Why is USA anti russia? They had literally done nothing wrong since decades

Why is USA anti russia? They had literally done nothing wrong since decades

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"Why is the current Democrat administration anti-Russia?" would be the more accurate way to phrase that question.

But otherwise although there is probably some anti-Russia sentiment left over from the Cold War since they were a destructive commie superstate, most people think Russia is, rightfully, harmless.


It is mostly harmless, but the people of Aleppo are getting fucked pretty hard by Assad, and it's doubtful they're doing enough to help maintain cease fires. The true hero here seems to be Turkey.

Russians infiltrated the US education system and is slowly destroying the republic from within.

>since decades
You mean since ever.

I like the Russians, but they clash with current US interests constantly. I think we should dump the sunnis and go for the Shiite axis in the Mideast, but right now we're stuck and Russia is actively working against our allies there. They've threatened the stability of the Caucasus and east Europe with their adventurism, which while I'm not too concerned with it, is a big problem for people who see Russia as directly antagonistic towards us. It boils down to our interests being diametrically opposed. What we should be doing is aligning ourselves with them and dumping the allies of ours that are ideologically incompatible like Saudi Arabia or Bahrain. China is the real long term threat to both Russia and the US, we need to stop pissing in each other's cereal.

I can't remember the last time they did something wrong. I guess now it is ok to say that they did elect Donald Trump. I guess by proxy, that makes Putin our new president. I think this was a good choice by the people. I mean Putin is better than Obama right? I think so. Obama hasn't delivered one fucking promise from campaign days. Putin doesn't seem like a pussy... at least not Obamma-pussy. Time will tell I guess. Is Trump a pussy or is Putin a pussy? Either way, I'm hoping for some very big craters.

>It boils down to our interests being diametrically opposed
What is exactly is the American interest in Eastern Europe? To weaken Russia, you two-bit cold-warrior.

There were promises from Reagan to not accept them into NATO, and the EU thing is questionable at least too.

>everyone and their grandmother is suddenly afraid of Russia
>no one remembers back when some German crackhead in a Cessna 172 flew past (what was believed to be) the most potent antiaircraft defense systems in the world and landed RIGHT IN FUCKING RED SQUARE

USA needs big enemies to justify their military spending

For the first time in Sup Forums history, you had made a statement that ressembles some sense! nice work austra... ohhh!!! nvm

>Russian acting like anyone in Eastern Europe aside from Belarus doesn't despise them.

Lol cool story bro

Wouldn't be happening if America hadn't decided to fund a terrorist group to destabilize the region and overthrow Assad. Russia is coming to the aid of its ally, we are waging a proxy war against the rightful ruler, we may not agree how he is in power but he is the rightful ruler.

whats wrong with assad?

>he tortures muslims

well, maybe they did something bad, you know how those fuckers are

go away, finnish weirdo

I don't count you as Eastern europe and you can walk free, you're not a slav

They fucked up every possible way when the us tried to improve relationships

such us?

Russia has invaded every single neighbor and murdered thousands of civilians. Even today they continue their legacy of evil.

Keep up the good fight, Slavbro.

and so has USA
renember Irak? Afganistan?

does it really affects you, Russia minding his own business and murdering its civilians? Thats more oxigen for you to breath

your welcome

>neighbors of America
Buy a globe.

USA has a lot of interest in the Middle-East region. So does Russia. Russia is directly north of the Middle-East.

>oh no, Russia is doing something evil

hey, USA is invading Irak for no reason whatsoever

hey, Irak is a piece of shit, there is not a slight figure of goverment whatsoever

What has russia Done?

>annex crimea

and they have this beautiful leader in there

The US is a multi-headed hydra. The 2 main heads known to the world at large is Republican and Democrats. It's like we are a bipolar crazy person who is peace loving, tree hugging liberal for 4/8 years. Then a total warmongering fascist who despises Russia the next 4/8.

