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Okay, yeah, I get it. No one cares.

This is like a civil war in whatever-the-fuck-stan. No one cares who wins or loses, so paying attention or picking aside is pointless. Just let them have their little battles.

Why would anyone do that with their eyebrows?
/\ /\

. .

Watching this is still funny

This is the most jewish thing I have ever seen

>effeminate gay man makes video complaining about gay guys wanting to fuck actual men and not effeminate gays like him


So eight years of Trump it is

Yes. That is all they ever do.

SJW script explained:
> Look at any issue
> Determine if there is an inequality of outcome, or if someone looks like they are worse off than someone else.
> Blame this inequality on oppressive social constructs, thus polarising the group into smaller units opposed to each other - one declared an "oppressor" and the other "oppressed".
> Battle it out
> Reexamine the situation to find new inequalities.
> Repeat.

This is why the left can't unify. They are running on a script which forces them to partition.

Collectivist right-wingers always win, because the left can't unite worth shit.

Mexican name but looks like a jew. Hmmmm

As a straight men who occasionally goes to gay bars I allow them to flirt with me and leer. I'm not some nigger that can't adapt to a foreign culture

They added another letter?

Of course they are.
Identity politics automatically leads to infighting as you kick out more and more groups.

yea been there for a while now


so straight people push gay agenda too

fucking kek

It's like watching a dog eat its own tail.

what a faggot

>"Why are women barred from events specifically designed for gay men to meet up and have sex? I'll tell you why, MISOGYNY!"

Shit like this is why I'm not coming out anytime soon. I refuse to be associated with this cancerous community.

why don't they just kill themselves?

Gabe Gonzalez. Half Spic, Half Jew.

Ayy lmao

>LGBT progressivism

If I had super powers I would definitely be a villain.
The west needs real problems so this shit came to an end.

Where do you see the whole SJW movement globally at the general.
I kind of think its imploding but its hard to tell..for example here in Australia they seem to be rushing to get a lot of things they want changed and its making them look stupid.

>Most pride events are organized and run by man. That's mysognistic.
Even gay women are pretty worthless when it comes to meaningful tasks.
>Your gay and you don't like a feminine body? Fuck you!
This nu-homo is worthless.

Leftist infighting is always fun to watch.

It goes to show they're far from stable and hate each other just as much as they hate everyone else.

>Women have to be allowed into spaces for gay men cruising for cock
>because muhsoggyknee

Is there no fucking escape?

Not going to work. Gay men don't even need to engage with women. There's no leverage that you can use to shame them on this.

Good goy!

Nothing to see here!

>oppression olympics
Almost makes me wish we had an actual dictator that would do what they fear so much

Why can't he be like Zimmerman?

>gay men cruising for cock

that made me laugh a big lot, bastard fucking

i spill tea

homosexuality is a manifestation of antisocial behavior and degeneracy. these urges can be ignored just like the urge to masturbate

>Dude science supports trannies lmao

Kill this guy please. He really doesn't get it does he?

Kek it's like elavatorgate all over again

I hate gays

Why do social justice talk about clubbing all the time? Whatever happens in night clubs is so important to their ideology. Do they go out every night or something?

There's literally no logic. Pretty soon the pendulum is gonna shift and gay men are going to start being accused of misogyny for not wanting to have sex with women. It's already fucking begun.

I'm not even gonna watch that, and all you fags if you watch it, just leave a dislike... don't comment.

All they want now a days is attention, they don't give a shit if you agree or disagree.

You fags don't know shit about the jews

>When you dismiss reality, you end up living in opposite world.
It's very suprising to me that this trans-man-women can say these words and not realize the irony.

>gay men are going to start being accused of misogyny for not wanting to have sex with women

You are in for a ride, it's already a thing.
Wish I could find article bout it, but it's real.

This is literally the reason why Trump is gonna win the next election too.

The most insane elements of the radical left are now out in the open and the average American is sickened and disgusted by their zealotry. It is more apparent than ever that liberalism is a mental illness wherein one needs to be angry, redefine language, and label groups of people as protected or enemy. When the liberal has no one to call an enemy, no issue to be upset about, no battle to win or lose - they grow frenetic and start to eat their own in some weird cannibalistic ritual in which they purify the less progressive elements from their movement, making sure that only the remaining few are in fact on the Right Side of History.

