I submitted a report. It is definitely illegal to run a business or music venue in this neighborhood. The fire marshal office isn't open until tomorrow, but check future RWSS generals and I'll post results

Good work!

it mirrors their worldview

In the meantime, go check out their scum filth "emoviolence" shows on kikebook dot com slash bombsawaybooks very UNSAFE state setup

And if anyone else wants to send additional reports, send them to [email protected]