Let's not forget the powerful military industrial complexes. Even the Army, Navy, and Airforce don't get along 100% of the time.

It's all depends on which head commands influence at the moment.

>army, navy, airforce dont get along

thats in fact how it is suppouse to work you imbecile

>It's like we are a bipolar crazy person who is peace loving, tree hugging liberal for 4/8 years. Then a total warmongering fascist who despises Russia the next 4/8.

Psssst: this time it's the "peace loving liberals" who are warmongering fascists that despise Russia

pay attention. apply yourself.

>Russia wants more power militarily and economically
>USA wants to hold onto their status as world leader
>Russia starting to gain influence and power in the middle east
>this concerns USA because they don't want to lose influence and power in the middle east

Not that hard to understand. Russia wants to be #1, but USA won't let them.

>Russia wants to be #1
then let it BE MO THER FU CKERS

if the arabs want to bomb the shit out of themselves, let Darwin Law takes it course, FUCK

Yep, USA lost because Barry decided to side with the *ahem* moderate rebels while Russia took the side of the rightfully elected government.

last cry of the liberal

They literally have no ammo left.

You don't understand large scale politics.

>hey, USA is invading Irak for no reason whatsoever

Only an idiot would believe this. Learn some english while you're in those history books pedro.

>weapons of mass destruction found = 0


>large scale politics

why on earth should USA give half a fuck of whats happening on arab nations


just buy the oil from Russia, and let those fuckers handle the crazy ass maniacs with suicidal toughts

Exactly the kind of thinking that results in losing status as the leader of the free world. Let it be? Really? No wonder Mexico sucks.

Saddam threatened W's daddy. 9/11 provided him a way to get revenge. Simple as that.

I can't even!

why on earth should someone care what the fuck is going on, on the other side of the world

let alone, 2 nations (russia and usa) compete to see who is more relevant

I genuiely couldn't give half a fuck, ever!

so instead of doing things right, you just fuck other nations because the president doesnt expenses a single cent on sending their troops to war

in that case, I can see whats comming for 2017. You guys will see candidates for the next possible war, because you guys are nothing but war mongers.

That justifies torture?

Russia is the last true major power of Europe though

>there is not a slight figure of goverment whatsoever

Because such government was burned to the ground by the US under the excuse that it's ruler was using chemical weapons?

>be Iraq
>agree to terms with the UN and USA to let inspectors have access to your weapon capabilities
>deny inspectors access to your weapons facilities

Do the cartel a favor and decapitate yourself.

>let them inmigrate to your city, rape a 10 years old boy, run a large truck against people minding their own business, using guns against civilians

yeah, it FUCKING justifies torture

>>step 1. deny inspectors access to your weapons facilities
>>step 2. ????????
>>step 3. GO TO WAR

just like that?

No, that requires punishment in the civilized world. A punishment dictated by justice.

At worst, execute them.

Yes just like that paco. It's unfortunate you can't look ahead past tomorrow to understand how large scale politics works.

But the tree hugging liberals are the warmongering fascists this time

look pablo, it is either assad or ISIS

go fuck yourself


Its the balance of power we are talking about here.

Of course it matters dude.


>hey, I have weapons of mass destruction
>I am planning on using them on USA
>but first, lets crash 2 planes, just for shits and jiggles

are you retarded or just mentally handicaped?

what a waste of quads

your mom should be ashame of you right now


Yes, I get it, you don't care. It is not by coincidence that this is the exact reason why Mexico sucks. You don't care, and would rather buy shit from wealthier nations rather than try and become the seller of goods yourself. You give away wealth for goods, rather than give away goods for wealth. Get it yet? Become the merchant, become rich. Become rich, become powerful. Become powerful, and you can do whatever you want and nobody can say shit about it. It's very simple stuff. You need to understand that ignorance and apathy is not a strength, but rather a weakness, and weakness has consequences.

