Murder or Suicide...???

Explain Why...

Smokes with left hand, gun in right.

Person was left-handed but gun is in right hand

Was gonna testify against Hillary.

>Big hands
>Big feet
>Female clothes

Suicide. Looks like a MtF tranny and they always kill themselves

Suicide, because it's a nigger death, no time to waste investigating

beat me too it.

Murder, didn't finish cig, knocked over stool suggests wasn't prepared, seems too uncomfy

>gun in right hand
>blood on right side
>smokes and writes with left hand
>holding gun with right
>seemingly writing a note but light is off

Right hand thing that was stated, and the stool doesnt look like it would have landed that way from that angle, but idk


Because she was a leaf.

ding ding ding ding ding

Suidice because the windows are lock how does someone get in

That plant will die now that the owner killed himself.

Murder obviously, no way the gun and the smoke would stay in the hand if the guy had shot himself.

Suicide, with two shotgun bullets to the back of the head.

Did I mention she was a Hillary Clinton campaign member?

Was gonna post this.

He turns around in his chair before pulling the trigger

It was an accident and there is nothing to see here

Murder, body wouldn't naturally fall that way if suicide. It would collapse, but this fell to the side.

Murder, the gun in hand and the bullet wound dont match up with the stain on the wall, plus the person was turned around.

Also cig in hand.

Murder, suicide would require holding the gun with the other hand while sitting at the table.

Or you could do your fucking job detective and actually check the body for any sort of entry wound.

also tried to make it look like murder to keep playing the victim

Note, glasses, lots of cigs, he's smoking and...

would just say suicide but then noticed the pose of his hand...
the blood can't be on that side if he suicided.

Final thought is Murder.

this, also if they were sitting on the stool, the exit wound wouldn't spray blood to their right if they used their right hand, and they would likely have discarded their cigarette to use their strong hand to shoot

>Big hands
for u

Murder. Only like 10 black women a year kill themselves. Suicide is the white man's game.

the gun and cigarette wouldn't stay in your hands like that if you killed yourself

Case is closed. We can go home now, boys.

Suicide. Cartridge is on the table, would have ejected from that direction if they were sitting with back to the wall and pointed in their mouth (towards the brain of course).

Glasses were removed. Stool slipped out from underneath and popped under the table as the body slumped to the side.

No signs of a struggle either.

the stool and body*, but body was pointed out already too. Good job Kektectives

Why do you think the person was left-handed? I'm right-handed and smoke with my left.


The only way for the ejected round to end up on the right side AND the blood splatter on the rear wall would be if the person had the gun in their own right hand and put it in their mouth upside down (thus ensuring the spent shell is ejected to the right)

Rape time

If you know what I mean

Look how low down on the wall the blood splatter is. He wasn't even shot sitting on the stool but sitting on the floor.

Also the blood splatter is at the wrong angle for if he was sitting on the stool and shot himself with his right hand.

Also guns fall out of your hand when you shoot yourself.

I'm going to say that the scene was staged, which implies homicide.

Murder. If it was suicide she would've zipped herself into a suitcase afterwards.