Has there ever been a case of Muslim communities stopping white people from venturing into "their" territory or is that...

Has there ever been a case of Muslim communities stopping white people from venturing into "their" territory or is that a meme?

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DHL has specific delivery areas in BERLIN that they do not deliver to entire zip codes. Drivers are attacked and trucks stolen. DHL is their version of Fed Express. People have to go to designated pick up spots outside the "no go" neighborhoods of the nu-ghettos.

Why wouldnt there be? All races do this.

Imagine the Western equivalent.

That's only Saudi Arabia/Mecca tho

All kuffar are not allowed on the Arabian peninsula except in specific desperate cases, as per hadith sahih, and it is a requirement for Muslims to expel them from that region first by asking them to leave and if that doesn't work then by force. Outside of it, it depends the khalifa of a Muslim country wether permission is allowed and of course they will be living as dhimmis.

Here's what I dont get, why don't a few guys take a stroll through these areas with (concealed) batons, beers, a pig on a leash, and a hooker (prob cheap to rent for a walk) and wait for someone to start some shit and just beat the fuck out of their crew? Tell these animals it's your country and they can fuck off.
Seriously I'd fly over for holiday just to march on Malmo with some nonswedecucks.
What's stopping you? Cops already don't show up there. Who are they going to believe anyway?

mecca is a holy relegious city , thats why non Muslims arent allowed , it isnt a touristic city
thats just mecca tho

"It's mecca" is not an argument.

Netherlands, schilderswijk.


Jerusalem is a holy religious city and mudslimes are still allowed to shit it up.

No, the Arabian peninsula is not just mecca. Look it up

what argument are you talking about mecca is literally a religious "holy "city where everyone is either worshiping god or serving the worshipers , why would a non Muslim go there , you can go to the medina which is much better

Sunnis are not Muslims.

yeah thats why the Arabian peninsula is full of pajeets and flips
Jerusalem used to be and kinda still is a trade center very relevant meanwhile mecca since islam was just for used for worship and the medina than other cities like damsucus and baghdad became the capitals

I would go there to shit on the street

>pig on a leash
Fucking kek

you would get lashed a dude from this country peed one of the sunni caliph graves and got lashed 100 times , but the lashes looked pretty weak to me so you could make it

Pick one.

I said that this was what the hadith said and ordered Muslims to do, but do you actually think that the 'islamic' gulf governments will carry out something like this when they don't even follow shariah 100%

>Has there ever been a case of Muslim communities stopping white people from venturing into "their" territory or is that a meme?

Stockholm Syndrome

Happens around 8 minutes or so.

I've seen other videos of this happening in England and France but can't remember the URLs.

Mecca used to be for many religions too, before mudslimes ruined it. What's your point? We should be shitting on the black stone.

>sunni caliph graves
How come the Saudi royals have not demolished or defaced that one?

Memri thread?
Memri thread.

Why people like you have to go the post. Also fuck mecca.

a caliph is a caliph
never was an expert about islam or hadith post it
well muslims conquered mecca fair and square m8



Yes, but a Caliph cannot be a Sunni because Sunnis are not Muslims.

>Why people like you have to go the post.
wtf did he mean by this .



Some of the arab states don't let Jews in or even if you have an Israeli stamp in your passport.

well sunnis say the same thing about you . i hope you keep fighting each other so this can happen

He is right u know.

Funny thing is that those guys are not much different from your average Sup Forumsack.

These Memri translations are fucking killing me kek
please go on



hmmm could be true well i guess there were not the sucessful at making arabia fully muslim becuase poo in the loos are now a majority in uae

If trump gives you the OK to put house of sauds heads on sticks and take mecca, will u do it?
Trump is a pragmatic guy, you just have to give something in return.

trump is anti iran tho and pro israel

As I told u, he's pragmatic.
He has no love for saudis and if you give some everlasting peace treaty or secularisation treaty, he would let it happen. Jews could get some profit from that.
Jews wouldn't say no to some good shekels and a less islamized iran.

Just open a dialogue, he's a businessman. He looks at every deal.

It's not that they are not successful at it, it is that current governments have not even tried to act on this order.

Trump knows saudis did 9/11 and that they funded ISIS.
His biggest advisors and cabinet picks are Putin friendly and Putin is allied with Iran.
Everybody could win in this situation, except the Saudis ofcourse.

Real question is how will Israel deal with Iran.
If they get buddy-bud whole peninsula might change.
Does Iran hate Saudis?


What happens if you get caught in traffic and can't change over?

You convert to islam.

What happens once criminals start dressing up female robbers in hijabs and you cannot identify them in crowds/cameras?

theres probably a way to turn back

Sure is.
In a bodybag.

Iran and the Saudis are arch-enemies. KSA started a war in Jemen just to gain experience. Their goal is to wipe Iran from the map. The same vice versa.

Well maybe Iran and Jews will cut some deals to fuck the Saudis.
It all depends who Jews hate more.

yea they will probably end up chopping your head off

Israel and Saudis are bros and their mutual enemy is Iran. Sunnis generally are cucks and bow to the west and the jews, as long as it's in their interest.

Only reason Iran hasn't raped Saudis and taken mecca is because US is protecting them for some "reason".

Post the part where he backtracks


>White people
Yes. It is extremely difficult to get to holy sites, even as maintenance, security, etc as a non-Muslim.

Likewise, in certain Muslim countries being non-Muslim comes with a host of restrictions under the dhimmi code on where one can live or do.