I'm not going to try and defend the Iraq war. It's been shit show from the very inception, and it continues to this day. But even so, it has furthered the USA's agenda to create instability in the region, and prevent Russia from taking absolute control.

Where in my post did I imply Iraq was responsible for 9/11 you fucking spic?

because Russia wanted to discriminate against LGBT athletes during the Sochi Olympics

o so the irak war just a mere coincidence and totally unrelated to those 2 planes hitting wtc?

>It is not by coincidence that this is the exact reason why Mexico sucks.

A very simple statement.

It's not ok to overly demonize those you don't dislike for dumb arbitrary reasons like these.

if the plan is to try control the world, then you guys are just plain patethic and suck at it

dany, SHUT THE FUCK UP and go to sleep!

Is torture not a punishment?

Can someone please explain the Crimea situation to me? As far as I'm aware, that and the censorship of media and journalism over there are all they've done, though censorship is a pretty big deal to me, it's something I'd be willing to overlook to be on the good side of the world's second largest nuclear power.

Crimea, however...not so much if it happened in the way that I think it did.

Okay. Fair enough. What I'm trying to say is that Mexico does not punch at the same level as the USA or Russia in world politics. My bad.

media censorship was needed because of fake fucking news

no media, no fake news

Okay, so even if we disregard that, what happened in Crimea?

and you guys dont punch any world politic on 2016

let alone with that clown ass president your patethic nation now has

the best thing that could happen is if a lighting strikes Trump and pence is the new president

Uh and is this some sort of new discovery? Insult? How does something as obvious as that comes into play here?

The two have nothing to do with each other faggot.
Keep trying to backpedal and change your argument. It's pretty comical watching you showcase your third world education.

they took it bad

it was a very asshole thing to do, but not as asshole as invading Irak for no reason

They found Hussein but never found any weapon of mass destruction, EVER!

I already know you don't pay attention, you're beginning to sound like a broken record.

you are confusing the USA with the MSM.

they are not the same thing.

MSM is the enemy of America.

Russia actively complicates the situation in Syria to keep refugees flooding Europe. Their mission to keep ISIS active.

I guess I feel the need to be a little bit mean when I argue on Sup Forums Sup Forums.

d-deal with it, p-p-pussy

ok, all I am trying to say is that you guys DO seem as if you are trying, but you accomplish nothing

Its like one of those retard kids who dreams to become a football start, and he tries and tries really hard.... but nothing ever happens

the cia is fucking furious because russia is proving to be much more effective at pushing their propaganda than vice versa. they are losing the propaganda war hard and spazzing out about it.

I think the difference to me there is that the US at least invaded Iraq under some sort of good faith, at least with their own agencies not to lie to them, sot hey invaded since the administration genuinely believed that there were weapons there.

Having said that Russia appears to have just invaded Ukraine to get more land/power, and no other reason.

Agreed, such is what happens with a consolidation of power.

one of the few intelligent comments in this thread.

China is going to be a major pain in the ass in the upcoming century. Liberals like to support the Dali Lama and democracy movement in China, but from a more pragmatic pov, I feel like its one of the few things we can promote in China without appearing super hostile. (for the purpose of causing internal conflict)

Russia invading crimea was a very asshole thing to do

but not as asshole as ISIS murdering christian children in front of their families

Russia doesn't own the Middle East outright, now does it?

does murricah owns the middle east outright? I know they had been trying... but just that

Americans in general aren't anti-russia. All this anti-russia stuff is purely a product of lugenpresse propaganda. The goyim know about the lugenpresse, with the exception of useful idiots on the far left, and don't believe the bullshit anymore.

