Are you literally shaking right now? WW 3 is inevitably going to start soon

...and here's why

History repeats itself.

'To know your future you must know your past'

How did WW1 start?

>A Serbian nationalist turned terrorist named Gavrilo Princip shot Franz Ferdinand during his visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire

That is common knowledge and this is how WW1 (and therefore WW2) started.

"B-but user, this guy is just an ambassador and Franz Ferdinand was actually much more important!"

Irrelevant. Gavrilo simply pulled the trigger. Someone always pulls the trigger. The point is - there is a pattern emerging here.

However, that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Let's get back to Gavrilo, shall we?

Gavrilo was a Serbian guy.

Serbia was under Ottoman (Turkish) rule for 500 years.

"B-but user, many countries were under Ottoman rule, what does this have to do with anything?"

>True, BUT what was so unique about Serbia? Serbia is the only country where the Turks had a legal right called "Droit du seigneur" ("jus primae noctis ") - roughly translated to English "right of the first night".

Not only did Turks rape and pillage all over Serbia while concurring the land, they were also legally raping Serbian women for 500 years.

This is why, in the Balkans, most people jokingly call Serbs "Turkish rape children" or "Turk bastards".

Therefore, Serbs=Turks

Gavrilo was Serbian, therefore Turkish.

>A Turk pulled the trigger a century ago.

>A Turk pulled a trigger today

This is where it gets interesting.

What is the most blood-thirsty, chaotic, savage, subhuman part of Europe?

>The Balkans

What is the most blood-thirsty, chaotic, savage, subhuman Country in the Balkans


Who is the God of Chaos?


Who are Kek's chosen people?




Digits will eventually confirm.

Other urls found in this thread:

WW3 starts when whoever drops nuclear bomb at other country.

currently, this is very serious "modern cold war".

Jebem ti mater tursku u picku balijo.

It's not going to start soon, the fact that this episode is quite similar (if not exactly) to what triggered ww1 doesn't mean it will cause ww3 my dudes.

My body is ready

I didn't read because Australia is an irrelevant country and we will not be going to participate in WW3

also, we are full so you can't come here when your country gets nuked

Let the games begin.

Calm down, Ahmet.

tfw they even look Turkish

It's starting to look likely man this may not start it but with all these current events it's coming to the point were it is inevitable

Another day another thread on pol claiming WW3 is imminent.

You're retarded OP. Genuinely.

>bosoooooooooonooooooc sere o "pattern"-ima

Mark my words.

Over the next couple of days Kek will confirm with nine 7s.

Remember what I said McGowan



I am deeply thankful that you have Graced me with your presence.

Praise Kek

>Are you literally shaking right now?

I am actually, but that's mostly from the drugs.

Remember guys, WWI didn't start the day after FF was shot.

da mi je tvoj mozak da se odmorim


>Remember guys, WWI didn't start the day after FF was shot.

FF shot on the 28th of June

WWI started on the 28th of July

WW3 on the 19th of January confirmed

wait, so the day before trump is supposed to take charge then?

sounds about right

ahahahaha this is too good, keep off them dank cevapi.

>wait, so the day before trump is supposed to take charge then?


How can anyone deny this now is beyond me.

Kek is demonstrating his infinite power before your eyes and you choose to remain blind.


>history is racist

Hahahahah gotta love serbian orcs.

Ona serious note we will hang you people on telephone poles in a few day.

Good please hurry

>Ona serious note we will hang you people on telephone poles in a few day.

You people are monsters

>WW 3 is inevitably going to start soon
Why do people keep saying this? Clinton lost.

Like how can you be so heartless

why would obama have the ambassador kill

>the one was defeated in almost every battle
>the other was too crazy even for Sloba
they are cucks

You don't deserve to be in America

Top Kek

Keep 'em coming

>WW 3 is inevitably going to start soon
Youd like that wouldnt you fucking mudslime?
Too bad. Putin wont fall for your retarded shitskin attempt at a plan.
Russia will continue to BTFO terrorists in Syria

>Youd like that wouldnt you fucking mudslime?

I'm Roman Catholic.

>Too bad. Putin wont fall for your retarded shitskin attempt at a plan.

Kek's plan, not mine.

>Russia will continue to BTFO terrorists in Syria


>WW3 is WW1

I'm sick of reboots.

check his flag not-a-real-country

No because I will not fight on it.

And they told me that there was no perks in haaving a shitty armed forces.

How Im supposed to fight without training and equipament.

>How Im supposed to fight without training and equipament.

1. Go to a nearby favela
2. Purchase an uzi

>going to war with a jewish made weapon

How common are AK 47s in favelas?

Common but not that common.

Usually AK-is a symbol that you are a low rank favelado.

FN FAL it measn that you are higher in the hierquy and M4s means that you are either a leader or a really good shot (most of fights happens in a CBC fashion so carbines are prefered).

So the secret alliances that obligated mutual defense had nothing to do with it?

>Bosnia went full retard

Naw we will just kills muslims

Só tiro de AK no Rj. Esses bosnio muçulmano filha da puta

That's what you want isn't it.
I see right through you, either one of the jews orchestrating this or someone in Germany who's seriously drunk the coolaid.

You'd just love everyone to ignore the Muslims flocking into Europe, murdering, raping and stealing...

Ain't gonna work this time kike.

Na real, só os que recém deixarem de ser olheiro que tem AK user.

Já viu que os mais fudido tem FAL e M4?

Aqueles são os caras que comandam a porra.

yeah it does seem similar but it's gonna take more than that to start a war in this day and age

This is just the straw that broke the camel's back user.