Can't wait for that Trump victory in 2020 when the left doesn't realize the average person gives no fucks about their mental retardation.

I believe it's like this:
> They meet opposition because people are getting fed up.
> They double down, because they have no idea what else to do.
> They get more opposition.
> They double down again.
> Repeat.

This is the case because these people have been brainwashed into believing everyone who does not follow the same exact ideology they follow, is basically satan. They HAVE to stand up to all kinds of "oppression" and "hate". They can't see any view beside their own.

That view kind of works as long as they can keep the narrative, but they can't anymore. People are questioning them, and laughing at them.

Even here in super-cucked sweden, people are beginning to speak up. SJWs have a few more years tops before their movement bursts. It will be remembered as a temporary insanity, just like the super-political sectarian left in the 70's.

>implying spanish jews didn't exist


>the patriarchy
If anything being male is the best part of our life if we have to be treated shitty for being gay. A lot of women are homophobic because we gays do not conform to their norms of how we should behave around them. They can tell straight guys to treat us like shit, and they will behave like that, because they are under the spell of pussy power.

I have alot of respect for masculine, down-to-earth gay guys.

They're probably surrounded by loud-mouth, super-extrovert twinks and queens all day, when all they probably care about the same shit as me..

>I have alot of respect for masculine gay guys.
I'll bet.


This whole concept irks me. Not that it's a thing, but they have super specialized rules for who truly counts as an ally, which is treated like membership of this whole exclusive club for not straight white men.

Nature hates emptiness.

After hating the men, the whites, the normality, etc.

The SJW will dtart to hate other minorities.

At the end, that will be "I am a victim of everyone except myself".

I mean to be fair, gay men are really, really mysognystic, and alot of them grow to hate women, because they spend so much time around them, and apprently liking dick, and the color pink turns you into a woman, according to most women that is. I understand why every gay that isnt from NY or LA, isnt a fan of women.

It's the basis of their lifestyle. Rejection of societal norms means clubbing, snorting drugs and fucking in bathroom stalls. It's degeneracy made manifest. Except in their world, degeneracy has become the new norm and it must therefor adhere to strict rules; ie gay men must fuck women, and so on. The irony is entirely lost in them.

Save us Pence

I don't think I'll ever come out of the closet. Or at least not any time soon. There's a reason why I pretty much only hang out with straight guys, as well as pretend to be one myself.

I know it's eventually gonna catch up to me, I can't put off getting a girlfriend forever without people eventually getting suspicious of my sexuality. Fucking hell, I wish the gay community didn't have to be so goddamn cancerous, or even exist for that matter.

>when all they probably care about the same shit as me.

They don't. They're just trying a different tactic to get sympathy and dick.

>I can't put off getting a girlfriend forever without people eventually getting suspicious of my sexuality.

this is why I'm glad I'm in IT, people just kind of expect you to be a loser loner without a gf, so I don't even need any excuses

Thank you, Blaire White, truly you are our greatest non-cis ally.

you should do the honorable thing and kill yourself now.

i wonder why this didnt happen earlier. i mean beeing gay is literally the most anti-woman thing you can do. of course as a gay you can socialize with woman but you dont see them as potential partners which is the number one thing woman HATE. they want attention from chads and not some random gays who love their fashion or w/e.

>faggots are now getting cucked by vaginal jews and they don't even want to fuck them
What a time to be alive

Yeah, I guess it also helps that I'm an ugly, socially awkward loner who'd never be able to get a girlfriend anyway. Pick your stigma.

Is he actually half-jew?

this is so gay

I know plenty of gay guys that can't stand women and flamers. They hate degenerate pride parades too for their overt sexuality and party lifestyle mentality.

I envy gay men sometimes. They can tell a woman to fuck off like nobody else. I wish I didn't feel sexual urges.

I don' t go out in gay bars, either.

It' s just YOU KNOW that everybody fucked everybody.

The roman empire gave women all kinds of rights JUST before it collapsed.


I have no proof but my Jewdar is amazing and I would bet serious money on it.

Glorious. Eat thine self, snake.

because the only power feminists have is their vagina. It didn't happen earlier, and won't happen now, because there's no way to convince gay men that they should cater to women in any way

What a faggot. I think I got through 30 seconds

The SJW's I know don't actually ever leave their house, let alone go to clubs or pride events.