Should we actually be allies with Russia?
You still have not explained exactly how and why the invasion of Crimea happened.

why not just split the cake?

half the arab nations and just get the fuck along

Kys nigger

I think it has something to do with a gas/oil duct that passes throu crimea

and that historically crimea belong to russia when russia was the USSR

how to be allies with russia? same way they did it back in WW2 split the fucking cake

In that case, it's still pretty fucked, but not fucked enough to cut ties with Russia altogether.
I still don't think they're the friendliest nation on the planet, but other nations should at least be trying to be on good terms with them.

russia #1.... CMON MAN
they are fucken nothing and know it

they arent friendly

but I rather have Russia invade crimea, than having some nasty arab terrrorist invading almost anything, raping our children, raping our wives, and so on

Fair enough.
I guess we are kind of heading towards a "lesser of two evils" situation.

The choice is your

Red Pill (active), Russia, Republicans... Ally with your enemy and beat the shit out of the terrorist

Blue Pill (passive and ghey), Democrats... keep living in a fucking fantasy world while your daughter is being raped by a muslim terrorist and ISIS is murdering innocent children, and some fuck nuts plows a large bus against a children elementary school.

yes, but it doesn't have to be the "lesser of two evils"

allying an enemy requires you to move out of your confort zone, and be in constant alert in case he rats you out or something

this isn't a matter of weather USA is going to ally Russia or not, it is a matter of WHEN? when it is damn too late?

Well it is objectively a matter of "lesser of two evils" since Russia isn't exactly friendly.
Like, at all.
We can't trust them too much, but we'll have to for at least a short time until ISIS is properly dealt with.

Let me simplify this for you

how many americans have been killed by the russians?

how many americans have been killed by the terrorists?

and you still want to allow arabs to come into your nation and tell the russians to scramble some other place?

you can't literally be more blue pilled than that

You're wrong. We're not trying to convert the various Middle Eastern nations into states, like California or Texas. We're not creating a Capitalist Union, like a polar opposite of the

I will repeat this point because it is important: The goal was NEVER to assimilate Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other Middle Eastern nation, in to the United States. It was to depose the tyrants who were in charge at the time, and impose a new government that would, in theory, be friendly towards the United States. This is a very risky tactic, with a low success rate. When it works, you get Germany and Japan. When it fails, you get North Korea and Vietnam.

Russia, having the geographic advantage, thinks that it is better positioned to control the Middle East, and thus they make various plays for the region against our own. They would be stupid, ignorant, various other derogatory insults, not to give a fuck about what's going on just south of them. If the USA will take the Middle East, would they not also take Russia if it would suit them?

>oh no, the Russians are hacking our elections
>zero evidence whatsoeverr

>terrorist murders 10 school children


So we were doing well before we became an empire. We become a shitty empire, and spend a shit load of money on army. How is this doing well? Russia did worse as an empire as well. The empires just spend a fuck tonn of money buying "allies". You are the stupid one. The leaders are just skimming off the top on the military budget that's bloated af. You will see higher taxes and more inflation from all of this.

Meanwhile the Swiss are not an empire, and are doing well. You are not good at economics, are you? You have to make more on your investments instead of pissing away your wealth on maintaining power. In fact, you have to manage money. Retards like you don't get it. We piss away so much money that any influence we buy is simply not worth it. You have to at least control spending and recognize what is happening. Half the Russian haters are fucking liberal tree huggers. They don't like them because Pootin denied Hilldawg the election.

We are so fucked.

> ((((((USA))))))

I fucking love Russia m8

You guys don't know what you are talking about.
Do you want to eventually fall under the influence of Russia? Because Russia will try it's damn best to influence anyone it has any relationships with.
It's like USA, but a lot more brute in it's approach and it's media(aka propaganda machine) is shittier.

look pal, it is either russia or rapefugees

those assholes had a chance and fucked it up very badly

now USA will try the russians


You mistake my argument for smugness or nationalism. This is nature. All social animals can be classified as "leaders" or "followers". With mammals, apes in particular, there can be a lot of competition for the #1 spot. If you're smart enough, you can sidestep the competition, declare yourself neutral, and profit off of everybody else.