Wait, do I get this "voter ID laws" debate right... you DON'T show your ID when voting in the states right now?

Wait, do I get this "voter ID laws" debate right... you DON'T show your ID when voting in the states right now?

How does voting in the US even WORK if you don't have to show your ID? Do you just go to your local polling station, tell them your name is Stan Smith and you live down the road, they take your word for it, you tick your boxes then go out?

What's keeping you from just voting multiple times...?

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it varies from state to state.

>What's keeping you from just voting multiple times...?
exactly the argument

>Do you just go to your local polling station, tell them your name is Stan Smith and you live down the road, they take your word for it, you tick your boxes then go out?

They check your name to make sure you live in the area, but that's basically it.

You register to vote in my state ahead of time. Then you go on the day of voting and they check your name off the list. So your name should be already crossed off if you go to vote again. Although my parents voted early, and I saw their names when I went to vote, so they probably could have voted again.

Okay so but in the states where you don't have to bring an ID, I honestly can't wrap my head around what the voting process looks like? Seriously how does that work? Does anyone even ask your name? Is anyone even monitoring anything...?

Libs like to say requiring voter proof is somehow "racist", but I've never seen a solid argument that didn't boil down to:
>poor people have a hard time getting to the DMV, paying the half a nickel for the ID, etc
>b-but you need ID to drive, buy liquor, tobacco, apply for ANY federal or state program like welfare; do you really think poor minorities aren't doing those things?

>Even 3rd world like Mexico makes you show ur I'd and use your finger print

Only states with no voter ID laws went blue. Hmmmm I wonder why.

In california you just walk and vote.

A person vacationing from Germany can vote in california. You can even request a ballot that is in German.

Where I vote, I just say my name, they see if I'm on the list, and then mark it off so that nobody else can vote in my name a second time.

I had to show ID this year because it was my first time voting at a new address, but that's it. My ID didn't even have my current address on it.

In Alaska you have to show ID or a voter registration card. Then they look up your name on a voter registration then you sign under your name.

Well neato guess next American elections I'll be casting my vote then. God what a retarded bunch of fuck

There's a list for registered voters in each county and you show your ID in Florida.

There's no double voting or voting if your not a citizen despite what these tards will have you believe


Shit, even in 3rd world countries like mine you have to show your ID, fingertip and be in the electoral registry to vote, and you're allowed to vote only in ONE PLACE

Get your shit together 'Murica
And you call yourselves the best country in the world?

Where I live they run off the list of registered voters with your Signature from the DMV or whatever, and you have to sign your name in the register in order to vote. We still use machines for the ballots nowadays though.

Useless answer

The argument is that black people are so fucking stupid and incompetent that they can't require state ID. This the liberal argument. Blacks are too poor and too stupid to get government ID.

That is the answer you fucking faggot. In Texas people have to show ID to vote, but in places like commiefornia you don't have to show ID


im registered to vote so they send me a package in the mail. a book with all the local ballot issues, which has arguments for and against each initiative, as well as the presidential vote. i have to fill it out and sign my name and send it out. i've never voted while not being registered to vote so i dont really know what is required.

... that is fucking crazy. I don't know of ANY western country that doesn't require ID to vote.

Funny how leftists always use that as an argument when it comes to healthcare and gun control but conservatives don't.

It's everybodies basic human right to vote in the US, be it mexican, US citizen or whatever. Voter ID would be racist, I voted Trump though.

>like mine you have to show your ID,
>In Alaska you have to show ID
Why'd you quote me you idiot.
>And you call yourselves the best country in the world?

Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. I'm all for living in a trust-based society where you don't have to show your papers every 10 feet, but we can surely improve a system so trivial to abuse.

In my old town, the library now uses its own photo ID system to get a book.

The question was HOW it works if you don't show your ID. It differs is entirely unhelpfull. Your answer wasnt though.

You're still a flaming faggot.

>What's keeping you from just voting multiple times...?

Literally nothing stops you


So in these cases you could also, like, just read any random name off that list and claim that as your own...?

It honestly baffles me your elections work at all. Legally, I mean. I thought Trump was being a retard when he went on about not accepting the results beforehand, but if I lost a presidental race with systems like that in place, I'd point my fingers too and say, sore loser or not this shit is pretty easy to rig

Marginalized and oppressed groups like minorities don't have access to ID's. I know this is true because it is consistent with my world view.

Maybe we can use the whole "Russia hacking us election" thingredients against the liberals.

Can we try to make them push for voter Id laws to prevent Russia from hacking us elections?

I really hate this "Get your shit together Murica" autism because we're not one single country, we're a fucking collection of semi autonomous states. We'll never be on the same page as a fucking nation because we're more akin to a union than a country.

Yes. As long as you knew a name to use that doesn't require ID, you can vote in that person's name.

It's not hard to get access to the voter rolls, so one could literally just bus people from place to place and give each person a name to use.

>God what a retarded bunch of fuck
You're telling us. We are the one's who have to deal with Liberals who believe Voter ID requirements are considered unfair fraud/rigging the election for Conservatives.

How can anyone defend this?

Just get a German movement to trip in Cali and turn it for Trump next election. Just try to not kill yourself (or get killed) while you're in that liberal shithole.

Oh and another good trick is to use a dead person's name or somebody who no longer lives there. It's considered racist to keep the voter lists up to date.

Just say you are "Tyrese you muthafugging voting booth crackah"

>sore loser or not this shit is pretty easy to rig
And there is literally NO way to prove it, because without ID's you cannot accurately count or recount votes. They are just numbers, not people. So long as the vote total is below Total population it would be considered "legitimate."

Any scientist would throw that kind of data out the window.

lmao dumb system for dumb people

The poll workers themselves are generally pretty respectable and orderly and they try to do everything by the rules. It's just that the rules suck. And this year they didn't even notice that I was supposed to show ID until a second worker looked over and noticed my name was listed as needing ID.

NC fag here

here the way it works is you go into the polling place (in the area you're registered to vote in), tell the person your name and address and that's it

What the hell?
All jokes aside, are black people THAT stupid in real life? Always thought it was a common joke

>>In Alaska you have to show ID
But that is only 1 STATE and I guess is that only a few you have to do it, here it's EVERYWHERE.

You have to be on the electoral registry (in the allowed to vote part, under 18 YO, convicts of more than 5 years and a day, plus others can't vote), you have to show your ID at least 3 times and you're allowed to vote only in ONE place, besides signing another few papers.

This user knows his shit

Yeah, no shit. That is your name to begin with, UNITED STATES, you're a bunch of states banded together, but you might say that after being together for so long you should already be thinking more closely to a single nation, at least on nation-wide stuff, like elections.
It's common sense, something that is so rare these days everywhere that you might call it a goddamn superpower now