They sure do like to virtue signal though.

yes i understand that. what i meant is that SJWs are now starting to jump on gay men for not liking women or treating them badly. and i wonder why that didnt happen earlier

If anything 2020 forces a rebirth of blue dog dems and they drag the left back towards the middle.

>tfw glad to see Democrats getting their just rewards right now
>tfw extremely uncomfortable with Republicans having all the political power
What are we, Communist China?

>Homos aren't attracted by females
>Surprised when homo doesn't like feminine """"mes""""

Liberals and SJWs are like Pirahna, in an environment where there's nobody else to blame, they'll eventually turn on each other for no other reason than because they cannot live without being victimized by something.

same here

>not a single person that doesn't deserve to be shot
Fuck I really, truly hate leftist's of today and to think I used to be one in the early 90's as a teen.

I hate when people say cis males&females

holy fucking shit they will never ever fucking learn

It' a good blue pill term. You can spot the influence of (((Them))).

spoken like a patrician of Rome. AVE CAESAR

This is how they fall.
The left will eat itself

The left will eat themselves

The worst thing is that because of identity politics, closeted gay people aren't allowed to have opinions, so it's only huge open faggots controlling the discourse.
If I ever criticise the gay agenda im immediately shut down as a filthy straight without a right to an opinion

The gay community has gotten so far up its own ass that you're not allowed to be a normal person

>the average American is sickened and disgusted by their zealotry.

No they're not. Hillary won popular vote. Clearly people wish for more.

That would be a valid argument, if that is how the system worked.

Jesus what the fuck? Hahahahahahaha I even clicked on the racism in gay community video hahahahahaha these faggots are as bad as the fat SJWs

The only reason why Hillary won the popular vote was because of voter fraud and California.

Even then, that's not how the system works and people are sick and tired of being called bigots for speaking their minds by regressives who would rather go to an early grave than be called racists themselves.


So obviously nobody is tired.

So I watched this video cancer and found that their pursuit of ideological purity will kill them.

It seems to me that LGBTQZZWFT is a stupid umbrella term that lumps together very different groups, with different perspectives, directions, and needs. Why should gay men care what happens to transpeople? Liking dicks is not the same as wanting to cut your own dick off and attempt to fool people that you are a woman. Why should gay men fight for these 'rights'?

Why shame gay men who have a sexual preference for masculine gay men who aren't flamboyant camp caricatures? This seems at odds with the idea that everyone should be with who they want.

Why does he consider gay men as 'buying into casual misogyny' if they like to celebrate masculinity? I would think that's the whole point of being gay? For men to celebrate, admire, and sexually enjoy masculinity. I am actually surprised that the camp faggot stereotype is what characterises gays, when it seems there are a lot of masculine gay men who just want to fuck other manly fags and get on with life.

What this guy is asking for is the feminisation of men, and especially gay men. He is asking gay men to put women on a pedestal but without the promise of pussy (which is how it is pitched to straight men). This is a weak proposition for gays, as they want, apparently manly cock.

Obviously, being ideologically pure will only make us stronger. Men need to stop being toxic and think and be more like women, especially gay men.There is no other way to achieve world peace.

who cares. fuck faggots.

Homossexuals are misoginic

This timeline is so weird.

I knew this social justice bullshit wouldn't last long, that shit is on intensive care right now, first white straight men were privileged, then white straight women, then you keep adding more and more "privileged" people and everyone pn their dick sucking club starts fighting against each other, it's glorious.
It still makes me sad that some people believe that social justice shit.
Yeah, but watching it its funny, and it feels good to see them collapse on their own bullshit.
Exactly, their entire ideology lies in the fact that ALWAYS someone has the be the oppressor and someone has to be oppressed and then complain about it, the point is they keep making up terms or ways to feel oppressed and since they come to the point that everything is racist, misogynist, whateverphobic wven they start fighting, they brought this on themselves.

TFW look like giant bear and make gay men and twinks laugh

TFW twinks grabbed my dick and asked to suck me off

TFW straight so not even popped a boner

TFW can't talk to actual grills without going full autist.

Is there any way we can troll this? Like... impersonate women on twitter that have been 'harrased by gay friends' and create a bigger rift between feminists and the gay community?


Weak bait. Wouldn't expect any other type