Martin Schulz wants Truthdepartment

Germany is literally on the road to a totalitarian government and the person leading the train to censorship, mass integration and a hardcore german genocide is no other than Martin Schulz.
All of this started with the lefty term "Fakenews" and they are butchering it.
Please nuke germany. Dearest: one of the last arians.

dont worry germany
polan will anschluss eastern germany in next 20 years

And some Germans STILL support the EU.

If you're a German and support Merkel and the EU please kill yourself. Seriously. I'm not even joking.



Fakenews is a term used to label news that deliberately or undeliberately contain fals information.

> totalitarian state
OP, you just gave a fine example of "Fakenews" with your post.

>falling for rhe nazi meme
Bitch please , I have been to 12countries most of them eastern europe.
And let me tell you, Germans look like inbred ugly mongrels compared to them.
Fucking look hat hitler or himmler , here is your aryan lol
>inb4 triggered poltards naziaboos

Has an ARYAN ever made a worthwhile post here?


I for one, cannot wait for the ARYANDIED, both to put the cucks out of their misery and to finally shut up the sneering, smug Krauts that infest this board.

Fake News is what the MSM says is Fake News. Meanwhile, the MSM fake the news for decades, to alter public peception of reality, but never admit it. Google: 'Crisis Actor' while you still can.

You deserve this for propping up the Kalergi's EU and re-electing Merkel every single time. Hopefully Poland and other collaborators are also punished.


They chose this thing as their miss germanistan so now expect fucking anything

This. It's hard to have sympathy for Germany when they're the biggest fans of their own downfall.


your queenie is a kraut

>t. Mustafa
Fick dich, Sandneger

> MSM decides what is true

At least in Germany, there is a number of publications that adhere to fundamental journalistic principles. They may be biased and not give the whole picture but the reports are based on facts.

What OP posted is "Fakenews"

Say it with me


you mean achmed

We have to fuck ourselves or the rest of Europe. Be happy the SPD(Schulz' Party) is a trainwreck currently. Germany actually needs FDP at 10%, AfD at 20% and CDU at 30% to make decent policies.
FDP is classic liberal, CDU is conservative, AfD is new right stuff.

Thank you for enriching germany, Achmed and Muhammud

Do you know about the Hooton Plan?
Exact same thing like kalergi.
Anglos and kikes want germans gone since forever since we are a threat to (((them))
The eternal anglokike everyone

Thank dog we would only have him for a few years, since armageddon will start 2017.


Yeah, because he starts it.

could this guy actually end up as your PM? he looks so punchable

Well, if you can't put forward any arguments, why even bother posting?

Oh, yes I forgot, we`re on Sup Forums.

>ee denkt er wär ein arier
Foto von deiner Fresse und dan gucken wir mal

>Anglos and kikes want germans gone since forever since we are a threat to (((them))
At this point you keks aren't a threat to anyone. You guys are nothing but a sad joke.

no, because we don't have a PM as head of government.

Yes, because they suceeded you cretin.

The CDU is not conservative. That kind of thinking lands you with Merkel every time. I know this is hard for Germans, but please learn from past mistakes and think about the future when making a decision.

The only party in your country worth voting for is the AfD. Whether voting for them lands Merkel or Schultz in doesn't matter at his point; they'll both run you into the ground. It needs to get worse before it gets better in Germany. ? not giving ziofascists my shekels.

is it just me or does he look like jingles?

Ali please finish the fourth grade

Well with any luck it will work so you'll stop destroying Europe every other decade.

This is what I don't get. These cucks keep talking about "muh evil authoritarianism" of Trump, Wilders, Le Pen and Brexit but do stuff like this.
I've read how that Maas cuck even suggested prison sentences for making fake news. What the hell is this?

This whole "fake news" meme was just created by elites and the MSM to discredit actual information they refuse to cover. Sites like Wikileaks and Breitbart must make them rage.

we /1984/ now! Germany YES!

I really didn't think you guys could get any worse than Merkel.



It's pretty simple. Trust in the mainstream media has been declining for years and has reached an all time low what with Brexit, Trump and Wikileaks. They're losing their grip on power and are getting desperate.

P.s. I hope the Netherlands leaves. You're a trading, naval nation like us. The EU is beneath us. You don't need it.

Germany needs the day of the rope more than the US.
Get a group of 5-10 men.
Wait outside his home when he's about to leave for work.
Hang him from nearest tree.
Leave him hanging with message saying something like we know who the enemies of Germany are, we know where you live, we will not stop until germany is ours once more.
God speed euroanons

>Martin Schulz

That jew name tho


You know what this leads to in the end

Merkel was good before 2009. Then she won the second time and decided to keep her power by destroying every other party. But the CDU will at least get 30%.
I will vote FDP, but I need the CDU to keep drugs away.
AfD is only good for their immigration politics. They actually had the idea of giving people 10000€ for making a kid, which would just create more stupid single mothers. However they are against abortion and will get propaganda out of schools hopefully.
My only concern is that Merkel will keep the minimum wage, so the left parties have their best way of bitching back. 4 more years of minimum wage will keep the employment of refugees down, we are at roughly 3% of all the [[doctors and engineers]]. After this time Merkel turned us into Nazis again and every refugee left in Germany is done. Kristallnacht!

>Please nuke germany.
but not before 3/4 of the arsenal went to London and Washington

do not forget

Can't write proper German. Kys Mehmet.

>never trust germans named Martin